(1) This policy and its supporting procedures set out the expectations, responsibilities and authorities in relation to the management and use of Charles Sturt University (the University) facilities and premises, and support the University’s compliance with relevant legislation, including: (2) This policy applies to all University staff, students, visitors, contractors, tenants and all other persons that enter or use the University’s facilities and premises. (3) The University’s facilities and premises will be responsibly developed and managed in order to: (4) The application of this policy and its supporting procedures and guidelines to University tenants may be subject to any contracts or agreements between the University and the tenant. (5) University facilities and premises will be open and accessible to students, staff and members of the community where possible, subject to the safety and security of people and assets. (6) All individuals entering University premises and facilities must comply with the rules, expectations, safety and security measures that are in place, as set out in the following procedures: (7) Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology states delegated authorities for access and security matters, including authorities for: (8) In addition to the delegated authorities, the following authorities and responsibilities for access and security matters are given through this policy: (9) University facilities and premises will be responsibly developed and maintained to provide a conducive and sustainable environment for safe living, learning, teaching and research. (10) The Facilities Management (FM) manages all maintenance, major and minor works on University buildings, structures and site infrastructure on behalf of the University. All work done to University buildings or infrastructure must be undertaken by or with approval from FM. (11) FM will consult with relevant stakeholders as necessary, including the Division of Safety, Security and Wellbeing, Division of Finance, custodians and University tenants. (12) The following procedures support asset development, management, safety and planning: (13) FM will also maintain building and design standards to support development and management of University facilities and premises. (14) Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology states delegated authorities for asset development, management and planning, including: (15) In addition to the delegated authorities, the following authorities and responsibilities are given through this policy: (16) The following procedures support this policy and set out the detailed rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to the University’s facilities and premises: (17) Guidelines: (18) For the purpose of this policy, the following terms are used:Facilities and Premises Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Part A - General principles
Part B - Access and security matters
Application of this Part
Authorities and responsibilities
Officer or body
Authorities and responsibilities
Chief Operating Officer
Designate authorised access officers
Director, Division of Facilities Management
Director, Security and Resilience (CSO)
Approve the employment or engagement of Campus Security officers.
Executive Director, Customer Experience (or delegate)
Approve commercial filming, still photography or audio recording for commercial purposes on or over University premises, and sign location agreements for the purpose of commercial filming on behalf of the University.
Authorised access officers, as appointed by the Chief Operating Officer
Part C - Asset development, management and planning
Application of this Part
Authorities and responsibilities
Top of Page
Officer or body
Director, Facilities Management or delegate
Section 3 - Procedures
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary
View Current
This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.
Approve exemptions for animals on University premises (with the exception of approvals granted by the Animal Care and Ethics Committee for educational activities).
Designate non-smoking premises and/or non-smoking areas on University premises.
Designate controlled areas.
Approve CCTV systems, alarm systems and access control devices (in consultation with the Director, Security and Resilience (CSO)) for use on University premises.
Establish and impose regulations for public areas and controlled areas within their area of responsibility, consistent with this policy and supporting procedures.
Approve electrical installations, including maintenance, repair, alternations and additions.
Approve building or construction work (in accordance with delegations and capital plans) to University premises and facilities.