(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy and compliance with the Uncollected Goods Act 1995, by setting out how lost and found property will be managed. It outlines procedures for: (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Facilities and Premises Policy, except for University campuses or premises where there is no Student Central presence. These locations may have their own local process for lost and found items. (3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy. (4) Student Central is responsible for items lost and found on University premises. (5) Any items lost by entrants to the University premises can be reported to Student Central during their opening hours. (6) Student Central will record the interaction and maintain a register of lost and found property. Individuals will be contacted if an item is found matching the lost item's description. (7) Owners of the items are responsible for advertising their lost item(s) on the University social media and/or staff notices if required. (8) Any items, large or small, found on University premises must be handed to Student Central staff on that campus. This includes items found by Campus Security or abandoned items left in day lockers. (9) Items found by Campus Security after hours will be left in a secure location within the Student Central offices, with relevant details attached. (10) Items found in or near on-campus residences may be handled in the first instance by the Residence Life Office, who may contact the previous occupants regarding items found in campus accommodation or conference rooms. (11) The Residence Life Office should either send the item(s) directly to the owner (if identified) or forward the item(s) to Student Central to record and store. (12) When an item is handed to Student Central, the staff will: (13) Owners will be required to provide proof of identity and, if necessary, a description of the item, before the property is returned. These details will be recorded in the lost and found property register. (14) Found items with an estimated value of less than $10 may be disposed of immediately, and all other items (including student notes) will be disposed of after three months. Cash or items of significant monetary or sentimental value (as estimated by Student Central) may be disposed of after six months. (15) Notwithstanding clause 14, Student Central and the University will bear no responsibility for inaccurately estimating the value of a found item or for disposing of it at any time. (16) The Senior Manager, Student Central will determine the appropriate method of disposal, which may include donation, recycling, made available to students or for student activities (but will not be given to University staff), rubbish collection or other methods. (17) Items containing personal or confidential information will be securely destroyed or disposed of. (18) The lost and found property register will be updated with disposal details. (19) Stolen items should be reported to Campus Security. (20) Campus Security will ask for details relevant to the item and theft and will record and report this in the security system and to the Director, Security and Resilience (CSO) and Facilities Management as relevant. (21) Owners of personal items stolen at a University campus are responsible for reporting the matter to the police. (22) Nil. (23) See the Facilities and Premises Policy.Facilities and Premises Procedure - Lost and Found Property
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Lost items
Found items
Disposal of found items
Stolen items
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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