(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy and sets out the rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to Charles Sturt University's facilities and premises. (2) This document sets out the University’s procedure for ensuring the safe and reliable supply and use of electricity within the University, including all electrical infrastructure and equipment. (3) The University has a duty to manage the risks to health and safety associated with electrical risks as prescribed under work health and safety legislation. These include the electrical risks associated with the design, construction, installation, protection, maintenance and testing of electrical appliances and electrical installations. (4) This procedure is applicable to all persons who connect to, use or carry out work on the electrical installation at the University. (5) This procedure is applicable to electrical installations and equipment that operate on: (6) This procedure does not apply to University owned high voltage supply lines. (7) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (8) The Facilities Management (FM) has governance of the electrical installation in all buildings, including the provision, maintenance, repair, alterations and additions to the electrical installation. (9) No alterations or additions to the electrical installation including hardwired systems shall proceed without prior approval of the FM. (10) Where facilities or workplaces have no nominal person in charge, such as shared teaching spaces and lecture rooms, then the relevant Campus Facilities Manager, FM shall be the person in charge for the purpose of this procedure. (11) The organisational unit is responsible for: (12) Organisational unit heads/managers are responsible for approving the use of privately owned electrical equipment in non-public areas of the University in accordance with this procedure, ensuring such equipment is assessed as safe and electrically tested and tagged if required. (13) Where facilities are occupied by more than one work unit (shared facilities), the primary custodian is responsible for ensuring the shared electrical equipment is used and maintained in a safe manner as per this procedure. (14) Only approved persons are authorised to electrically inspect, repair, test and tag electrical equipment including extension cord sets and multiple outlet portable power boards. (15) All users of electrical equipment have a responsibility to: (16) If a user becomes aware that equipment or associated wiring may be in a dangerous condition, the equipment should be switched off and unplugged, providing it is safe to do so, and the organisational unit management notified immediately. The item must be clearly labelled 'Danger: Do Not Use' and include the person's name, date and contact details. (17) No electrical work should be performed without the prior approval of the FM. (18) All electrical work shall comply with the rules and codes of the local supply authority, Standards Australia and work health and safety legislation. (19) Any electrical work that alters an electrical circuit must be documented on the relevant switchboard legend by the approved person performing the works at the earliest appropriate time. (20) Where practicable, main switchboards shall be locked, with the FM controlling access, to prevent unauthorised access. (21) A fixed or portable residual current device (RCD) shall be used in hostile environments including wet use equipment, if practicable. (22) Double adaptors are not approved for use within the University and should be removed and replaced with multiple outlet portable power boards with overload protection and individual switches. (23) Any person who interferes with electrical installations, electrical equipment or electrical safety systems, such as electrical tags or danger tags, is committing a serious breach of safety and shall be deemed to have committed a breach of discipline or misconduct under the relevant University policy. (24) All such breaches must be reported immediately to the supervisor, manager, head of the organisational unit, health and safety representative, Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing or online via the Incident and Hazard Reporting System. (25) Electrical equipment shall be regularly inspected and tested by a competent person if the electrical equipment: (26) The organisational unit, by means of a documented safety risk assessment, may determine additional electrical equipment that require electrical inspection, testing and tagging. (27) The organisational unit shall test electrical equipment as per Australian Standard AS3760, after repair, and shall retest according to the requirements of the work health and safety legislation, risk assessment and AS3760. (28) New electrical equipment meeting relevant Australian Standards should not require testing and tagging, but requires: (29) Second-hand or pre-used equipment is not considered new equipment and must be inspected, tested and tagged prior to being put into service. (30) All electrical equipment shall be inspected, tested and tagged prior to return to service after repair for an electrical problem or fault. (31) Organisational units hiring electrical equipment must ensure it is inspected and tested at the commencement of each hire and tested every three months. (32) For extended hires the organisational unit must ensure it is inspected and tested at the intervals applicable to the type of workplace where the equipment is being used. (33) Electrical testing and tagging records must be maintained by the organisational unit and include a description of the item, the date of testing, the test result, the date for re-test and details of the electrical tester. (34) A current listing of authorised external contractors that can be engaged by organisational units to perform electrical testing and tagging of equipment is maintained by the FM. (35) Nil. (36) This procedure uses the same terms as defined in the Facilities and Premises Policy. For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms are also defined:Facilities and Premises Procedure - Electrical Safety
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Electrical work
Electrical safety interference
Electrical equipment required to be inspected tested and tagged
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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