(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy, sets out the rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to Charles Sturt University's facilities and premises, and sets provisions for the creation and management of permanent, semi-permanent and impermanent/temporary signage used for all University facilities and premises. (2) Refer to the Facilities and Premises Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy. (4) The University’s corporate signage system is set out in the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage and provides an effective wayfinding system that establishes the University's presence and boundaries and promotes a positive image for the University across all campuses, clinics and centres. (5) All signage on University facilities and premises must be consistent with this procedure and, as appropriate, the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage, Communications and Marketing Policy and procedures [in review], and/or the Brand Guidelines. (6) New permanent and semi-permanent signage, and changes to existing signage, must be approved by the Director, Facilities Management or authorised delegate and be consistent with Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage and Brand Guidelines. (7) Where government funding agreements require signage to mark the contribution that varies from the requirements of the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage, the Vice-Chancellor must approve the installation and the Director, Facilities Management may approve the design of the signage. (8) Impermanent/temporary signage erected in external spaces, in large public spaces and/or for large University events (e.g. graduations, orientation, open days, or wayfinding for events) must be: (9) Impermanent/temporary signage erected in controlled areas or internal spaces is the responsibility of the organisational unit/space custodians and must be designed and implemented in line with the Brand Guidelines and any directions from the Division of Customer Experience. (10) A range of templates have been developed by Brand and Performance Marketing. Requests for signage in addition to these should be made to the Facilities Management and/or Brand and Performance Marketing, dependent on the type. (11) The Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage provides specifications for appropriate A-frames and inserts. To request for A-frame signage to be placed on campus by the Facilities Management (FM), the appropriate requestor should submit a BEIMS request for each campus where the signage is required. (12) All temporary signage must be removed after the event in a timely manner, leaving the area in a clean and tidy state. (13) As a guiding principle, third party signage should not take precedence over University signage and will be limited to being displayed on precinct or building signage only. (14) Third party logos may be used on University signage to assist wayfinding where appropriate, in accordance with the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage. (15) A third party may use interior signage consistent with its own corporate visual identity. (16) Where a single third party occupies a building, signage may be installed on the building in accordance with the below. Where multiple third parties occupy the same building, negotiations will be required to limit the size and positioning of signage. (17) Organisational units may request digital signage installations in areas where they are the primary custodian, or in agreement with other custodians. Installations must be: (18) Organisational units are responsible for the content of digital signage, which must be consistent with this procedure, the Communications and Marketing Policy and the Brand Guidelines. (19) Construction signage will be installed on all construction sites and projects. The extent of the signage will be determined by the construction value and funding source, in accordance with the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage. (20) All construction signage, including semi-permanent and/or impermanent/temporary signage, must be approved by the Director, Facilities Management. (21) Any plaque or signage, and any wording attached to a plaque or sign, erected to note the honorary or philanthropic naming of a facility or for memorial purposes must be approved in accordance with the Protocols Policy and Protocols Procedure – Naming Facilities and Memorials. (22) Traffic, road, occupational health and safety and other signage required by law are considered permanent signage and will be approved by the Director, Facilities Management, consistent with the obligations of the University and the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage. (23) Use of the Charles Sturt University brand by any non-University facilities (e.g. hospitals, veterinarians or other ongoing practicum provider facilities) to promote a relationship with the University or the University's involvement in an activity must be approved by the Chief Operating Officer (or nominee) and in accordance with the Brand Guidelines. (24) Staff and students may post notices, flyers, posters or other temporary signage in designated locations only, subject to any conditions of use displayed in those locations. Posting obscene, offensive or unlawful material (subject to the Statement on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech) may be treated as misconduct. (25) The inappropriate or unauthorised installation, erection or posting of signage is a breach of this procedure and the Marketing and Communications Procedure - Brand Governance. (26) FM will remove, temporarily or permanently, infringing material or signage where it causes a health and safety risk; is obscene, offensive or unlawful; or otherwise at the request of the: (27) Any disputes regarding the interpretation of the requirements may be referred to the Signage and Wayfinding Governance Committee for resolution. Unless agreed by the committee, any infringing material or signage will be withdrawn or removed until the matter is resolved. (28) Any costs incurred as a result of infringement, or to reproduce material to correct specifications, will be borne by the area or organisation responsible for the non-compliance. (29) See the Facilities and Premises Guideline - Signage. (30) In this procedure:Facilities and Premises Procedure - Corporate Signage
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Corporate signage
Permanent and semi-permanent signage
Impermanent/temporary signage
Third-party signage
Digital signage
Construction signage
Plaques, building names and other honorary naming signage
Traffic, pedestrian, occupational health and safety and other signage
Non-University provider facilities
Posting of material in approved locations
Removal of signage that does not conform to guidelines
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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