(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy and sets out the rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to Charles Sturt University's facilities and premises. It establishes the University's requirements for the effective management of parking and traffic control at University premises and informs entrants about their responsibilities when parking at the University. (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Facilities and Premises Policy, however, it applies more specifically to the University premises where the University is authorised to manage parking and traffic control (e.g. Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Canberra, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga campuses). (3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy. (4) Entry of vehicles to University premises is restricted to: (5) All roads on University campuses are designated public roads under the Roads Act 1993 (NSW), the Road Transport Act (NSW) and the Road Management Act 2004 (VIC). Vehicles and their operators are subject to the relevant state or territory road rules and legislation. (6) Traffic control signage and traffic flow control devices will be installed in accordance with the Transport NSW Traffic Signs register and the Facilities and Premises Guidelines – Signage. (7) Speed limits are marked by traffic control signs on University premises. (8) Vehicles must only drive on designated roads and must not drive across gardens, landscaped areas or open ground, with the exception of: (9) Cyclists are required to share any designated cycleways or shared paths with pedestrians and ensure minimal pedestrian/cyclist conflict in accordance with Transport NSW advice for shared paths. (10) Cyclists must comply with any cycle rules applicable in the relevant state or territory. (11) The University has implemented the restricted parking area scheme in accordance with the Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013, the RMS Restricted Parking Area manual and Revenue NSW’s Self-Enforcing Infringement Notice Scheme (SEINS) across its NSW campuses. In the ACT, parking is controlled by Access Canberra. (12) Parking or stopping is only allowed in areas where specifically permitted by a notice, marking or traffic control sign. Parking or stopping on roads or outside of restricted parking areas is prohibited unless the vehicle is: (13) In restricted parking areas, vehicles must: (14) Vehicles parked or stopped contrary to this procedure, parking control signs and/or road markings, or in a manner that obstructs traffic flow or creates a safety hazard or damages grounds and facilities, may be subject to a parking infringement notice, a direction to move the vehicle and/or permanent exclusion from one or more University campus. (15) Locating an approved parking area is the responsibility of all drivers. Lack of parking spaces, inclement weather conditions, time constraints, or other causes are not valid excuses for violation of this procedure. (16) Restricted parking areas will be managed as follows: (17) Parking infringement notices and fines are determined by the relevant state or territory government and will be issued: (18) Payment of infringement notices is the responsibility of the registered vehicle owner and is subject to enforcement by Revenue NSW or other relevant authority. (19) Where an infringement notice is issued for a University-owned vehicle, the driver in control of the vehicle at the time of the infringement is deemed to be in receipt of the penalty notice. (20) Penalty notices will contain instructions about how the penalty may be addressed or appealed. Appeals relating to penalty notices issued by the University must be directed to Revenue NSW or other relevant authority. (21) Misuse of an RMS Mobility Permit Scheme (MPS) Card will be reported to the RMS and may result in heavy penalties. (22) In addition to any penalties that may be applied under this procedure, a breach or violation of this procedure may also result in unsatisfactory conduct or misconduct proceedings against staff or students, per the relevant staff or student misconduct processes. (23) Nothing in this procedure prevents any police traffic control or enforcement on any University campus. (24) To the extent permitted by law, the University excludes all liability for the care or protection of vehicles or vehicle contents during operation or when parked on University premises or when using roads or car parks on University premises. (25) Failure of the University to enforce penalties for a violation of this procedure shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of penalties for previous, coincident, or subsequent violations of this procedure. (26) Nil. (27) This procedure uses the same terms as defined in the Facilities and Premises Policy. For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms are also defined:Facilities and Premises Procedure - Parking and Traffic Management
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Vehicle entry onto University premises
Bikes and bike paths
Parking penalties and fines
University liability
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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other vehicles when permitted by an appropriate authorised access officer of the University.
Note: Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013 denotes the University as a declared organisation authorised to operate a Restricted Parking Area scheme on the University campuses included in Schedule 2 of that regulation.