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Facilities and Premises Procedure - Space Management

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy, sets out the rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to Charles Sturt University's facilities and premises, and assists with application, enquiry and approval in relation to space allocation and utilisation. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management.


(2) This procedure has the same scope as the Facilities and Premises Policy, with the exception of spaces deemed as the accommodation assets of Residence Life, the University farms and Charles Sturt Winery.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Part A - General space management

(4) Space management at the University supports:

  1. the efficient utilisation of space to support good practice in resource efficiency, sustainable practices and reduction of operational costs,
  2. high-quality teaching, learning, research and work environments that meet functional, aesthetic and safety standards and enhance the experience of students, staff and visitors,
  3. the varying work settings required to support different types of work tasks,
  4. an environment that allows the University to respond quickly and cost-effectively to market opportunities, changing priorities and variations in user demand for space,
  5. an environment that promotes and supports:
    1. collegiality and recognises the importance of communication and teamwork in contemporary work settings,
    2. equity and consistency between stakeholders, with regards to access to facilities and space,
    3. strategic co-location of custodians to facilitate greater collaboration and functionality,
  6. a framework for the regular review of the University's current and future space needs and the use of its physical assets,
  7. statutory compliance of University facilities, and
  8. provision of timely and relevant data to support strategic asset provision and management. 

Allocation of space 

(5) University space allocation is administered by the Facilities Management (FM) and recorded within Archibus. Space will be allocated based on need, with all decisions subject to appeal to the Chief Financial Officer.

(6) Space allocations are not permanent. Allocations are subject to periodic review involving stakeholder consultation and possible reallocation as required based on operational needs and to meet the University's strategic priorities.

(7) Custodians can allocate space within their agreed allocation but do not have authority to allocate space to other users outside of this agreement.

(8) Day to day allocation and administration of an agreed allocation must be in accordance with this procedure and the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management. Where space requirements are not supported by the provisions of these documents, FM will work with custodians to resolve situations. 

(9) Where there is insufficient space(s), FM will attempt to locate additional space(s). Decisions relating to space allocations will always be based upon demonstrated need.

(10) Custodians must inform FM that they have an oversupply of space. FM may resume control of excess space for re-allocation as appropriate.

(11) When interpreting and deciding space requirements, the following will be taken into account:

  1. the diverse range of needs and requirements across the University,
  2. business cases,
  3. the University strategic direction and initiatives (e.g. effecting cultural change through the creation of collaboration spaces in buildings),
  4. the functional requirements and specific needs of the occupant(s) (e.g. research spaces; disability access),
  5. the size, number and location of any available space(s),
  6. suitability of shared allocation to maximise use of space within built assets, and
  7. special requests and other factors.

(12) Guidelines and standards are not absolute and sometimes deviations may be necessary to achieve particular functions and objectives. Deviations from the standards will be examined on the merit of each case.

University tenants and external users

(13) External groups, organisations and entities may be allocated the use (sole or otherwise) of a space, equipment and/or facility of the University, either ongoing or for a single event, through a formal agreement.

(14) Commercial or community requests for space allocations must be submitted to either Commercial Property and Leasing (for commercial requests) or the appropriate Director, External Engagement (for community requests), who will consult as required with stakeholders including, as relevant, FM, space custodians, Office of Pro Vice-Chancellor First Nations Strategy, Residence Life, or other organisational units.

(15) Approval of space allocations are set out in Delegation Schedule D - Facilities and Information Technology.

Use of space

(16) Space is to be used for its intended function (for example office, store, research laboratory). Space function is defined by FM and recorded within the enterprise space register (Archibus).

(17) Requests to alter the use of any space must be submitted to FM via the BEIMS service request system. Requests will be considered taking into account factors such as:

  1. work health and safety requirements,
  2. availability of similar space nearby,
  3. an assessment of the implication of the potential loss of the original space on the operations of the University, and
  4. strategic operational needs and requirements.

Management of space

(18) All spaces will be managed centrally by FM to ensure effective utilisation. Custodians do not have absolute control over any building, room or area on University premises.

(19) Custodians must nominate a space coordinator who will be responsible for liaising with FM on behalf of the custodian to:

  1. provide updates on adequacy of space allocation and utilisation,
  2. manage areas within the agreed allocation and in accordance with relevant University policy and the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management, and
  3. advise of space no longer required for re-allocation.

(20) All enquiries and requests for additional space, changes to the utilisation or allocation of space area, or modification or refurbishment of space are to be directed to FM via the space coordinator.

  1. The nominated space coordinator will use the BEIMS service request system.
  2. The Space Planning Manager will review requests for allocation of additional space, which may or may not involve the development of a capital works proposal (Gate 1 of the Capital Works Gate Review Framework).

(21) Requests for new space and/or staff relocation related to a strategic directive will normally be provided directly to the Chief Financial Officer and/or the Director, Facilities Management, by the Executive Leadership Team.

Workspace allocations

(22) Workspaces may be allocated by the custodian and/or relevant space coordinator, or by the Space Planning Team, based on the following considerations. In each case, the FM should be notified of any changes in allocation/occupancy:

  1. Office accommodation is provided for staff to facilitate the achievement of staff work tasks. It is not intended that office space be used to recognise status or worth.
  2. Support staff that are embedded in a particular faculty, division, school or unit will be counted within the overall space allocation for that organisational unit.
  3. Where an existing staff member is to be replaced, it is initially expected that the new staff member will be located in the space vacated by the previous incumbent of that position.
  4. Where a role is to be potentially offered in multiple campuses, the hiring manager must contact the responsible space coordinator who will seek advice from the Space Planning Manager regarding the availability of appropriate spaces.
  5. Prior to advertising for new staff, the responsible space coordinator is to ensure that a suitable space is available for the new staff member(s). If no suitable space is available, the space coordinator will request advice from the Space Planning Manager.
  6. Where a staff member has a new role or is being seconded to another role or position, the following may apply:
    1. The responsible space coordinator may approve the staff member remaining in their existing space for the duration of the secondment.
    2. If the role or position has an office or space assigned to that role (for example Head of School), the staff member should relocate to that assigned space.
    3. If the role or position involves duties and responsibilities with different space requirements, the relevant space coordinator may assign a suitable space or, where no such space is available, request additional space via the BEIMS service request system.
    4. Where a seconded staff member relocated to another space and is returning to their substantive role, the space coordinator must initiate any necessary return arrangements no later than one month prior to the secondment completion, in consultation with FM as required. There is no guarantee that the previous workspace provided to seconded staff will be allocated on their return.
    5. FM will endeavour to work with custodians to provide appropriate space solutions. In some cases, this may not be possible and alternatives such as space sharing and/or re-allocation of existing staff may be required.
  7. Where a staff member retires, the space they occupied will be assigned to their replacement, allocated to another staff member or released back to the University for reassignment. Where the staff member is to be re-engaged on an adjunct or casual basis, they may be assigned a space in accordance with this procedure and the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management.
  8. The Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management provides additional information about workspaces.

Relocation of staff

(23) Where relocation requires the removal of furniture and belongings, a request should be made via the nominated space coordinator. To maintain the integrity of the space management system and other records, FM are to be notified of all internal staff relocations, two weeks prior to the relocation.

(24) Intercampus move requests will be generally managed in coordination with the Division of People and Culture.

(25) The relocated staff member is responsible for informing other organisational units of the University (e.g. DIT) and for updating other systems (e.g. the University communications directory).

(26) Generally, furniture will be retained in office spaces with only staff possessions and equipment being relocated. Where the organisational unit owns the furniture, a request for its relocation may be submitted to FM for review and approval. Furniture that is not of a suitable standard, not aligned with destination building furniture standard, or not appropriate for its intended space and use, will not be relocated.

(27) If new furniture is required, the space coordinator will contact the Space Planning Team via a BEIMS request. The Space Planning Team will recommend a furniture solution that is both compliant and consistent with the intended space.

Part B - Space planning, auditing and capital projects

Building numbering

(28) Every building and structure across the estate is allocated a unique identifier.

(29) Requests for new building numbers are to be made to the Space Planning Manager who, in discussion with other FM representatives, will assign a unique identifier appropriate to that particular University premises.

(30) The Space Planning Manager will notify areas of the University that use the building number information in their systems and databases of the creation of a new building number (e.g. FM, Senior Asset & Systems Officer, Division of Finance).

Space numbering

(31) Every room and space across every University premises is allocated a unique identifier. Space numbers are used by a variety of databases across the University and are used to ensure the accurate location of accommodation, occupants, equipment, and building management systems. These systems include timetabling, HR, building management, access management, work order and service requests (BEIMS), and the communications directory.

(32) All space numbering is managed by FM.

(33) Requests for changes to existing numbering or numbering for new buildings or refurbishments are to be made to the Space Planning Team, who will determine unique identifiers appropriate to that building. Where a project team is responsible for the planning for new buildings and refurbishments, the Space Planning Team will provide room numbering guidelines to be applied which will include an approval process.

Presumption of open plan workspaces

(34) All new capital works projects for buildings will normally be designed for open plan or reconfigurable office layouts, subject to provisioning for public health requirements, to allow for:

  1. a wider range of academic and administrative uses,
  2. better energy-related efficiencies and sustainable practices, 
  3. better communication and collaboration opportunities, and
  4. reduced construction costs.


(35) FM are the custodians of furniture standards.

(36) Provision of furniture required to suit individual staff work health & safety requirements is facilitated by the Division of People and Culture in co-operation with FM.

Procurement of ICT equipment for capital projects

(37) The FM will be the first point of contact for any matters relating to the procurement of computer equipment as part of capital projects and will seek advice from DIT regarding best-fit computer equipment to meet the functional requirements for the project.

(38) Procurement of ICT equipment for capital projects and ongoing responsibilities is set out in the following table:

Purpose Procured from Ongoing responsibilities
Facility-based functions (applies to, but is not limited to, access control, BMS, CCTV, and equipment control) Fully purchased from project funds
General academic or administrative use
Project ICT budget under a Computer Shop leasing arrangement User will be responsible for ongoing lease costs from the first anniversary of the lease agreement.
Public access computers
Project ICT budget, fully purchased
DIT will be responsible for the ongoing replacement when the equipment reaches the end of its operational life.
Course specific computers Project ICT budget under a Computer Shop leasing arrangement User will be responsible for ongoing lease costs from the first anniversary of the lease agreement.
Software licenses related to a facility-based function, public access computer or critical to the success of the project. Project ICT budget if approved by the project control group (PCG) User will be responsible for ongoing software upgrades and maintenance costs.
Telephone services for facilities-based functions (i.e. analogue emergency phones or General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) power meters) Project ICT funds FM will fund ongoing charges
IP telephones for the IT support of learning and teaching Project ICT funds DIT will fund ongoing charges
IP telephones for general academic and administrative use
Project ICT funds
User will fund ongoing charges
Other project-specific telephony requirements will be addressed by the DFM project manager

Utilisation audits and reports

General space audits

(39) FM shall regularly conduct audits of general space (e.g. staff accommodation, research and shared spaces) and will aim to audit every space no less than once every three years. An annual report will be produced highlighting the main users of space by organisational unit and make recommendations for future capital and refurbishment strategies in line with the University’s strategic and operational plans. Business changes throughout the year may trigger tactical space utilisation evaluations of buildings which will be treated as specific standalone events.

Learning and teaching space audits

(40) FM shall conduct utilisation audits of all learning and teaching spaces across all University premises. This information will be assessed against the actual timetable to provide the University with an indication of room utilisation and timetabling effectiveness. Additional audits may be conducted based on requirements.

(41) The audits will typically occur within a two week period following the annual student census date and a report will be published. The analysis and processes used for conducting audits and utilisation shall be done in accordance with Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA) Guidelines. The Director, Facilities Management will present the findings to the Chief Financial Officer along with recommendations for changes to space classification and timetabling strategies based on the findings.

Part C - Responsibilities

(42) Facilities Management is responsible for:

  1. regular liaison with custodians to review space requirements,
  2. advising the University on space allocation, space guidelines/standards and procedures,
  3. regularly analysing space utilisation and providing regular reports and recommendations to University senior executives regarding the University's space utilisation and needs,
  4. providing input into the development and maintenance of University plans including, but not limited to the University Strategy, Campus Master Plans, the Strategic Asset Management Plan, and the Capital Plan,
  5. maintaining and documenting all site and floor plans of all University premises,
  6. managing and maintaining the enterprise space register (Archibus) and associated datasets,
  7. establishing and monitoring space and utilisation targets in accordance with the sector,
  8. undertaking periodic auditing and review of space usage,
  9. provision of strategic space planning analytics and reporting to University stakeholders,
  10. in collaboration with other key stakeholders, advising on and implementing new initiatives in workplace and teaching and learning space design, particularly in the context of new University buildings and major refurbishment projects, and
  11. development, leadership and application of concepts that ensure more effective use of space.

(43) Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, Executive Directors, Heads of School or executive leaders of organisational units will:

  1. through supplied reports, monitor and evaluate the utilisation of space under their agreed allocation, and
  2. inform FM when changes in use or allocation occur in accordance with this procedure and the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(44) See the Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Space Management.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(45) For the purpose of this procedure:

  1. Agreed allocation - means the space(s) assigned by the Facilities Management to particular organisational units, enterprises and third parties to support work, research, learning and teaching activities.
  2. Archibus - is the facilities management database system used for the management of space, real estate, and asset management, hosts the space data that is used in FMCentral. Archibus is managed and administered by the Facilities Management.
  3. Custodian – means the organisational unit, enterprise and/or third party which has been allocated and assigned responsibilities for a space, as per the agreed allocation.
  4. FMCentral - is a public-facing enterprise facilities management enquiry system that allows space and asset data to be viewed and reported. FMCentral is managed and administered by the Facilities Management.
  5. Organisational unit - refers to a faculty, school, division or other unit within the University organisational structure. In terms of space management, organisational units may be divided into manageable groups (e.g. by campus).
  6. Relocation - refers to the process by which a person, group or activity is moved from one location to another. It can include associated activities such as space reassignment, modification of space or spaces to suit the new user/use, changeover of communications services (telephone and data), and physical movement of room contents.
  7. Space - for the purpose of this procedure, means a potentially exploitable and defined area controlled wholly or partly by the University that supports the strategic direction of the organisation.
  8. Space audit - means the process by which data is collected/updated either by a physical count, digital means or desktop exercise. The information collected as the product of room audits may include information on room type, room use/function, current occupants, capacity, etc.
  9. Space Planning Team - is the group responsible for the development, implementation and management of operational and strategic University-wide policies, procedures, standards and tools to deliver effective and efficient space use across all University owned and leased assets.
  10. Utilisation - is the measurement of the use of a particular space that takes into account the capacity, occupancy and usage (hours of use).