(1) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy by setting out the rules, expectations and responsibilities in relation to entering and using the University's facilities and premises and the safety and security measures in place. (2) Refer to the Facilities and Premises Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Facilities and Premises Policy. (4) Persons may enter and use University facilities and premises provided that: (5) Staff, students and applicable contractors and tenants are issued with University identification cards (Charles Sturt Card) which must be carried during attendance on University premises. (6) Areas of the University may be designated as controlled areas. These may be identified by signs, locked doors, fences or boom gates, barrier tape, instruction of Campus Security or an authorised member of staff, or other means. Controlled areas may be time or circumstance dependent (e.g. a public area may become a controlled area outside of public access hours or during exam periods). (7) Authorised access officers may be designated with responsibility and authority for specific public and controlled areas (e.g. student residences, laboratories, learning commons, food halls) and may establish regulations for these spaces, consistent with the Facilities and Premises Policy and this procedure. (8) Authorised access officers (and any other persons nominated by an authorised access officer) or Campus Security may impose the requirements of this procedure and any regulations. To facilitate this, they may: (9) For requests to use University facilities and premises for: (10) Notwithstanding any other provision within this Part, in the event of an emergency, any person on University premises should call for emergency services (by dialling 000). They should then inform a member of Campus Security as soon as possible to allow Campus Security to coordinate and expedite the attendance of emergency services. (11) Any member of Campus Security who calls the emergency services to University premises must immediately inform a member of Security Management. Depending upon the nature of the event, the Campus Security will contact the Director, Security and Resilience (CSO) and/or the Campus Facilities Manager. (12) Head contractors must have emergency arrangements in place for any sites within their control. (13) Where a security incident or disorderly conduct occurs: (14) Disorderly conduct is recognised as general misconduct and may be subject to relevant University rules governing misconduct (e.g. Enterprise Agreement, Student Misconduct Rule 2020 or Code of Conduct): (15) Any incident that causes loss or damage to University property must be reported to Campus Security and the Facilities Management (FM). (16) Where the damage requires an escalated response, the Campus Facilities Manager or their nominee may assume control of the initial response until the incident has been stabilised and/or will initiate the appropriate response and recovery processes under the Resilience Policy. (17) Loss or damage to University property exceeding $10,000 must be reported to the University’s Financial Accountant (Insurance) who will provide advice on insurance claims and the appointment of a loss adjustor if necessary. Loss or damage under $10,000 must be borne by the organisational unit responsible for the equipment/structure/property. (18) The Facilities and Premises Guidelines - Damage or Loss of Property sets out suggested processes for incident responses and insurance notification advice. (19) Smoking, vaping and using e-cigarettes is prohibited: (20) The University reserves the right to limit smoking, vaping or e-cigarettes to dedicated areas and/or to designate its premises (or any parts of its premises) as non-smoking areas. (21) Smoking by-products such as cigarettes, butts and matches must be disposed of appropriately. (22) See the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy. (23) Parents/carers may bring children into the public areas of the University, subject to any particular regulations that may apply to the specific area. (24) The Parenting Rooms listing lists the availability of parenting rooms with facilities for feeding and changing infants. (25) In addition to the requirements of this procedure, all University staff and students are subject to the Child Safety Policy when interacting with children on University premises. (26) Children will only be allowed into the following areas subject to appropriate risk assessment and risk controls (see the Risk Management Policy) and any regulations established by the relevant authorised access officer: (27) Children are not permitted in the following areas under any circumstances: (28) Parents/carers are responsible for the safety and behaviour of any child in their care and must ensure that other users of University facilities are not unreasonably inconvenienced by the child's presence. (29) Where the University shares premises with other organisations and the other organisation has policies about the presence of children, the University will adhere to the more stringent standard of the two. (30) University staff arranging programmes that entail the presence of children on University premises must seek the permission of the appropriate manager and other stakeholders prior to running the programme. Managers of the organisational units arranging the programme are responsible for meeting risk management (including public liability insurance where required), health, safety and welfare requirements. (31) University staff or students who, due to extenuating circumstances, need to bring a child into a work area or to attend a teaching activity must seek permission from the appropriate University staff member: (32) Any person who observes an unsupervised child on campus who they believe may be at risk or who is engaging in disruptive or inappropriate behaviour should report the matter to Campus Security, who will take action to identify the child's parent/carer and ensure that the situation is resolved appropriately. (33) Camping is prohibited on all University campuses. A person must not establish temporary or permanent living quarters on University premises. This includes sleeping or living outdoors, in a tent, a vehicle or similar, as well as the establishment of an area for the storage of belongings, cooking equipment or other accommodation amenities. (34) To protect the health and safety of people and the welfare of local wildlife and animals retained by the University for research and teaching purposes, animals must not be brought or kept on University premises (including student residences) unless a relevant exemption applies. (35) The University may remove or detain any animal found on its premises in breach of this procedure. If detained, the University may hand the animal over to the appropriate authority (e.g. a pound or council ranger). Any costs incurred by the University to remove or detain the animal(s) will be charged to the animal's owner. (36) Staff, students and visitors must not feed native, feral or stray animals or place themselves or others at risk by handling animals found on University premises. FM must be notified of feral and stray animals, who will organise removal: (37) Except where used for teaching or research purposes, animals are not allowed in any controlled areas of the University (including but not limited to residences, food preparation or serving areas, laboratories, and biosecurity areas) regardless of the exemption status, unless written approval is obtained from the Director, Facilities Management or their nominee. (38) Animals used for teaching or research in any manner requires the approval of the Animal Care and Ethics Committee. (39) An authorised access officer, security officer or access coordinator may require a person to provide evidence that an animal's presence on University premises is in accordance with this procedure. (40) Exemptions may be: (41) The University may amend and/or revoke any exemption granted under this procedure at any time. (42) Where an exemption is granted, the person bringing the animal onto University premises must ensure that they: (43) Under a standing exemption, an animal may be brought or kept on University premises at any time to perform the activities for which the exemption has been granted. Facilities and Premises Schedule Standing Exemptions – Animals on campus outlines standing exemptions and the extent of the exemption. The Director, Facilities Management approves changes to this schedule. (44) Under a temporary exemption, animals may be brought onto University premises for a limited, short-term period. The University may grant a temporary exemption where it deems that: (45) Temporary exemptions must be approved by: (46) Under an exemption of prohibition, specific animals that are not otherwise exempt under Facilities and Premises Schedule - Animal Exemptions may be brought or kept on University premises to perform the specific activities for the specific period of time for which the exemption has been granted. (47) Exemption of prohibition is at the absolute discretion of the Director, Facilities Management or their nominee. Exemptions must be applied for at least two weeks prior to the date when the animal is to be on campus. Approval must be given in writing and must be: (48) Anyone wishing to bring livestock onto the University farmland or associated University areas must gain prior approval from the Manager, University Farms and/or the Operations Manager (Northern or Southern)at the relevant campus. (49) Bees are only permitted to be kept on University premises with the written approval of exemption by the Director, Facilities Management or their delegate. (50) This part does not apply to: (51) News media who enter any University premises for filming, photography or audio recording must liaise directly with Charles Sturt Media. (52) Permission from the University is required before any remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) or drones are used on or above University premises. Any users of RPAs or drones must adhere to the guidelines and regulations of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). (53) Any individual or organisation wishing to carry out commercial filming, still photography or audio recording for commercial purposes on or over University premises must make a written application to the Executive Director, Customer Experience or their delegate at least 28 days before the proposed shoot or recording and include the information set out in the Facilities and Premises Schedule - Filming on University Premises. (54) The Executive Director, Customer Experience or their delegate may also require the applicant to seek approval or endorsement from Crown Lands and/or from relevant First Nation’s representatives before approving the application. (55) A location agreement must be completed and signed before any commercial filming, photography or audio recording can take place and must be signed on behalf of the University by the Executive Director, Customer Experience or their delegate. Any variations to the conditions under which approval is granted will be evidenced in writing and authorised by the Executive Director, Customer Experience or their delegate. (56) Campus Security or other authorised access officers will remove individuals or organisations who enter University premises for any purposes described in this part without the University's prior approval, in accordance with this procedure. (57) If the University grants permission for filming, audio recording or photography for commercial purposes: (58) The Director, Security and Resilience (CSO) is the responsible officer for the University's Security Master Licence under the Security Industry Act 1997 (NSW) and must provide written consent for any employment or engagement of Campus Security Officers. (59) The role of Campus Security is to provide staff, students and visitors with a safe and secure environment that facilitates and promotes learning, teaching and research. (60) Security staff must undertake their duties in a lawful, fair and equitable manner without damage to the University's reputation or unlawfully impinging on the rights of individuals. (61) Security staff will take reasonable action to assist with matters outlined in this procedure and with respect to the responsibilities stated at Part E. (62) CCTV is used to discourage unlawful behaviour and to assist in the prosecution of individuals involved in unlawful behaviour in and around University premises: (63) University property containing critical assets, highly confidential or sensitive information will be considered for protection by a suitable monitored alarm system: (64) FM has responsibility for the selection, installation and maintenance of all access control devices and associated equipment on University premises in consultation with the Director, Security and Resilience (CSO). Only access control devices and associated equipment that meet the design standards maintained by FM will be applied to University premises. (65) Access control devices are issued by the University to allow students, staff, and approved visitors access to controlled areas of the University. These must be used in accordance with any accompanying instructions and must: (66) To ensure compliance with applicable fire and building safety codes, non-University approved access control equipment, including mechanical keys or locks, must not be used. (67) Any unauthorised fabrication, duplication, issuing, possession, or use of access control devices is strictly prohibited. Fabrication of any access control devices must only be performed after written approval from the Director, Facilities Management or their nominee. (68) FM staff are responsible for: (69) Campus Security staff are responsible for and will assist with: (70) Authorised access officers are responsible for: (71) Access coordinators are responsible for: (72) Nil. (73) This procedure uses the same terms as defined in the Facilities and Premises Policy, as well as the following additional terms:Facilities and Premises Procedure - Access, Use and Security
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Part A - Rights of access and use
Public and controlled areas
Authority to control access
Requests for use
Part B - Emergencies, security incidents and disorderly conduct
Security incidents and disorderly conduct
Loss or damage to University property
Part C - General conditions of use
Smoking on University premises
Alcohol and other drugs on University premises
Children on University premises
No camping on University premises
Animals on University premises
Standing exemptions
Temporary exemptions
Exemption of prohibition
Livestock on University premises
Filming on University premises
Part D - Safety and security
Monitoring access and safety
Security staff and security master licence
Closed circuit television (CCTV)
Alarm systems
Access control devices
Part E - Responsibilities
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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