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Assessment Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy sets out the requirements for assessment in subjects offered by Charles Sturt University (the University).

(2) It is intended to ensure that assessment will:

  1. comply with legislation, including but not limited to the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and particularly standards 1.3 and 1.4
  2. validly assess achievement of learning outcomes
  3. operate in a culture of academic integrity shared by students and staff
  4. be conducted so as to guide and encourage students, evaluating their learning and assigning grades fairly and reliably
  5. identify areas of strength and weakness in a student’s knowledge and skills, providing feedback that enables them to improve their performance
  6. include formative and summative assessment methods as appropriate
  7. prepare students for life-long self-assessment and exercising their professional judgment
  8. identify students who have achieved excellence, for example for purposes such as awarding scholarships and prizes
  9. ensure that students maintain their academic progress and complete their course within a short enough period that their knowledge and skills as graduates will be current
  10. measure and certify performance at the end of a course against established standards so that students’ level of skills and knowledge is clear to others such as employers and accrediting bodies
  11. ensure that the University's awards comply with the qualification specifications of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and that assessment demonstrates the level of attainment required for an award of the University, and
  12. be conducted with reasonable flexibility to accommodate students living with a disability or who have unexpected adverse circumstances.


(3) This policy applies to assessment in all University coursework courses and coursework subjects, including those delivered through partner institutions.

(4) This policy does not address:

  1. research component subjects of higher degree by research courses (see the Higher Degree by Research Policy)
  2. academic integrity expectations (see the Academic Integrity Policy).
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Section 2 - Policy

Part A - Academic governance and management of assessment

Governance oversight

(5) Academic Senate oversees the quality assurance of assessment in courses offered by the University, and the compliance of assessment with the relevant standards of the Higher Education Standards Framework and other relevant regulatory frameworks.

(6) The following Academic Senate sub-committees have responsibilities for academic quality and standards related to assessment, as set out in the Academic Quality Policy and Academic Quality appendix 2 - Roles and responsibilities and each committee’s terms of reference.

  1. Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC)
  2. Faculty Boards
  3. Indigenous Board of Studies

(7) Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research sets out delegations conferred by University Council related to assessment, including:

  1. approving assessments and additional assessments in subjects
  2. approving student’s final grades
  3. preventing students from completing subjects, placements or sitting final exams
  4. approving special consideration
  5. approving changes to exams.

Management oversight

(8) The Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management lists the roles responsible for academic leadership of courses and subjects. Academic leadership includes leading quality assurance of assessment and ensuring that assessment practices comply with this policy and its procedures.

(9) The Academic Quality Policy and Academic Quality appendix 2 - Roles and responsibilities set out responsible officers in relation to assessment quality processes.

Part B - Assessment design

Assessment design principles

(10) Assessment methods and design will be consistent with the learning outcomes being assessed, capable of confirming that all specified learning outcomes are achieved, and that the marks and grades awarded reflect the level of student attainment.

(11) The University’s Assessment Design Principles are approved by Academic Senate under the Charles Sturt Curriculum Model.

(12) In designing assessment within subjects, staff will ensure that:

  1. assessment is criterion-referenced so that there are no constraints on the percentage of students in a subject or class who will fail or achieve each passing grade
  2. assessment tasks are consistent with the total of student engagement hours for the subject points value: see the Course and Subject Procedure - Coursework Design
  3. assessment tasks with a range of marks will allow students to demonstrate their level of capability and achievement
  4. assessment tasks will, as far as possible, not disadvantage students based on their backgrounds or entry pathways, including:
    1. those who identify as First Nations Australians
    2. those from low-income backgrounds and/or who are first in their family to attend university
    3. those of mature age
    4. those who have entered the course from alternative entry pathways such as TAFE
    5. those from culturally diverse backgrounds, such as international students
  5. marks are not awarded merely for attendance (whether online or face to face)
  6. assessment tasks minimise the potential for academic misconduct.

(13) See also:

  1. the Course and Subject Procedure - Coursework Design for requirements for design of assessment within courses, including:
    1. early diagnostic and/or formative assessment tasks
    2. alignment of assessment with subject and course learning outcomes and course standards
    3. sequencing assessment so that students develop knowledge and skills progressively.
  2. the Course and Subject Procedure - Information and Representation for requirements for assessment information in subject outlines.

(14) Changes to assessment tasks must be approved as set out in Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research and the Course and Subject Policy. When assessment tasks are changed, Subject Coordinators and Heads of School will ensure that assessment in subjects continues to comply with the requirements for assessment in courses and subjects and requirements for assessment information to students, stated in the Course and Subject Policy and its supporting procedures.

Rules for design of specific assessment types

Group assessment work

(15) Academic Quality and Standards Committee will oversee the use of group assessment work to ensure that it is:

  1. used only to the extent necessary to achieve collaboration skills as a learning outcome, and
  2. managed and supported to ensure that as far as possible students have a positive experience of group assessment work.

(16) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure states detailed requirements for group assessment work.

Hurdle assessments

(17) A subject may include a hurdle assessment where:

  1. this is necessary to ensure students can safely perform an activity
  2. this is necessary to meet external professional accreditation or professional registration requirements
  3. the assessment is the last assessment task in a course to assess whether students have achieved a course learning outcome, or
  4. the use of the hurdle assessment is approved by the Deputy Dean of the teaching faculty for other reasons than those above.

Viva/oral presentations

(18) A subject may require students to be prepared, if asked, to give an oral presentation or response to the assessor (or other audience) on a particular topic or communicate relevant information from their assessment tasks. Where this is required:

  1. subject outlines must advise students of this requirement in advance
  2. students may be required individually or in groups to provide an oral presentation/response, and
  3. marks are only given for the elements of the assessment task that all students complete and no additional marks will be given for the oral presentation/response. However, a failure to give an oral presentation/response when requested or an oral presentation/response that is inadequate may be referred for investigation of academic misconduct under the Student Misconduct Rule.

Part C - Conduct of assessment

(19) Assessment will be conducted so as to guide and encourage students, accommodate student diversity, promote academic integrity, and evaluate students’ learning fairly and reliably. Assessment requirements, criteria and standards will be communicated to students and guide the evaluation of student performance.

Academic feedback

(20) Staff will:

  1. give students timely, supportive feedback on assessment tasks during delivery of a subject, to enable them to improve their performance, and
  2. where a student’s assessment performance suggests the need for study skills support, English language support or other types of support, refer them for support in a timely manner.

Submitted assessment work

(21) Students must submit assessment work by the specified due date and time unless they have an approved extension. Penalties may apply to late submissions without an approved extension.

(22) Assessors will ensure the timely return of submitted assessment work, with a mark and enough feedback for the student to understand the rationale for the mark.

(23) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure states detailed requirements for submission and return of assessment work, including:

  1. expected return times for assessment work
  2. arrangements for advising students when, in exceptional circumstances, the normal timeframes for return of assessment work cannot be met, and
  3. reporting of schools’ performance in meeting expected assessment return times.

Review of marks

(24) A student may request a review of a mark for an assessment task without fear of reprisal.

(25) The head of the teaching school, or their nominee, will allocate the assessment work for which the mark is to be reviewed, to a reviewer other than the original marker.

(26) The outcome of a review of a mark may be the same mark, a higher or a lower mark. The new mark will be used to calculate the student’s final grade in the subject, in place of the original mark.

(27) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure states the processes for applications for review of marks, including the conditions under which students will be charged a fee for these applications.

Failure before the end of the teaching period

(28) The head of the teaching school may decide that a student should not be permitted to finish a subject, practicum, dissertation, portfolio or project, where the student has:

  1. failed to submit work
  2. submitted work of an inferior quality such that they will fail the subject no matter what quality of work they submit for the remainder of the subject, and/or no matter how they perform in a final exam, or
  3. failed, or failed to complete, a hurdle assessment or other mandatory requirement of the subject, and no further assessment is approved.

(29) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure states the process for such decisions.

Failure to attend an intensive school

(30) Where a student fails to attend a compulsory intensive school without having been exempted from attending through the special consideration process, the student may be withdrawn from the subject and awarded, as relevant, a fail non-submission (FNS), fail (FL) or unsatisfactory (US) grade. Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research sets out the authorities for determining an appropriate action for non-attendance at a compulsory intensive school.

Rules for conduct of specific assessment types

Work-integrated learning placements – refusal of permission

(31) The Executive Dean of the teaching faculty, or their nominee, may refuse a student permission to undertake a work-integrated learning placement, for the reasons set out in the Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure.

(32) The Executive Dean of the teaching faculty, or their nominee, may decide to exclude the student from the course, where:

  1. the student is unable to remove the impediment to their going on work-integrated learning placement, and
  2. the work-integrated learning placement is a core requirement to complete the course.


(33) The Director, Student Administration is responsible for centrally run exams in the exam period at the end of each teaching period. This includes maintaining and approving detailed instructions for students and exam supervisors to ensure the integrity and smooth running of exams, and ensuring compliance with relevant Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 standards.

(34) Deliveries of courses with third parties may have non-standard academic calendars and exam periods. Students in these deliveries will be notified of their exam schedule by the process agreed with the partner.

(35) A faculty may run an exam such as a practical exam during the final exam period in a session in consultation with Student Administration to avoid clashes with centrally run exams.

(36) See also 

  1. Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure for detailed requirements for conduct of exams
  2. Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management for requirements when exam periods will occur in standard session of the academic calendar
  3. Academic Integrity Procedure for requirements to ensure academic integrity of exams in subjects delivered with a third party.

(37) The Director, Student Administration maintains and approves detailed instructions for students and exam supervisors to ensure the integrity and smooth running of exams.

Further assessment (additional assessment tasks and exams)

(38) The head of the teaching school may, in consultation with the Subject Coordinator, decide to offer a student (or students) further assessment in a subject where either:

  1. the student(s) have gained a marginal fail grade for the subject
  2. the student(s) have failed one or more hurdle assessment tasks but achieved an overall subject mark that would otherwise be a passing mark, or
  3. other exceptional circumstances apply (e.g. legislative requirements for offshore partnerships).

(39) Further assessment may take the form of an additional exam or other additional assessment task. If the Head of School decides to offer further assessment, the Subject Coordinator will decide the form of assessment in consultation with the Head of School.

(40) A student who passes a further assessment can only receive a pass grade (PS or SY) in the subject.

(41) A Faculty Board may specify subjects in which further assessment will not be offered, and the subject outlines for these subjects will state this fact.

Coursework research components and honours theses

(42) The outputs of research projects in coursework courses, including honours theses, will contribute to the development of the field of research, practice or creative field, and will be conducted in accordance with the Research Policy to ensure that research by staff and students is conducted ethically and responsibly.

(43) For each student’s work for a research component subject:

  1.  the Executive Dean (or nominee) will appoint an appropriately qualified principal supervisor and, where relevant, one or more co-supervisors
  2. the Dean, Graduate Research or Executive Dean (or nominee) will appoint two examiners to examine each student’s work submitted for examination in a research component subject for a coursework course.

(44) Student coursework research proposals must be:

  1. approved before work on the research project begins
  2. approved by the appropriate ethics committee before data collection involving human subjects, human biological materials, animal subjects or animal biological materials begins.

(45) Faculties determine the submission due dates, submission process, penalties for late submission or for going over word limits, and whether resubmission is permitted, in relation to the research components of coursework courses.

(46) The Associate Dean (Academic) of the teaching faculty, in collaboration with relevant Course Directors and/or Sub Dean (Graduate Studies), will oversee activities to ensure a high, consistent quality of supervision of students’ research for research components of coursework courses.

(47) The Assessment - Research Components of Coursework Courses Procedure sets out detailed requirements for coursework research.

Part D - Assessment flexibility

(48) The University provides reasonable assessment flexibility to:

  1. support students to maintain their level of academic performance when they have unexpected illness, carer responsibilities or other unexpected adverse circumstances
  2. accommodate students who are living with a disability or health condition or have ongoing carer responsibilities impacting their studies, so they can study on an equal basis with other students
  3. support students who are elite athletes/performers/sporting personnel and/or Defence Force reservists, to maintain their academic progress alongside their sporting/performance/Defence Force commitments.

(49) To these ends, the Assessment Flexibility Procedure sets out conditions and requirements under which the University may approve:

  1. reasonable adjustments to accommodate disability, health conditions and/or ongoing carer responsibilities
  2. extensions of due dates for in-session assessment tasks
  3. special consideration for circumstances that are unexpected, unavoidable and beyond the student’s control
  4. alternative exam arrangements to accommodate disability, health conditions, and/or breastfeeding parents
  5. assessment flexibility to support elite athletes/performers/sporting personnel and/or Defence Force reservists.

(50) See also the Course and Subject Conscientious Objection Procedure where a student wishes to raise a conscientious objection to a learning activity or assessment task, for example where the activity/task involves the use of animals that offends a conscientious belief held by the student.

(51) Applications for special consideration or other forms of assessment flexibility will not be considered if a student has applied for a review of a final grade, except where this is required as an outcome of the review of grade process, as determined by the decision maker (see the ‘Review of grades’ heading in this policy).

(52) Authorities to approve assessment flexibility arrangements are set out in the following table. Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research will override any authorities in this table where there is an inconsistency.

Flexible arrangement
Approval authority
Extension of time to submit assessment work that does not delay final grade
Subject coordinator
Another opportunity to undertake an assessment task other than a final exam does not delay final grade
Subject coordinator
Extension of time to submit assessment work beyond last day of exam period/teaching period.
Head of School (or nominee)
Final exams (pre or post sitting of exam)
Head of School
Exemption from compulsory subject based intensive school
Head of School (on recommendation of subject coordinator)
Exemption from compulsory faculty based intensive school
Course Director
Approved withdrawal after census date (coursework students)
Head of School (on recommendation of subject coordinator)
Approved withdrawal after census date (HDR students)
Dean, Graduate Research on the recommendation of the Sub Dean (Graduate Studies)
Alternative exam or test arrangements
An Accessibility and Inclusion Adviser for an arrangement that is not a major change to the exam or test format.
The head of school for an arrangement that is a major change to the exam or test format, in consultation with an Accessibility and Inclusion Adviser.
Waive requirements for special consideration applications and/or evidence where unexpected, unavoidable or adverse circumstances effect multiple students, and put in place supporting arrangements as required.
Head of School – subject cohort waivers
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) – larger student cohorts

(53) The Assessment Flexibility Procedure provides further information on assessment flexibility and guidance on typical reasonable adjustments.

Part E - Grades

Grade descriptions and ranges

(54) The following grades may be used:

  1. to record a student’s level of academic and/or professional achievement in a subject
  2. to provide feedback on a student’s level of academic and/or professional achievement in an individual assessment task, or
  3. to record the grant of graded credit to a student in a coursework subject (see also the Credit Policy).

(55) The faculty board of the teaching faculty may approve higher ranges of marks for grades than those stated in this table, to be used in a course where this is required for external professional accreditation of the course. This information will be included in relevant subject outlines as per the Course and Subject Procedure - Information and Representation.

(56) A student’s final grade may be subject to completion of mandatory elements of a subject in addition to the overall assessment mark, see the Assessment Procedure – Grades and Review of Grades.

Grade Description Definition and ranges of marks
HD High distinction Outstanding level of achievement (mark of 85-100%)
DI Distinction High level of achievement (mark of 75-84%)
CR Credit Better than satisfactory level of achievement (mark of 65-74%)
PS Pass Satisfactory level of achievement (mark of 50-64%)
FL Fail Unsatisfactory level of achievement; must be based on assessment of at least one summative assessment task (mark of 0–49%)
FNS Fail non-submission Student was enrolled in the subject but was not assessed on any of the summative assessment tasks
SY Satisfactory Satisfactory level of achievement using satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scale
US Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory level of achievement using satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scale; must be based on assessment of at least one summative assessment task

(57) The following grades can be used to record a student’s level of academic and/or professional achievement in a research component subject for a bachelor (honours) degree.

Grade Description Definition
H1 Class 1 The faculty defines the standard required for this grade. It need not be the same as the class of honours awarded for the degree.
H2a Class 2, division 1
H2b Class 2, division 2
H3 Class 3

(58) The following grades may be used to record that a student:

  1. has been granted ungraded credit towards a coursework subject, or
  2. has been granted graded or ungraded credit in advance, towards a coursework subject, for a subject in which they are currently enrolled or intend to enrol.

(59) The Credit Policy states the conditions on which students may be granted ungraded credit.

Grade Description Definition
TCR Transfer credit The student has been granted transfer credit for the subject.
PCR Proficiency credit The student has been granted proficiency credit for the subject.
FCR Forward credit The student has been granted forward credit for the subject. This grade will be replaced with TCR or graded credit (as relevant) once the student has passed the subject for which forward credit was approved.

(60) The Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may approve:

  1. grades to record students’ withdrawal from courses, and
  2. grades used for administrative purposes pending the award of a final grade in a subject.

(61) The Assessment - Grades and Review of Grades Procedure states detailed requirements for:

  1. rounding of overall subject marks and conversion of marks to grades, and
  2. confidentiality of students’ grades.

Use of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading scale

(62) The Satisfactory (SY)/Unsatisfactory (US) grading scale may be used in:

  1. coursework subjects that are work-integrated learning placement subjects or include work-integrated learning placement components
  2. coursework subjects that are industrial experience components of a course, and
  3. theses or other research component subjects in higher degree by research courses.

(63) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) may approve use of this grading scale in other subjects on the recommendation of the Associate Dean (Academic) of the relevant faculty.


(64) The teaching school will carry out moderation of marking during delivery of every coursework subject to ensure that:

  1. all academic staff involved in course and subject delivery and assessment have a shared understanding of assessment and how to make assessment judgements, and
  2. subject assessment tasks are equivalent, and are marked consistently, across all locations and modes of delivery, and across multiple teaching periods.

(65) Moderation of marking will be carried out for at least one assessment task in each session’s delivery of each coursework subject.

(66) The Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure outlines further information for moderation, including appointment and training of training of moderators.

(67) The Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management and Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure state detailed requirements for delivery and management of work-integrated learning placements, including assessment aspects.

Approval of grades

(68) The Faculty Assessment Committee approves all final grades in subjects taught by schools of the faculty or partner institutions on behalf of the faculty.

(69) The Head of School or nominee may provisionally approve late grades, changes to grades and conversion of temporary grades to permanent grades, to expedite publication of these grades to students. Provisionally approved grades will be subject to the same process for final approval as other grades and may be changed in that process.

Release of grades

(70) Grades are grades of the University if they are notified to students on university systems with the authority of the Director, Student Administration.

(71) Grades may be withheld from student(s) where they have outstanding obligations (e.g. outstanding tuition or non-tuition debt to the University or incomplete non-course compulsory subjects/modules).

(72) The Assessment - Grades and Review of Grades Procedure states detailed requirements for approval and release of grades.

Monitoring grade distributions

(73) Academic Quality and Standards Committee and Faculty Boards will monitor grade distributions in subjects and courses, to ensure that grading is consistent and that unusual grade distributions can be explained satisfactorily. Academic Quality and Standards Committee will escalate issues to Academic Senate for consideration where necessary. 

(74) Where the grade distribution of a course or subject has changed significantly without a satisfactory explanation, the Faculty Board or Academic Quality and Standards Committee will ask the teaching school to develop a plan to correct the grade distribution in future and report back on the implementation of the plan.

Review of grades

(75) A student is entitled to ask for an explanation of their final, released grade and may request a review of the grade on one or more of the following grounds:

  1. The subject outline was not published by the start of the relevant teaching period.
  2. After the teaching period started, the assessment requirements stated in the subject outline were changed without consultation with students or in an unreasonable way.
  3. The assessment requirements stated in the subject outline were applied to the student unreasonably or prejudicially.
  4. A clerical error occurred in the calculation, recording or publication of the grade.
  5. The assessment requirements were unable to be met due to adverse circumstances that occurred during the teaching session and/or these were not duly and reasonably able to be considered. 
  6. The student is seeking a review of the mark for a specific assessment task where the mark was received after the notification of their final subject grade.

(76) The outcome of a review of grade will be approved by the Associate Dean, and the decision will be noted by the Faculty Assessment Committee at its next meeting.

(77) The possible outcomes of a grade review application are that:

  1. the original grade stands
  2. another grade is awarded – this can be a higher or lower grade
  3. the student is withdrawn from the subject without failing it, receiving an AW grade, or
  4. a further assessment is needed before a final decision is made. In this case, the head of the teaching school will decide the nature and time of the further assessment, in consultation with the Subject Coordinator.

(78) The Assessment - Grades and Review of Grades Procedure states the process for review of grades.

Part F - Academic progress

(79) The academic progress requirements in this policy, and its provisions for decisions to exclude a student for unsatisfactory academic progress, apply only to students in coursework courses. See the Higher Degree by Research Policy for academic progress in higher degree by research courses.

Criteria for assessing students’ academic progress (coursework courses)

(80) To maintain satisfactory progress in a coursework course, a student must:

  1. complete course requirements within the earlier of:
    1. the maximum time for course completion stated in the Course and Subject Procedure - Coursework Design, or
    2. if the student is studying on an international student visa, the duration of their confirmation of enrolment
  2. pass more than 50% of their subjects (counting all subjects for which they have been awarded an achievement grade or FNS (fail non-submission)) in each session of study, after they have attempted eight or more units of study in a bachelor level or higher course (or four or more units in a higher education course lower than a bachelor course).
  3. perform safely and professionally in workplace learning: see the sections in this policy on ‘Refusal of permission to undertake work-integrated learning placements’ (above), and ‘Termination of a student’s work-integrated learning placement’ (below).

Exclusion for unsatisfactory academic progress

(81) The Associate Dean of the teaching faculty will decide whether to exclude a student who has not maintained satisfactory academic progress.

(82) The Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure sets out detailed information about how unsatisfactory academic progress will be identified, monitored, supported and managed, and also addresses the specific obligations to international student visa holders.

(83) See also:

  1. the Course and Subject Procedure - Information and Representation for requirements for informing students, when they begin study in a course, of the academic progress requirements that will apply to them
  2. the Student Misconduct Rule 2020Fitness for Study Procedure and Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure for the conditions under which a student may be restricted from attending work-integrated learning, or suspended from attending work-integrated learning, to prevent or minimise risk.

Part G - Appeals and complaints

(84) See the University Student Appeals Policy and University Student Appeals Procedure for information about how to appeal decisions made under this policy or the supporting procedures. 

(85) See the Complaints Management Policy and Complaints Management Procedure for information about how to submit a complaint to the University.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(86) The following procedures support this policy and should be read alongside it:

  1. Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure
  2. Assessment - Research Components of Coursework Courses Procedure
  3. Assessment Flexibility Procedure
  4. Assessment - Grades and Review of Grades Procedure
  5. Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(87) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary 

(88) For the purposes of this policy, the following terms have the definitions stated:

  1. Academic integrity – as defined in the Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Academic misconduct – as defined in the Student Misconduct Rule 2020.
  3. Alternative assessment – another assessment task that assesses the same learning outcomes.
  4. Alternate exam arrangement - are reasonable adjustments related to exams recommended for students with a health condition or disability and/or for breastfeeding parents.
  5. Assessment – the process of attributing value to the outcome of a task undertaken by a student to demonstrate their achievement of skills or knowledge.
  6. Assessment task – a task set for assessment in a subject such as an essay, test, assignment, report, exam, laboratory/field/clinical work, workplace learning task, dissertation, portfolio, project, production, presentation or performance.
  7. Coursework course – as defined in the policy library glossary.
  8. Coursework subject – as defined in the policy library glossary.
  9. Criterion-referenced assessment – uses predetermined criteria and performance standards in assessment rather than referring to other students’ achievement and/or a scaled distribution of marks/grades.
  10. Disability – as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
  11. Elite athlete or performer – as defined in the policy library glossary.
  12. Formative assessment – an assessment task on which students receive feedback as to how they can improve their work, and which does not contribute to their final grade in the subject.
  13. Grade - as defined in the policy library glossary.
  14. Grades distribution – the distribution of percentages of each grade in a grading scale, across the total number of grades awarded in a subject, course, discipline, academic unit or the University as a whole, in a given session or period of time.
  15. Group assessment work – an assessment task requiring a group of students to work collaboratively to produce the work that will be assessed.
  16. Higher degree by research (HDR) course – as defined in the policy library glossary.
  17. Hurdle assessment – an assessment that students must pass or in which they must gain at least a specified result, to pass the subject.
  18. In-session assessment – assessment work where the due date is before the end of the session/teaching period or, where the session/teaching period includes an exam period, before the beginning of the exam period. 
  19. Intensive school – as defined in the policy library glossary. Also:
    1. Course-based intensive school – where the intensive school is not part of the assessment for a subject but is required for completion of the course.
    2. Subject-based intensive school– where the intensive school is part of the assessment requirements for a subject, or attending it is a requirement to pass the subject.
  20. Marginal fail – an overall mark in a subject of 45, 46, 47, 48 or 49.
  21. Moderation – comprises activities to control assessment, assure its quality and review it, to ensure:
    1. consistency, comparability, appropriateness and fairness of assessment judgements
    2. validity and reliability of assessment tasks, criteria and standards, and that
    3. assessment tasks are credibly capable of valid assessment of the learning outcomes.
  22. Research component – as defined in the policy library glossary.
  23. Summative assessment – an assessment task the mark for which contributes to the final grade in a subject.
  24. Teaching faculty – the faculty to which the teaching school belongs, or that manages the course in question.
  25. Teaching school – the school that teaches the subject in question.
  26. Teaching period – as defined in the policy library glossary.

(89) For this policy, the following interpretations apply:

  1. Head of School – includes the equivalent head of other organisational units belonging to a faculty.