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Section 1 - Purpose
(1) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy by stating:
- principles and requirements for design of coursework courses and coursework subjects, and
- maximum times within which students must complete coursework courses.
(2) It ensures the University’s courses will meet the requirements in section 1.4 Learning Outcomes and Assessment and section 3.1 Course Design of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and National Code 2018 standards 11.1 - 11.3 to register a full-time course at a location.
(3) This procedure applies to:
- coursework courses,
- coursework subjects, including those for higher degree by research courses, and
- research component subjects for coursework courses.
(4) The Indigenous Australian Content in Courses and Subjects Policy states requirements for design of this type of content in both courses and subjects.
(5) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states course design requirements for higher degree by research courses.
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
(6) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy and should be read alongside that policy.
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure
Course design and structure
(7) The design for each course of study is specific and includes:
- the specific course entry requirements in accordance with the Admission Policy and the pathways for students exiting and transferring courses (qualifications),
- a clear description of the curriculum elements, structure and design, course requirements and the duration of the course (expressed as subject units) that are consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification specifications for the course,
- any professional accreditation requirements and design elements that conform to standard 3.1.1 of the Higher Education Standards Framework, and
- discipline-related and generic course learning outcomes, consistent with standard 1.4.2 of the Higher Education Standards Framework.
Graduate attributes and graduate learning outcomes
(8) The University aims to produce graduates who:
- are well educated in the knowledge, capabilities, practices, attitudes, research, ethics and dispositions of their discipline or profession,
- are capable communicators with effective problem-solving, analytical and critical thinking skills and can work well both independently and with others,
- value diversity and the common good, and work constructively, respectfully and effectively with local and global communities and workplaces,
- engage meaningfully with the culture, experiences, histories and contemporary issues of First Nations communities,
- practise ethically and sustainably in ways that demonstrate ‘yindyamarra winhanganha’ – translated from the Wiradjuri language as ‘the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in’,
- are digitally literate citizens, able to harness technologies for professional practice and participate independently in online learning communities, and
- critically appraise and continue to develop their own personal and professional capabilities.
(9) The course will enable students to demonstrate the University’s graduate attributes by providing:
- opportunities to develop skills in communication, problem-solving and analytical thinking,
- access to international experiences,
- opportunities to engage meaningfully with the culture, experiences, histories and contemporary issues of First Nations communities,
- education based in practice,
- opportunities to gain a firm understanding of ethics,
- education in research methodologies and opportunity to be engaged in research activities,
- understandings of financial, social and environmental sustainability, and
- opportunities to develop online proficiency.
(10) To help course designers integrate the graduate attributes into course learning outcomes, the Division of Learning and Teaching publishes the University’s graduate learning outcomes. These are a statement of what a student is expected to know, do, or demonstrate in order to show that they have attained each graduate attribute.
Course learning outcomes
(11) All courses will have defined course learning outcomes.
(12) The course learning outcomes will address and integrate the following:
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) knowledge, skills and application descriptors for the qualification.
- Any relevant professional or discipline standards.
- In undergraduate courses of more than 64 points volume of learning and master courses that prepare students for a specific profession, the course learning outcomes will address and integrate the University’s graduate learning outcomes so that graduates of these courses can demonstrate the graduate attributes.
- In undergraduate courses, or higher degree by research courses containing a significant research component that students will be able to evidence their research training aligned to graduate learning outcomes for research.
(13) Course learning outcomes will describe, in plain English, what students must know and be able to demonstrate to achieve these outcomes.
(14) The course and subject documents will demonstrate how subjects required for the course are aligned to the course learning outcomes:
- Assessment in the course will be coherently sequenced and aligned to enable students to build their capabilities and skills progressively towards subject and course learning outcomes.
- Students’ performance in assessment tasks will thus demonstrate their progress towards meeting course learning outcomes by the time they complete the course.
(15) Where the course learning outcomes integrate the graduate learning outcomes:
- individual subjects will typically be aligned only to some graduate learning outcomes, and in some cases may be aligned to none, and
- courses in some discipline areas may concentrate more effort on some graduate learning outcomes than on others.
(16) Postgraduate courses, other than master courses that prepare students for a specific profession, will address AQF knowledge and skills descriptors. They may address the University’s graduate learning outcomes and/or professional or discipline or research standards as appropriate.
Indigenous Australian course content
(17) The Indigenous Australian Content in Courses and Subjects Policy states design requirements for this type of content in courses, to ensure students can demonstrate their achievement of the graduate attribute of meaningful engagement with the culture, experiences, histories and contemporary issues of First Nations communities.
Early assessment tasks
(18) Courses will ensure that some subjects include a low weighting assessment task that is graded and returned in the first four weeks of session, to identify students who need academic skills support, English language support or other types of support. As far as possible, these subjects should be:
- in the first session of study, for students who enter the course without credit, and
- at points where students are likely to enter from credit pathways.
Language, literacy and numeracy
(19) Courses that are required to integrate the graduate attributes into their learning outcomes will be structured to develop students’ English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills, employing the following strategies:
- Core subjects and restricted electives for each course will include assessment tasks that focus on discipline-specific LLN skills.
- In the opening stages of the course, students will be required to:
- gather ideas and information from critical reading, listening and observing, to ensure they can engage with the necessary variety of traditional and digital texts,
- build the conceptual and factual foundations of their discipline, and
- understand and develop proficiency in the basic mathematical knowledge and methods needed for the discipline/profession.
- In the middle stages of the course, students will be required to:
- analyse, reason and produce well argued and carefully constructed accounts of complex thinking, and
- where appropriate, interpret and use mathematical information and concepts to solve problems and communicate results.
- In the final stages of the course, students will be required to demonstrate the threshold LLN proficiencies required for their profession/discipline to a level appropriate to the AQF qualification.
Other course design requirements
(20) The course will be designed to enable, as far as practicable, a diversity of students, including students with a disability, to succeed.
(21) The course will equip students with current knowledge and skills in its discipline(s) including research where appropriate.
(22) The course will provide students with opportunities to develop and demonstrate their academic integrity skills.
Work-integrated learning and work-integrated learning placements
(23) Work-integrated learning (WIL) and work-integrated learning placements are essential to providing the employability elements of the graduate attributes. Accordingly, each course, and each specialisation or major in a course, is expected to include a range of work-integrated learning activities.
(24) WIL will be structured across the course.
(25) The Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure states detailed requirements for the design of work-integrated learning placements in subjects.
Guidance on course design
(26) The Education Framework and Curriculum Architecture Principles provide further guidance on course design to ensure:
- an engaging student learning experience at an appropriate level of intellectual challenge,
- learning activities and assessments are aligned with course learning outcomes, and
- an optimal combination of online and/or face-to-face learning opportunities including intensive schools.
Components in undergraduate course structures
(27) An undergraduate course may include the following optional sequences:
- A major – a sequence of subjects in a discipline or on an interdisciplinary theme that:
- totals 64 points in volume,
- requires students to complete at least 48 points above 100 level, and
- requires students to complete at least 16 points above 300 level, but
- will not be printed after the award title on the testamur.
- A minor – a sequence of subjects in a discipline or on an interdisciplinary theme that:
- totals 32 points in volume, and
- will not be printed after the award title on the testamur, and
- includes at least 16 points above 100 level.
(28) The Course and Subject Information Procedure states which components of courses can be described in award names.
Components in postgraduate courses
(29) A postgraduate course may include the following:
- A specialisation – a sequence of subjects in a postgraduate discipline or on an interdisciplinary theme that:
- totals 32 points in volume,
- requires students to complete at least 16 points at or above 500 level, and
- if a graduate has fulfilled the specialisation requirements, the title of the specialisation, in parentheses, will be printed after the award title on the testamur.
Unrestricted electives
(30) Where possible, to ensure students achieve some breadth of study outside of the main discipline of their undergraduate course, each bachelor degree course or integrated bachelor (honours) course will require students to complete at least 16 points of unrestricted elective subjects.
- Where a double degree comprises component single degrees in two different disciplines, this requirement for breadth is met by the requirement that students undertake subjects in the two different disciplines, and the course does not have to permit unrestricted elective choices.
- Academic Senate may waive the unrestricted electives requirement for a course where the faculty demonstrates that, to meet all professional accreditation requirements, the course must have so many subjects on topics in the primary course discipline that it cannot spare 16 points of subjects as unrestricted electives.
International study
(31) Undergraduate courses will as far as possible provide an opportunity for students to undertake study in another country. This international study may be:
- study at an institution outside Australia that is equivalent to subjects required for the course, or that fulfils elective requirements for the course,
- an elective subject that provides an international study or workplace learning experience, or
- an elective subject that provides an international research experience or training experience.
(32) International study should normally occur later than the first full-time year of the course structure.
Double degrees
(33) A double degree course will:
- combine two existing courses that each lead to a single qualification into one set of course requirements that enables students to achieve all learning outcomes of both component courses, and
- require a reduced volume of learning compared to the total volume of the two component single degree courses, by giving cross-credit for subjects required for either component course, that can fulfil the requirements of the other component course.
- A double degree will provide cross-credit to students. The volume of learning minimum limit for a double degree course will be the volume of the component single degree course with the greater volume of learning, plus 64 points. This requirement is consistent with the limits on cross-credits between Charles Sturt University courses stated in the Credit Policy.
- To maximise cross-credit between its component single degrees, a double degree may:
- offer students a more constricted choice of majors, minors and/or restricted elective subjects than does a component single degree,
- list restricted elective subjects in a component single degree as core subjects,
- give cross-credit towards restricted electives that are only required to be in a specified discipline, where the other component single degree includes subjects of that discipline that are not used for cross-credit to meet another requirement, and
- remove points allocated to unrestricted elective requirements in a component single degree, since these are met by any subject in the other component single degree that is not used for cross-credit to meet another requirement.
- Cross-credit cannot be given towards a core workplace learning subject unless the subject in the other component single degree, for which the cross-credit is given, is a core workplace learning subject at the same level and of the same point value that meets the same learning outcomes.
- Provided its two component single degrees are also offered individually, a double degree’s graduates will be conferred with an individual testamur for each of the two component single degrees.
(34) Academic Senate may also approve a double degree in which one or both of the component single degrees is not offered as a separate course leading to a single award. In such cases:
- the component single degree(s) must be designed so that:
- it complies with AQF specifications for such a qualification, and
- students can achieve a substantial discipline specialisation and learning outcomes as they would for any single degree award of the University at that level, and
- the faculty must provide committees which are to endorse and/or approve the double degree course with a map of the subjects that would be required for the two component single degrees if they were offered separately, so the committees can:
- verify that a component single degree would meet all requirements of such courses if it were offered separately, and
- understand the extent of cross-credit between the two degrees.
Articulated sets of courses
(35) Courses in an articulated set must meet the AQF qualification specification for each award in the set.
(36) Articulated sets of courses will normally comprise courses at different course levels, but may comprise two courses at the same level.
(37) The subjects students complete while enrolled in a lower-level award in the set will be credited towards a higher-level award if the student undertakes the higher award.
(38) The subjects students complete while enrolled in a higher-level award in the set will also be credited towards a lower-level award if the student chooses to exit with the lower-level award. Student visa holders can only exit CRICOS registered lower level courses.
(39) The Credit Policy states exceptions to normal credit limits for credit between courses in an articulated set.
(40) The Conferral and Graduation Policy states conditions on which students may exit from an articulated set of courses and graduate with any of the awards.
Combined degrees
(41) A bachelor degree course and a one-year bachelor (honours) degree course may be integrated in a single honours course that meets the requirements of both.
- Where necessary for professional accreditation reasons, the bachelor degree and one-year honours degree courses can continue to be offered as separate courses alongside the integrated course.
- Students may be enrolled in a bachelor degree course, with the option of entering the integrated bachelor (honours) course if they achieve a required grade point average and/or level of performance in specific subjects.
(42) An undergraduate degree and a postgraduate coursework degree may be integrated into a single course that meets the requirements of both.
Sharing subjects and shared classes between courses leading to different levels of qualification
(43) The Course and Subject Information Procedure states that the numerical part of a subject code denotes the level of the subject (from level 000 for subjects in bridging or enabling courses, to level 700 for subjects in doctoral courses).
(44) Subjects at 000 level cannot be listed as a core or restricted elective subject, or chosen as an unrestricted elective, for any course other than a bridging course or enabling course.
(45) Subjects at 100, 200 or 300 level:
- can be listed as a core or restricted elective subject, or chosen as an unrestricted elective, for:
- an undergraduate certificate course,
- an undergraduate diploma course,
- an associate degree course,
- a bachelor degree course, or
- the components, other than the honours stream, in an integrated four-year bachelor (honours) course, but
- cannot be listed in the subject requirements for, or chosen as an unrestricted elective, for:
- the honours stream of an integrated four-year bachelor (honours) course,
- a one-year bachelor (honours) course, or
- any postgraduate course.
(46) Subjects at 400 level:
- can be listed as a core or restricted elective subject, or chosen as an unrestricted elective, for an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework course, provided that the subject learning outcomes are indeed at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level 8, but
- cannot be listed for the most advanced 64 points of a master by coursework course (as those 64 points must be at AQF level 9).
(47) Subjects at 500 level can be listed as a core or restricted elective subject, or chosen as an unrestricted elective, for a one-year bachelor (honours) course or for the honours stream of an integrated bachelor (honours) course.
(48) Other than the exceptions stated in clauses above, where two courses at different levels teach students the same subject topics in the same class:
- the two groups of students will be enrolled in different subject codes at permissible levels, and
- the assessment tasks and learning experiences of each subject will be differentiated to construct learning outcomes appropriate to the level indicated by the subject code.
Bachelor (honours) degrees
(49) A bachelor (honours) degree course, whether it is an integrated honours course or a one-year honours course, must include:
- 64 points of subjects at 400 level (or 500 level), including
- a research component with a weight of at least 16 points, and a coursework subject covering one or more of the following topics:
- research methods,
- statistical analysis,
- readings in advanced theory,
- professional issues and practice,
- readings in current issues, and/or
- an equivalent topic approved by the Honours (or Dissertation) Adviser.
- See also the section above on levels of subject that can and cannot be shared between different levels of course above.
(50) In a four-year integrated bachelor (honours) course:
- the duration of the honours stream will typically be either two years or one year. Where a course approval document proposes a three-year honours stream it must provide a rationale, and
- the online course brochure and University Handbook entry must specify the requirements and process for selecting students to enter the honours stream.
(51) The integrated honours component may require students who enter the honours stream to complete a different points total to complete the course, with a different course load and in some cases different duration. Where this is the case, the online course brochure and University Handbook entry must state this.
(52) The faculty will state the criteria to be used for determining graduates’ level of honours in each bachelor (honours) course, as part of the course approval. The criteria may be:
- the students’ grade in the research component alone,
- the students’ grades in the research component and specified coursework subjects, or
- the students’ grades in all subjects required for the course.
(53) Bachelor (honours) degrees will be conferred with the classes of honours set out in the Conferral and Graduation Policy. Criteria for each class must be determined by the faculty as part of the course approval.
(54) Coursework courses with a volume of learning of 64 points or more may be conferred with distinction, in accordance with the criteria set out in the Conferral and Graduation Policy.
Master by coursework courses
(55) A master by coursework course:
- must include 64 points of 500 level subjects, and
- may include, as an optional sequence, a specialisation totalling 32 points of subjects in a specified discipline or on an interdisciplinary theme.
- See also the section above on levels of subject that can and cannot be shared between different levels of course above.
- Where a master by coursework is intended as a pathway to doctoral research, it must enable students to demonstrate research preparedness by having an opportunity to undertake a research component weighted at 16 points or more.
(56) Academic Senate may permit a specialisation in a master by coursework course to total more than 32 points where this is necessary for students to achieve professional registration in the major discipline.
Course design process
(57) Course design will be informed by:
- a collaborative approach with review of design documentation by staff of relevant specialist units,
- input from the external advisory committee,
- analysis of the market and its trends, as part of a faculty planning process informed by other relevant divisions of the University and the University strategy, and
- student feedback and, if possible, involvement of student representatives in course design work.
(58) A set of common learning outcomes has been written to assist course design teams in aligning standards, course and subject outcomes, and assessment, to the graduate attributes. These are called the University’s graduate learning outcomes.
Inherent requirements
(59) As part of designing a new course, or designing changes to a course arising from course review, the course design team must define the inherent requirements of the course. In defining the inherent requirements, the team will refer to the guidelines on inherent requirements.
Guidance on course design
(60) The Education Framework and Curriculum Architecture Principles set out detailed guidance on course structures and design requirements.
Maximum times for completion
(61) The Course and Subject Policy states the University’s responsibility to set maximum times for completion of courses, to require students to complete their awards within a reasonable period and ensure currency of graduates’ knowledge and skills.
(62) The maximum allowable completion time for any award course will not exceed 10 years,
- Academic Senate may approve an extension of this time limit for individual courses, in which case a statement will be added to course documentation informing students that subjects studied outside the 10-year limit will not be eligible for credit.
(63) Students must complete their coursework for an award course within the maximum allowed period:
- The maximum allowed period is the lesser of 10 years or the period calculated by the formula Maximum completion time (years) = 2N+2 (where N is equal to the full-time duration of the program).
- Where this formula results in sub-integer amounts, the maximum period is rounded up to the nearest 0.5 year increment.
(64) Maximum completion time should be revised downward for students who enter courses with block credit:
- Revised maximum completion time should be reduced by the credit EFTSL, calculated as Allowed EFTSL = 2 X (N-Allowed EFTSL) +2.
Revised maximum completion time = ((2 x (Course EFTSL – Allowed EFTSL)) + 2.
- Where credit is given for up to and including 32 points of subjects, no amendment to the maximum completion time is required.
Table: Maximum completion time of standard courses
Award Type |
Course Points |
Equivalent Full-time study load (N)# |
Maximum Completion time = (2N)+2 |
University Certificate
Graduate Certificate |
32 |
0.5 |
3 |
Graduate Diploma
Honours (one year standalone)
Master by coursework (one year) |
64 |
1 |
4 |
Master by coursework (1.5 years) |
96 |
1.5 |
5 |
Associate Degree
Master by coursework (2.0 years) |
128 |
2 |
6 |
Bachelor degree (3.0 years) |
192 |
3 |
8 |
Bachelor degree (4.0 years)
Bachelor degree with integrated honours
Double degree course
Combined course |
256 |
4 |
10 |
Double degree course
Combined course |
320 |
5 |
10* |
# Courses of study outside these standard points allocations will be reported in EFTSL relative to the 64 points of study equivalent to one year of full-time study at Charles Sturt University.
* 10 years is the maximum standard completion time for all award courses at Charles Sturt University.
(65) To calculate whether students will have been enrolled for the periods stated in the previous clause, sessions of approved leave of absence will be included in the calculation.
(66) Academic Senate may approve a shorter maximum period for completion of a specific course than the period stated in clause 68, where this is a condition of professional accreditation of the course.
- To be used as a criterion to assess students’ academic progress, such a shorter maximum period must be stated in the University Handbook entry for the course at the time a student begins their study in the course.
(67) The Assessment Policy and Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure state academic progress requirements in relation to maximum times for completion.
(68) The Higher Degrees by Research Policy states minimum and maximum periods of candidature for higher degrees by research, and the consequences where a candidate exceeds the relevant maximum period of candidature.
Subject design requirements
(69) A standard subject is weighted at eight points or a multiple of eight points. Subjects may, however, be weighted at any even number of points.
- A standard subject weighted at eight points will have learning and assessment activities requiring students to engage in them for 140 to 160 hours. Subjects with other weightings will require proportionally more or fewer hours of student engagement.
- For a subject other than a workplace learning subject to vary from this standard workload, the subject documents must provide a rationale that is satisfactory to the approving authority.
- In workplace learning subjects, however, the relationship between hours the student spends in the workplace and subject points may vary, as:
- hours spent working in the workplace are not considered to be learning and assessment activities, although they may include these, and
- professional accreditation and/or professional registration requirements may require large numbers of workplace learning hours.
(70) Subjects will be designed so that:
- their learning activities and assessment tasks should be constructively aligned to their learning outcomes,
- the subject learning outcomes are aligned with and construct the learning outcomes of any course for which the subject is listed as a core subject or restricted elective subject, and
- the subject as far as possible enables a diversity of students, including students with a disability, to succeed, and
- where it is necessary for a subject offering in a different delivery mode to use a different assessment task, it will test the same learning outcomes, at the same level of complexity, as the task in other offerings of the subject.
Guidance on subject design
(71) The Education Framework and Curriculum Architecture Principles provide detailed guidance on designing subjects to ensure:
- assessment criteria and performance standards,
- alignment between assessment tasks and learning modules in subject, subject learning outcomes and course learning outcomes, and
- optimal use of face-to-face and online learning activities.
Prerequisite subjects and assumed knowledge
(72) A subject may have prerequisite subjects, for reasons of safety or safe professional practice and/or to meet professional accreditation requirements. Prerequisite subjects will be enforced as a requirement for enrolment in the subject that specifies them.
(73) A subject may also identify as ‘assumed knowledge’ other subjects, learning or experience that a student should have completed, to have a reasonable likelihood of success in the subject. Assumed knowledge will not be enforced as a requirement for enrolment in the subject that specifies it.
(74) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure describes the University’s processes for managing students’ enrolment in relation to prerequisite subjects.
Student workload requirements
(75) The Guidelines for Calibrating Student Workload provide information for determining appropriate student workloads for subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects, including assessment load and contact hours.
(76) The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) can approve exemptions to the guidelines for proven professional accreditation requirements and work-integrated learning subjects where appropriate.
Indigenous Australian content in subjects
(77) The Indigenous Australian Content in Courses and Subjects Policy states requirements for:
- subjects, if they are to be classified as Indigenous Australian studies subjects, and
- modules of Indigenous Australian content within subjects.
Work-integrated learning placements
(78) The Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure states the subject design requirements for work-integrated learning placements.
Intensive schools
(79) Subjects that are delivered online may require students to attend intensive schools as part of the subject assessment or as an attendance requirement stated in the subject outline.
(80) Courses may also offer an intensive school that is not part of assessment for a specific subject.
(81) Refer to the Course and Subject Life Cycle Procedure for detailed guidance on changes and cancellation to these.
University approved third party content in subjects
(82) A subject may contain content developed by a University approved third party. Where third party providers develop content they must comply with the necessary AQF standards by level, and be available for scrutiny against the Admissions Policy, Assessment Policy and other University standards.
Administrative subjects
(83) Where necessary and justified for administrative reasons, a subject may be created with no credit points value.
Subject design process
(84) Subjects will often be designed as part of a course design project or as an action from an annual course health check or comprehensive course review. The section on the ‘Course design process’ above states requirements for course design teams and their work.
(85) Subjects that are part of course requirements contribute to students’ learning journey through the course.
- The mapping of subjects to course learning outcomes and integrated learning outcomes confirms the subject’s effectiveness for this purpose.
- Subject redesign must maintain this alignment with the course or courses to which the subject contributes.
Learning resources and educational support
(86) In the development of courses and subjects, there will be a requirement to incorporate particular resources and support that align with specific learning outcomes.
- The learning resources, such as library collections and services, creative works, notes, laboratory facilities, studio sessions, simulations and software, that are specified or recommended for a course of study, relate directly to the learning outcomes, are up to date and, where supplied as part of a course of study, are accessible when needed by students.
- The relevant educational support services offered by the University utilise the particular resources to support students to achieve the required learning outcomes.
- The relevant research support and infrastructure required to comply with research course and subject requirements.
Transitional arrangements
(87) From the date this procedure takes effect (on the 18 May 2022), those students who have already reached the maximum time will have 12 months to complete their study.
(88) The changes to the maximum times for completion in this procedure do not prevent the Deputy Dean of the teaching faculty from making a decision not to exclude a student, in accordance with the Assessment Policy’s academic progress provisions.
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines and other supporting documents
(89) The following guidelines and resources support this procedure:
- Guidelines for calibrating student workload
- Education Framework
- Detailed work instructions are maintained in the Knowledge Base (in Confluence, under Faculty Admin) by the functional area supporting the specific task.
Staff who require access to the Confluence pages above should log a DLT Service Request (Cherwell) to request access to the Faculty Administration Confluence page.
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary
(90) Most of the terms used in this procedure are defined in the glossary section of the Course and Subject Policy. For the purposes of this procedure, the following additional terms have the definitions stated:
- Articulated set of courses - as defined in the policy library glossary.
- Core subject – a subject that all students undertaking a course are required to pass.
- Disability – as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act (Cth).
- Elective – a requirement of a course that a student can meet by completing a subject they can choose freely from any subject of the University; see also ‘restricted elective’.
- Equivalent full-time study load (EFTSL) - where EFTSL 1.0 is 64 points of study, or 8 standard subjects completed in one year of study.
- Full-time duration - the length of time it takes to complete a course if the student studies full time: e.g. is enrolled in 64 credit points each year.
- Inherent requirements – the academic and other requirements of a course that all students must meet to achieve the course learning outcomes, and the knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities students will need to have in order to achieve them. Reasonable adjustments for a student with a disability cannot remove the need to meet these requirements.
- Major – as defined in the policy library glossary.
- Micro-credential - a micro subject is aligned to industry needs and able to be stacked to one or more award courses. May be considered as credit towards an award course.
- Minor – as defined in the policy library glossary.
- Non-award offering – as defined by the Course and Subject Policy.
- Optional sequence – as defined at the ‘Optional sequences in undergraduate courses’ heading of this procedure.
- Point – as defined in the policy library glossary.
- Prerequisite subject - a subject that a student must have completed before they can begin study in the subject for which it is specified as a prerequisite.
- Restricted elective – a course requirement whereby a student can choose a subject or a specified number of subjects from a list of subjects or from a specified discipline; that is, not an unrestricted elective choice.
- Short course - as defined in the policy library glossary.
- Specialisation – a sequence of subjects in a postgraduate discipline or an interdisciplinary theme that totals 32 points in volume.
- WPL coordinator – as defined in the ‘WPL academic management and support roles’ section of the Course and Subject Delivery and Management Procedure.