(1) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy by setting out the requirements for academic management and delivery of work-integrated learning (WIL) placement in courses and subjects. (2) This procedure is designed to ensure that WIL placements will: (3) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy. (4) Academic Senate oversees the quality assurance of WIL placements in courses offered by the University, and the compliance of WIL placements with the relevant standards and regulatory frameworks. (5) Academic Senate has authorised responsibilities for WIL placement quality assurance to the following sub-committees, through their terms of reference: (6) WIL placement leadership includes leading quality assurance of WIL placement and ensuring that WIL practices comply with this procedure. (7) WIL placement leadership roles include faculty and school academic and professional leadership and management positions. (8) Collectively these roles make up the leadership and management structure for development, delivery, quality assurance and review of WIL placements. (9) Titles of administrative and academic roles that support WIL placement delivery and recordkeeping vary between faculties. The term ‘workplace learning administration team’ is used for faculty or school professional staff who support WIL placements. (10) Office of Global Engagement assists with international work-integrated learning placement delivery. (11) The University requirements in relation to the level of academic qualification required to teach, assess, examine, and/or supervise in courses are provided in detail in the Academic Staff Qualifications and Expectations Procedure. (12) The above qualification requirements do not apply to a staff member of a placement provider who may supervise a student’s WIL placement for a professionally accredited course and assess their performance on behalf of the University if the placement provider staff member: (13) To meet Commonwealth Government definitions of work-integrated learning and so be eligible for Higher Education Contribution Scheme funding, University WIL placement activities will: (14) Faculties have discretion whether to require students to undertake WIL placement in a course. This will depend on: (15) Where WIL placements are a course requirement, they will be scaffolded across a course. (16) Where a course, major or specialisation involves WIL placement, the course design will ensure that the course structure preceding the WIL placement, or the major/specialisation subjects preceding the WIL placement, or the WIL placement subject includes subjects and/or content that: (17) To meet University requirements, all of the following must be performed by the University or by a person(s) engaged by the University or the placement provider: (18) The University WIL placement coordinator will interact with students while they are on placement. This interaction may include site visits and/or telephone, online or email contact to ensure that satisfactory performance and students’ wellbeing are maintained. (19) WIL placements will: (20) The Course and Subject design (Coursework) Procedure sets out time requirements for students’ engagement in learning and assessment activities for subjects. These requirements for WIL placement subjects may vary as professional accreditation and/or external registration bodies may require large numbers of WIL placement hours. (21) WIL placement activities embedded in subjects will be structured learning activities that enable students to: (22) The Course and Subject Procedure - Information and Representation sets out the requirements for subject outlines where the subject includes a WIL placement. These include: (23) WIL placement coordinators will ensure that students are prepared before going on WIL placement and that they are informed of: (24) WIL placement managers and WIL academic leadership staff will collaborate to put measures in place to prepare and monitor placements so that: (25) There will be a WIL student placement agreement (SPA) for the placement signed on behalf of the University and the placement provider, and where appropriate the student, prior to commencement of placement. (26) The development of a University template SPA is the responsibility of relevant faculty staff utilising the services of the University's Legal Services. Where a placement provider SPA is used, the relevant faculty staff must ensure the agreement is provided to Legal Services in the first instance for review, advice and/or negotiation pursuant to the Legal Policy. (27) The appropriate person to sign any student placement agreement on behalf of the University will be determined by reference to the Delegations and Authorisations Policy and the University Partnerships Policy. An appropriate officer with the required delegated authority must sign on behalf of the placement provider. (28) The workplace learning team will upload the signed SPA to the University's contract register in the records management system. (29) WIL placements may be scheduled at any time throughout the calendar year for reasons of access to workplaces and optimisation of student learning experiences. Therefore, the University, overall, needs to provide relevant services to support staff, students and external providers throughout the year. (30) In WIL placement subjects where the faculty or school arranges students’ placement, WIL placement staff will: (31) Where WIL placements are assessed based on student performance while on placement, that assessment should be conducted either: (32) Guidance for WIL placement supervisors is structured to facilitate delivery of accurate, constructive and timely feedback to both the student and the University. (33) The University may support a student to have reasonable adjustments for their WIL placement requirements, to accommodate disability or long-term physical or mental health conditions, or carer responsibilities for an immediate family member who has disability or long-term physical or mental health conditions, or other special cases (e.g. religious circumstances and caring responsibilities). (34) Where WIL placements are an integral part of the course, the needs of students with disability should be considered during enrolment, course planning and placement allocation. (35) To be considered for reasonable adjustments while on WIL placement, the student must have: (36) The University will work with placement providers to provide reasonable adjustments, to ensure students with a study access plan or approved special consideration can participate in WIL placements. (37) The Workplace Learning for Students with Disability Guidelines sets out recommended processes and support for staff assisting students with disability to undertake WIL placements that meet inherent requirements and provide the student with reasonable adjustment for disability. (38) The Assessment Policy states the purposes of special consideration and the circumstances for which it may be available. As well as being available for short-term illness or injury, unexpected carer responsibilities or unexpected, unavoidable employment commitments, special consideration may be available where students have other unexpected commitments or adverse circumstances outside their control. (39) For allocated WIL placements, students must apply for special consideration using the online special consideration request form if they are seeking to reschedule or arrange an alternative practical learning activity or WIL placement. (40) The supporting documents required to support special consideration requests are outlined in the Assessment Flexibility Procedure. (41) The location or timing of a WIL placement may be changed as a result of a successful special consideration application. Accommodation of a successful special consideration application to change location or timing of a WIL placement may impact student course progression. (42) As stated in the Assessment Policy, the Executive Dean (or nominee) may refuse a student permission to undertake a WIL placement for any of the following reasons: (43) If the WIL placement is a core component of the course, the decision-maker will consult with the relevant Course Director to ensure the student receives academic counselling to help them consider their further study options. (44) When considering if a student is granted approval to undertake a WIL placement due consideration should be given to a student’s fitness for study plan if relevant as per the Fitness For Study Procedure. (45) Approval may be granted for a student to undertake a WIL placement once there are no longer any of the above impediments to undertaking that placement. (46) A student who has been refused permission to undertake WIL placement may appeal the decision, see the University Student Appeals Policy and University Student Appeals Procedure. (47) A staff member able to apply a temporary restriction order may apply that order to a student where the circumstances warrant urgent action, and that the student’s conduct is unreasonably antisocial, disruptive or a threat to others or to the academic business activities or systems, buildings or property of the University or of a placement provider. (48) Staff who are able to apply a temporary restriction order to a student are listed in the Student Misconduct Rule. (49) A temporary restriction order: (50) The Student Misconduct Rule authorises certain officers of the University to issue an order to suspend a student from an activity where there would be a risk of harm to themselves and other persons or the University's reputation if the student continued in the activity. A suspension order can be issued suspending a student from WIL placement. Such a suspension may impact on a student’s academic progress. (51) A suspension order forbids a student from attending or participating in an activity or attending classes in a subject or course without cancelling their enrolment in the subject or course. The Student Misconduct Rule states in detail the scope and effect of suspension orders and the processes in relation to them. (52) Where a staff member believes that a student has committed misconduct when participating in WIL placement, they should report the misconduct to an appointed officer as outlined in the Student Misconduct Rule. (53) The penalties for student misconduct are outlined in detail in the Student Misconduct Rule. (54) As stated in the Assessment Policy, the Executive Dean of the teaching faculty, or their nominee to make such decisions, may decide to exclude the student from their course where: (55) The University manages risk in relation to WIL placements in accordance with its Risk Management Policy. The following specific requirements for managing risk apply to such placements: (56) The University supports students to undertake WIL placements interstate or overseas. In relation to such placements WIL placement coordinators will make arrangements to: (57) Where a WIL placement subject is a compulsory subject in an Australian Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered course, estimated costings must be listed: (58) This includes if the course must be taken off-campus which means the student will incur accommodation and travel costs. (59) The University’s general insurance of students covers students who undertake approved WIL placement, whether with an external organisation or on campus. Insurance coverage starts when the WIL placement has been approved. (60) In some cases, a student may undertake WIL placement for a subject after the end of the relevant session, when the student has begun a period of leave of absence. For the University's insurance to cover the student in such a case: (61) The following coverage will apply for students on WIL placement in Australia and while travelling directly to/from the workplace: (62) Students are not covered by worker’s compensation insurance unless they are also employees of the University. They must ensure they have access to Medicare and/or private health insurance to cover medical and hospital expenses. They should also seek professional advice on whether they need additional insurance (taking their personal circumstances into account), such as private health insurance and/or personal accident, trauma and/or income protection insurance. (63) Students who undertake WIL placements outside Australia will be covered only by the University's general and products liability, professional indemnity and medical/veterinary malpractice insurances, provided that: (64) The University’s student personal accident insurance covers students only in Australia, so students going overseas must ensure they have adequate insurance cover, including travel and medical insurance. It is essential that students seek professional advice on this. The University Travel and Expense can help with travel insurance for travel that is arranged by or through them. (65) WIL placement teams will ensure that placement records are managed, archived and disposed of in accordance with the Records Management Policy and relevant retention schedules and accreditation body requirements. (66) WIL placement records include: (67) Relevant data should be recorded in InPlace (the University's WIL placement management system), from which data is uploaded to the University's records management system in accordance with the Records Management Policy. (68) Where a student contacts a WIL placement staff member for information, advice and/or support the staff member should respond to the request within three working days, or: (69) Where a WIL placement partner contacts a WIL placement staff member for information, advice and/or support the staff member should respond to the request as soon as practicable and within three working days, or: (70) See the University Student Appeals Policy and University Student Appeals Procedure for information about how to appeal decisions made under this procedure. (71) See the Complaints Management Policy and Complaints Management Procedure for information about how to submit a complaint to the University. (72) Complaints that are substantiated about a workplace should be considered when assessing the ongoing suitability of that workplace for student placements. (73) The following guidelines support this procedure: (74) For the purposes of this procedure the following terms have the definitions stated:Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Governance and management
Academic governance and management of work-integrated learning placement
Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC)
Faculty Boards
WIL placement leadership, management and support
Staff qualifications
Part B - WIL placement design
WIL placement design requirements
Subject design requirements
Subject outline requirements for subjects with WIL placements
Part C - Delivery and conduct of WIL placement
Preparation for WIL placement
WIL placement compliance and quality assurance
All WIL placement agreements with placement providers
Scheduling WIL placements
WIL placement assessment
Reasonable adjustments to accommodate student needs
Special consideration for WIL placements
Refusal of permission to undertake WIL placement
The inherent requirements of the placement and/or the student’s fitness to study are such that undertaking the placement would pose a risk to themselves and/or others.
The student does not meet the requirements for successfully completing WIL placement as set out in the relevant course information and/or subject outline and any inherent requirements specified for the placement and/or course, or the student has been identified as posing a risk to people in the WIL placement setting because of the nature of the student’s physical or mental health condition.
The student’s performance in a previous attempt at a WIL placement is such that the decision-maker is satisfied that the student will not be able to achieve the standard of professional practice needed to undertake another WIL placement successfully.
The student has failed a previous attempt at a WIL placement and has either not engaged with or responded to remediation activities designed to enable them to achieve the standard of professional practice needed to undertake another WIL placement successfully.
The Executive Dean (or nominee) is otherwise satisfied that the student will not be able to achieve the standard of professional practice required to undertake the WIL placement successfully.
The proposed work-integrated learning site has not passed due diligence scrutiny.
Due diligence scrutiny of a proposed work-integrated learning site reveals either that the site is unsafe or is unable to meet the student’s educational requirements.
Temporary restriction of a student from a WIL placement
Suspension of a student from a WIL placement
Exclusion of a student from the course
Work-integrated learning placement risk management
Interstate and international WIL placements
WIL placement insurance
WIL placement records
Staff accessibility and communications with students
Staff accessibility and communications with WIL placement partners
Appeals and complaints
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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The student has not attained an acceptable standard in meeting pre-placement requirements.
The student either:
Such a decision will be based on a written report and recommendation from the Associate Dean (Partnerships and Workplace Learning) or Deputy Dean of the faculty.
The decision maker will provide the report to the student and offer them the opportunity to respond and a reasonable timeframe in which to respond before making the decision.