(1) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy by setting detailed requirements for ensuring that information about courses and subjects provided to prospective and current students is: (2) This procedure applies to all award courses and subjects. (3) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy. (4) The following table sets out the authoritative sources of course and subject information: (5) In accordance with the University’s legislative and regulatory requirements, courses and subjects that are offered or intended to be offered: (6) The Admissions Policy, Enrolment and Fees Policy and Communications and Marketing Policy provide further information about the information that will be provided to prospective and current students and how courses and subjects will be marketed. (7) The University award course information comprises of the curriculum management systems’ high-level curriculum data and Course Availability Listing data. The data in these systems must be used when publishing course information (for example, in the University Handbook, online course brochure for prospective students, subject outlines) and where the University provides information to a third party (for example, Universities Admissions Centre). (8) The following table sets out the level of promotion allowed for new courses based on the course approval stage (as per the Course and Subject Policy and Course and Subject Procedure – Lifecycle Approvals) (9) A new course or changed version of a course may only be included in other promotional material with a ‘draft’ or ‘planned’ status note once the faculty has provided all the information for promotion required by Brand and Performance Marketing. (10) A new double degree will be an exception to the promotion restrictions above where it comprises two existing degrees, neither of which will have its structure changed to create the new double degree. (11) All published information on a double degree course must state clearly whether graduates will receive a testamur for each component single degree, or where one or a single testamur with the double degree award title. (12) Enrolment numbers are provided to prospective students as an indication of the scale of the Charles Sturt University course and the learning environment. This information is to be based on recent actual enrolments in the case of an existing course, or realistic projections in the case of a new course. A range may be used (for example, ‘we expect to enrol between x and y students’). In the case of nested courses, the enrolment numbers should be for the whole course. (13) Only courses that are professionally accredited will be described as being professionally accredited: (14) If required, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or nominee can provide clarity on appropriateness of professional accreditation representation information to ensure it is not false or misleading. (15) If the professional accreditation status of a course changes: (16) The course availability listings (CAL) and subject availability listing (SAL) state the courses and subjects that are available for student admission or enrolment. (17) Subject availability is routinely reviewed and published via the SAL and graduation planning system. (18) Enrolment patterns are provided to students. These are intended as a guide only, given the flexibility and options offered to students to vary their study mode or load, and changes to subject availability. (19) Any recommendation to change the subject offering is to be authorised by the Executive Dean and follow student communication protocols and processes to minimise the potential negative impact on the individual student. (20) Intensive school dates, once approved, will be published by Student Administration in the web student portal. The Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management states the process and requirements for scheduling intensive schools. (21) Where an intensive school is for a course as a whole rather than for a specific subject, the University Handbook entry for the course will explain why the intensive school is necessary. (22) The Indigenous Australian Content in Courses and Subjects Policy specifies the data that must be recorded for courses and subjects with Indigenous Australian content, in the curriculum management system. (23) The University is not required to preclude content from a course or subject solely on the grounds that it may offend, shock or confront any student or class of students. (24) Reasonable and proportionate steps may be taken to inform prospective students in any of its courses of the content of those courses. Current and prospective students should review handbook information and course and subject outlines where available before applying or enrolling. (25) Academic staff will include information about animal use for learning activities in the relevant university systems for providing curriculum information, as follows: (26) Subject outlines will be published in the University's learning management system for each subject offering (by delivery mode) in each teaching period, no later than 14 calendar days before the teaching period start date. (27) Administrative subjects and higher degree by research thesis subjects do not require subject outlines. (28) The Subject Coordinator will prepare the subject outline. Where a subject has a Subject Convenor, they will prepare the master subject outline and then Subject Coordinators will use the master subject outline as a template for each subject offering for which they are responsible, in consultation with the Subject Convenor. (29) Each delivery of a subject in a location or via a delivery mode must be consistent with the currently approved version of the subject. It will offer students the same learning experiences and learning outcomes, and will, as far as possible, require the same assessment tasks. (30) See also the Course and Subject Life Cycle Approvals Procedure regarding approvals and changes to subject outlines. (31) Subject outlines must include the content set out in the following table: (32) Students are expected to retain a copy of the subject outline of subjects they have passed, so they can produce these to meet professional accreditation requirements or when applying for credit towards subsequent courses of study. (33) A student who has not retained a copy of a subject outline, and later requires one, may request a copy of the subject outline from the office of the teaching faculty, which may charge an administration fee to cover the cost of this service. (34) Prospective students should have timely access to publicly available information about the subjects taught in each degree offering. The information: (35) Detailed work instructions are maintained in the Knowledge Base (in Confluence, under Faculty Admin) by the functional area supporting the specific task. (36) This procedure uses terms defined in the Course and Subject Policy, as well as the following:Course and Subject Procedure - Information and Representation
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Course and subject information requirements
Authoritative information sources
Curriculum management system
University handbook
Online course brochure
Subject outline
Course fee information
Publishing and promoting award course information
Representation of professionally accredited courses
Course and subject availability
Information on intensive schools
Recording Indigenous Australian content
Offensive, confronting and objectional content in courses or subjects
Courses and subjects involving animal use
Part B - Subject outlines
Preparation and checking of subject outlines
Content requirements for subject outlines
Subject specific information
Providing students with past subject outlines
Subject outline availability to prospective students
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines and other supporting documents
Section 5 - Glossary
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The authoritative source of information about courses and subjects.
All course and subject information in the University handbook, online course brochures and subject outlines must be consistent with the approved curriculum management system course or subject profile at the time they are published.
The University handbook is the authoritative, public-facing source of information about courses and subjects.
Information about all active courses and subjects must be published in the University Handbook unless otherwise approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).
Handbook entries will include:
The online course brochure provides prospective students with information about the course and its requirements, so they can make an informed decision whether to apply for the course.
The online course brochure must not be inconsistent with the University Handbook entry for a course in such a way that students who rely on the online course brochure will find themselves disadvantaged by the actual course requirements stated in the University Handbook.
The requirements for a student to complete a subject are stated in the subject outline for the offering of the subject in which the student enrols.
Subject outline requirements are set out at Part B of this procedure.
The online Fees page is the primary and authoritative source of official fee information for University courses.
The online Fees page must be used whenever course fee information is published. This also applies where the University provides fee information to a third party.
The delegated approval authority (under Delegation Schedule C - Finance) must approve the publication of tuition (and other/related fees) in any other form (including elsewhere on the University website).
Approval Stage
System status
Promotion to domestic students
Promotion to international students
Stage 1-2:
Authority to proceed, business case and course name (including award title) approved, with accreditation pending
TBC – Draft
Limited to domestic UAC and VTAC publications
Not permitted
Stage 3:
Accreditation approved, but no CRICOS code
TBC – Planned
Limited to:
Not permitted
Stage 4:
CRICOS code issued and commencement approval pending
TBC – Planned
Permitted, subject to restrictions set by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), where applicable
Permitted, subject to restrictions set by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), where applicable
Stage 4:
CRICOS code issued and course commencement approved
TBC – Active
Publication/promotion without restrictions
Publication/promotion without restrictions
Standard information
Assessment information (details)
For honours subjects (all subjects in a one-year bachelor (honours) degree or honours stream)
For work-integrated learning placements
The duration and timing of placements
Placement allocation processes
Pre-placement requirements
Advice that students must cover the costs of attending their placement including, where relevant, travel to the placement site, accommodation while there, food and living expenses
Information about how students experiencing financial hardship can apply for financial support from the University
Information about special consideration that may be available (for placement allocation at a different location or timing) where a student is prevented from attending a placement at a certain distance from their home because of unavoidable carer responsibilities or unexpected, unavoidable employment commitments
For subjects involving animal use
Staff who require access to the Confluence pages above should log an IT Service Desk Request to request access to the Faculty Administration Confluence page.
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