(1) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy by setting out the requirements for academic management and delivery of courses and subjects. (2) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy and should be read alongside that policy. (3) The Appointments Procedure - Academic Institutional Leadership Positions defines the accountabilities of the following academic leadership roles: (4) In addition, many academic staff have one or more of the following roles as part of their annual work allocation: (5) Collectively these roles, together with senior academic leadership positions, make up the management structure for development, delivery, quality assurance and review of courses or subjects. (6) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will approve: (7) These principles are defined within the Academic Calendar Schedule, which states the scheduling rules and parameters for calculating the official dates of each standard teaching period. (8) Student Administration is responsible for preparing the academic calendar dates each year, according to the principles and rules defined within the Academic Calendar Schedule. (9) For a delivery to take place other than according to the session dates in the approved academic calendar, the variation must have been approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their nominee for such approvals. They may approve the following types of delivery outside standard session dates: (10) For the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their nominee to consider one of these types of request, the faculty must demonstrate that they have consulted all affected parties. (11) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their nominee will apply the following criteria in their decision: (12) Subject availability is managed by the schools, with the schedule for the following year confirmed in the preceding year and approved by the Head of School (or delegate) and scheduled in accordance with course structure. The Head of School will ensure that the academic lead assigned to each subject is qualified according to the Academic Staff Qualifications and Expectations Procedure set out in clause 26 below. (13) The annual review period generally starts in May and ends in June each year. Core subjects must be offered every year. (14) Subjects may be delivered in multiple modes of delivery within one teaching period (e.g. on-campus or online). (15) Subject availability is subject to change. Students are offered flexibility to accelerate the path through their course. They should regularly review their enrolment pattern/study plan given the flexibility of the University’s offerings and the potential for unforeseen circumstances. (16) The Head of School may approve (with endorsement from Executive Dean) changes to the delivery mode after the commencement of the enrolment period of a subject where there are sound academic and/or administrative reasons, including (but not limited to): (17) In deciding to change the delivery mode, a Head of School (or delegate) in conjunction with the Subject Coordinator and Course Director should consider the impact of any decision on the following: (18) If such a circumstance occurs, any change must follow the Subject Availability Listing Amendments Procedure and the Course and Subject Information Procedure, which includes the student management, support and communication process(es) to be followed with any potential negative impacts on individual students minimised. (19) In August of each year, each faculty will inform the Student Administration of the dates and required campuses of all intensive schools the faculty intends to run in the following year. (20) Intensive schools will only be held in the fortnight allocated for them within sessions, or the breaks between sessions, unless the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their nominee approves a scheduling variation: see the section on variations to session dates above. Intensives may be delivered outside of the intensive schools fortnight. (21) Intensive schools for commencing students will not be held before the start of their first session of enrolment. (22) In addition, when scheduling intensive schools, faculties are expected to: (23) When intensive schools are held on campus at times agreed with central service division, the following units will provide services necessary for students to undertake the learning and receive advice: (24) Student Administration will advise the relevant student services of the dates of on-campus intensive schools. (25) When intensive schools are held off campus, or at dates not agreed with central service divisions, the faculty or relevant divisions will ensure that: (26) The Academic Staff Qualifications and Expectations Procedure provides the requirements for ensuring staff teaching into accredited University courses and subjects are appropriately qualified in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). It also defines the process for assessing staff for equivalence of a qualification and supplements the ‘Minimum Standards for Academic Levels’ in the Charles Sturt University Enterprise Agreement by providing more detail of the University's expectations of each academic level. (27) The Higher Degree by Research Policy and Higher Degree by Research Procedure state requirements to be registered as a supervisor of higher degree by research students. (28) The Indigenous Australian Content in Courses and Subjects Policy states requirements for professional development in Indigenous cultural competence, for staff who design and/or deliver Indigenous Australian studies subjects. (29) See also the ‘Workplace learning’ heading and ‘Learning resources’ heading in this procedure. (30) All Subject Coordinators (including casual, partner and adjunct staff) must provide contact information and consultation times, as set out in the Course and Subject Information Procedure. (31) Where a student contacts a teaching staff member for information, advice and/or support (except in online teaching spaces) the teaching staff member must respond to the request within three working days, or: (32) If teaching staff or supervisors become aware that students or Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates need support to improve their English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills, they will refer them to sources of support. (33) Academic staff will monitor the LLN skills of students who enter the course with credit and so bypass early subjects designed to check LLN skills. (34) The Office of Global Engagement will maintain and publish to students a list of locations approved for international study. (35) Where a student wishes to go on international study, they must first have the approval of the Course Director to do so. (36) The University is committed to providing reasonable flexibility for elite athletes and performers to fulfil their sporting or performance commitments while they are students. (37) Accordingly, Course Directors and Subject Coordinators are expected as far as possible to enable these students to meet any attendance or participation requirements in other ways, either by adjusting or waiving the requirements for the student. (38) To be eligible for such flexibility, the student must: (39) Where one academic unit service-teaches a subject that is compulsory in another academic unit’s course(s), major or specialisation, the service teaching unit must provide the relevant Course Director or (for a major) discipline lead, before the start of the relevant session or term, with details of any proposed changes made to the subject. (40) To ensure high standards in teaching and research, and avoid duplication, specialists in a discipline or profession will normally be concentrated in a single academic unit. It should be unusual for an academic unit to employ academics in fields peripheral to its stated disciplines and professional courses. (41) Faculties will negotiate teaching arrangements where courses need to include subjects in disciplines, professional studies or both, based in other faculties or another school in the same faculty. (42) Where a discipline needs to be contextualised for a particular profession, the service teaching arrangement will provide for team teaching involving staff of both the discipline and the professional course. (43) The Indigenous Australian content in Courses and Subjects Policy states which types of Indigenous Australian studies subjects and modules within subjects must be taught by the School of Indigenous Australian Studies. (44) The following positions will arbitrate disputes over service teaching: (45) The Course and Subject Life Cycle Procedure states detailed requirements for service teaching arrangements between academic units. (46) The Course and Subject Design (Coursework) Procedure states the principles for design of workplace learning (WPL) subjects, and the criteria these subjects must meet to be classified as such. (47) The Course and Subject Quality Assurance and Review Procedure integrates the quality assurance of WPL subjects and quality of supervision of student experiences relevant to all stakeholders involved. (48) Titles of academic roles responsible for WPL vary between faculties and schools. In the provisions on WPL below, the title ‘WPL coordinator’ is used for academic roles that support students to undertake WPL, support placement provider staff to deliver WPL and ensure the monitoring of academic integrity is maintained as part of any arrangement. This title refers to roles titled ‘WPL coordinator’, other roles responsible for liaison with placement providers to set up and monitor WPL and, where other roles do not perform the required actions, the subject coordinator of the WPL subject. (49) Titles of administrative roles that support WPL delivery and record keeping also vary. The term ‘workplace learning team’ is used for faculty or school professional staff who support WPL. (50) In WPL subjects where the faculty or school arranges students’ placement, the Subject Coordinator will: (51) WPL coordinators will ensure that, before students go on WPL, they are informed of: (52) Workplace Learning Managers will ensure that measures are in place to prepare and monitor placements so that: (53) Workplace learning, teaching and assessment strategies will ensure the student and University receive accurate, constructive feedback in time to support learning. (54) WPL assessment should be conducted either: (55) The Assessment Policy and Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure include other requirements specific to WPL assessment to ensure the appropriate learning outcomes and quality is delivered and should be viewed alongside this procedure. (56) For each student’s placement, the WPL coordinator and/or Workplace Learning Manager will ensure that, before the student goes on the placement, there is a WPL agreement for the placement, signed on behalf of the University and the placement provider and, where appropriate, the student. (57) The workplace learning team will upload the signed WPL agreement to the University’s agreement contract register in the records management system. (58) The University manages risk in relation to WPL placements in accordance with its Risk Management Policy. The following specific requirements for managing risk apply to such placements: (59) The Assessment Policy and Assessment - Conduct of Coursework Assessment and Examinations Procedure state requirements for the process to be followed when a student going on WPL will place anyone at risk of harm. (60) The Student Misconduct Rule states requirements for the process to be followed when a student continuing with WPL will place anyone or the good reputation of the University at risk of harm. (61) Where a staff member believes that a student has committed misconduct when participating in WPL, whether at a University location or an external workplace, they should report the misconduct. The Student Misconduct Rule defines types of misconduct and how to report it. (62) The University supports students to undertake WPL placements interstate or overseas. WPL coordinators will make arrangements to: (63) The University’s general insurance of students covers students who undertake approved WPL, whether with an external organisation or on campus. Insurance coverage starts when the WPL placement has been approved. (64) In some cases, a student may undertake WPL for a subject after the end of the relevant session, when the student has begun a period of leave of absence. For the University's insurance to cover the student in such a case: (65) The following coverage will apply for students on WPL in Australia and while travelling directly to/from the workplace: (66) Students are not covered by worker’s compensation insurance unless they are also employees of the University. They must ensure they have access to Medicare and/or private health insurance to cover medical and hospital expenses. They should also seek professional advice on whether they need additional insurance (taking their personal circumstances into account), such as private health insurance and/or personal accident, trauma and/or income protection insurance. (67) Students who undertake WPL placements outside Australia will be covered only by the University’s general and products liability, professional indemnity and medical/veterinary malpractice insurances, provided that: (68) The University’s student personal accident insurance covers students only in Australia, so students going overseas must ensure they have adequate insurance cover, including travel and medical insurance. It is essential that students seek professional advice on this. The University Travel Office can help with travel insurance for travel that is arranged by or through them. (69) The University may support a student to have reasonable adjustments for their WPL, to accommodate a disability or long-term physical or mental health condition, or carer responsibility for an immediate family member who has a disability or long-term physical or mental health condition. (70) To be considered for reasonable adjustments while on WPL, the student must have: (71) The University will work with placement providers to provide reasonable adjustments, to ensure students with a study access plan can participate in WPL placements. (72) Where WPL is a compulsory component in the course, course staff should consider the needs of students with a disability during enrolment, course planning and placement allocations. (73) Workplace learning teams, in collaboration with WPL coordinators, will ensure that the following records are managed, archived and disposed of in accordance with the Records Management Policy and relevant retention schedules: (74) Relevant data should be stored in InPlace (the University’s WPL management system), from which data is uploaded to the University’s records management system. (75) The University provides access to learning resources for students, as set out in the Information Technology Procedure – Acceptable Use and Access and Course and Subject Design (Coursework) Procedure. (76) A range of services are available, including Accessibility and Inclusion Support and Library Services, to reduce unexpected barriers, costs or technology requirements for students, including for students with special needs and those who study off campus. (77) Subject Coordinators will ensure that their provision of learning resources to students via the learning management system or by any other means does not breach copyright. If they are in doubt, they should consult the University’s Copyright Service. The Intellectual Property Policy states the detailed requirements. Refer also to the Academic Integrity Policy. (78) Staff must not enter on behalf of the University into any formal/legal contract to provide or supply an educational technology (ET). Such contracts must be approved by the officer with the appropriate delegated authority, the Chief Information and Digital Officer. (79) The set of established educational technologies can be found in the Educational Technologies Register. Staff who wish to review, adopt, or both, new ET must: (80) Use of an ET should be evaluated as part of subject reflection: see the Course and Subject Quality Assurance and Review Procedure. (81) CSU Replay recordings and associated information created using any CSU Replay component are the intellectual property of Charles Sturt University. They remain Charles Sturt University copyrighted material, even when downloaded to a device external to University systems. The Intellectual Property Policy states the detailed requirements. (82) Each staff member or student who uses CSU Replay or another software platform to record, edit or upload an audio or video recording must: (83) If a staff member or student using CSU Replay to record material or an event believes there has been a breach of copyright or privacy, or that the content is illegal or inappropriate, they must contact the Division of Information Technology service desk or Student Central immediately to ask that the recording be quarantined. Other staff or students may ask that a recording be quarantined for the same reasons. (84) The CSU Replay system administrator will immediately notify the relevant Head of School or Executive Director if a recording is quarantined, so they can decide whether the recording can be published or must be deleted. (85) The CSU Replay System Officer may move or copy files between presenter accounts only if directed by the presenter or relevant Head of School or Executive Director. (86) Where a course requires students to undertake research, the research must comply with the requirements of the Research Policy and its supporting procedures, for example on matters such as: (87) The Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity Procedure state requirements for students to have training in research integrity before they undertake research. (88) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that any research students’ conduct for a coursework subject complies with these requirements in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Policy. (89) The Subject Coordinator, Course Coordinator or Sub Dean in the case of HDR students, is responsible to ensure that research supervision is carried out to an appropriate standard, and those supervisors are suitably experienced to do so. (90) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that facilities where research activities are undertaken are fit for their research purposes and accommodate the numbers and activities of the students (and staff, where appropriate) who use them by completing the appropriate checks/forms. Refer to the Outside Professional Activities Policy for details on research placement/activities. (91) The Assessment - Research Components of Coursework Courses Procedure states requirements to ensure compliance of research projects in research component subjects. (92) If a course is discontinued, the relevant Associate Dean (Academic) must ensure that impacted students and relevant stakeholders are appropriately advised and managed to advise and enact the change. This includes providing advice on alternative arrangements or options, which may involve transferring to another course or continuing under the designated period to allow completion. (93) The Course Director (under the guidance of the Associate Dean (Academic)) is responsible for student teach out plans, ensuring the provision of subject availability to ensure their completion and that student communications are timely and appropriately enacted. (94) If such a circumstance occurs, any change must follow the Student Communication Work Instruction for students within phase-out courses and the Course and Subject Information Procedure. (95) The Course and Subject Life Cycle Procedures state the accreditation requirements to discontinue and phase out a course. (96) The Faculty Course Administration Team Phase Out Courses Procedure (in Confluence) provides further detailed guidance on student management and communications. (97) Detailed work instructions are maintained in the Knowledge Base (in Confluence under Faculty Admin) by the functional area supporting the specific task. (98) Most terms used in this procedure are defined in the glossary section of the Course and Subject Policy. For the purposes of this procedure, the following additional terms have the definitions stated:Course and Subject Delivery and Management Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Academic leadership roles
Academic calendar
Variations to session dates for courses, subjects and classes
School schedule of subjects
Changing the delivery mode of a subject after the commencement of the enrolment period
Scheduling intensive schools
Intensives school services
Academic staff qualifications and equivalent professional experience
Indigenous Australian cultural competence
Student learning experiences
Teaching staff accessibility and communications with students
English language, literacy and numeracy
International study (student mobility and exchange)
Flexibility for elite athletes and performers
Service teaching
Workplace learning
WPL academic management and support roles
Scheduling WPL placements
Preparations for WPL
WPL assessment
WPL agreements with placement providers
WPL risk management
Interstate and international placements
WPL insurance
WPL access for students with a disability
WPL records
Learning resources
Educational technologies
Use of CSU Replay or other lecture recording software
Teach out for a discontinued course
Section 4 - Guidelines and other supporting documents
Section 5 - Glossary
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