(1) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy by setting out the requirements for academic management and delivery of courses and subjects. (2) This procedure applies to: (3) This procedure supports the Course and Subject Policy. (4) Award courses and subjects are overseen and delivered by appropriately qualified staff, including: (5) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) approves the University's academic calendar for delivery of subjects and related activities, and the principles for the preparation of the calendar. (6) Student Administration is responsible for preparing the academic calendar dates each year, according to the principles and rules defined within the Academic Calendar Schedule. (7) Variations to the approved academic calendar for a course or subject delivery must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their nominee. Variations include: (8) Variations will only be approved if: (9) Available courses are listed in the course availability listing (CAL), which is reviewed annually for accuracy: (10) Subject availability is managed by the schools. Each year, the Head of School (or nominee) will confirm the subject schedule for the following year, in accordance with course structure. When determining subject availability: (11) A subject delivery mode may only be changed after the enrolment period has commenced if approved by the Head of School (with endorsement from Executive Dean). Changes must be for sound academic and/or administrative reasons, including (but not limited to): (12) Decisions to change a delivery mode should consider the impact on: (13) Changes must be updated in the Subject Availability Listing and affected students must be notified following student communication protocols and processes to minimise the potential negative impact on the individual student. (14) Faculties and schools will provide course-specific orientation information for commencing and transitioning students. General orientation information is coordinated and delivered centrally (see Orientation core requirements). (15) Subject delivery and student learning experiences will be consistent, regardless of delivery location or delivery mode, ensuring that students have comparable learning experiences, learning outcomes, and as far as possible, complete the same assessment tasks. (16) Where it is necessary for one subject offering to use a different assessment task, it will assess the same learning outcomes, at the same level of challenge, as the task in other offerings of the subject. (17) Students must have access to their subject coordinator, supervisor or other teaching staff for individual assistance with their studies outside of scheduled class/tutorial times, at a level consistent with the learning needs of the student cohort: (18) Communication between the University and students in correctional facilities must be facilitated and approved by the correctional facility. Irrespective of any student request, the University will not communicate with or through a member of the student's family or other support network. (19) Subject coordinators must contact the relevant person from the corrective facility (e.g. an education officer) to prepare and implement a communication management plan for any incarcerated students enrolled in their subject. The plan should include: (20) The University will not normally discuss or disclose information about students with an external party without the student's prior consent. However, at times it may be necessary and appropriate to discuss administrative matters with an education officer liaising with the University on behalf of an incarcerated student. (21) Where a course has been approved for teach-out, students currently enrolled in the course or offering must, as far as practicable: (22) The Associate Dean (Academic) and Course Director are responsible for implementing student teach out plans, ensuring the provision of subject availability to ensure their completion and that student communications are timely and appropriately enacted. (23) See also (in Confluence – see Section 4): (24) The Office of Global Engagement will maintain and publish to students a list of locations approved for international study. (25) Where a student wishes to go on international study, they must first have the approval of the Course Director to do so. (26) In August of each year, faculties must notify Student Administration of the dates and required campuses for all intensive schools the faculty intends to run in the following year. The proposed dates will be reviewed by relevant central divisions and may require adjustment in consultation with the faculty. (27) Intensive schools: (28) Student services and arrangements will be provided by the following units for scheduled and/or agreed on-campus intensive schools (as advised by Student Administration): (29) The faculty must arrange necessary student support when intensive schools are held off campus, or at dates not agreed upon with central service divisions, including: (30) See the Work-Integrated Learning Placement Delivery and Management Procedure. (31) Research projects and activities undertaken in a coursework subject (i.e. a non-research component subject) must comply with: (32) The Subject Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that: (33) See the Assessment - Research Components of Coursework Courses Procedure and Higher Degree by Research Policy and Procedure for research undertaken in research component subjects and courses. (34) Adjustments and alternative arrangements for the following students will be considered and may be accommodated as far as reasonably practicable (subject to the inherent requirements of the course), to support attendance and participation requirements: (35) The Assessment Flexibility Procedure and Course and Subject Procedure - Conscientious Objections provide further information about adjustments and alternative arrangements. (36) Faculties and schools ensure that learning resources provided or required for a course or subject relate to the learning outcomes, are up to date and are accessible when needed. The University provides access to learning resources for students, as set out in the Information Technology Procedure - Acceptable Use and Access and Course and Subject Procedure – Coursework Design. (37) A range of services are available, including Accessibility and Inclusion Support and library services, to reduce unexpected barriers, costs or technology requirements for students, including for students requiring reasonable adjustments and those who study off campus. (38) English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skill development and assessment are integrated into course design requirements. (39) Academic staff will monitor the LLN skills of students who enter the course with credit and bypass early subjects designed to check LLN skills. (40) Students who need support to improve their LLN skills will be referred to sources of support. (41) Where a subject has a reading and resource list, these must be made available to students in the Division of Library Services’ reading list tool (Leganto) through the learning management system. (42) Subject Coordinators will ensure that learning resources provided to students via the learning management system or by any other means do not breach copyright. If they are in doubt, they should consult the University’s Copyright Service. (43) Educational technologies (ET) used for learning and teaching must be approved by the appropriate delegated authority in accordance with technology approval procedures. Staff must not enter on behalf of the University into any formal/legal technology contract. (44) Staff who wish to review and/or adopt a new educational technology must engage with the Enterprise Architecture team to complete the technology approval procedure and associated template to support approval/review by the appropriate delegated authority. (45) Educational technologies must: (46) Recordings and associated information captured for teaching purposes are the intellectual property of Charles Sturt University. They remain Charles Sturt University copyrighted material, even when downloaded to a device external to University systems. The Intellectual Property Policy states the detailed requirements. (47) Each staff member or student who uses a recording software platform to record, edit, upload or distribute an audio or video recording must: (48) If a staff member or student believes that recorded material or an event captured using University software breaches copyright or privacy, or that the content is illegal or inappropriate, they can contact the Division of Information Technology service desk or Student Central immediately to ask that the recording be quarantined. (49) The relevant Head of School or Executive Director will be notified if a recording is quarantined, so they can decide whether the recording can be published or must be deleted. (50) Detailed work instructions supporting this procedure are maintained in the Knowledge Base (in Confluence under Faculty Admin) by the functional area supporting the specific task. (51) This procedure uses terms defined in the Course and Subject Policy, as well as the following:Course and Subject Procedure - Delivery Management
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Academic and teaching staff
Academic staff qualifications and roles
Part B - Course and subject scheduling arrangements
Academic calendar
Variations to teaching periods
Course and subject availability
Changes to subject delivery mode
Part C - Student learning experiences and engagement
Orientation and transition to study
Consistency of delivery
Teaching staff accessibility and communications with students
Communication with students in correctional facilities
Courses in teach out - student requirements
International study (student mobility and exchange)
Part D - Learning activity management
Intensive schools
Work-integrated learning placements
Research projects
Adjustments and alternatives to learning activities
Part E - Learning support and resources
English language, literacy and numeracy
Readings and resource lists
Educational technologies
Recording lectures and teaching activities
Section 4 - Guidelines and other supporting documents
Section 5 - Glossary
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