(1) This policy supports Charles Sturt University's Research Strategy and sets out the University's commitment to: (2) This policy is intended to ensure that: (3) This policy applies to anyone who conducts, supervises or supports research as a member of the University community or on behalf of the University, including: (4) Students enrolled in higher degree by research courses should also refer to the Higher Degree by Research Policy. (5) Academic Senate is responsible for the governance of research and research training. (6) The University Research Committee is the subcommittee of Academic Senate that oversees the research functions of the University and provides advice on all matters relating to research performance, research integrity and academic governance of research training activities. (7) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) has established research integrity committees to oversee compliance and training requirements. These committees include the: (8) The research and teaching activities that require approval from the ethics and safety committees are described in ‘Part C – Research compliance, ethics and safety’ in this policy, the Research Integrity, Ethics and Compliance website and the committee’s memberships and terms of reference. (9) Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research lists the authorities conferred by the University Council regarding research approvals. (10) The University has adopted as its code for conduct of research the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code). (11) All researchers are responsible for ensuring that research meets the standards defined by the Code. This includes those who lead research and/or supervise research projects of students in coursework, honours, or higher degree by research courses. (12) Research supervisors are responsible for: (13) All staff have a responsibility to maintain a positive research culture. The following staff are expected to show leadership in establishing and maintaining high standards for the conduct of research: (14) Researchers must familiarise themselves with the Code and: (15) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Performance and Governance) will ensure that research staff and students receive information and training on responsible research conduct, including: (16) Where any person within the scope of this policy breaches the Code or fails to abide by the Code, it will be addressed in accordance with the Research Misconduct Procedure. (17) All members of the University community within the scope of this policy have a responsibility to report any suspected breach of the Code. Any person who observes or suspects that a breach of the Code has occurred must raise an allegation or seek advice as directed in the Research Misconduct Procedure. (18) The University will receive reports on research integrity and take action to address any underlying causes of breaches of the Code. (19) The Research Misconduct Procedure states the detailed requirements for investigating, recording and reporting allegations of breaches of the Code. (20) Research activities with international research partners, international funding, or other involvement of foreign individuals, groups or entities must undertake due diligence and risk assessments in accordance with the Countering Foreign Interference Procedure. (21) The University and researchers must ensure that research and dissemination of research outputs do not breach the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012. (22) Before they supply or publish any goods, software or technology relating to their research, researchers must: (23) University staff and researchers who meet any of the criteria listed in the Defence Trade Controls Procedure must undertake the training specified in the procedure. (24) The Defence Trade Controls Procedure states detailed requirements for researchers in identifying controlled goods, software or technology, and applying for permits. (25) Approval and conduct of research involving human participants is governed by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023. (26) All research involving human participants or their data, including research activities in coursework subjects, must receive ethics approval from the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) before the research begins. (27) The 'Human Research Ethics Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference state the membership, functions and reporting responsibilities of this committee. (28) The use of animals for teaching and research is governed by the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. (29) All research and teaching activities involving animals must receive ethics approval from the University’s Animal Care and Ethics Committee (ACEC) before the activity begins. (30) Everyone involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes must accept responsibility and afford respect to animals throughout the animal's lifetime, including but not limited to: (31) The 'Animal Care and Ethics Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference state the membership, functions and reporting responsibilities of this committee. (32) All research must be risk assessed, approved and managed appropriately, with particular attention to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and its procedures, and other legislated compliance requirements. (33) Research related activities, including field trips, must have a documented risk management plan approved by the relevant delegated officer. (34) All research and teaching activities involving human biological specimens (blood and other materials of human origin), must comply with the requirements of the Biosafety Manual. (35) All research and teaching activities involving genetically modified material must receive approval from the University Institutional Biosafety Committee before the activity begins. (36) The Biosafety Manual states detail requirements for researchers and subject coordinators in applying for approvals and following relevant safety and compliance requirements. (37) The Biosafety Committee - Membership and Terms of Reference state the membership, functions and reporting responsibilities of this committee. (38) All research and teaching activities involving radioactive materials, irradiating apparatus and high power laser devices, must receive approval from the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) before the activity begins. (39) The 'Radiation Safety Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference state the membership, functions and reporting responsibilities of this committee. (40) Delegation Schedule E - E39 sets out the authorities to approve agreements to receive funding from external funding agencies or other third parties with respect to research. (41) Special care should be taken when considering agreements or arrangements that may: (42) In particular, any research funded by the tobacco industry must meet the following criteria: (43) Where research is funded all or in part by philanthropic funds or donations, they must comply with the Philanthropic Donations and Gifts Received Policy. (44) Before they begin gathering data, researchers will: (45) Researchers will then follow and maintain the Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) across the term of the research and the period for which the data is maintained. (46) For research conducted by or on behalf of the University, the University will provide access to facilities for secure storage of research data and for maintaining records of where it is stored. (47) Research data and primary materials created, collected or curated by University researchers should be accessible for later use as appropriate unless access needs to be restricted for ethical, privacy, legal, intellectual property or confidentiality reasons. (48) The Research Data Management Procedure states detailed responsibilities of researchers for management, storage, security, retention and sharing of research data. (49) The Code states that an author of a research output must: (50) Researchers preparing a research output must: (51) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will decide all disputes about authorship that cannot be resolved through collegial discussion or mediation. (52) The Research Authorship, Publication and Dissemination Procedure states detailed requirements and guidelines for determining authorship and author order, and for resolving authorship disputes. (53) Peer review processes are important to academic and scientific endeavour and the University supports participation of its researchers in the peer review processes. The University will provide ongoing training and education that promotes and supports responsible research conduct and assists all researchers in relevant aspects of peer review processes. (54) All peer review must be undertaken in line with the requirements of the Code and in light of the advice provided by NHMRC’s Peer Review guide. Any peer review must be: (55) Researchers whose work is undergoing peer review must not seek to influence the process or outcomes. (56) Peer review undertaken that does not meet the above requirements or otherwise breaches the Code should be dealt with under the Research Misconduct Procedure. (57) CSU Research Output (CRO) is the University's system for recording the research outputs of staff and higher degree by research students. (58) Research outputs deposited in CRO will be open access, except where this is restricted by: (59) The Intellectual Property Policy states the University's requirements for management, protection, registration and commercialisation of intellectual property generated by the research of staff and students of the University and visitors to the University. (60) The Employment Conditions Procedure - Additional Employment and University Consultancies states the requirements for University staff who undertake research for clients outside the University where that activity is additional to their allocated research workload for the University and/or undertaken in a private capacity. (61) The University Partnerships Policy states requirements for research partnerships where a school or research team collaborates with an external organisation such as a business, industry body or another tertiary institution. (62) The following procedures support this policy: (63) The following guideline supports this policy: (64) This policy uses the following terms:Research Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Part A - Research governance
Part B - Research conduct and misconduct
Part C - Research compliance, ethics and safety
Research involving foreign interactions
Research compliance with the Defence Trade Controls Act
Research ethics
Research involving human participants
Research and teaching involving animals
Research safety
Human biological specimens and genetically modified material
Radiation safety
Part D - Research funding and agreements
Part E - Research data management
Part F - Research authorship, outputs and dissemination
Research authorship
Peer Review
Research outputs and access
Intellectual property generated by research
Part G - External research work and partnerships
Section 3 - Procedures
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary
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