(1) The Code of Conduct specifies standards of conduct that are expected of all staff of Charles Sturt University (the University). (2) This Code aims to foster and maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the University staff and enhance the reputation of the University. (3) This Code applies to: (4) In some circumstances, this Code may apply to staff conduct outside of work. For example, it applies: (5) The University is committed to excellence, integrity, and sustainability in teaching and research. The standards of staff conduct support the University's values of being: (6) All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the content of this Code and the disciplinary action that may be applied by the University for a breach of the Code. (7) Staff are expected to act in a professional manner at all times. This includes the following: (8) The University is committed to upholding the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech. (9) Staff have the right of lawful free speech and academic freedom, without unnecessary burden or restriction, subject only to the limitations specified in the Statement on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech. (10) The University is committed to encouraging public comment and the engagement of staff in intellectual debate and cultural pursuits. Public comment includes public speaking engagements, comments on radio or television, and expressing views in letters to newspapers or in books, journals, notices or other media (including social media) where it might be expected that the publication or circulation of the comment will spread to the community at large. (11) In making written or oral comments which purport to represent the views or authority of the University and which might reasonably be expected to become public, staff have a responsibility to ensure that they have the delegated authority to make such public comments. (12) Staff may make public comment on any issue, subject to the following: (13) For more detailed information on staff obligations when making public comment, see the following University documents: (14) Staff and students are entitled to confidentiality and privacy with respect to information that is personal to them. (15) Staff are expected to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of information to which they have access as a result of their employment within the University. Refer to the Privacy Management Plan for information on the commitments, obligations and responsibilities for managing and protecting the personal and health information held by the University. (16) Staff must not use information to which they have access as a result of their employment with the University to gain or seek to gain personal benefit for themselves or others. For more detailed information on staff obligations, see the Intellectual Property Policy and the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (17) The University is entitled to the protection and integrity of the information it holds. (18) Staff may only release information that they are authorised to release. (19) Any disclosure of information: (20) In the public interest, staff must report the following to an appropriate authority: breaches of this Code and any suspected corrupt conduct, maladministration or serious or substantial waste of public money. (21) The University will endeavour to protect staff who, in good faith, report breaches referred to in this Code. Such disclosures are not deemed to be a breach of this Code. (22) For more detailed information on staff obligations, see the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy. (23) Staff are expected to maintain, protect, properly use and care for the University's resources, including property, facilities, equipment, information, information systems, motor vehicles and funds. Fraud or theft by an employee may result in dismissal, and where appropriate, legal action will be taken. (24) Staff may use University resources, including equipment and motor vehicles, only for official University business. Other use of University resources, or its use by persons who are not staff or students of the University, must be in accordance with University policy and undertaken only with the approval of an authorised University officer. (25) Staff may use University information systems for official University business. University information systems, including software and computer equipment, must be used in accordance with University policy, and only with the approval of an authorised officer of the University. Reasonable, intermittent personal use is permitted as detailed in the Information Technology Procedure - Acceptable Use and Access. Electronic equipment and copying devices represent particular areas where staff are obliged to act responsibly. (26) Staff are expected to take reasonable steps to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest between their private interests and the interests of the University. (27) If a situation that may give rise to an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest exists or staff are unsure whether such a situation exists, staff must disclose and manage the situation in accordance with Part C of the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (28) Staff in supervisory positions must be especially alert to the various situations in which conflicts of interest may arise in the workplace and handle such situations in a sensitive manner. (29) For more detailed information on staff obligations, see the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (30) Staff are expected to take care that all University-related relationships are appropriate, comply with professional and ethical standards, and do not involve a conflict of interest or breach of trust (e.g. employing family members or marking family members' assignments). They should disclose close personal relationships to their supervisor if they could result in a conflict of interest in the workplace or in the performance of their official duties. (31) Staff must not give, solicit or receive gifts or benefits that might, or might be perceived to, in any way compromise or influence them in the performance of their duties. (32) The Conflict of Interest Procedure provides information for staff regarding: (33) For more detailed information on staff obligations, refer to the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (34) Staff may be permitted to engage in private professional consultancy and/or employment outside the University, in accordance with terms and conditions prescribed in the Employment Conditions Procedure - Additional Employment and University Consultancies. (35) If a staff member nominates for election to a Commonwealth or State Parliament or to a local or regional Council, then they must observe the conditions set out in the Staff who Seek Election to a Parliament or to a Local Government Body Policy. (36) Breaches of this Code will be dealt with as a breach of discipline or misconduct/serious misconduct under any relevant industrial instrument (e.g. CSU Enterprise Agreement or contract of employment) or any legislation, policy or By-law of the University. (37) A staff member who breaches the conflict of interest provisions in this Code may be subject to disciplinary action, depending on the seriousness of the breach, including: (38) The University may, at any time and without notice to the relevant staff member, report any suspected breach of law to police or any other appropriate authority external to the University. (39) Refer to the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (40) Nil. (41) For the purposes of this Code:Code of Conduct
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Standards of staff conduct
Personal and professional conduct
Academic freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry
Public comment
Communication and use of University information
Personal information and confidentiality
Disclosure of information
Protected disclosure of information
University resources
Conflict of interest
Personal relationships
Gifts and benefits
Outside employment and private professional consultancy
Election candidates
Breach of Code
Section 3 - Procedure
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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