(1) This procedure supports the Conferral and Graduation Policy by stating detailed requirements for: (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Conferral and Graduation Policy. (3) This procedure supports the Conferral and Graduation Policy and should be read alongside that policy. (4) To be conferred with an award, a student must meet the course requirements as stated in the University Handbook for the year in which they commenced the course of study unless exceptions, as noted in the Conferral and Graduation Policy, have been applied. (5) A student has not completed their course and is not eligible for an award while any of the subjects required to meet their course structure requirements show a non-permanent grade as stated in the Assessment Policy Table of Grades. (6) Eligible students will be added to the list of graduands by Student Administration and conferred as stated in the Conferral and Graduation Policy. (7) A student enrolled in a double degree must meet the requirements of both degree courses to graduate. Where a student wishes to graduate with only one of the component degrees, the component degree must be available as a separate course and the student must: (8) Where a student is enrolled in an articulated set of courses with a single-entry point and wishes to graduate with a lower award in the set, they must apply to graduate with the lower award. Eligibility will be assessed as set out in clauses 4-5. The University Handbook year applied will be the year of admission to the higher award with a single-entry point unless exceptions apply as stated in clause 4 of the Conferral and Graduation Policy. (9) A student cannot graduate with a lower award, either exit or continue to the higher award, if they have already completed the requirements for the higher award in the set. For example, they cannot be awarded a graduate certificate within a master’s if they have completed the graduate diploma articulated set of subjects. The lowest award applicable for graduation in this instance would be the graduate diploma. (10) A student cannot graduate with a lower award, either exit or continue to the higher award, if they are completing core subject(s) for a lower award and the final subjects required for the articulated higher award in their final session. For example, a student cannot be awarded in the same session, both a lower award and the final higher award in an articulated set. (11) Where an enrolled student wishes to graduate with the lower award and continue in the higher award, the application to graduate with the lower award must be received prior to the commencement of the University’s exam period in the session they expect to complete the lower award requirements. (12) Student Administration will charge a fee as published by the University, for those applying to graduate with a lower award and continue in the higher award. (13) The Director, Student Administration has discretion to accept a late application to graduate with a lower award and/or waive the associated fee in exceptional circumstances. (14) Where an enrolled student wishes to graduate with the lower award and exit, the application to graduate with the lower award may be submitted at any time during their enrolment. (15) Where a student has been excluded from an articulated set with a single-entry point, they may be assessed for eligibility to be conferred a lower award in the set. Application to graduate with the lower award must be submitted within 12 months of the exclusion status being applied. (16) Where a student has been withdrawn from an articulated set of courses with a single entry point and wishes to apply to graduate with a lower award in the set the student must: (17) Applications will be assessed as set out in clauses 8-10. (18) To be assessed for eligibility to graduate with a specialisation, joint study, major or minor applied to the course enrolment, the student must apply to Student Administration with notice of their requested specialisation, joint study, major or minor prior to the commencement of the University’s exam period in their final session of enrolment. (19) Graduate and award details included on the testamur must meet the requirements set out in standard 1.5 Qualifications and Certification of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and will include: (20) A graduate’s name will appear on their testamur and AHEGS in the form that it appears on their student enrolment record. Names will not: (21) The testamur and AHEGS are legal documents that must use the graduate’s legal name in the form that it appears on their student enrolment record. Graduands who wish to change the name that will appear must complete the change of student details process and provide supporting documentation as required under the Enrolment and Fees Procedure before the grade release date of their final session of study. (22) In exceptional circumstances, the Executive Director, Student Experience can approve a written request to use a graduate’s preferred name during a graduation ceremony, including in the graduation program and on prizes or medals awarded at graduation, unless there is a legal requirement to use the legal name. (23) Where the graduate’s name uses characters or an alphabet that is not replicable in the English alphabet, the name on the award documents will be an English transliteration of the graduate’s name. (24) Where an award is conferred with a class of honours or distinction, the class of honours or the phrase ‘With distinction’ appears on the testamur on a line below the award title. (25) Once an award has been conferred, the title of the course as it appears on the testamur cannot be changed except to correct an administrative error in recording the recipient’s name, title or other relevant information on the certificate, testamur or document relating to that award. As set out in clause 37, the Director, Student Administration has the authority to approve a replacement testamur. (26) The Governance (Common Seal) Rule 2013 No. 2 states the authorities and form to be used when affixing the University’s Common Seal on the testamur. (27) The Conferral and Graduation Policy states the requirements for testamurs where the course or award has involved a third party provider or partner. (28) Upon conferral, all graduates will be issued with: (29) Potential graduands are responsible for maintaining their current mailing address details. Any changes must be made via the change of student details process using the Online Administration portal before the grade release date of their final session of study. (30) Student Administration will charge a fee, as published by the University, for those graduates who failed to ensure their mailing address details are accurate prior to grade release of their final session, where this causes their printed testamur to be returned to sender and requires a second attempt of registered or tracked postage. (31) Graduates who failed to ensure their mailing address details were accurate prior to grade release of their final session, resulting in their printed testamur being delivered incorrectly and/or not being returned to sender, will be subject to the requirements and fee set for a replacement testamur. Refer to clauses 33-37. (32) Claims of non-receipt of printed testamur must be made within three months of conferral. (33) Graduates of the University, or a former institution that has been amalgamated with the University, may request a replacement testamur where theirs has been damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed, or the graduate has had a change of name. A replacement testamur will only be issued if: (34) In cases where a person claims that a certificate or other documentation attesting to an award has been lost, stolen or destroyed, the person will provide a statutory declaration that states in the following or similar words: (35) Where the documentation has been lost, the following additional sentence will be added: (36) A replacement testamur fee will apply. (37) The Director, Student Administration may waive the fee in exceptional circumstances and will have the authority to approve a replacement testamur. (38) Replacement testamurs will be in the style, format, and wording of current Charles Sturt University testamurs, but will state: (39) The Guidelines for the presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements provides details of all mandatory requirements. Optional details used by the University are set out in the Conferral and Graduation Schedule - Optional AHEGS Fields. (40) Faculties enter the AHEGS text for course-specific fields in the AHEGS Award Text fields of the Course and Subject Information Management System (CASIMS) (pre 2023) and the Curriculum Design, Accreditation and Publication (CDAP) system (2023 onwards). (41) Where a course has different versions so that different groups of graduates may require different AHEGS course information, the program code allocated in the AHEGS Award Text fields determines the version of the AHEGS course information. (42) The teaching faculty decides whether each prize, as defined by the Prizes, Scholarships and Grants Policy, will be included on graduates’ AHEGS. (43) All prizes awarded to be included on a graduate’s AHEGS must be applied to the student record by the faculty. The due date for entry of prize/s awarded in the last session of a students enrolment will be determined by Student Administration to align with graduation AHEGS document generation deadlines and graduation program requirements. (44) Information entered by faculties in the AHEGS Award Text fields is only intended for use on the AHEGS and must not be altered for other uses. (45) The University Secretary approves changes to the AHEGS, including: (46) Student Administration maintains the currently approved version of the AHEGS. (47) Graduation ceremony schedules will be approved by the University Secretary in collaboration with the: (48) Graduation ceremonies will normally be held: (49) Where a graduation ceremony needs to be postponed or scheduled at another time of the year, the dates will be approved by the University Secretary (who will confirm the availability of the Chancellor or their nominee). (50) As far as possible the University will avoid scheduling graduation ceremonies during the following events each year: (51) Graduates will normally be invited to the relevant graduation ceremony at the campus where they have been enrolled. However, ceremonies may be held at alternate locations and cater for multiple campuses or study modes. (52) Graduates may indicate that they would like to graduate at a different campus, except for partner-specific ceremonies. The Manager, Graduation and Protocol has the discretion to approve or refuse these requests. (53) Student Administration will advise the University Events and Experience team of all graduates and potential graduands to invite to the next applicable schedule of graduation ceremonies inclusive of location, faculty, and school applicable to each graduate and potential graduand. (54) The University Events and Experience team will manage all invites to attend a ceremony to those graduates and potential graduates relevant to the next schedule of graduation ceremonies. The invitation will include options for attending a graduation ceremony at the applicable location(s). (55) Graduates and potential graduands must respond to the invitation by the deadline stated in the invitation notice with the preference to: (56) If a graduate or potential graduand does not respond to their invitation with their preference by the deadline stated in the invitation, the non-response will be treated as a preference to not attend a ceremony. (57) The Manager, Graduation and Protocol in collaboration with the Manager, University Events and Experience may accept late applications to attend a graduation ceremony, where exceptional circumstances have prevented the graduate or potential graduand from responding by the deadline. (58) A graduation ceremony fee applies for all students attending a graduation ceremony. The Manager, Graduation and Protocol may waive this fee in exceptional circumstances. (59) Graduates and potential graduands will be invited to a graduation ceremony based on their faculty, course, campus and the time of year they complete the course. Refer to clause 48. (60) Graduates may choose to defer their attendance and attend the next scheduled period of graduation ceremonies. (61) The University may invite graduates and/or potential graduands to attend a later graduation ceremony if the University decides to postpone a graduation ceremony due to unforeseen circumstances. (62) Graduates and potential graduands who do not respond to an invitation from the University by the required deadline, confirming attendance or deferral of attendance, will not be invited to the future ceremony. (63) Where the University is conferring two awards on a graduate, the graduate will be announced as follows: (64) Where a double degree results in two awards, one for each component single degree, the award will be announced: (65) Where a double degree results in a single testamur, the award will be announced at the graduation ceremony of the faculty that manages the double degree. (66) The Manager, Graduation and Protocol manages graduation ceremonies, in collaboration with: (67) The Conferral and Graduation Policy states ceremonial roles and protocols required for each graduation ceremony. (68) The following is the normal order of proceedings for a graduation ceremony: (69) The stage party consists of the official party and the academic procession. The stage party will enter on to the stage at a graduation ceremony in double file, except where indicated in the stage party table. See attached document. (70) The stage seating and order of procession of the stage party is managed by the University Secretary. See attached document. (71) Graduates will be presented in the following order: (72) Certificates for non-award studies are not presented or announced at a graduation ceremony. Non-award certification and presentation is outlined in the Course and Subject Policy. (73) Prizes and/or Executive Deans Awards are not be presented or announced on stage, however, clause 76h. states the prizes that may be included in the program. (74) Where possible a printed program will be issued to every graduate attending a ceremony. (75) In the absence of a printed program, an electronic copy of the program will be available. (76) Content of the graduation program is approved by the University Secretary. Content will include: (77) Items not included in the graduation program include: (78) The University Secretary approves the graduation programs which is designed by Brand and Performance Marketing in collaboration with the: (79) The Protocols Policy and Protocols Schedule – Academic and Ceremonial Dress states dress requirements for graduates and officeholders at graduation ceremonies. (80) All graduates and participants in the academic procession will wear academic or ceremonial dress, with the following exceptions: (81) Academic and professional/general staff participating in the procession or the ceremony are expected to wear the academic dress for their highest academic qualification as prescribed by the institution that conferred it. (82) Staff members who do not have the academic dress for their award may wear an equivalent academic dress from Charles Sturt University, up to a master’s level. (83) Where a staff member’s highest award is a doctor or doctorate award, they must either: (84) A staff member who does not have an award that entitles them to academic dress, but who is assigned a significant role in the ceremony, will wear a black bachelor award robe. (85) Where academic dress is to be provided to a staff member of the stage party the Division of Students, Events and Experience may charge the staff member a nominal hire and/or cleaning fee. (86) The Conferral and Graduation Policy states the conditions for conferral of aegrotat and posthumous awards. (87) A posthumous award, or an aegrotat award where the student is no longer capable of consenting to the award, must only be conferred with the consent of the student’s immediate family or next of kin. (88) A posthumous or aegrotat award must only be conferred where this would not offend or cause distress to others in the University or broader community. (89) An aegrotat or posthumous award may be proposed where the student has completed enough subjects and/or has achieved results through which it can be reasonably inferred that they would have completed the course requirements, had they not been prevented. The quantity of the course completed will normally be: (90) An aegrotat or posthumous award may only be conferred where the student has not had any academic or general misconduct recorded. (91) An aegrotat or posthumous award in relation to a coursework course will normally be proposed by the following process: (92) An aegrotat or posthumous award in relation to a higher degree by research (HDR) course will be proposed by the following process: (93) A posthumous award will normally be conferred at the time which the student would have been likely to graduate, had they completed their course or, where possible, within two years after the student’s death. (94) Where an aegrotat or posthumous award has been conferred, the Manager, Graduation and Protocol will write to the student or to their immediate family or next of kin, offering them the following options of receiving the award: (95) Where a family member or next of kin chooses to receive the award on the student’s behalf at a graduation ceremony, the following process applies: (96) From 28 June 2023, where a student has previously been approved on the list of graduands and/or for conferral of their award but owes a debt to the University or has not completed non-course compulsory subjects/modules, the Director, Student Administration will: (97) Nil. (98) Most of the terms in this procedure are defined in the glossary section of the Conferral and Graduation Policy. In addition, for the purposes of this procedure, the following terms are also defined:Conferral and Graduation Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Part A - Conferral of awards process
Course completion requirements
List of graduands
Conferral of awards in double degree courses
Conferral of a lower award from an articulated set of courses
Application to graduate with a lower award and continue in the higher award
Application to graduate with a lower award and exit
Conferral of an award with a specialisation, joint study, major or minor
Part B - Award documentation
Graduate names on award documentation
Titles of courses on testamurs
Common seal on testamurs
Awards involving third-parties
Graduate documentation
Replacement testamurs
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
Changes to the AHEGS
Part C - Graduation ceremonies
Graduation ceremony timing
Graduation ceremony locations
Invitation to attend a graduation ceremony
Deferment of graduation ceremony
Presentation of two awards
Presentation of double degrees
Part D - Graduation ceremony proceedings
Responsibilities in relation to graduation ceremonies
Ceremonial roles at graduation
Order of proceedings
Stage party
Graduate presentation order
Graduation programs
Expectations and exceptions for academic and ceremonial dress
Part E - Aegrotat and posthumous awards
Processing aegrotat and posthumous awards
Presentation of aegrotat and posthumous awards
Part F - Miscellaneous
Transitional arrangements
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Note: An addendum is in place for this part, see the ‘Titles of courses on testamurs’ heading.
See the Governance (Honorary Awards) Rule and the Course and Subject Procedure - Lifecycle Approvals for information about documentation and certification for honorary awards and non-award offerings.
Note: The Addendum - Conferral and Graduation - Testamurs provides additional provisions for how titles of courses will appear on testamurs.
I, [name] do solemnly and sincerely declare that the documentation that attests to the conferral upon me of the [name of award or title] has been [lost/destroyed].
Should I locate any or all of the documentation at a later date, I will return it to the University.