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Protocols Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this policy is to establish and set out various protocols for Charles Sturt University (the University) including:

  1. academic and ceremonial dress,
  2. ministerial and parliamentary visits,
  3. use and display of flags. 
  4. referencing campuses, facilities, third parties and position titles,
  5. naming facilities, roads, walks and paths,
  6. establishment of memorials, and
  7. official portraits.


(2) This policy applies to: 

  1. all University staff and students, and members of University governing committees,
  2. members of the University community and others wishing to propose memorials or philanthropic naming of facilities, and
  3. all University campuses, including partner and overseas locations, except where stated otherwise in the policy or its procedures.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(3) In this policy, unless the contrary intention appears:

  1. Act - means the Charles Sturt University Act 1989.
  2. By-law - means the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005.
  3. Campus, in relation to protocols for ministerial and parliamentary visits (Part B) and protocols for referencing (Part D) - means a facility or location where the University conducts its activities, regional and other study centre and site, and includes where:
    1. the University has ownership of, or long term legal tenure at, the location or facility (generally indicated by freehold title, Crown land custodianship/trusteeship or exclusive leasehold),
    2. the University currently delivers, or has plans to deliver, a broad range of courses involving regular face-to-face teaching by University employed academic staff that are physically located at the location or facility,
    3. the University currently delivers, or has plans to deliver, a range of administrative services to staff and students at the location by University employed staff that are physically located at the location or facility,
    4. academic staff at the campus are expected to engage in research and scholarship as part of their duties,
    5. the Council has resolved to approve the designation of the location as a 'campus' under the Act.
  4. Facilities - means a campus, precinct, study centre, building, school, centre, institute, foundation, road, street, walk, path, area, garden, wetland, watercourse, collection, hall, parking area, field, pasture, house, residence and athletic facility or part thereof.
  5. Ministerial and parliamentary visits - means any visit to a University campus or event by members of Australian or international government representatives, heads of state and/or other dignitaries.
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Section 3 - Policy

Part A - Academic and ceremonial dress

(4) Approved academic and ceremonial dress will be worn at: 

  1. graduation ceremonies of the University,
  2. official University events as decided by the Vice-Chancellor, a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the University Secretary, and
  3. ceremonies of other institutions where academic or ceremonial dress is appropriate or requested.

(5) The University Council approves the dress standards described in Protocols schedule - Academic and ceremonial dress for:

  1. graduands and graduates,
  2. officeholders of the University, and
  3. recipients of honorary awards and titles.

(6) First Nations graduands, staff or officeholders may wear, in addition to the relevant academic or ceremonial dress, a distinguishing stole as described in Protocols schedule - Academic and ceremonial dress.

(7) An officeholder will wear the official ceremonial dress described through this policy for their substantive position, although they may be acting in, or be authorised to act for, the role of another officer holder.

(8) An officeholder who does not have an official ceremonial dress described in the schedule for their position may wear the official ceremonial dress of an office they are acting in, or authorised to act for, with the exception that:

  1. the Chancellor's official dress will only be worn by the Chancellor or a person acting for the Chancellor during a vacancy in that office, except where that person is the Deputy Chancellor or Pro Chancellor, and
  2. the Vice-Chancellor's official dress will only be worn by the Vice-Chancellor or a person acting for the Vice-Chancellor during a vacancy in that office.

(9) Staff members other than officeholders with prescribed ceremonial dress are encouraged to wear their own academic dress as prescribed by their conferring institution for their highest award. Where they do not have access to the academic dress for their award, they may wear a black bachelor robe, or master robe if they have an award of masters or above, and black trencher.

(10) A staff member who is assigned a significant role in a ceremony and does not have an award that allows academic dress may wear a black bachelor robe.

Part B - Ministerial and parliamentary visits

(11) Ministerial and parliamentary visits provide unique and important opportunities for the University to enhance the profile and reputation of the University, its teaching and research, and its role as a regional institution; expand the opportunities available to its staff and students, and address any challenges the University may be facing.

(12) The Communications and Government Relations (CGR) provides information, advice and support to members of staff considering, planning, engaged in or participating in visits by Ministers or MPs.

(13) The CGR is to be the primary point of contact with a government representative or their office unless otherwise determined by CGR. 

(14) The Protocols Procedure – Ministerial Visits and Government Relations sets out the processes for:

  1. arranging and managing ministerial and parliamentary visits to University campuses, and
  2. other matters relating to government relations.

Part C - Flags

(15) The purpose of this part is to ensure consistency in the display and use of the University flag and other flags within the University. 

(16) The University Secretary is the custodian of the University flag.

(17) The Protocols Procedure – Flags states the occasions on which a flag will be flown and the principles, authorities and responsibilities for displaying flags on University campuses.

Part D - Preferred terminology and abbreviations

(18) The University Secretary will maintain lists of preferred terminology and abbreviations for referring to campuses, centres, official addresses and abbreviations. These may be updated from time to time, in consultation with the Brand and Performance Marketing, Facilities Management, and other relevant areas.

  1. Protocols schedule 2 – Preferred terminology
  2. Protocols schedule 3 – Abbreviations register
  3. Protocols schedule - Official campus addresses

Part E - Naming facilities and memorials

Naming roads, walks and paths 

(19) The University Council has the authority and responsibility for naming private roads on the NSW campus properties that it has jurisdictional oversight for.  

(20) The University will follow the NSW Address Policy and User Manual and AS/NZS 4819:2011 Rural and Urban Addressing Principles in the naming of University roads, and will:

  1. register the name of roads on its campuses through local councils and the Geographical Names Board of NSW, the  National Capital Authority in the ACT (or other relevant local authorities), and
  2. apply the same principles and processes to campuses outside of NSW, adjusted to conform to relevant legislative requirements in those jurisdictions, and
  3. apply the same principles and general approach to naming paths and walks, even where the path or walk is not trafficable or necessary to gazette as an official road.

(21) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee may approve names for roads, walks and paths on behalf of the Council.

(22) The Protocols Procedure - Naming Facilities and Memorials provides further information on the requirements and processes for naming roads, walks and paths.

Honorary or philanthropic naming of facilities

(23) University facilities may be named after or dedicated in honour of a person or entity, in accordance with this policy and the Protocols Procedure – Naming Facilities and Memorials.

(24) The naming of a facility in honour of an individual or entity is one of the highest recognitions the University can bestow, and protocols for naming University facilities will:

  1. ensure a consistent approach in the naming of the University's facilities,
  2. ensure appropriate recognition of extraordinary and/or significant contributions to the University,
  3. facilitate appropriate representation of the University community, including of First Nations people and of gender, and
  4. facilitate and encourage significant financial contributions to the University.

(25) Honorary and philanthropic naming approvals:

  1. must be consistent with the University's mission and role as a public and academic institution. In this regard, due attention will be given to both long-term and short-term appropriateness of naming and the appropriateness of the facility to be named,
  2. should enhance the public reputation of the University. The name should be based on the eminence of the recipient or the recipient's relationship to the University, and
  3. may be discontinued if an individual or entity that a facility is named for later comes into disrepute in the University or in the community at large.

(26) The University has the exclusive authority to name, discontinue or alter the name of a facility:

  1. the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and in certain circumstances the Vice-Chancellor, may approve the naming of facilities of the University on behalf of Council, as set out in the Protocols Procedure – Naming Facilities and Memorials,
  2. a decision of the Council, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee or the Vice-Chancellor, as the case may be, shall be final and conclusive,
  3. the credentials, character, and reputation of each individual or entity for which the naming of a facility is being considered must be appropriately scrutinised, and
  4. unless Council determines otherwise, an individual or entity's name may be used in naming a University's facility only once across all campuses.

(27) If a previously named facility is replaced, substantially renovated, redesignated for a different use, or demolished: 

  1. it may be named for a new person or entity at the discretion of the Council (subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action), and
  2. some form of continuing recognition of the prior name may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial.


(28) The University recognises that colleagues or families may wish to commemorate a former staff member, student, or a member of the public who has a strong association with the University, by establishing a memorial.

(29) The Protocols Procedure – Naming Facilities and Memorials provides guidance on the process of establishing a memorial and the types of memorials that may be considered.

Part F - Official portraits

(30) Official portraits may be commissioned to ensure:

  1. appropriate recognition of distinguished service,
  2. documentation of the history of the University, and
  3. enhancement of the quality of the University's art collection.

(31) The University Secretary will commission, on behalf of the Council, a single portrait of each of the following senior officers of the University:

  1. Chancellor
  2. Deputy Chancellor
  3. Vice-Chancellor and President

(32) The timing of the commission is at the discretion of the University Secretary but would generally be after the expiration of four years of the term of office of the senior officer.

(33) A senior officer who is entitled to have their portrait commissioned under this policy may decline to have their portrait commissioned.

(34) Portraits will be commissioned under this policy in accordance with the Protocols Procedure – Portraits.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(35) The following procedures support this policy:

  1. Protocols Procedure – Ministerial Visits and Government Relations
  2. Protocols Procedure – Flags
  3. Protocols Procedure – Naming Facilities and Memorials
  4. Protocols Procedure - Portraits
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Section 5 - Guidelines

(36) The following guidelines support this policy:

  1. Nil.

(37) The following schedules support this policy:

  1. Protocols schedule - Academic and ceremonial dress
  2. Protocols schedule 2 – Preferred terminology
  3. Protocols schedule 3 – Abbreviations register
  4. Protocols schedule - Official campus addresses
  5. Protocols schedule - Roads, walks and paths
  6. Protocols schedule 6 – Flags
  7. Protocols schedule - List of official portraits