(1) This policy is designed to ensure that all enrolment and fees operations at Charles Sturt University (the University) and its partner providers are conducted in a manner that: (2) This policy applies to the enrolment and re-enrolment of all students into programs, courses, and subjects offered by the University and its partner education providers (including those located within Australia and overseas), as well as matters related to student fees and charges, including payments, refunds, and Commonwealth assistance programs. Its requirements apply to all University staff, as well as external staff who represent the University through third-party arrangements, including educational agents, institutional collaborations, and delivery partnerships. (3) Where a student is enrolled in a Charles Sturt University program that will be delivered by a partner institution, the University, as registered primary provider, remains accountable for ensuring the quality and integrity of the award and learning is maintained, through regular compliance monitoring of program delivery, student experience, and student learning outcomes. The Office of Global Engagement can provide more information on specific third party arrangements with partner providers. (4) The Director, Student Administration is responsible for overseeing the enrolment of students in all Charles Sturt University courses and subjects. (5) Students are responsible for: (6) The Conferral and Graduation Policy states the academic requirements that apply for a student to complete their course and graduate with their award. (7) As part of the enrolment process, the University will collect information and data about students that is needed to administer their studies, and that is required by the Commonwealth Government to be collected by the University for monitoring and reporting to relevant governing bodies and departments. (8) Personal information and data gathered throughout each student’s enrolment with the University will be kept confidential and handled in accordance with the University’s Privacy Management Plan and Records Management Policy, in adherence with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. (9) See the Enrolment and Fees Procedure for more information about authorising a third party to access student information and communicate with the University on behalf of the student. (10) To commence enrolment at this University, each student must first have: (11) All students must provide their Unique Student Identifier (USI) to the University by the first census date in their course. See the Enrolment and Fees Procedure for more information about the USI. (12) International students studying within Australia on a student visa must also have a current confirmation of enrolment (COE). (13) The Admissions Procedure states detailed requirements for commencing students’ acceptance of offers of admission. (14) The Admissions Policy states restrictions on staff being admitted to courses or enrolling in subjects where this would be a conflict of interest. (15) To be eligible to enrol in each teaching period, students must not owe a debt to the University. See the ‘Non-payment of fees’ section of this policy for more details. (16) To remain enrolled in each teaching period, students must complete one of the following tasks by the deadline advised by the Division of Finance: (17) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure states detailed information about processes related to tuition fees and the deadlines for payment and/or deferment of these fees for each teaching period. (18) Students are responsible for enrolling themselves into each teaching period by adding subjects using the online self-enrolment system, before the timely enrolment deadline closes for each period of study. (19) Restrictions exist for subjects added late by students online after the first week of the teaching period has ended, and further restrictions exist for late subject enrolment requests made after census date. The Enrolment and Fees Procedure outlines these restrictions and states the process, timeline and conditions for students to add or withdraw from subjects in each teaching period. (20) Commencing students who have subjects listed on their letter of offer may not need to add subjects to their first (and possibly their second) teaching period, as they have been pre-enrolled in subjects as part of their admission process. Students can check their current subjects in each teaching period using the online self-enrolment system. Where students decide not to continue their enrolment in their first (or second) period of study, they must submit a request to the University for a withdrawal from their subjects before the census date, or they will be liable for their tuition fees. See the ‘Withdrawing from subjects’ section of this policy below for more information. (21) Students must use the course structure provided in the University Handbook and the University’s graduation planning system when selecting subjects to add to their enrolment. Students are not permitted to enrol in extra subjects that are incompatible with their course structure, cannot contribute towards the completion of their current course enrolment, or will result in the student completing more credit points than were required for attaining their current award. (22) If a student wants to undertake an extra subject that is outside of the requirements of their current award, they can only do so by enrolling in single subject study as a full fee paying student (either concurrently or any time after completing their current course). See the Admissions Policy and Admissions Procedure for information about applying for single subject study. (23) Elective subjects, subject substitutions, and subjects required for specialisations are not considered extra subjects, unless they are are incompatible with the student’s current course structure, cannot contribute towards their current award, and will result in the completion of extra points outside of their current course requirements. See the Enrolment and Fees Procedure for more information about extra subjects. (24) Students need to meet the prerequisite entry requirements for each subject as stated in the University Handbook for the year in which they wish to enrol in that subject. The subject prerequisites section of the Enrolment and Fees Procedure outlines the requirements for meeting prerequisites. (25) Where a subject has a quota restricting the number of students who may enrol in that subject, enrolment systems may prevent students from self-enrolling in that subject once the quota is filled. (26) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states the conditions under which HDR students may enrol in coursework subjects relevant to their research. (27) Students may withdraw from a subject without incurring financial liability (tuition fees) or academic penalty (fail grade) up until the census date. (28) Once the census date has passed, students are financially liable for all enrolled subjects (subject to clauses 30-31), and may only withdraw without academic penalty if they apply for: (29) The Assessment Policy and Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure outline the academic consequences of failing to complete the assessment requirements for any subject that remains on their enrolment after census date. The Assessment Flexibility Procedure describes the process, criteria, and conditions under which a student may apply for an approved withdrawal (AW) from a subject. (30) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure outlines the financial consequences of failing to withdraw by census date for domestic and non-resident students, and provides information about the process and criteria for applying for a refund of tuition fees due to special or exceptional circumstances. (31) The International Student Fee Refund Procedure sets out the financial consequences of course and subject withdrawal for international students, including how to apply for a refund due to exceptional circumstances. (32) A condition of continued enrolment is that all students must pay their tuition fees upfront by the deadline for every teaching period, unless they are eligible to defer payment of their fees via the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), as well as pay any other fees and costs incurred throughout their studies by the payment due dates set by the University. (33) The type of fees that students must pay in each teaching period and throughout their course include: (34) The online schedule of fees and charges states the amount of fees that apply to each student in each year of enrolment. Published tuition fees apply to the specified year only, and are subject to change on an annual basis. (35) The deadline by which students must pay tuition fees for each teaching period will be provided on the invoice/fee statement sent to each student by the Division of Finance. See the ‘Non-payment of fees’ section of this policy for information about sanctions and penalties that apply for late payment or non-payment of tuition fees by the specified due date. (36) Fees will not be reduced for any student repeating a subject due to failing it previously (or for any other reason). (37) Detailed information about the initial requirements and ongoing conditions that apply to eligible domestic students who are seeking one or more of the below categories of financial assistance from the Commonwealth Government under the Higher Education Support Act (HESA) is provided in the Enrolment and Fees Procedure. These eligibility requirements apply to students who: (38) Further information about the conditions and eligibility requirements that apply to the above financial assistance schemes can be found on the Commonwealth Government’s Study Assist website. (39) All students are liable for the tuition fees of any subjects they are enrolled in at midnight of the census date in each teaching period. (40) If a student withdraws from one or more of their current subjects before midnight on the census date, they will not be liable for any tuition fees for those subjects unless they are an international student (see the International Student Fee Refund Procedure for details of the refund amounts that can be provided in different circumstances). (41) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure outlines the refund process for domestic and non-resident students who have withdrawn from one or more subjects in the current teaching period by the census date. (42) The International Student Fee Refund Procedure states the conditions under which international students may be eligible for a full or partial refund of their tuition fees if they withdraw from subjects in the current or upcoming teaching period by the relevant census date. (43) Where a student fails to withdraw from one or more subjects by the census date in a particular teaching period, the University cannot provide a refund of those tuition fees, unless there are special or exceptional circumstances. (44) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure states the conditions under which all students can apply for a refund of tuition fees after the census date has passed due to special or exceptional circumstances. (45) The following units and roles are responsible for assessing and processing student applications for a refund of tuition fees: (46) The Tuition Protection Service provides assistance to students who have paid their tuition fees upfront or via a HELP loan where the University is unable to fully deliver their course of study. This ensures that students are able to either: (47) Where a student does not pay all fees arising from their enrolment by the deadline as stated on their invoice/fee statement, they may be charged a late payment fee in addition to the outstanding fees owed to the University. (48) Where a student fails to pay all of their fees for the current teaching period by the relevant census date, the Division of Finance will restrict the student’s access to the following facilities until the debt is paid: (49) Where a student does not pay or arrange deferment of their tuition fees by the census date of each teaching period in which they are enrolled, Student Administration will: (50) Non-payment of tuition fees is grounds for cancellation of each student’s enrolment with the University. An international student who fails to pay their tuition fees by the relevant census date in each teaching period is in breach of their enrolment conditions, and the University will take the following actions as required by legislation (in addition to the sanctions, penalties, and outcomes that apply to all students as stated above): (51) If the student fails to pay their outstanding fees or submit an appeal within this period, or if their appeal is denied, the University will cancel the student’s enrolment in the course, and report this to the government by cancelling their confirmation of enrolment (COE), which may lead to the cancellation of their student visa. (52) International students will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs directly to discuss any impact this will have on their student visa. (53) To retain a place in their course, all students must enrol in every compulsory period of study, unless they have an approved leave of absence for that teaching period. See the Enrolment and Fees Procedure for more information about compulsory teaching periods. (54) Students who have not re-enrolled or taken leave of absence by the enrolment deadline of each compulsory period (at midnight on Sunday at the end of week one) will be contacted by the University during the first few weeks of that period to determine whether they intend to: (55) Where the University has been unable to contact these students by the census date, Student Administration will take the following actions for domestic, non-resident, and international students. (56) Where a student has failed to add subjects, request leave of absence, or contact the University by the relevant census date, Student Administration will send them a notification stating that their enrolment will be cancelled unless they respond to the University with their future enrolment intentions by the required deadline, as outlined in the Enrolment and Fees Procedure (and stated in the failure to re-enrol notice sent to the student by Student Administration). (57) Where a student fails to respond within the required timeframe, Student Administration will cancel their enrolment in the course. (58) If the student responds within the required timeframe and requests to continue study in their course, Student Administration will determine whether the student meets the eligibility criteria to be placed on leave of absence to continue their enrolment. See the ‘Leave of absence (LOA)’ section of this policy for further information about the criteria for leave of absence. (59) Where the student cannot be placed on leave of absence without faculty approval, Student Administration will forward the student’s request to the Executive Dean of their teaching faculty for assessment. Depending on the decision of the Executive Dean, this may result in approved leave or cancellation of the student’s enrolment. (60) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure provides details about the failure to re-enrol process and timeframe for domestic and non-resident students. (61) An international student who fails to re-enrol into each compulsory period is in breach of their enrolment conditions. (62) Where an international student fails to add subjects, request leave of absence, or contact the University by the relevant census date, the University will: (63) If the student fails to submit an appeal within the appropriate appeal period, or if their appeal is denied, the University will cancel the student’s enrolment in the course and report this to the government by cancelling their confirmation of enrolment (COE), which may lead to the cancellation of their visa. (64) International students will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs directly to discuss any impact this will have on their student visa. (65) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states the requirements for HDR students to maintain an active enrolment during their candidature. (66) Domestic and non-resident coursework students are able to take up to a maximum of four teaching periods of leave of absence from their course within any four consecutive calendar years, unless: (67) Where a student’s request for leave of absence will exceed the four teaching period limit outlined above, they will only be granted an additional period of leave with the approval of the Executive Dean or Deputy Dean of their teaching faculty. Students must meet the requirements stated in the Enrolment and Fees Procedure when applying for leave of absence above this limit. (68) Any requests for leave of absence will not extend the maximum time in which a student must complete their course, according to the requirements outlined in the Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure. (69) International students must complete their enrolment within the expected duration of their course, as stated on their confirmation of enrolment (COE). For this reason, they are not permitted to take leave unless: (70) All international student requests for leave of absence, together with supporting evidence (see the supporting documentation guidelines), must be submitted to the Director, Student Administration or delegate. (71) Where approved, Student Administration will update the student’s COE, which may include extending their expected course end date. International students with approved leave will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs to discuss any impact to their student visa due to an extension of their COE. (72) Any requests for leave of absence will not extend the maximum time in which a student must complete their course, according to the requirements outlined in the Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure. (73) International students will be contacted by Student Administration with re-enrolment instructions at the beginning of their next period of study after leave. (74) If an international student fails to return to study in their next teaching period following leave of absence, the University will follow the international student process outlined in the ‘Failure to re-enrol’ section of this policy. (75) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states the process and conditions under which HDR students can apply for leave of absence. (76) Subjects are delivered in either online or on campus study mode, and the mode of study that each subject is available for enrolment in for each teaching period is identified in the University Handbook and/or the subject availability list (SAL). (77) Some online subjects require students to attend face to face classes and learning activities, including workplace learning and intensive school periods held on campus. See the Course and Subject Policy for more information about these activities. (78) International students have restrictions on their mode of study. On-campus subjects must comprise at least two-thirds of the total points required for completion of their course. (79) While online study is allowed for one-third of their course, international students must enrol in at least one on-campus subject in every compulsory period of study, unless the student only has one subject left to complete their course. (80) Where a student’s course length has been reduced due to credit applied from prior study at another institution, this one-third rule applies to the number of subjects remaining to be completed at this University. (81) If a student has transferred from one course to another within the University, the number of online subjects carried over as credit from their previous course will be counted as part of the one-third limit for online study. (82) See the Credit Policy and Credit Procedure for more information about credit. (83) At Charles Sturt University, 1.0 EFTSL is expressed as 64 points per academic year accumulated by enrolment in various teaching sessions over the year. (84) The standard full-time study load is expressed as 64 points in an academic year or 32 points in each of the two main teaching periods in an academic year, or 24 points in the main two teaching periods and 16 points in a third teaching period in the same academic year. However, some courses have non-standard structures that require enrolment patterns outside of these standard full-time study loads. (85) International students must complete their enrolment within the expected duration of their course, as stated on their confirmation of enrolment (COE). For this reason, international students must maintain a full-time study load in every compulsory period and are not permitted to reduce their enrolment load in any teaching period without formal approval from the Director, Student Administration or delegate, unless they are in their last teaching period of study. (86) The Enrolment and Fees Procedure outlines the process and criteria for international students to apply for a reduced study load. (87) The Higher Degree by Research Policy states requirements for HDR students in relation to full-time and part-time enrolment, and the process for changing study loads during their candidature. (88) Students may only concurrently enrol in a second Charles Sturt University course, single subject, or second course at another institution if they have the approval of their Course Director (or both Course Directors, where the concurrent enrolment involves two Charles Sturt University courses). See the Admissions Policy and Admissions Procedure for information about applying for admission to undertake concurrent study. (89) Where the combined enrolment will exceed the normal maximum study load in one or more teaching periods, students must gain additional approval from their Course Director (or both Course Directors, where the concurrent enrolment is in two Charles Sturt University courses) for each teaching period in which they wish to enrol in more subjects than the normal maximum study load. See the ‘Study load (Full-time and part-time study)’ section of the Enrolment and Fees Procedure for more information about maximum study loads. (90) There are restrictions for how credit can be applied between concurrent courses, which are outlined in the Credit Policy and Credit Procedure. (91) Students who enrol in two coursework courses concurrently must meet the standard academic and course progression requirements as stated in the Assessment - Academic Progress Procedure, and they must still complete each course within the maximum time permitted according to the standard academic progress requirements at this University. (92) The University will not make special arrangements or grant concessions to accommodate students’ concurrent enrolments in relation to the standard assessment and academic progress requirements. (93) Higher degree by research (HDR) candidates are expected to focus their studies on their HDR course, as these courses are demanding. A candidate may, however, apply to the Dean, Graduate Research for approval to enrol concurrently in another award course, with the support of the student’s principal supervisor and the Sub Dean (Graduate Studies) of the faculty in which their HDR candidature is based. (94) The relevant Enrolment is responsible for managing incoming cross-institutional enrolment, and the process and conditions for incoming cross-institutional study are outlined in the Admissions Policy and Admissions Procedure. (95) Currently enrolled students at this University may apply for outgoing cross-institutional study if they wish to undertake one or more subjects at another university with approval for credit to be applied to their current course at this University. (96) The Credit Policy states the application process and requirements for credit from cross-institutional study to be applied to a student’s course at this University. (97) See the Admissions Policy and Admissions Procedure for details about applying for a course transfer. (98) Students submitting an application for course transfer will be assessed according to the entry requirements for that course. (99) International students seeking to transfer their enrolment to another provider within the first six months of study at this University must submit their request via the process outlined in the International Students Provider Transfer Procedure. (100) Where a student wishes to appeal a decision that has been made under this policy, or if they have a complaint about the quality of service or conduct of staff, the following policies apply: (101) If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their internal appeal/complaint, they have the right to lodge an external appeal/complaint with the National Student Ombudsman. An external appeal must be lodged within 10 working days of the date on which they were notified of the outcome for their internal appeal/complaint, and the student must provide the University with evidence of their lodgement of an external appeal with the National Student Ombudsman. (102) The University will maintain a student’s enrolment until the final outcome of any internal or external appeals process has been determined, unless the student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk. (103) Where an internal or external complaints or appeals process finds in favour of the student, the University will implement the required actions, recommendations, and directives as specified in the review outcome/findings. (104) The University will not finalise an international student’s enrolment cancellation in PRISMS as an outcome of a breach of the conditions outlined in this policy and its procedures until: (105) The following procedures support this policy: (106) Nil. (107) For the purposes of this policy, the following terms have the definitions stated:Enrolment and Fees Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Enrolment responsibilities
Student records, information and personal data
Eligibility to enrol
Conditions of enrolment and re-enrolment
Adding subjects for re-enrolment
Higher degree by research (HDR) students
Withdrawing from subjects
Payment of fees
CSP and HELP eligibility requirements (Domestic students)
Refund of tuition fees
Refunds after census date (due to special or exceptional circumstances)
Tuition Protection Service
Non-payment of fees
All students
International students
Failure to re-enrol
All coursework students
Domestic and non-resident coursework students
International students
Higher degree by research (HDR) students
Leave of absence (LOA)
Domestic and non-resident coursework students
International students
Higher degree by research (HDR) students
Study modes (On campus and online study)
All students
International students
Study load (Full-time and part-time study)
International students
Higher degree by research (HDR) students
Concurrent enrolment
Higher degree by research (HDR) students
Cross-institutional study
Incoming students
Outgoing students
Course Transfers
International student provider transfers
Appeals and complaints
International students
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedure
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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