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Appointments Procedure - Visiting and Adjunct Appointments

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Appointments Policy and sets out the eligibility criteria, appointment procedures and expectations and privileges for visiting and adjunct (VA) appointments at Charles Sturt University (the University).


(2) This procedure applies to:

  1. individuals seeking appointment to the status of visiting or adjunct titleholders,
  2. individuals who are employed by the University’s third-party providers in Australia and overseas and participate in the administration and teaching of subjects and courses leading to the University’s awards,
  3. those who nominate candidates for visiting or adjunct appointments, and
  4. employees involved in the administration of visiting or adjunct appointments.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(3) For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms are defined:

  1. Adjunct appointment – see clause 6.
  2. Visiting appointment – see clause 5.
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Section 3 - Policy

(4) See the Appointments Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Use of visiting and adjunct appointments

(5) Visiting appointments will be given to recognise active participation in the University's educational, research or collaborative programs. In most cases, visiting titleholders would remain employees of another institution, external research body, professional organisation or business within Australia or abroad.

(6) Adjunct appointments will be given to individuals who contribute to the delivery of a University program or to ongoing research or scholarship activities. In some instances, adjunct titleholders would be employees of partner institutions who collaborate in the delivery of University programs.

(7) Visiting and adjunct staff may be:

  1. individuals who have resigned or retired from the staff of the University,
  2. individuals who are not employees of the University but who have been recognised for their contribution to the teaching, research, scholarship, creative work or management of the University,
  3. individuals who are approved officers of a body or organisation that is a strategic affiliate of the University under an affiliation agreement approved by the Vice-Chancellor in writing, or 
  4. individuals who are employed by the University's partners in Australia and abroad, and who participate in the teaching of subjects and courses leading to University awards.

Conditions applicable to both visiting and adjunct appointments

(8) Visiting and adjunct appointments:

  1. are normally up to five years in duration and may be renewed by the University,
  2. may be terminated by the University at any time, subject to the terms of any written agreement, however, visiting appointments should be given adequate notice,
  3. have the status of University staff and may be granted access to staff privileges by the University,
  4. must comply with the University's policies and procedures unless specifically excluded, and in particular must comply with the:
    1. Employment Conditions Procedure - Additional Employment and University Consultancies,
    2. Intellectual Property Policy, and 
    3. Code of Conduct, and
  5. must complete any mandatory training designated for their appointment type. Such training does not attract any payment. 

(9) Visiting and adjunct titleholders must not:

  1. represent themselves as employees of the University,
  2. make representations for or on behalf of the University, except to the extent authorised in writing by a delegated officer of the University,
  3. enter into any contract, agreement or binding arrangement for or on behalf of the University, or
  4. make public comments using their title as an adjunct or visiting staff member without prior written authorisation from the University.

(10) Where a visiting or adjunct titleholder is employed by another organisation with which the University has entered into an agreement, the organisation is required to indemnify and hold the University harmless against all claims, actions, losses or penalties incurred by the University arising from the appointment of the employee in a visiting or adjunct capacity (except to the extent that the loss etc. was caused by the negligence of the University).

(11) Where a visiting or adjunct titleholder is appointed as an individual, the individual is required to indemnify and hold the University harmless against all claims, actions, losses or penalties incurred by the University arising from the appointment of the person in a visiting or adjunct capacity (except to the extent that the loss etc. was caused by the negligence of the University).

(12) Faculties, research centres and divisions/offices are responsible for negotiating non-core privileges and arranging the payment of stipends, and for inducting visiting and adjunct titleholders to the University.

Conditions applicable to visiting appointments

(13) Visiting titleholders are not paid a salary or living allowance of any kind from the University in relation to the appointment, however, they may receive a stipend to cover travel and associated expenses. If the appointment is terminated by the visiting titleholder, they will be required to repay the amount of the stipend received during the appointment. 

(14) Visiting titleholders who are employed by another institution cannot normally be paid for work undertaken for the University.

(15) For overseas visitors, the appropriate immigration requirements must be met. The faculty or research centre should consult with the Division of People and Culture (DPC) regarding these requirements prior to inviting a visitor to the University and seeking approval from the delegated officer. Where sponsorship of international visitors is required, faculties, research centres and divisions/offices are responsible for collecting all data necessary for the University to lodge a sponsorship application.

(16) Visiting artists:

  1.  will allow the University the first opportunity to buy any works completed during the visiting appointment, at prices mutually agreed upon, and
  2. are expected to take full responsibility for the security and safeguard of their works, personal effects and equipment.

(17) Visiting spiritual advisers, in addition to the conditions in this procedure, will be subject to the conditions of appointment set out in the Local instruction - Visiting Spiritual Advisers

Conditions applicable to adjunct appointments

(18) Adjunct appointments do not attract salary of any kind from the University and are not eligible to receive a living allowance or stipend.

(19) Adjunct titleholders who are employed by a partner institution cannot be paid for work undertaken for the University.

(20) If an adjunct titleholder is employed by the University as a casual academic, salary will be paid. Payment for work undertaken for the University must be taken as taxable income and cannot be set aside for professional development, and all University policies (and associated procedures and guidelines) will apply to the titleholder as a casual employee.

(21) Where adjunct titleholders are employees of partner institutions, their access to University systems will be addressed in the Third-Party Partnership Manuals.

Level of appointment

Visiting appointments

(22) Visiting titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment at the equivalent mainstream academic levels, as outlined below: 

Level Visiting titles Description
Non-graded Visiting artist
A practising artist working in one of the following fields:
1. Painting, drawing, product design, sculpting, weaving, silversmithing, ceramics, silk-screening, photography or printed textiles.
2. Musicians, including music educators, choirmasters, composers and instrumentalists.
3. Actors, producers, stagecraft and media specialists.
4. Writers.
5. Artists practising in a field relevant to an approved University course.
A visiting artist undertakes creative work within the University and provides opportunities for students to learn and become involved with the professional work of the artist. This involvement may take the form of practical demonstrations, lectures, tutorials, recitals or other performances but, equally, the involvement may be of an informal nature, such as working in studios or theatres concurrently with students.
Non-graded Visiting scholar A student from another institution who visits the University for the purpose of completing the practical component of their course (but this does not include a full fee paying international student).
Non-graded Visiting spiritual adviser A member of a religious community nominated by that community to provide spiritual support and pastoral care to students and staff at Charles Sturt University.
A Visiting academic
Either of:
1. a visitor who wishes to be attached to a faculty or research centre for the purposes of collaborative research, or
2. an employee of one of the University's partners who visits the University to become familiar with quality requirements with respect to the delivery of academic programs.
B Visiting fellow A person who is visiting the University for the purposes of collaborative research and/or delivering guest lectures or seminars in their field of expertise.
C Visiting senior fellow A senior fellow from another university or a person of equivalent status who is visiting a faculty or research centre for the purposes of collaborative research and/or delivering guest lectures or seminars in their field of expertise.
D Visiting associate professor An associate professor from another university or a person of equivalent status who is visiting a faculty or research centre for the purposes of collaborative research and/or delivering guest lectures or seminars in their field of expertise. 
E Visiting professor A professor from another university or a person of equivalent status who is visiting a faculty or research centre for the purposes of collaborative research and/or delivering guest lectures or seminars in their field of expertise.

Adjunct appointments

(23) Adjunct titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment at the equivalent mainstream levels, as outlined below:

Adjunct titles
Adjunct administrator
Administrative staff of the University's partner institutions in order to facilitate access to the University's student administration system.
Adjunct professional
Professional staff of the University's partner institutions in order to facilitate University programs.
Adjunct affiliate officer
Individuals who are substantive full-time or part-time administrative or professional officers of a body or organisation that has an affiliation with the University which has been approved in writing by the Vice-Chancellor (Note: an employee of an affiliated body or organisation may also be eligible for appointment as an adjunct academic where the individual meets the requirements for appointment and subject to approval by the delegated officer).
Adjunct fieldwork supervisor
Professional staff of organisations that supervise University students on fieldwork or placements.
A Adjunct associate lecturer
Academic adjunct titleholders may contribute to the delivery of a University program or contribute to ongoing research or scholarship activities. In some instances, they would be employees or partner institutions who collaborate in the delivery of University programs.
The minimum qualification required for each level and title is the same as that required for mainstream academic staff, set out in the Academic Staff Qualifications and Expectations Procedure.
B Adjunct lecturer/adjunct research fellow
C Adjunct senior lecturer/adjunct senior research fellow
D Adjunct associate professor/adjunct research associate professor
E Adjunct professor/adjunct research professor

Adjunct appointments - Policing

(24) Titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment specified in the Deed of Agreement between the New South Wales Police and the University. The equivalent mainstream academic levels are outlined below: 

Academic level Policing title
A Instructor/Demonstrator
A Provisional Associate
B Academic Associate
C Senior Academic Associate
D Professorial Associate
E Professorial Associate

Appointment process

(25) For a position in the School of Policing Studies, the appointment is entered in the Division of People and Culture's human resource management system on receipt of a letter from the NSW Police Academy confirming the appointee's accreditation. 

(26) For a fieldwork supervisor, the relevant school will register the appointment via the temporary access administration system. 

(27) For all other visiting and adjunct appointments:

  1. The nominator completes the appropriate Recommendation to Appoint form for the intended appointee and submits to the delegated officer for approval, attaching (as required):
    1. a current curriculum vitae,
    2. for overseas visitors, any necessary information to meet immigration requirements or to lodge sponsorship applications,
    3. for a visiting spiritual adviser appointment, additional information as set out in the Local instruction - Visiting Spiritual Advisers.
  2. If approved, the delegated officer forwards the form to DPC.
  3. DPC will issue an offer for the visiting or adjunct appointment and process the appointment into the human resource management system. 
  4. The Division of Finance is responsible for the payment of stipends to eligible visiting titleholders.


Core privileges

(28) Core privileges for visiting and adjunct appointments comprise:

  1. access to the physical and/or online resources of the Division of Library Services,
  2. access to on-site information technology services, a University logon, use of the internet for University purposes, and email, and
  3. a Charles Sturt University Card specifying the cardholder is a visiting or adjunct staff member.

(29) Access to the physical and online resources of the Division of Library Services:

  1. is for University purposes only. No access to online services will be provided to titleholders where there is a reasonable expectation that another institution or affiliated body will continue to provide information services. The determination of a reasonable expectation is the responsibility of the University Librarian,
  2. is at the discretion of the Division of Library Services, and
  3. may be subject to costs that will be charged to the nominated source of funding or faculty or centre budget.

(30) Provision of access to on-site information technology services, a University logon, use of the internet and email:

  1. is for University purposes only. Where there is a reasonable expectation that another institution or affiliated body will continue to provide information technology services or support, no University logon will be provided. The determination of a reasonable expectation is the responsibility of the Chief Information and Digital Officer, and
  2. may be subject to costs that will be charged to the nominated source of funding or faculty or centre budget.

(31) The University will provide, on application through Student Central, a Charles Sturt Card specifying that the titleholder is a visiting or adjunct staff member.

Non-core privileges

(32) Non-core privileges may include:

  1. the use of space,
  2. access to laboratories and research facilities,
  3. participation in faculty activities generally,
  4. motor vehicle usage,
  5. use of telecommunication facilities,
  6. access to administrative assistance,
  7. a Charles Sturt University travel card, or
  8. other privileges as negotiated with the appropriate section of the University.

(33) The brokerage, organisation and monitoring of non-core privileges is the responsibility of the Executive Dean/Centre Director/Executive Director/Director (or nominee).

Academic privileges

(34) Adjunct academic titleholders who are employed by the University’s partners in Australia and abroad, and who participate in the teaching of subjects and courses leading to University awards, may be eligible to vote in School and Faculty Board elections and participate in the general governance and operations of the school, in accordance with any local instructions approved by the Executive Dean of the faculty.

(35) A person appointed as an adjunct or visiting professor may use the title of Professor.

(36) For ceremonial occasions, visiting and adjunct titleholders rank with the equivalent levels of the University's mainstream staff.

Access to professional development activities

(37) Visiting titleholders are not entitled to funding for professional development activities.

(38) With the exception of policing and theology appointments and former University employees, adjunct titleholders are not entitled to funding for professional development activities. With the approval of the Executive Dean/Centre Director (or nominee), former University employees may retain access to their former professional development funds, generated through research and consultancy activities in which they engaged when they were employed by the University. These funds may be used for research purposes only (for example, to fund research assistance, data collection, expenses associated with collaborative research). These funds cannot be used to attend conferences.

Access to research support

(39) Visiting and adjunct titleholders may collaborate on research grant applications providing the chief investigator is a University employee.

(40) Visiting and adjunct titleholders may act as research mentors to University academics.

(41) Where visiting or adjunct titleholders use the University's facilities to assist in the generation of research publications, they should note their affiliation with the University as stated in the Research Authorship Procedures.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(42) Nil.