(1) This Policy sets out the management principles of Charles Sturt University (the University) for the undertaking of outside professional activities by staff on behalf of the University or in a private capacity. (2) This Policy applies to and must be complied with by: (3) Where intellectual property arises, or is likely to arise, from the undertaking of outside professional activities, all ownership and use issues in respect of the intellectual property are to be determined in accordance with the University Intellectual Property Policy. (4) Where any University outside professional activity involves commercial activity as defined by and coming within the scope of the University Statutory Guidelines for Commercial Activities (including in particular any commercial activity that involves the receipt or expenditure (including funding) or uninsured risk by the University in excess of $100,000 per annum) that University outside professional activity must be conducted in accordance with the University Statutory Guidelines for Commercial Activities. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Policy and the provisions of the University Statutory Guidelines for Commercial Activities, the provisions of the University Statutory Guidelines for Commercial Activities shall prevail. (5) The University Teaching and Professional Work Function Policy - Professional Activity and the related Teaching and Professional Work Function Guidelines - Professional Activity Workload establish four work function categories for academic members of staff. One of those categories is the Teaching and Professional work function category which requires engagement in Professional Activity as defined in the Workload Guidelines. The issue of whether any work undertaken in an outside professional activity by a Teaching and Professional work function academic member of staff counts towards their Professional Activity workload is referred to in Part H of this Outside Professional Activities Policy. (6) In this Policy: (7) Outside professional activities which can create benefits for the University and employees are therefore encouraged to undertake outside professional activities provided such activities do not conflict with their primary employment obligation to the University and do not conflict with the interests of the University (for information on what constitutes a conflict of interest, employees should refer to the University Code of Conduct and the University Conflict of Interest Procedure). Such outside professional activity should be related to the employee's expertise and should be of a kind and standard that is likely to enhance the academic and professional status of the individual employee and of the University. The benefits which may accrue to the University include: (8) On the other hand, there is a need to ensure that the University, its staff and students are protected from legal and financial liability associated with outside professional activities. Outside professional activities must be managed to reduce the level of risk to the University and to avoid conflict of interest and damage to the reputation of the University. This could arise through unfair competition with the private sector that may prove to be detrimental to the University reputation and standing. (9) The quality of the normal activities of the University should be maintained when any staff are employed to cover an employee's work and responsibilities whilst that employee is participating in an outside professional activity or when any staff are employed to contribute to an outside professional activity. (10) The University preference is that the benefits and risks of outside professional activities will usually be best managed by the activity being undertaken as a University outside professional activity rather than as a Private outside professional activity. (11) Research outside professional activity will normally only be approved as a University outside professional activity. (12) Any outside professional activity which requires the use of the University facilities and resources other than the facilities and resources of a University clinic or business must be undertaken as a University outside professional activity. (13) If the outside professional activity is likely to interfere with the duties of the University employee or carries a significant amount of remuneration it should be undertaken as a University outside professional activity. (14) Private outside professional activity is not a right of staff but is an activity which may be permitted subject to the provisions of this policy. (15) The following activities are exempt from the provisions of this Policy: (16) The following activities which are considered to be part of the normal duties of an academic member of staff at the University, even though such activities may attract income: (17) The following activities which are not considered to be part of the normal activities of a member of staff (whether academic member of staff or professional/general member of staff) at the University: (18) Such other outside professional activities as may be specifically exempted from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor or the relevant Delegated Officer. (19) The Private outside professional activities of staff members employed on a part time basis are exempt from the approval requirements of this Policy if: (20) Approval will not be given to undertake the following types of activity: (21) All outside professional activities which are not either exempted or prohibited under Part C and D respectively of this policy require approval in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. Such activities that are permitted subject to prior approval include: (22) Consultancies - Consulting occurs when an external organisation pays for the skills and expertise of University employees to work on specified projects. In such cases, the client will normally expect to own the intellectual property or advice given which arises from the paid consultancy and will also expect confidentiality from the University. Consultancies can either be University or Private (see Part F and G of this Policy).Research consultancies will normally only be approved as University outside professional activities. Work as an expert witness is deemed to be consultancy by this Policy. (23) Contract work - Contract work is activity undertaken by University employees for an outside organisation or company on a specific project with specified objectives and usually results in a deliverable product or report. Ownership of any intellectual property arising out of the work must be negotiated between the parties according to their relative financial and intellectual contributions prior to the start of the work. (24) Collaborations - Collaborations occur where projects are jointly developed between the University and an outside organisation. Collaborations may also occur where an outside organisation or company wishes to support work by the University of a general or strategic kind with the outside organisation having first option to commercial rights to any products, processes or other outcomes. Unless otherwise agreed to in advance, the ownership of intellectual property arising from collaborative arrangements should be retained by the University. (25) Professional practice - Professional practice covers both University and private work done by employees in areas such as clinical practice, counselling and related professional activities where practice or staff development is required for professional accreditation. This is normally regular or long-term and is subject to the approval of the Delegated Officer, who will determine any conditions to be attached to the approval including the conditions in Part G of this Policy. (26) Testing Services - Testing occurs where analysis and data collection are made by the University on behalf of an outside person or organisation. The University does not normally encourage routine testing unless the service demonstrably enhances the University's core research and teaching mission or supports the region by providing expertise or services which would not otherwise be available. Full commercial rates should be charged for such services. (27) Licensing, joint ventures and other commercial arrangements - Intellectual property often arises out of collaborative activities that may have commercial value leading to licensing, joint venture and other commercial arrangements. For University outside professional activities of this type Agreements covering such activities shall be negotiated in advance by the University and should include, for instance under licensing arrangements, up-front payments and royalties. (28) Any private work conducted by an employee and related to his/her professional expertise, including that done while on leave or on a Special Studies Program except for that described in Part C of this Policy. (29) Service on Boards of public research organisations. (30) Appointment to any public or private body where an employee may be expected to serve at any times when University facilities may be used. (31) Membership of committees (including government committees or other management groups) where the employee receives payment other than for expenses. (32) Involvement as partner, principal, company director or board member in a company or in a long-term engagement by a company or organisation. (33) Delivery of a series of lectures or broadcasts undertaken for an outside organisation. (34) Preparation of learning materials for other universities or other organisations except for occasional presentations and occasional lectures. (35) Any private work undertaken by an employee related to their professional expertise within a clinic, practice or business conducted by the University or its controlled entities. (36) University outside professional activities will be conducted on the condition that an employee engaged in an approved university outside professional activity: (37) Private outside professional activities will be conducted on the following conditions: (38) Where an employee wishes to pursue Private outside professional activities, apart from those activities which are exempt from this Policy, the Delegated Officer may consider fractional-time release with proportional salary savings to the University. (39) Any such variation in employment conditions will be recorded in writing by the Division of People and Culture. (40) Where a member of academic staff is categorised as having a Teaching and Professional work function then the issues of whether the undertaking by that member of staff of a University outside professional activity or a Private outside professional activity as approved under this Outside Professional Activities Policy: (41) Before considering any outside professional activity, it is important that staff be aware of the following: (42) Participation in a University outside professional activity by member of University staff other than the member of staff to whom approval is granted pursuant to this Policy shall be undertaken as part of the normal duties of the other member of staff and subject to the provisions of the other member of staff's employment contract with the University and all applicable University policies and procedures. (43) If a member of staff wishes to undertake a Private outside professional activity which will involve one or more other members of University staff then as part of the Application and Approval process referred to in Part M of this Policy the member of staff who is applying for approval of the Private outside professional activity pursuant to this Policy must obtain and attach as part of the application: (44) Students may participate in University outside professional activities where both the University and the student benefit from the activity, but students cannot be responsible for any University outside professional activity, and an appropriately qualified and senior member of staff must take responsibility for the student and any other person employed to perform the activity. (45) The University will not normally encourage the involvement of students in a University outside professional activity which involves commercial activities where there is the possibility that the results are to be kept confidential for commercial or other reasons whereby the student's opportunity to engage in free debate may be restricted. (46) Where honours or postgraduate students are invited by University staff as part of their course to be involved in University outside professional activities, students must be immediately and fully informed by their Principal Supervisor of any likely consequences such as those affecting free discussion and publication of the results of the activity. Postgraduate students and their supervisors shall be required to sign Agreements detailing matters including confidentiality and ownership of any intellectual property developed. Postgraduate students shall be alerted to their rights and obligations on intellectual property by the Principal Supervisor. The University Intellectual Property Policy determines any rights of ownership of intellectual property by students. (47) Unless the Delegated Officer waives or agrees in writing and in advance, where students are employed by the University on a full-time, fractional-time or casual basis, the University owns any intellectual property arising from the employment of a student. (48) Any proposed participation of a student or students in a University outside professional activity must be disclosed in detail in the Application and Approval Form referred to in clause 54-55 of this Policy. (49) If a member of staff wishes to undertake a Private outside professional activity which will involve participation by one or more students of the University then as part of the Application and Approval process referred to in clause 54-55 of this Policy the member of staff who is applying for approval of the Private outside professional activity pursuant to this Policy must provide detail of that participation and obtain and attach as part of the application: (50) Where the Head of School has approved the participation of a student in a Private outside professional activity as referred to in clause 49 that participation must: (51) In accordance with the University Policy on Delegations and Authorisations ('the Delegations Policy") and in particular with Schedule 5 of that Policy: (52) Separate application and approval procedures exist for research outside professional activities and for non-research outside professional activities as defined in Section 2 of this Policy and as provided for in this clause. All other clauses in this Policy remain applicable to both research outside professional activities and to non-research outside professional activities as respectively. (53) All applications for and approvals of research outside professional activities shall be made subject to the procedures established by the University Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies available at www.csu.edu.au/research/support/researchers/funding/submission. (54) All applications for approval of non-research outside professional activities shall be made on the University Application and Approval Form for Non-Research Outside Professional Activities. (55) The approval process for non-research outside professional activities shall be undertaken in the following stages: (56) Before a supervisor, Executive Dean, Executive Director or Primary Budget Centre Manager recommends and before a Delegated Officer approves an application to undertake outside professional activities each must be satisfied that: (57) The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies shall maintain a Register of all approved research outside professional activities, including copies of all documents prepared for the application and approval process with attachments. (58) The Office of Governance and Corporate Administration shall maintain a Register of all approved non-research outside professional activities including copies of all documents prepared for the application and approval process with attachments. (59) The Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies and the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration will provide access to each approved outside professional activity registered in their respective offices to the Division of People and Culture for recording on the respective staff member's employment file. (60) Staff undertaking approved outside professional activities are responsible for reporting to their supervisor on their activities annually as part of the staff member's annual performance and professional development assessment procedures. A supervisor may request a report on any outside professional activity at any time from the staff member to whom approval for the activity has been granted if the supervisor is concerned about the impact of the outside professional activity on the staff member's performance of their duties at the University or is concerned about any actual or perceived conflict between the staff member's private interests and the interests of the University. (61) supervisors are responsible for monitoring approved outside professional activities against continued compliance with the Approval Criteria set out in clause 17 of this Policy and for reporting any concerns to their Executive Dean, Executive Director or Primary Budget Centre Manager who may in turn liaise with the relevant Delegated Officer to ensure that the concerns are addressed. (62) All University outside professional activities are to be the subject of a Final Report by the staff member to whom approval for the activity was granted to the staff member's Executive Dean, Executive Director or Primary Budget Centre Manager on completion of the (63) Each of the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies and the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration shall provide an Annual Report to the Vice-Chancellor providing a summary of all outside professional activities approved and registered in their respective offices during the previous calendar year, not later than 31 March of the following year. (64) Each application for approval of a University outside professional activity which is to be conducted as a commercial activity shall attach a Budget developed by the applicant in conjunction with the Division of Finance. (65) The Division of Finance will develop and review annually a Schedule of Charges for each of the permitted categories of University outside professional activity referred to in clauses 22 to 28 of this Policy as the basis for costing and pricing of those activities within budgets. If costing and pricing is appropriate for any of the other permitted categories of University outside professional activity referred to in clauses 28 to 34 of this Policy such costing and pricing shall be determined by the Division of Finance on a case by case basis. (66) In developing costing and pricing for University outside professional activities the University will comply with the principles of commercial neutrality which require that the University is not to use the advantages of government funded facilities and/or salaries to compete unfairly with commercial companies or consultants in the private sector. (67) The Division of Finance will also determine the appropriate code for each University outside professional activity within the University's accounting system. (68) All University outside professional activities shall be the subject of audit within the University to ensure that the requirements of the Public Finance and Audit Act, Treasury Regulations, Accounting Standards and University accounting policies are met. (69) Income from University outside professional activities shall be distributed as follows: (70) The Faculty, Division or Centre portion of residual income shall be distributed within the Faculty, Division or Centre at the discretion of the relevant Executive Dean, Executive Director or Centre Director. (71) Where more than one employee is involved in a University outside professional activity, the distribution of the employees' share of residual income between those employees will be a matter for the employees to agree. Where there is a failure to agree, then the distribution shall be determined by the Delegated Officer. (72) Before any residual income is distributed the member of staff to whom approval was granted for each University outside professional activity shall submit as part of their Final Report to the Executive Dean, Executive Director or Centre Director a Financial Statement that outlines the income and expenditure of the project against the initial budget and produces the residual income for distribution pursuant to this Policy and such distribution of residual income shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Executive Dean, Executive Director or Primary Budget Centre Manager. (73) Any breach of this Policy that is deemed to be a breach of discipline of the University will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant industrial instrument (i.e. Enterprise Agreement or Contract of Employment). (74) The decision of a Delegated Officer in relation to an outside professional activity application shall not be subject to internal appeal or review. (75) Nothing in this Policy prevents an employee from accessing any appropriate procedures for resolution of concerns and grievances under the University Complaints Policy . (76) The Office of Governance and Corporate Administration should be contacted in connection with any administrative matters covered by this Policy.Outside Professional Activities Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Part A - Benefits and Risks of Engaging in Outside Professional Activities
Part B - Preference for University Outside Professional Activity
Part C - Activities which are Exempt from this Policy
provided that the service or work does not impact adversely on the performance of the staff member's duties at the University and does not create any actual or perceived conflict between the staff member's private interests and the interests of the University.
Part D - Prohibited Activities
Part E - Activities Permitted Subject to Prior Approval
Part F - University Outside Professional Activities
Part G - Private Outside Professional Activities
Fractional-Time Appointments
Part H - Teaching and Professional Staff
Part I - Important Issues for Staff
Part J - Participation of Other University Staff
University Outside Professional Activities
Private Outside Professional activities
Part K - Participation of Students
University Outside Professional Activities
Private Outside Professional Activities
Part L - Approval Authority
Part M - Application and Approval Procedures
Research Outside Professional Activities
Non-Research Outside Professional Activities
Part N - Approval Criteria
Part O - Registers
Part P - Reporting and Monitoring
Part Q - Financial Management
Part R - Breach of Policy
Part S - Review
Part T - Administration
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