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Section 1 - Purpose
(1) This policy sets out the rules and expectations for staff appointments at Charles Sturt University (the University).
(2) This policy:
- applies to staff involved in staff appointments, recruitment and selection processes at the University,
- applies to senior, executive and senior executive positions, but also see the Executive Remuneration and Appointments Policy and Procedure,
- applies to visiting and adjunct appointments,
- does not apply to casual appointments (see the Division of People and Culture website) and
- does not apply to the engagement of consultants and contractors (see the Finance Management Policy and Finance Procedure – Contractors and Consultants).
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
(3) For the purposes of this policy:
- Delegated officer – means a person as set out in Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy.
- Merit - means getting the best person for the job without taking into account irrelevant factors. This includes eliminating subjectivity and bias in work design, the recruitment process and assessing candidates against the inherent requirements of the job.
- Recruitment – means the process of attracting the best available applicants for employment at the University.
- Secondment – means the appointment of a current staff member to a different position within the University for a period of time, where it is intended a staff member will return to their substantive position at the end of the appointment.
- Selection - means the process of identifying the best candidate(s) for employment at the University.
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
(4) All appointments must be approved by the relevant delegated officer in accordance with Delegation Schedule B - People and Culture.
(5) Potential appointees must satisfy the screening requirements set out for the position.
University appointment principles
(6) The University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to providing equal employment opportunities, advancing gender equity, and appropriately valuing the skills and experience of women and other equity groups.
(7) Recruitment at the University is:
- merit-based, having regard to organisational structure, work design and job analysis, position descriptions and selection criteria,
- diverse and tailored to the context and environment of the role,
- focused on producing the best outcome for the University, consistent with the University's strategic and operational objectives,
- where appropriate, accommodating of affirmative action or positive discrimination strategies in order to recruit people from equity groups and/or remove systemic barriers from the recruitment process,
- transparent and rigorous,
- consistent with the University's legal obligations, rules and policies and procedures, and
- intended to support diversity and inclusion at the University.
(8) The Division of People and Culture will establish policy and procedures, monitor recruitment processes and provide advice, guidance and assistance to persons involved in staff recruitment and selection.
(9) All areas of the University are responsible for recruiting staff:
- in accordance with this policy and any other applicable University policies, procedures and legal obligations, and
- through an assessment of an applicant's qualifications, experience, work performance and personal qualities relevant to the position requirements.
(10) The following procedures and policy texts directly support or should be read alongside this policy:
- Appointments Procedure – Recruitment and Selection, for processes that must be followed when appointing staff.
- Finance Management Policy and Finance Procedure – Contractors and Consultants, for processes that must be followed when appointing a contractor or a consultant.
- Appointments Procedure – Secondments, for processes and responsibilities for secondment appointments.
- Appointments Procedure – Academic Institutional Leadership Positions, for information specific to academic institutional leadership positions (e.g. Associate Deans, Sub Deans Associate Heads of School, Course Directors, Heads of Discipline and Research Centre Directors) including eligibility and conditions of appointment.
- Appointments Procedure - Visiting and Adjunct Appointments, for information about appointing visiting and/or adjunct titleholders.
- Appointments Procedure - Academic Work Functions, for information regarding teaching and professional work functions for academic appointments, and guidelines for determining professional activities.
- Executive Remuneration and Appointment Policy, for information about appointments to senior, executive and senior executive leadership positions.
(11) The following procedures support this policy:
- Appointments Procedure – Recruitment and Selection
- Appointments Procedure - Secondments
- Appointments Procedure - Academic Institutional Leadership Positions
- Appointments Procedure - Visiting and Adjunct Appointments
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
(12) The following guidelines support this policy:
- Staff Recruitment and Selection Guidelines - First Nations Staff
- Staff Recruitment Guidelines - Targeting Women for Senior Positions
- Staff Recruitment and Selection Guidelines - People with Disability