(1) The Brand Guidelines are provided as a pdf. (2) Charles Sturt University's Brand Guidelines assist staff to deliver clear and consistent communications to students and stakeholders in accordance with the Communications and Marketing Procedure - Brand Governance. (3) The Brand Guidelines and Communications and Marketing Procedure - Brand Governance apply to all communications and visual materials, including all forms of media, printed materials, online representations, presentations, signage, uniforms, vehicles and communications and representations created by and for an entity or budget centre of the University, and by and for third parties with respect to the University. (4) Nil. (5) Refer to the Communications and Marketing Policy. (6) Communications and Marketing Procedure - Brand Governance (7) Communications and Marketing Procedure - Marketing and Advertising (8) Communications and Marketing Procedure - Media, Engagement and Public Comment (9) Communications and Marketing Procedure - Student Communication (10) Communications and Marketing Procedure - Website and Social Media Platforms (11) The Brand Guidelines are approved as the authoritative reference source for the University brand and must be complied with at all times to ensure standardisation of the corporate visual identity and consistency of communication with the University brand.Brand Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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