(1) This Rule is the Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2023. (2) This Rule commenced on 4 September 2023. This Rule was approved by University Council Resolution CNL186/14. (3) This Rule is enacted to establish the Student Senate and Student Representative Committees and provide support and authorities for student representation at Charles Sturt University (the University) (4) This Rule is made pursuant to authority granted to the University Council under clause 4 of Schedule 1 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76 (“the Act”), section 20 and 32. (5) The following Student Representative Committees (SRCs) are established under this rule: (6) The following sub-committees have been established as sub-committees of the Student Senate: (7) The Vice-Chancellor may establish such other SRCs or sub-committees with respect to campuses formally established by the University Council under section 6 of the Act and may determine the composition of the committee. Where a location ceases to be a campus or centre of the University under section 6 of the Act, the SRC or sub-committee will cease to operate effective from that date. (8) SRCs are established to represent student cohorts based on their study mode and the enrolment location of their primary course as follows: (9) Student Administration will prepare a schedule setting out the deemed enrolment location of students attending partner locations or speciality centre locations. This will be published on the University website by Division of Student Experience. (10) Each SRC will have the following principal functions, with respect to the campus or student cohort which it represents: (11) SRC members will be elected as set out in Part C. (12) Each SRC must hold an annual election among its members (see Part D) to appoint an executive that includes the following roles: (13) Each SRC may set their own number of total members, identifying a minimum of nine to a maximum of 15 of student representative officers. (14) If an SRC has less than four current members due to vacancies, financial responsibility reverts to the Student Senate Executive who will approve or disapprove financial decisions made by that SRC. (15) The Student Senate may request amendment this Rule to change the number of SRC members in accordance with clause 181 of this Rule. (16) The Student Representation and Clubs Officer assigned responsibility by the University for the campus/cohort shall have a right to attend and be heard at any meeting of the SRC but shall not have voting rights. (17) The SRC may, at its discretion, invite other relevant guests or members of staff or university executives to attend its meetings. (18) Attendance at meetings by persons other than members and the persons specified in clauses 16-17 shall be restricted to students of the University, or as otherwise determined at the discretion of the chair. (19) SRC members are elected for a term of two years. Membership terms will be staggered so that one-half of the members of each SRC will be elected each year. (20) The date of commencement of a term under clause 19 shall be determined by the returning officer after consultation with the SRC. (21) Where a member is elected or appointed to fill a casual vacancy in the office of a member of the SRC, the term of office shall be the balance of the term of office of that previous member or vacancy. (22) Notwithstanding the expiry of the term of office of the member (clause 19), the term of office of executive officers will expire annually. (23) An executive officer must retain the confidence of their SRC to continue holding executive office. (24) An executive officer ceases to hold excutive office if the SRC passes a resolution by a majority of at least two-thirds of members present and entitled to vote that they do not have the confidence of the members. However, they remain an SRC member unless removed by the process described in clauses 26-29. (25) Upon the passing of a resolution of no confidence, the office of the executive officer shall become vacant and the returning officer must conduct an election for a new executive officer in accordance with Part D of this Rule. (26) The SRC may remove a member from office for: (27) The removal from office may be affected only at a meeting of the SRC of which notice (including notice of the motion that the member concerned be removed from office, specifying the reasons for the motion) was duly given. The member concerned must be notified in writing (sent to the email address the student has registered with the University) at least five working days in advance, and must be informed of: (28) The removal from office must be supported by a resolution of a majority of at least two-thirds of members present and entitled to vote at the meeting for which notice was duly given under clause 27. (29) The motion for removal must not be put to the vote unless the member concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity to reply to the motion at the meeting, either orally or in writing. Where the member concerned does not attend the meeting and notice was given as per clause 27, they will be taken to have been given a reasonable opportunity to reply. (30) The office of a member of the SRC becomes vacant if the member: (31) If the office of a member of the SRC becomes vacant, a person shall be appointed or elected to fill the casual vacancy in accordance with Part D this Rule. (32) Each SRC shall hold at least four scheduled meetings each year at a time and date to be determined by the committee. SRCs may meet more frequently, as needed, to conduct their business. (33) At all meetings of the SRC, the president shall act as the chair of the meeting unless the president is unable to attend. (34) In the absence of the president, another member must be appointed to chair the meeting in their place. (35) At any meeting of an SRC, a quorum will be a majority (fifty percent plus one member) of the total number of current representatives of the SRC. (36) The SRC secretary must (where practicable) send a notice of the date, time and place of each scheduled meeting to each member of the SRC and the Student Representation and Clubs Officer assigned responsibility by the University for the campus prior to the date of the meeting. The notice may be sent electronically. (37) The SRC secretary must call for agenda items from members to be included in the agenda prior to the meeting (where practicable). (38) The agenda may be accompanied by a copy any relevant supporting documents, where necessary and practicable. (39) Notice of a meeting is not required to be given to a member where that member: (40) SRCs will ordinarily meet in person or via technology (or a combination) to conduct its business. (41) The chair will move a meeting 'in camera' at the request of any two members supported by a majority of members for the discussion of matters pertaining to the private and personal information of an individual. (42) If, at a meeting, a quorum is not present: (43) By resolution, the SRC may adjourn a meeting to a later time or date to the same or another place. (44) A motion submitted by a member of the SRC and seconded by another member in accordance with this Rule will be put to the meeting by the chair. (45) Members must disclose potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest to the chair any time they arise, prior to consideration of the relevant matter (refer to the Conflict of Interest Procedure for guidance). In such cases, the chair has discretion to determine whether the member may participate in the discussion and vote in the matter, participate in the discussion but not vote, or be excluded from the meeting while the matter is discussed. (46) At any meeting of the SRC, a motion put to the vote of the meeting will be decided on by: (47) At any meeting of the SRC that has a quorum, a motion carried by a majority (half of the members plus one) of the SRC present and eligible to vote shall become a resolution of the committee, except for: (48) The chair will declare whether a vote is carried or lost. (49) Members who vote against the motion, or abstain from voting, must bring their vote to the attention of the secretary at the time the vote is taken to ensure that their vote is recorded accurately into the official minutes. (50) A member will be deemed to have abstained from voting on a motion if: (51) If on any motion an equal number of votes are cast for and against a motion, the chair may cast the tie-breaking vote, in addition to any vote cast by the chair as a member. (52) An entry into the official minutes as to the vote cast by members will be sufficient evidence of that fact without a requirement for further proof. (53) No objection may be made to the validity of any vote except at the meeting at which the vote is tendered, and every vote not disallowed at that meeting is valid for all purposes. (54) The SRC secretary will keep the official minutes of each meeting of a committee. In the absence of the secretary, another member must be appointed to keep the official minutes for that meeting and shall pass them on to secretary after the meeting. (55) The official minutes shall record: (56) Within a reasonable time after the end of each meeting, the secretary shall prepare the draft official minutes of the meeting for approval by the president. (57) After approval by the president, the unconfirmed minutes will be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the committee for confirmation by the members. (58) Upon confirmation by the members the minutes are confirmed as official minutes. (59) The confirmed minutes shall be conclusive evidence of the business of the meeting. (60) A copy of the agenda and confirmed minutes of the SRC shall be sent to the members and forwarded to the: (61) The agenda and confirmed minutes of the SRC shall also be posted on the University’s website (but note that any confidential matters as detailed in clauses 62-63 are to be excluded). (62) The SRC and its members must comply with the requirements of the University's Privacy Management Plan relating to the management of private and confidential information. (63) The SRC shall ensure that private and confidential matters (such as references to individual named persons) are recorded in a separate confidential agenda and minutes (unless the meeting was held in camera) and are not published on the University's website for staff and students. (64) There is a Charles Sturt University Student Senate. (65) The principal functions of the Student Senate are to: (66) The Student Senate membership shall be comprised of: (67) The Student Senate shall appoint by resolution, one undergraduate student and one postgraduate coursework student as student representatives to the Academic Senate, as provided by the Governance (Academic Senate) Rule. At least one of these appointees must be a current member of the Student Senate. If an appointed student representative to the Academic Senate is not a member of the Student Senate, they shall have audience and debate rights (under clause 68(i)) to report back on relevant matters but shall not become a member of the Student Senate nor have voting rights due to their appointment. (68) Each Student Senate must hold an election among its eligible members (see Part D) to appoint an executive that includes the following roles: (69) The following shall have a right to attend and be heard at any meeting of the Student Senate but shall not have voting rights: (70) Attendance at meetings by persons other than members and the persons specified in clause 69 shall be restricted to students of the University, unless determined otherwise by the chair. (71) The term of office for a member of the Student Senate shall be the same as a member of the SRC's term or one year, whichever is sooner. The SRC may reappoint a member for additional representative terms to the Student Senate at the end of their current term by resolution. (72) The term of office of the executive officers shall expire upon the election of new executive officers, or at the expiry of the term of a member holding that office, whichever is sooner. (73) It is a condition on which executive officers hold office that they retain the confidence of the Student Senate. (74) An executive officer ceases to hold executive office if the Student Senate passes a resolution by majority of at least two-thirds of members present and entitled to vote at a scheduled meeting that they do not have the confidence of Student Senate. (75) Upon the passing of a resolution of no confidence in accordance with clause 74, the office of executive member shall become vacant and the returning officer shall conduct an election for a new executive officer in accordance with this Rule. (76) The President of the Student Senate is responsible for representing and promoting the interests of students to the University and the wider community. (77) The president is also responsible for: (78) The president shall have a right to attend meetings of the University Council (except where the University Council meets in confidential session) and shall have the right to raise matters of interest to the student body. The president also has the ability to meet with the University Secretary and raise matters of interest to the student body. (79) The office of a member of the Student Senate becomes vacant if the member ceases to be a member of their SRC. (80) Where a member's office becomes vacant under clause 71 and the member also holds the office of an executive officer, the member ceases to hold that office upon ceasing to be a member of the SRC. (81) Where the office of a member of the Student Senate becomes vacant for any reason, their SRC shall appoint a member to replace the previous member for the remainder of their term. (82) The Student Senate may establish advisory sub-committees to assist with the exercise of any of its functions. (83) It is not necessary that members of advisory sub-committee be members of the Student Senate or SRC. (84) The procedure for the calling of meetings of an advisory sub-committee and for the conduct of business at those meetings shall be as determined by the Student Senate. (85) The Student Senate shall hold at least four scheduled meetings each year at a time and date to be determined by resolution. (86) At all meetings of the Student Senate, the president shall act as the chair of the meeting, or: (87) At any meeting of Student Senate, a quorum will be a majority (fifty percent plus one member) of the total number of current representatives to the Student Senate. (88) The Student Senate Secretary must call for agenda items from members of the committee, and such persons with a right to audience and debate, at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled meeting. (89) The secretary must (where practicable) send a notice of the date, time and place of each scheduled meeting to each member of the Student Senate, and the Executive Director, Student Experience (or delegate), at least five working days before the meeting in the form of an agenda. (90) Notice of a meeting is not required to be given to a member where that member: (91) The Student Senate secretary must convene a special meeting of a committee for the consideration of urgent business on receipt of a written request to do so from: (92) A request under clause 91 shall specify the purpose of the meeting, the items to be considered and any business papers to be considered at the meeting (if any). (93) The date of the special meeting convened under clause 91 is to be a date as soon as reasonably practicable after the request to hold the meeting is made. (94) The Student Senate will ordinarily meet in person or via technology (or a combination) to conduct its business. (95) The chair shall move a meeting 'in-camera' at the request of any two members supported by a majority of members for the discussion of matters pertaining to the private and personal information of an individual. (96) Members must disclose potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest to the chair any time they arise. prior to consideration of the relevant matter (refer to the Conflict of Interest Procedure for guidance). In such cases, the chair has discretion to determine whether the member may participate in the discussion and vote in the matter, participate in the discussion but not vote, or be excluded from the meeting while the matter is discussed. (97) If, at a meeting a quorum is not present: (98) By resolution, the Student Senate may adjourn a meeting to a later time or date to the same or another place. (99) A motion submitted by a member of the Student Senate and seconded by another member in accordance with this Rule will be put to the meeting by the chair. (100) At any meeting of the Student Senate, a motion put to the vote of the meeting will be decided on: (101) The chair will declare whether a vote is carried or lost. (102) Where a meeting has a quorum, a motion carried by a majority (at least half of the members plus one) of the members present and eligible to vote shall become a resolution of the Student Senate, except for: (103) Members who vote against the motion, or abstain from voting, must bring their vote to the attention of the secretary at the time the vote is taken to ensure that their vote is recorded accurately into the official minutes. (104) An entry into the official minutes as to the vote cast by members will be sufficient evidence of that fact without a requirement for further proof. (105) No objection may be made to the validity of any vote except at the meeting at which the vote is tendered, and every vote not disallowed at that meeting is valid for all purposes. (106) If on any motion an equal number of votes are cast for and against a motion, the chair casts the tie-breaking vote, in addition to any vote cast by the chair as a member. (107) The Student Senate secretary will keep the official minutes of each meeting. In the absence of the secretary, another member must be appointed to keep the official minutes for that meeting and shall pass them on to secretary after the meeting. (108) The official minutes shall record: (109) A member will be deemed to have abstained from voting on a motion if: (110) Within a reasonable time after the end of each meeting, the secretary shall prepare the draft official minutes of the meeting for approval by the president. (111) After approval by the president the unconfirmed minutes will be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Student Senate for confirmation by the members. (112) Upon confirmation by the members, the president must sign the minutes. (113) The confirmed minutes shall be conclusive evidence of the business of the meeting. (114) A copy of the agenda and confirmed minutes of the Student Senate shall be sent to the members and forwarded to the: (115) The agenda and confirmed minutes of the Student Senate shall also be posted on the University's website (but note that any confidential matters as detailed in clauses 116-117 are to be excluded). (116) The Student Senate and its members must comply with the requirements of the University's Privacy Management Plan relating to the management of private and confidential information. (117) The secretary shall ensure that private and confidential matters (such as references to individual named persons) are recorded in a separate confidential agenda and minutes (except where the meeting was moved in camera) and are not published on the University's website. (118) Student representatives will be nominated and elected to student representative committees (SRCs) as set out in this Part. SRCs will, by resolution, appoint SRC members to the Student Senate as stated at clause 66. (119) An election is to be conducted by secret ballot using the preferential system of voting as prescribed by this Part. (120) Nomination as a candidate for election and voting in an election conducted under this Part is voluntary. (121) The returning officer is the University staff member appointed by the Executive Director, Student Experience, and may include a deputy returning officer(s), poll officer(s) or other person(s) who will be authorised or directed by the returning officer to exercise the functions of a returning officer under this Rule. (122) Subject to this Rule, the returning officer may decide all matters relating to the procedure for the conduct of an election. (123) A decision of the returning officer relating to an election, including a decision relating to the eligibility of a candidate or a voter, the conduct of the election or the result of an election, is final. (124) Students will be eligible to nominate as candidates and/or vote for candidates in an election where their name appears on the roll of students prepared for that election (see clause 129). (125) Students enrolled in regional and international centres where there is Student Senate sub-committee (established under clause 6) are only eligible to vote, nominate or be a candidate in an election for the relevant sub-committee. (126) To be eligible to nominate as an SRC member, a student must be an active student, enrolled as a candidate proceeding to an award. (127) Students on an approved leave of absence can serve as SRC members while they are still enrolled in their course as an active student. (128) Where an online student seeks to participate in campus life by nominating for a campus SRC they may contact the campus returning officer in writing (via email) during the nomination period and ask to nominate themselves for election as an SRC member for that campus. (129) The returning officer will prepare, at least one week before the close of nominations for an election, a SWRPOLC Banner report to determine active students for a roll of students for each campus/cohort of the University. See clause 7 for how student enrolments and cohorts are determined for the purpose of student representation. (130) An election for the members of an SRC that arises because of: (131) The returning officer must give notice of an election to eligible nominees and voters by publishing a notice on the website of the University and by electronic communication to each student. Notice must include the following: (132) The notice may contain such other information relating to the election as returning officer thinks is necessary. (133) See clauses 124-128 for eligibility requirements to nominate for election. (134) Subject to this Rule, the returning officer shall determine the form and method of nomination. (135) The returning officer is to arrange online nomination process, which will normally be: (136) There is to be a separate nomination for each person nominated. (137) The returning officer may reject a nomination if they are satisfied that: (138) Once nominations have closed the returning officers check that all nominees are enrolled students and that they meet the eligibility requirements for the SRC they have nominated for. (139) If, following the close of nominations: (140) Where a vote is required under clause 139(c): (141) The ballot must be conducted by a secret ballot using a compulsory preferential system of voting. (142) The results will be produced automatically by the electronic voting system. Result sheets will be produced as soon as practicable following the time scheduled for the close of voting. (143) The candidate who received the largest number of first preference votes will be declared elected. Where more than one candidate in an election is required to be elected, the candidate who has received the second-largest number of first preference votes will also be declared elected. This procedure will be followed until the number of candidates declared elected equals the number of vacancies required to be filled. (144) In the case of two or more candidates receiving the same number of first preference votes and a result cannot be declared under the provisions of clause 146, the returning officer will exclude the candidate with the fewest number of first preference votes. Each ballot allocated to the excluded candidate will be reallocated to the voter’s next preference vote. This procedure will be followed until the number of candidates declared elected equals the number of vacancies required to be filled. (145) If after the final count, two or more candidates have an equal number of votes and a result cannot be declared under the provisions of clauses 143-144, the returning officer will determine by lot which of the candidates is to be declared elected. This procedure will be followed until the number of candidates declared elected equals the number of vacancies required to be filled. (146) If, before the close of nominations, a candidate dies or becomes incapacitated, withdraws their nomination or becomes ineligible, the candidate's name should be removed from the ballot (if practicable). (147) If, before the declaration of the poll for an election, a candidate at the election dies, becomes ineligible for election or withdraws their nomination (and it was not practicable to remove the candidate's name from the ballot), the election is to proceed as if: (148) Where a casual vacancy arises from fewer candidates nominating than available positions, the returning officer shall refer the matter to the first scheduled meeting of the new SRC. (149) The SRC may, by resolution: (150) Where a casual vacancy arises during the term of an SRC the returning officer must: (151) In this clause runner up in an election means the person who, in the vote counting process at the election (see clauses 142-145), was the candidate for election who received the next highest number of votes aside from the person or persons declared elected. (152) This part sets out the processes for electing executive officers (e.g. president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer) for Student Senate and SRCs, where a vacancy arises due to the expiry of the terms of officer or there is a casual vacancy. For the purpose of this part, references to ‘committee’ mean whichever committee (Student Senate or SRC) the election is being held for. (153) The returning officer is the university staff member appointed by the Executive Director, Student Experience, and may include a deputy returning officer(s), poll officer(s) or other person(s) who will be authorised or directed by the returning officer to exercise the functions of a returning officer under this Rule. (154) The returning officer may decide all matters relating to the procedure for the conduct of an election for the executive officers under this Rule. (155) An election to fill a vacancy in an executive officer is to be held (where practicable): (156) The election of executive officers will be as follows: (157) Where there is an election for multiple executive officers at the same meeting of the committee, the elections shall take place in the following order (as relevant): president, vice president, treasurer then secretary. (158) The University has established a Student Special Funds Account (the fund) to hold the net assets of the former Student Associations. (159) The University will contribute each year to the fund an amount equal to CPI for the preceding two years. This will occur on 1 January each year and be based on the balance of funds held on 31 December of the preceding two years. (160) Following the allocation of CPI, the University will allocate interest on the balance of the fund on the 1 January each year. The interest rate shall be the average earnings rate earned by the University on its long-term investment portfolio for the preceding two years subject to a floor rate of 4% and a ceiling rate of 9%. (161) The University will provide to the Student Senate and the SRCs a financial report following the application of CPI and allocation of interest earnings. Other financial reports may be requested and will be provided as required. (162) Upon receipt of the statement of account under clauses 158-161 of this Rule, the Student Senate will allocate a budget to each of the SRCs for the coming year. (163) Upon receipt of their budget allocation, each SRCs will prepare a draft annual budget for the expenditure of funds, in accordance with any policies, procedures and guidelines for the preparation of annual budgets and the expenditure of funds under this Rule (including compliance with the Government Sector Audit Act 1983) approved by the University. (164) The SRCs may allocate funds consistent with the functions of the committee set out in their terms of reference, and to meet their reasonable operational expenses. (165) The University will appoint authorised staff member to assist each SRC and the Student Senate in the preparation of a budget in the form and within the timelines required by the University. (166) The SRCs will send the draft annual budgets to the Student Senate for collation and submission to the relevant Band 8 approver in line with clause 167. (167) The annual budget for the SRCs and the Student Senate submitted for Band 8 approval. The Band 8 authority shall approve the annual budget if satisfied that: (168) A complaint regarding a Student Representative Committee or the Student Senate (or a member thereof) shall be handled in accordance of the Complaints Management Policy and Complaints Management Procedure. (169) Complaints shall be lodged using University’s online reporting system. (170) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Rule, the SRC and the Student Senate remain subject at all times to the control, direction and discipline of the Vice-Chancellor. (171) The Vice-Chancellor may, at any time, appoint the Internal Auditor or an external auditor to carry out an investigation into alleged financial, electoral or other governance irregularities concerning an SRC or the Student Senate and which the Vice-Chancellor believes may be of a serious nature. (172) Any investigation under clause 171 must be reported to the University Secretary for notification to the University Council at its next scheduled meeting. (173) Members of SRC and the Student Senate must provide any person appointed under clause 171 with all such information and documentation required. (174) Upon completion of the investigation, a report shall be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor and the University Secretary setting out the findings and any recommendations. (175) The Vice-Chancellor may take any one or more of the following actions having regard to that report and/or recommendations submitted under clause 174: (176) The Audit and Risk Committee of the University Council may exercise the authority granted to the Vice-Chancellor under clause 175 without requirement for an investigation where, in the opinion of the Audit and Risk Committee, there is prima facie evidence of: (177) A decision of the Audit and Risk Committee under clause 176 shall be final. (178) In this Part a reference to committee or committees includes the Student Senate and the Student Representative Committees, unless stated otherwise. (179) In supporting the operation of the committees, the Executive Director, Student Experience will appoint staff to relevant student groups who shall: (180) Members of the committees may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their functions on presentation of receipts in the form determined by the University. (181) Honoraria, may be paid accordance with Schedule A (Payment of expenses and honoraria) to this Rule. Payment of honoraria must be approved by resolution of the relevant committee, and facilitated by the Executive Director, Student Experience as per their duties specified in clause 179. Amendments to Schedule 1 may be approved by the relevant Band 7 approver after endorsement by the Student Senate. (182) Without limiting the authority of the University Council under the Act, this Rule may also be amended after a request approved by a majority of the Student Senate. The process for an amendment under this clause is as follows: (183) Any use of the name of the University, its logos or trademarks must be authorised under the University's Communications and Marketing Policy and Communications and Marketing Procedure – Brand Governance. (184) The University may charge, and the Student Representative Committees and/or the Student Senate will be responsible for paying, a proportionate fee for service provided, as determined by the University (excluding accommodation). (185) A committee may appoint a person or persons to be responsible, on behalf of the committee, for the approval of publications of the committee. A decision by a person or persons validly appointed under this clause shall be deemed to be a decision of the committee. (186) The committee will be accountable for each publication authorised by the committee, or on behalf of the committee, including but not limited to: (187) The committee, or a person appointed by the committee under clause 188, is under a good faith obligation to obtain appropriate legal advice where it is reasonable to believe that a publication may be unlawful, actionable or otherwise in breach of this Rule. (188) The University Secretary may, where they form the view that a publication may be in breach of this Rule, the law, or the best interests of the University, prohibit the publication. (189) The Executive Director, Student Experience, or the University Secretary may direct the committee to withdraw any publication that, in their individual opinions, are in contravention of this Rule, the law or the best interests of the University. (190) A publication will not be deemed to be against the interests of the University solely because the publication is critical of the University, its management, or programs. Any decisions to prohibit a publication of a committee must comply with the University’s Statement on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech. (191) The committees or any of its members, shall not make any public comment for, or on behalf of, the University under any circumstances. (192) The committees may make public comment on behalf of its committee, subject to the law. (193) No part of this Rule is intended to restrict or limit a student’s right to academic freedom or freedom of speech except as otherwise provided in the University’s Statement on Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech. (194) The committees will not: (195) The relevant campusābased or Online SRCs will be responsible for supporting any student organisation, club, society or other campus student body seeking affiliation or reaffiliation, and for supporting such bodies once affiliated, as described in the University’s Clubs Policy, Clubs Procedure - Affiliation and Operations and Student Clubs Sponsorship Procedure, including: (196) SRCs and the Student Senate may also, at their discretion, provide support to informal associations of student organisations, clubs, societies or other campus student bodies operated by and for students of the University. However, unless such associations are granted formal affiliated status by the University those unaffiliated associations will only have access to resources ordinarily available to all University students. (197) Except as provided for in this clause or otherwise in this Rule, no matter or thing done or omitted to be done by: (198) In accordance with sections 19-37 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 nothing in this Rule shall require any person to: (199) The Executive Director, Student Experience may facilitate negotiation of a Student Events and Related Activities Agreement between the committees and the University. (200) The Executive Director, Student Experience may approve Guidelines for Student Events and Related Activities. (201) The Student Senate by resolution may request amendments to the Guidelines for Student Events and Related Activities by the Executive Director, Student Experience. (202) In this Rule, unless the contrary intention appears:Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2023
Section 1 - Introduction
Name of Rule
Section 2 - Rule
Part A - Student Representative Committees
Establishment of the Student Representative Committees
SRC terms of reference
Right of audience and debate
Term of office
Removal of an executive officer
Removal of a committee member
Vacation of office
Student Representative Committee meeting procedures
Meeting schedule
Meeting chair
Notice of meetings
Form of meeting
Standing over of unfinished business
all business that should have been transacted at the meeting is to be stood over until the next meeting.Adjournment of meetings
Motions to be put to the meeting
Conflict of interest
Voting procedures
Secretary to keep official minutes
Confirmation of official minutes
Publication of agendas and official minutes
Private and confidential matters
Part B - Student Senate
Establishment and operation of the Student Senate
Terms of reference
Right of Audience and Debate
Term of office
Removal of an executive officer
Role of President
Vacation of office
Advisory sub-committees
Student Senate meeting procedures
Meeting schedule
Meeting Chair
Notice of ordinary meetings
Special meetings of the committee
Form of meeting
Conflict of interest
Standing over of unfinished business
Adjournment of meetings
Motions to be put to the meeting
Voting procedures
Secretary to keep official minutes
Confirmation of official minutes
Publication of agendas and official minutes
Private and confidential matters
Part C - Election of student representatives
Election to a student representative committee
Conduct of elections
Returning officer
Eligibility for nomination and voting at elections
Rolls of students
Timing of elections
Notice of elections
Nomination for election
Procedure after close of nominations
Voting and conduct of ballot
Withdrawal, death or ineligibility of candidate
Casual vacancies
Filling of casual vacancies after an election
Filling of casual vacancy during term
Part D - Election of executive officers
Returning officer
Conduct of election of executive officers
Part E - Student special funds account
Student special funds account
Allocation of annual funding
Draft annual budgets
Approval of annual budgets
Part F - Complaints and Oversight
Reserve Powers
Part G - Miscellaneous
Role of Executive Director, Division of Student Experience
Payment of expenses and honoraria
Amendment to Rule
Use of University Logo or Name
Allocation of University facilities
Public comment
Academic freedom and freedom of speech
Rule against commercial activities
Student organisations, clubs, societies and other campus student bodies
Liability of members
shall, if done in good faith for the purpose of executing this Rule, subject a member of the Student Representative Committee or the Student Senate personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.Rule against requiring membership of student organisation or payment of certain amounts
Student Events and Activities Agreement
Part H - Glossary
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