(1) This Rule is the Governance (Academic Senate) Rule 2018. (2) This Rule commences on 1 January 2019 under resolution CNL18/113. (3) This Rule is enacted to define the composition of the Academic Senate and confer on that body certain functions under the Charles Sturt University Act 1989. (4) This Rule is made by the authority granted to the Council under sections 20 and 32 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989. (5) In this Rule: (6) The notes and headings in this Rule do not form part of this Rule. (7) There is to be an Academic Senate, which is the principal academic body of the University. (8) Authorities delegated to the Academic Senate by the Council are set out in the Delegations and Authorisations Policy - Delegation Schedule A - Governance and Legal and Delegation Schedule E - Academic and Research. (9) The Academic Senate shall exercise the following functions: (10) The Academic Senate may delegate functions specified in clause 9, except the delegations referenced in clause 8, to be undertaken by its subcommittees. (11) The Academic Senate has such other functions as may be necessary to enable it to exercise the functions specified in clause 9. (12) Functions particular to the subcommittees of the Academic Senate shall be set out in the membership and terms of reference of each committee. (13) Under this Rule, the Academic Senate will have the following members: (14) Elected members will be elected from and by the eligible staff of the relevant electoral rolls kept by the returning officer in accordance with the Election of Staff to Academic Governance Committees Rule 2024. (15) The Academic Senate membership must always have more elected members than ex-officio members. If necessary, Council will increase the number of members in one or more of the categories at clause 13c. (16) Academic Senate members will have a two-year term, with the exception of those who are members of the Academic Senate only because they hold particular offices or positions at the University (refer to clause 104 of the By-law). (17) The Academic Senate may by resolution stagger the filling of positions in the categories of membership described in clauses 13a(ii)(iii), 13b and 13c, where it deems this beneficial to its continuity of operation. (18) Members of the Academic Senate elected under clause 13c may be re-elected provided that they are, at the time of their election, eligible for membership in that category. (19) Notwithstanding clause 16, the Council may by resolution vary the term of the Chair of the Academic Senate, where this is appropriate in the view of the Council. (20) Notwithstanding clause 16, the Academic Senate may by resolution vary the term of one or more members of the Academic Senate, and of the Deputy Chair, Academic Senate where this is appropriate in the view of the Academic Senate. (21) Where the Council varies the term of the Chair of the Academic Senate in accordance with clause 19, the election or recruitment process for new members, Chair or Deputy Chair will commence on a date determined by the Council. (22) Where the Academic Senate varies the term of one or more members of the Academic Senate or Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate in accordance with clause 20, the election or recruitment process for new members or Deputy Chair will commence on a date determined by the Academic Senate. (23) The Chair is responsible for: (24) Where the Chair cannot for any reason participate in a panel as required under clause 23g., they may nominate a member of the Academic Senate to be a member of the selection panel (with such member to have the same rights and responsibilities as the Chair). (25) The Deputy Chair is responsible for: (26) For the purpose of the Act, a person acting as the Chair shall be a member of the Council and assume the membership of any committee of which the Chair is a member for the time being in the place of the holder of the office. (27) The Deputy Chair, Academic Senate is expected to: (28) The Chair of the Academic Senate will be appointed by the Council. (29) Applications for the position of Chair will be invited from suitably experienced people within the University. The Council will determine whether applications will also be invited from suitably experienced people external to the University. The returning officer will determine the application process to be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of this Rule, subject to any recommendations given by Council. (30) Within the University, members of the professoriate will be eligible for appointment to the position of Chair if they: (31) Candidates who are external to the University will be eligible for the position of Chair if they: (32) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review the applications submitted under clause 29 and create separate shortlists of eligible candidates for: (33) Members of Academic Senate will receive the shortlist of internal candidates and, by secret ballot, determine their preferred candidate(s). (34) Academic Senate will advise the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of their preferred candidate(s) with sufficient time for the candidate(s) to be interviewed as stated at clause 35. (35) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will approve an interview panel that will interview and determine their preferred candidate(s) from: (36) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will recommend to Council their preferred candidate(s). (37) Academic Senate will recommend to Council their preferred internal candidate(s). (38) Council will appoint the Chair, Academic Senate, taking into consideration the recommendations from the Academic Senate and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. (39) Notwithstanding clauses 29-38, the Council may by resolution directly appoint a suitably experienced person to the position of Chair, Academic Senate. (40) Unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the Council or the Council Executive Committee, a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair, Academic Senate. (41) Academic Senate may, through a vote of no confidence by the majority of its members, recommend to Council to end the appointment of the Chair. (42) University Council may by resolution end the appointment of the Chair. (43) The Deputy Chair will be elected by Academic Senate. (44) Nominations for the position of Deputy Chair, Academic Senate will be invited from suitably experienced people within the University. The returning officer will determine the nomination process to be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of this Rule, subject to any recommendations given by Council. (45) All members of academic staff at Levels C, D or E are eligible to be nominated and elected as Deputy Chair provided that they hold an appointment of at least 0.5 of a full-time equivalent position and a minimum contract of at least two years and, upon election, do not simultaneously occupy the position of Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor or Executive Dean, except as allowed under clause 56. (46) Nominations for election to the position of Deputy Chair under clause 39 must be supported by two members of the Academic Senate. (47) If there is only one nomination for election of the Deputy Chair, the returning officer will declare the nominated candidate elected. (48) If there are two or more nominations for election of Deputy Chair, the returning officer will conduct a poll of members of the Academic Senate by secret ballot using the compulsory preferential voting system. The candidate who has received an absolute majority will be declared elected. (49) If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes, the returning officer will conduct a further poll of members of the Academic Senate by secret ballot: (50) In the event that there are no eligible nominations received, the Council may by resolution directly appoint a suitably experienced person to the position of Deputy Chair. (51) Unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the Council or the Council Executive Committee, a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate. (52) Unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the Council or the Council Executive Committee, a person who held the position of Chair, Academic Senate in the preceding term may not nominate as Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate. (53) Academic Senate may, through a vote of no confidence by the majority of its members, recommend to Council to end the appointment of the Deputy Chair. (54) University Council may by resolution end the appointment of the Deputy Chair. (55) Where the person appointed as the Chair or elected as Deputy Chair of the Academic Senate is a current member of the Academic Senate, the position held by that person before the appointment or election will be deemed to have become vacant and will be filled in accordance with the procedures for filling a casual vacancy under this Rule. (56) A casual vacancy will arise in the office of a member of the Academic Senate where the member: (57) Notwithstanding clause 56e-f, a casual vacancy will not arise in the office of Chair or Deputy Chair of Academic Senate solely because the member is appointed to act in an executive management position: (58) For the purpose of clause 56c, a person is not deemed to have ceased employment solely because the person has ended one contract of employment and commenced a new contract of employment within a reasonable period of time. (59) A person who fills a casual vacancy shall hold the office as a member of the Academic Senate, subject to the Act and By-law, for the rest of the term of the person's predecessor in office. (60) In the event of a casual vacancy in the office of Chair occurring it shall be filled by the Deputy Chair or by appointment by the Council. (61) If a casual vacancy in the office of the Chair is filled by the Deputy Chair an election for the role of Deputy Chair will be held in accordance with the requirements of this Rule. (62) Should a casual vacancy arise in the office of the Deputy Chair for any other reason as identified in clause 56, an election for the role will be held in accordance with the requirements of this Rule. (63) If a casual vacancy exists in both the office of the Chair and the Deputy Chair, the Vice-Chancellor shall act as Chair until either of the casual vacancies is filled. (64) If there is a casual vacancy in a nominated student member position, the position shall be filled by the appointment of a student from the same category of enrolment by the Academic Senate on the advice of the Student Senate or the University Research Committee. (65) If there is a casual vacancy in a position elected by the professoriate, the position shall be filled by the professoriate electing an eligible candidate to the vacancy in accordance with the requirements of this Rule. (66) If there is a casual vacancy in a position elected by the faculty, the position shall be filled by the relevant faculty electing an eligible candidate to the vacancy in accordance with the requirements of this Rule. (67) The Executive Dean may nominate an alternate senior member of Faculty Board to attend meetings of the Academic Senate at which one or more of the members elected by the faculty is unable to attend. (68) An alternate member will count for the purposes of a quorum. The alternate member shall have the same rights as the substantive member. (69) The University Secretary or delegate will act as the returning officer for all elections or appointment of members of the Academic Senate under this Rule. (70) The returning officer may, subject to the Act, By-law and Rules, decide all matters relating to the procedure for the conduct of an election or appointment under this Rule, including appointments made by the Council. (71) Subject to the Act, By-law and Rules, a decision of the returning officer relating to an election under this Rule, including a decision relating to the eligibility of a candidate or a voter, the conduct of the election or the result of an election, is final. (72) The returning officer is to preside during any part of a meeting of the Academic Senate at which the preferred candidate for Chair is being determined or an election for the Deputy Chair is to be held. No other business may be conducted at a meeting of the Academic Senate while the returning officer is presiding. (73) The rules for the conduct of meetings, including the number for a quorum, will be in accordance with the procedure for conduct of meetings of Academic Committees. (74) The University Secretary will have right of audience and debate at meetings of the Academic Senate. (75) The Chair may grant to any other officer of the University a right of audience and debate for a specified period of time. (76) A person who was a member of the Academic Senate immediately before the commencement of this Rule continues to be a member of the Academic Senate until such time as another officer is appointed or elected in their place.Governance (Academic Senate) Rule 2018
Section 1 - Preliminary
Name of Rule
Notes and headings
Section 2 - Rule
Part A - Committee
Establishment of the committee
Delegated authority
Terms of reference
Part B - Membership
Section 16 of the Act provides for there to be an Academic Senate of the University consisting of the Vice-Chancellor; members of the academic staff of the University, and of other universities, appointed by the Council; and such other persons as are determined by the Council in accordance with the By-law.
Clauses 101 and 102 of the By-law provide that the Council may by resolution determine the qualifications required to be held by persons to become members of the Academic Senate and the persons who may be members of the Academic Senate under section 16(1)(d) of the Act.Members
Terms of office
Role of the Chair
Role of the Deputy Chair
Part C - Appointment and election of members
Appointment of Chair
Applications for position of Chair
Shortlisting and recommendation of candidates
Appointment by Council
Election of the Deputy Chair
Casual vacancies
Casual vacancy – Chair and Deputy Chair
Casual vacancy – nominated student member
Casual vacancy – elected member
Part D - Miscellaneous
Alternate faculty members
Returning officer
Right of audience and debate
Transitional provision
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Note: Under section 20 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989, the Council may delegate all or any of its functions to a committee or other body of the University (other than its power of delegation). Section 32 of the Act states that the Council may make rules for the good government of the University and with respect to the functions, processes and procedures of bodies of the Council.
Note: The By-law prescribes, at clause 103(1) and (2) that casual vacancies in elected positions are to be filled by the Council. By virtue of this Rule, Council has determined the manner for the filling of casual vacancies in various membership categories as indicated further below.
Note: Clause 110 of the By-law prescribes the Academic Senate's authority to make Rules to establish committees of the Academic Senate (provided that the functions of those committees do not exceed the functions conferred on the Academic Senate under clause 105 of the By-law); the manner and time of convening, holding and adjourning meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees; the manner of voting at meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees; and the conduct of business of the Academic Senate and its committees.