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Clubs Procedure - Affiliation and Operations

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Clubs Policy by stating detailed requirements for student and community club processes.

(2) This procedure outlines the process, obligations and responsibilities for student and community clubs for:

  1. affiliation
  2. disaffiliation
  3. membership
  4. club executive governance
  5. training
  6. funding
  7. financial accounting
  8. club activities
  9. travel
  10. reporting
  11. managing assets
  12. insurance.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) This procedure supports the Clubs Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Part A - Student clubs


(4) Providing that a club meets the criteria for a student club, as defined in the Clubs Policy, it may apply for affiliation.

(5) The delegated officer will consider recommendations of the Student Representative Committee (SRC) and Division of Student Experience (DSX) and may approve or decline a request for affiliation, in accordance with Delegation Schedule A - Governance and Legal.

(6) Nothing in this procedure or otherwise shall give rise to an affiliation or the continuance of an affiliation unless expressly stated in writing by a delegate of the University to the club president.

Application for affiliation

(7) Applications for affiliation must be made by completing the student clubs affiliation form, available via the Student Portal.

(8) DSX will review the application and consult with the relevant SRC. The relevant SRC will then make a recommendation to the delegated officer to approve or reject the affiliation in accordance with the Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2023.

(9) Affiliation must be applied for and approved annually for continued affiliation and funding consideration.

(10) Continuing clubs must apply for affiliation no later than 31 October each year or such other date as determined by DSX and communicated to clubs from time to time.

(11) Application for affiliation of a new student club may be submitted at any time.

(12) The student club must immediately notify the University by contacting if the student club’s purpose is varied, or the student club undertakes actions that are inconsistent with the club goals outlined in the affiliation process. DSX will make a determination as to whether the change is minor and the club can continue operating for the remainder of the affiliation period or whether the club must immediately submit a new request for affiliation,

Conditional affiliation

(13) The Clubs Policy sets out the circumstances or conditions where conditional affiliation requirements may be imposed.

(14) The student club president will be notified in writing of any conditional affiliation requirements, and the club executive committee are responsible for ensuring all conditional affiliation requirements are adhered to.


(15) The Clubs Policy sets out the circumstances or conditions where the University may disaffiliate a student club.

(16) If the University seeks to disaffiliate a club, DSX will provide written notice to the club to that effect (which must identify the basis for seeking disaffiliation) and allow five working days for the club to provide a response. 

(17) In the event of disaffiliation, for whatever reason:

  1. the club account shall be frozen and all funding not utilised by the club shall be returned to the relevant SRC
  2. the club must cease representing itself as an affiliated club of the University, including the use of University branding or branding which may be deemed to demonstrate an association with the University
  3. the University shall only be liable for payment of accounts that are submitted to the University in accordance with these guidelines prior to the date of disaffiliation
  4. any monies or property owing to the University at the time of disaffiliation or accrued at a later date will be a debt owed to the University, and the University may take any recovery action it considers appropriate to recover any such amounts owed from any persons responsible for incurring the debt, including the individual members of the club executive committee. 

Recommendations from SRCs regarding affiliation, conditional affiliation or disaffiliation

(18) Where the delegated officer is required to make a decision relating to affiliation, conditional affiliation or disaffiliation, DSX will provide a summary of the required decision and all relevant supporting information to the relevant SRC. In the case of potential disaffiliation as referred to in clause (16), DSX will also include the club’s response (if any) to the relevant SRC.

(19) The relevant SRC will review the information provided by DSX under clause (18) and provide its recommendation to within five working days of receiving such information from DSX.

(20) DSX will then as soon as reasonably practicable provide to the delegated officer:

  1. the same information it provided under clause (18) to the relevant SRC
  2. the SRC's subsequent recommendations, and
  3. DSX's own recommendations, to assist the delegated officer to make a decision relating to affiliation, conditional affiliation or disaffiliation.

Decisions of the delegated officer

(21) The delegated officer will duly consider all information provided by DSX under clause (20) and provide their decision in writing to the relevant club within five working days of receiving such information from DSX.

(22) The decision of the delegated officer is final. There is no avenue of internal review or appeal against a decision of the University through the delegated officer in respect of conditional affiliation or disaffiliation of a club.



(23) Student clubs must be made up of at least 60% students, and no more than 40% associate members.

(24) Clubs may seek approval for greater than 40% associate members by emailing a request to and outlining:

  1. the number of members who are current Charles Sturt University students and the number of members the club would like to accept as associate members
  2. the purpose of the club
  3. the impact upon the club if the increased number of associate members was not approved.

(25) The club must maintain and provide to the University, through the designated University system, an accurate and up-to-date membership list.

(26) The club executive committee must ensure all club members, paid or unpaid, register their membership through the designated University system. The membership details must include their name, email address, mobile number and membership type/status (e.g. student or associate) including their student number. 

(27) The student club must not permit any person to be a member if it is the opinion of the club executive committee that such a person would not be an appropriate representative of a University affiliated club or may give cause to the University, its students or staff to suffer physical, psychological or reputational damage.

(28) The student club must immediately notify the University by emailing in the event the student club takes disciplinary action against a member, or if a member of the public makes a complaint to the student club about the actions of a member whilst that member is representing the club including, but not limited to, the attendance of club organised functions, events or activities.

(29) If requested by the University, a student club must remove a member from its membership.

Club executive

(30) Each affiliated student club must elect a club executive committee that must include but not be limited to:

  1. president
  2. vice-president
  3. secretary
  4. treasurer.

(31) The annual affiliation request will include details of the club’s executive committee, including their student number, individual email addresses and phone numbers, and the club email address where official notices will be sent. 

(32) Should the executive committee change prior to the annual general meeting, the club will advise the University of these details by emailing within five working days of the change.

(33) For the purposes of receiving notices from the University, notices will be deemed to have been received by the club two business days after being forwarded to the club email address as notified by the club in accordance with clause (31). 

(34) The executive committee must be current students of the University.

(35) The executive committee cannot exceed 10 members.  

(36) Each member of the executive has equal voting rights.

Training for club executive committees

(37) All club executives must complete mandatory training as required by the University, prior to the club being fully affiliated.

(38) Clubs will not be able to organise events, access funds or receive support from University staff until all executive members complete the mandatory training to the satisfaction of the University.

(39) The University will publish the annual training program online, available at 

(40) Wherever possible, the University will provide multiple opportunities for club executives to complete such training during the period from the club’s annual general meeting to the start of the next academic year, at a minimum. Such training may be online, face-to-face, synchronous or asynchronous, as required according to the content of the training. 

(41) The University will review the training program annually, including consideration of feedback from participants, and recurring issues and questions, and adjust the program as needed.

(42) Normally, students who have previously completed the club executive training will not be required to complete training in subsequent years, unless the University develops new training components that returning club executives need to be aware of.


(43) Club executives of affiliated student clubs may apply to the relevant SRC for funding, as defined in the Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2023. Each SRC defines its own process for awarding funding.

(44) When deciding whether to grant funding and the amount to be funded, the SRC shall give consideration to:

  1. the level of Charles Sturt University student involvement in the club
  2. the ability of the club to raise finance through other means
  3. the past conduct of the club and its members
  4. the viability of the club
  5. the purpose for which the funding is to be applied. 

(45) In line with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy, if an SRC member is also a member of a club applying for funding, those members should abstain from discussion and voting.

(46) SRC funding granted to a student club should be used for the express benefit of members that are Charles Sturt University students. 

(47) All club funding, whether from membership fees, SRC grants, sponsorship or another source, must be used to support the stated goals and activities of the student club.

(48) If funding is received by the student club from an external source, including sponsorship arrangements for cash, gifts, or promotion, in kind or otherwise, then this must be declared to the University prior to acceptance by the student club. This is covered in the Student Clubs Sponsorship Procedure.

(49) The University reserves the right to decline a sponsorship arrangement if it decides the sponsor does not meet the requirements of the University.

(50) The University may place conditions on the access to and use of the funding from time to time including, but not limited to, the application of funding for member registration and insurance.

Financial Accounting

(51) All student club finances, including but not limited to membership fees, sponsorship and SRC grants, must be held within the University finance system. Affiliated student clubs must not maintain separate bank account(s). 

(52) All financial decisions must be approved by the club executive, recorded in minutes, and emailed to, before any funding will be released from the University finance system. The minutes shall record:

  1. the type of purchase or expense approved
  2. the total amount approved for expenditure, including any GST, freight, surcharges, and other costs (where applicable)
  3. where known, the name of the vendor.

(53) Only members of the club executive committee and authorised University employees will be deemed to have financial delegation for the approval and expenditure of club monies (see Delegations and Authorisations Policy).

(54) Student club purchases need to follow the Finance Procedure - Procurement, including but not limited to:

  1. consider all procurement steps when undertaking procurement activities
  2. ensure all expenditure is approved by the club executive and the delegated approver (University staff member) listed in the Delegation Schedule C - Finance, prior to making purchases.

Types of expense payment

(55) The Finance Procedure - Procurement uses the following hierarchy of payment processes. Clubs should seek advice from their Student Representation and Clubs Officer as to which process is required for each procurement activity:

  1. Purchase orders – the University maintains a register of preferred suppliers, the Student Representation and Clubs Officer will advise clubs on these suppliers and raise a purchase order. Once a purchase order is approved by the delegated approver, an invoice is sent by the supplier and payment will be managed by Division of Finance.
  2. Staff purchase cards – in limited circumstances, club expenses may be paid via the Student Representation and Clubs Officer’s purchase card, normally where the supplier will not accept a purchase order or payment is required by the supplier prior to delivery of the goods. Use of purchase cards must be in accordance with the Finance Procedure - Corporate Credit Cards.
  3. Club purchase cards - student clubs may apply for a purchase card to pay for pre-approved expenses that cannot be invoiced or urgently need to be paid. Before money is loaded onto the club purchase card, the Student Representation and Clubs Officer will check that other avenues of payment can’t be used first.

(56) Student clubs should only use a member’s personal funds for purchases when all other avenues for payment have been exhausted. Such expenses will only be reimbursed from the student club account where the club executive has approved the expenditure prior to purchasing.

(57) Where club purchase cards or personal funds have been used, a claim for expenses must be emailed to, with:

  1. pre-approval for the expense from a quorum of the club executive, including the full amount approved and what it will be spent on, and
  2. a legible tax invoice or receipt.

Receiving payments

(58) Student clubs should provide prior notification of any third-party electronic funding into the allocated (main) bank account of the University. Notification should include the name of the club, its specific codes, the funding body from which the funds are expected, a copy of any recipient created tax invoice (RCTI), or expected amounts (including GST), and a contact within the club for any queries. Bank account details are available from, and notification should be made to, as well as

(59) Wherever possible, student clubs should use electronic banking rather than handling cash. Where cash is unavoidably needed, such as collecting coins for fundraising purposes, all monies received must be banked to the student club account by the close of business on the next business day.

Club activities and events

(60) Student clubs must seek approval from the University before holding an activity or event, using the designated University system.

(61) In line with the Risk Management Policy, clubs need to request approval from the University prior to the intended activity or event. Clubs must submit their request within the relevant timeframe as set out in the Student Clubs Handbook. The request must include:

  1. a description of the type of event/activity
  2. the location
  3. the organiser’s contact details
  4. anticipated numbers
  5. whether alcohol will be served
  6. venue self-assessment form for events at external venues
  7. a completed risk assessment, using the template provided by the University, demonstrating:
    1. an understanding of the nature of the risks associated with the type of event/activity
    2. the club understands its role in taking preventative actions to minimise the potential risks
    3. the risks have been assessed according to the exact event/activity being planned.

(62) Clubs need to discuss their planned activity/event with a Student Representation and Clubs Officer before submitting an activity/event request.

(63) Activity/event requests will be approved according to the delegated authorisations of the University.

(64) Clubs can host an activity or event only where they have received approval in writing from the University. 

(65) Activities and events held without the prior written approval of the University, or where the actual activity/event differs in nature from what was approved by the University, may be referred to Student Conduct. 

(66) Club funding will be released to pay for activities or events that have the prior approval of the University.


(67) Upon consulting with their Student Representation and Clubs Officer, a club may request for travel and accommodation to be arranged through Travel and Expense, or the club may elect to make its own arrangements.

(68) Travel arrangements through Travel and Expense will follow the Travel Procedure.


(69) Club executives must prepare an annual report as part of the annual general meeting (AGM), and submit this to the University as part of the affiliation form. The annual report should include details about:

  1. achievement of club goals defined at the last AGM
  2. finances, including sponsorship and fundraising
  3. events and activities
  4. asset summary, including new assets purchased and any loss or disposal of assets.


(70) Student clubs are responsible for maintaining a register of assets.

(71) Student clubs will submit an updated asset summary to the University each year, via the affiliation process.

(72) All club assets remain the property of the relevant club in perpetuity, including where a student club converts to a community club of the University.

(73) In the event of a club being disbanded or disaffiliated for whatever reason, all assets of the club are to be delivered unencumbered and at the cost of the club, to the University or as the University directs.


(74) Once affiliated, clubs are covered by the University's insurance policies. These include public liability and personal accident insurance for their student members.

(75) Associate (non-student) club members are not covered by the personal accident insurance.

(76) Any insurance effected by or through a state or national body to which the club is a member shall take precedence with the University's insurances being applied only in the event that the insurance effected by or through the state or national body was deficient or insufficient to meet a particular claim.

(77) The insurance referred to in clause (74) above covers only the actions of the club and its members that are negligent and not wilful, dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious. In these instances, liability for damage caused rests with the club and its members. 

(78) The University's insurances do not include insurance to cover property belonging to affiliated clubs and it is the responsibility of affiliated clubs to insure property that belongs to them or is held by them in trust or on commission.

(79) In order that its personal accident insurance complies with health insurance legislation, the University's personal accident insurance does not cover Medicare medical and hospital expenses incurred as a result of personal injury and such Medicare medical and hospital expenses will only be met to the extent available under the student’s own Medicare and/or private health insurance.

Part B - Community clubs

Affiliations and disaffiliations

(80) Providing that a club meets the criteria for a community club, as defined in the Clubs Policy, it may apply for affiliation.

(81) The delegated officer will consider recommendations of the Division of Student Experience (DSX) and may approve or decline a request for affiliation, in accordance with Delegation Schedule A - Governance and Legal.

(82) Nothing in this procedure or otherwise shall give rise to an affiliation or the continuance of an affiliation unless expressly stated in writing by a delegate of Charles Sturt University (the University) to the club president.

Application for affiliation

(83) Applications for affiliation must be made by completing the community clubs affiliation form, available via the University website.

(84) DSX will review the application and make a recommendation to the delegated officer to approve or reject the affiliation.

(85) Affiliation must be applied for and approved annually for continued affiliation.

(86) Continuing clubs must apply for affiliation no later than 31 October each year or such other date determined by DSX and communicated to clubs. 

(87) Application for affiliation of a new community club may be submitted at any time.

(88) If affiliation is granted by the delegated officer, clubs must:

  1. if not already an incorporated association, become an incorporated association pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) and provide evidence of such to the University
  2. sign the Charles Sturt Community Clubs Letter of Agreement
  3. provide DSX with a copy of valid and current certificates of currency for those insurances specified in the Charles Sturt Community Clubs Letter of Agreement. 

(89) The community club must immediately notify the University by contacting if the club’s purpose is varied, or the club undertakes actions that are inconsistent with the club goals outlined in the affiliation process.

Conditional affiliation

(90) The Clubs Policy sets out the circumstances or conditions where conditional affiliation requirements may be imposed.

(91) The club president will be notified in writing of any conditional affiliation requirements, and the club executive committee are responsible for ensuring all conditional affiliation requirements are adhered to. The requirements contained in clause (88) remain applicable if conditional affiliation is granted by the delegated officer.


(92) The Clubs Policy sets out the circumstances or conditions where the University may disaffiliate a community club.

(93) If the University seeks to disaffiliate a community club, DSX will provide written notice to the club to that effect (which must identify the basis for seeking disaffiliation) and allow 10 working days for the club to provide a response.

(94) In the event of disaffiliation, for whatever reason:

  1. the Charles Sturt Community Clubs Letter of Agreement between the University and the club will terminate on the date of disaffiliation
  2. the club must immediately cease representing itself as an affiliated club of the University, including the use of University branding or branding which may be deemed to demonstrate an association with the University
  3. the club will no longer have access to University facilities in accordance with this procedure.

Decisions of the delegated officer regarding affiliation, conditional affiliation or disaffiliation 

(95) Where the delegated officer is required to make a decision relating to affiliation, conditional affiliation or disaffiliation, DSX will provide a summary of the required decision and all relevant supporting information to the delegated officer. In the case of potential disaffiliation as referred to in clause (93), DSX will also include the club’s response (if any) to the delegated officer.

(96) The delegated officer will duly review the information provided by DSX under clause (95) and provide their decision in writing to the relevant club within five working days of receiving such information from DSX.

(97) The decision of the delegated officer is final. There is no avenue of internal review or appeal against a decision of the University through the delegated officer in respect of conditional affiliation or disaffiliation of a club.



(98) Community clubs are defined as:

  1. a club that does not meet the criteria for, nor is approved as, a student club, and
  2. a club that is an incorporated association pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). 

(99) The club must maintain and provide to the University during the annual affiliation process, through the designated University system, an accurate and up-to-date membership list (which must identify those members who are students of the University) including details of the members comprising executive committee and contact details.

(100) The club executive committee are responsible for ensuring compliance with its obligations pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW).

(101) The community club must not permit any person to be a member if it is the opinion of the club executive committee that such a person would not be an appropriate representative of a University affiliated club or may give cause to the University, its students or staff to suffer physical, psychological or reputational damage.

(102) The community club must immediately notify the University by emailing in the event the club takes disciplinary action against a member, or if a member of the public makes a complaint to the community club about the actions of a member whilst that member is representing the club including, but not limited to, the attendance of club organised functions, events or activities.

Club executive

(103) For the purposes of receiving notices from the University, notices will be deemed to have been received by the community club two business days after being forwarded to the club email address as notified by the club in accordance with clause (99). 

Training for club executive committees

(104) Community clubs are responsible for providing their own training to club executive and members. 


(105) Community clubs are responsible for their own funding and are not eligible for funding from Student Representative Committees or the University. 

(106) The community club is able to accept funding from an external source (including sponsorship arrangements for cash, gifts, or promotion, in kind or otherwise) however community clubs cannot seek nor accept such funding from those industries which the University sees as being in conflict with its values:

  1. organisations with exposure to modern slavery
  2. manufacture of tobacco
  3. gambling
  4. pornography and prostitution
  5. manufacture and distribution of armaments
  6. coal seam gas.

(107) The University recognises that clubs may work with other Australian tertiary institutions. A community club will need to make a request to the Student Representation and Clubs Officer to be sponsored by, receive funding from, or be affiliated with another Australia tertiary institution. This will be assessed by the University on a case-by-case basis, and any approval which may be granted by the University may be subject to conditions at the University’s discretion.

(108) The University reserves the right to disaffiliate the community club if the club accepts funding that is inconsistent with clauses (106-7).

Financial accounting

(109) Community clubs are responsible for their own finances and processes as required pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). 

Club activities and events

(110) Community clubs are responsible for the management of any activities or events undertaken by the club. 

(111) For activities or events held on University grounds, community clubs must seek prior approval using the designated University system.

(112) In line with the Risk Management Policy, community clubs need to request approval from the University at least three weeks prior to the intended activity or event on University campus grounds. Clubs should complete the Holding an event on campus form.

(113) Activity/event requests will be approved according to the delegated officers of the University.

(114) Community clubs must not host an activity or event on a University campus unless they have received approval in writing from the University. 

(115) The University reserves the right to disaffiliate the community club if the club holds an activity or event on a University campus without the prior written approval of the University, or where the actual activity/event differs in nature from what was approved by the University.


(116) Community clubs are responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel. 


(117) Club executives must prepare an annual report as part of the annual general meeting (AGM) and submit this to the University as part of the affiliation form. The annual report should include details about:

  1. achievement of club goals defined at the last AGM
  2. finances, including sponsorship and fundraising
  3. events and activities.


(118) Community clubs own and are responsible for their own assets.

(119) Ownership of any assets by a club prior to becoming affiliated with the University as a community club is not affected by such affiliation.


(120) Community clubs must maintain relevant insurance policies such as personal accident insurance and general and public liability insurance. 

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(121) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(122) This procedure uses terms defined in the Clubs Policy, as well as the following:

  1. Activity – a gathering organised by a student or community club that meets all of the following criteria:
    1. less than 50 participants/attendees
    2. no alcohol is expected to be consumed
    3. less than $2000 financial outlay.
  2. Event – a gathering organised by a student or community club that exceeds at least one of the following criteria:
    1. more than 50 participants/attendees
    2. alcohol is expected to be consumed
    3. more than $2000 financial outlay.