(1) This procedure supports the Credit Policy by stating detailed requirements for the management and processing of credit applications. (2) This procedure applies to current and prospective (3) This procedure supports the Credit Policy and should be read alongside it. (4) Information about recognition of prior learning and credit is published online for prospective students and current students via the University website. However, this online credit information, including content published within the University credit database, is indicative only, and as such assessment may result in more or less credit being awarded than the published information indicates. (5) Published information about credit precedents and agreements may no longer apply where: (6) The Credit Policy states the maximum amounts of credit that can be granted towards each type of course at Charles Sturt University and the restrictions that apply to using previously awarded credit within another course. (7) Some courses may have stricter limits for maximum credit than those published within the Credit Policy, where required to meet academic or professional accreditation needs. Students may contact their faculty course team or Course Director for information about whether there is a lower maximum credit limit set for their particular course of study. (8) Students can apply for credit upon admission, when enrolled or when seeking course transfer. (9) Applications will not be assessed until the current or prospective student has provided the supporting documents and information needed for assessment. See the ‘Supporting documents’ section below for more information about the evidence required as part of an application for credit based on each type of prior learning. (10) Prospective students applying directly to the University for admission use their online admission application to apply for credit, by following the instructions in the credit section of the online application form. (11) However, prospective students applying for admission via a Tertiary Admission Centre must follow the credit application process outlined for current students in the section below, once they have been admitted into their course and are enrolled as a current student with the University. This includes prospective students applying for admission through: (12) Students who do not provide the required documents for credit assessment upon admission will be required to apply for credit as a current student via the online credit application tool after accepting their offer. (13) If a student does not wish to have credit applied as part of a credit or articulation agreement, they must contact the relevant Admissions Office. (14) Current students apply for credit using the online credit application tool, via the Student Portal. They must follow the online instructions for credit applications. (15) If a student does not wish to have credit applied to their current course enrolment as part of an articulation or credit agreement, then the student must contact their Course Director. (16) Where a student applies to transfer from one Charles Sturt University course to another, they will have an opportunity to request credit as part of their transfer application. (17) Where a current student wishes to undertake one or more subjects at another institution and receive credit for this study towards their current enrolment in a Charles Sturt course, they must seek approval from their Course Director by applying for forward credit (FCR) to determine whether this external study can be counted towards the requirements of their course at this University. (18) To request forward credit (FCR) approval for outgoing cross-institutional study, students must submit their application for credit through the online credit tool, including the following supporting documentation: (19) At the completion of the studies with the other institution, students must submit a copy of their results to the Credit Team to have their temporary forward credit (FCR) finailsed and converted into transfer credit (TCR). See the ‘Converting forward credit (FCR to TCR)’ section of this procedure for more information about the process and requirements for converting forward credit within the required timeframe before it expires. (20) The University publishes detailed information about which types of documents must be verified as a true and accurate copy, and applicants must follow the online instructions in the supporting documentation guidelines. (21) Where the documents are not in English, the applicant must provide the original document and a translation by a translator acceptable to the University. Translations must be verified in accordance with the instructions published by the University. (22) If the University requests other supporting documents in addition to those listed below, the applicant must provide them. (23) Applications for transfer credit based on previous formal learning must include: (24) Where a student is applying for credit on the basis of subjects previously completed at this University, formal transcripts may not be required for the study undertaken at Charles Sturt. (25) Assessors will check the recency of prior formal learning to ensure it is in line with the ‘Recency requirements’ section in the Credit Policy. (26) Applications for credit based on previous informal or non-formal learning must include relevant supporting documentation that provides evidence of having met the required learning outcomes, such as: (27) Certain courses and subjects will require additional information to be provided by the applicant after their original application for credit has been submitted to the University. This requested additional information may include a written statement to be submitted by the applicant that: (28) The University will contact the student after their original application has been received to advise if this additional information is required. (29) Assessors will check the recency of each student’s prior informal and non-formal learning to ensure it is in line with the ‘Recency requirements’ section of the Credit Policy. (30) The Credit Policy states the roles that can make a credit decision, and those who can apply pre-approved decisions based on a credit precedent or formal agreement in place at the University. (31) Credit applications are received by the Credit Team or Admissions Team (depending on application method) and checked for completeness before assessment. Where further information or supporting documentation is required, the application will be held while the student is contacted and asked to provide outstanding information and/or documentary evidence. Completed applications that contain all required information and supporting documents will be forwarded to the relevant credit decision-maker for assessment within three working days of receipt. (32) Credit applications will be assessed by the relevant decision-maker within 20 working days of receipt. The Credit Team will provide support to faculty staff in assessing credit applications where needed. (33) In assessing the equivalence of a student’s previous formal study for transfer credit, decision-makers will apply the following criteria: (34) As well as assessing a student’s written application and supporting documents for recognition of informal and non-formal learning, the Subject Coordinator or Course Director may also require students to undertake an assessment task. (35) Students will be advised of the date and location of the assessment task, and whether it is written, practical, or a combination. Students will also receive information about the form the task will take, including: (36) Higher degree by research student applications for credit will be assessed and approved by the Dean, Graduate Research, upon the recommendation of the applicant’s primary supervisor and the relevant faculty Sub Dean (Graduate Studies). (37) Recognition of prior candidature time will be processed as per the Higher Degree by Research Policy and Higher Degree by Research Procedure. (38) Evidence of prior learning submitted to the University will be assessed against the recency requirements defined in the Credit Policy for credit eligibility, to ensure the learning occurred within the required timeframe. (39) Where a student’s prior learning is outside of the stated recency timeframe, the decision-maker may determine it appropriate to grant credit outside of these requirements in certain circumstances where sufficient proficiency in the relevant learning outcomes is demonstrated by: (40) Applications involving exceptions to credit restrictions, rules, and limits stated in the Credit Policy must be approved by: (41) For coursework students, applications involving potential exceptions to credit policy rules and restrictions will be assessed for suitability by the Course Director within 20 working days of receipt. (42) If sanctioned by the Course Director, the application will be forwarded for consideration to the Executive Dean of the relevant faculty. The Course Director may decline to submit the application if it is deemed unsuitable for an exception. (43) If sanctioned by the Executive Dean, the application will be submitted to the Faculty Board or the University Courses Committee for consideration at their next meeting. (44) The decision-maker must notify the Credit Team as soon as it is decided to submit the application for review and assessment of a possible exception, so the student can be notified of this delay to their pending outcome within 20 working days of their original submission date, and informed of the additional time expected for assessment of their credit application. (45) The decision of the Faculty Board or University Courses Committee will be recorded as an outcome of the relevant meeting and communicated to the Credit Team for action. (46) The Credit Team will process the final outcome of the student’s credit application and notify the student, and will record the assessment decision in the student record and the credit management system, including whether an exception was approved. (47) For higher degree by research students, applications involving potential exceptions to credit policy rules and restrictions will be reviewed by the Dean, Graduate Research for suitability and then forwarded to the chair of the University Research Committee for assessment. Students will be notified of the outcome of their credit application in writing, and any exception decision will be recorded in the relevant systems by the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies. (48) New articulation and credit agreements must be set up as precedents in the system by the decision-maker who receives the first application within the University submitted under that agreement. Where the credit application is submitted as part of the admissions process, a credit precedent will need to be manually added to the central credit management system by the decision-maker. (49) Credit decision-makers must look at past decisions/precedents and, where suitable, will record all decisions to grant credit for the qualification as a precedent in the credit management system. This will enable consistent decision-making by creating a precedent to be applied to future credit applications based on that source of prior learning. (50) For current students, credit decisions and the evidence to support those decisions must be recorded in the central credit management system by the decision-maker. (51) For prospective students, credit decisions and the evidence to support those decisions must be recorded in the admissions workflow by the decision-maker. (52) For higher degree by research students, the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies is responsible for recording information about credit decisions in the student document management system. (53) The Course and Subject Procedure - Quality Assurance and Review outlines the process and requirements for monitoring credit outcomes and their effect on student progress as part of formal subject performance reporting and annual course reviews that are undertaken by the University under the Course and Subject Policy. (54) A review of credit precedents must be undertaken by each faculty at the end of each period for which the precedent has been approved. This review will include an assessment of the subjects included in the precedent for currency and suitability, and consideration of student academic performance compared to students who have not received the credit. The Credit Team will support the faculty in this review. (55) Faculty staff are also responsible for regular monitoring of the academic progress of students granted credit under articulation and credit agreements, and making recommendations to change these agreements if findings indicate that students are not able to make satisfactory progress. (56) Prospective students who applied for credit as part of their application for admission will receive a formal written notice of their credit outcome in their letter of offer, provided by the relevant Admissions Office. (57) The Credit Team will notify current coursework students of credit decisions by email within two working days of receiving the credit application outcome from the decision-maker. This email will refer current students to the online credit application tool, where they can view the details of their credit assessment outcome in writing. (58) For higher degree by research students, the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies is responsible for all communications regarding credit that fall outside the admission process. (59) Unsuccessful credit applicants will receive a written response informing them of the outcome and the reasons for it, including details of how to apply for a review or appeal of the credit decision. (60) Where international students are successful in their application for credit and their request is approved by the University, they must formally accept the offer of credit before it will be applied to their enrolment. This is because accepting credit may result in a reduced course duration, which will affect the dates of their confirmation of enrolment (COE) and may impact the length of their student visa. (61) To ensure international students are able to make an informed decision regarding credit, they will receive written notification of their credit application outcome which will contain information about how the credit may potentially impact their student visa, including: (62) Granted credit outcomes will appear on student enrolment records and transcripts as follows: (63) The Credit Policy provides definitions of the above types of credit. (64) Forward credit (FCR) is a temporary grade used to record the approval of potential future credit for a student based on formal study undertaken outside of their current course enrolment which must be completed by the student and converted into transfer credit (TCR) within the required two-year timeframe, or it will expire. (65) The Credit Policy outlines circumstances where students may wish to apply for forward credit. (66) Where a request for forward credit is approved, the Credit Team will update the student’s enrolment records by adding the relevant subject(s) with forward credit (FCR) grade(s). (67) Students will then have two years (from the date on which the FCR grade is applied to their enrolment) to complete the approved study and provide evidence of their completion to the University before their temporary forward credit (FCR) grade expires. (68) Upon receipt of evidence that the student has completed the approved study, the Credit Team will update the student’s enrolment by converting the forward credit (FCR) into transfer credit (TCR) against the relevant subject(s) (or points worth of unspecified course components) in their enrolment and on their transcript. (69) Forward credit will be reviewed each teaching period. If it is identified that forward credit has expired without any evidence of the student successfully completing their outside study by the specified due date, the Credit Team will remove the forward credit from the student’s enrolment in the student management system. (70) Students do not have to provide evidence of their completion of any subjects undertaken within Charles Sturt University to have their FCR grades finalised within their current course, as the Credit Team will convert the relevant forward credit into transfer credit (TCR) or graded credit once the internal subject results are released by the University. (71) Forward credit (FCR) grades are outstanding grades that do not count towards completion of a course until the relevant outside study has been completed and the FCR grades have been finalised and converted into transfer credit. See the Conferral and Graduation Policy for information about graduation eligibility requirements. (72) Where a student is currently enrolled in the subject(s) they are seeking credit for, they must apply for credit well before each subject’s census date, if they wish to avoid incurring the tuition fees for each subject, should their credit application be successful. (73) Where a student applies for credit in one or more of their current subject enrolments after the relevant census date has passed, they will have already incurred the tuition fees required for each subject by the time of submitting their application. They will remain liable for those tuition fees even if their credit application is successful, unless and until they meet the requirements and complete the process of applying for a refund after census date, as described in the Enrolment and Fees Procedure. (74) If a credit application submitted before census date is successful but the decision is made after that census date has passed, Student Administration will: (75) The Credit Policy states the authorised roles and circumstances under which credit may be withdrawn by the University: (76) When an error has been identified by the University, the relevant decision-maker (Course Director or Dean, Graduate Research) will complete the following actions within five working days: (77) The revised credit decision may alter or withdraw the granted credit where the review finds it was granted in error. (78) Within five working days of receiving the adjusted credit decision, the Credit Team or Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies will: (79) Where the University believes that credit has been granted on the basis of false, withheld, or misleading information provided by a student in their application, the decision-maker (Course Director or Dean, Graduate Research) will: (80) If the decision-maker determines that the granted credit was based on potentially false, withheld, or misleading information provided by the student, they will refer the matter to an appointed officer for investigation under the Student Misconduct Rule 2020, within five working days of their review. (81) If the misconduct investigation results in a decision to withdraw the credit, the appointed officer who applies this penalty will notify the relevant faculty or Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies, who will record this outcome in the relevant systems and withdraw the credit from the student’s enrolment. (82) The Credit Policy states that students may request a review of a credit decision, and also provides links to the University’s appeals and complaints processes and documentation. (83) For coursework students, requests to have a credit decision reviewed must be sent to the Credit Team via credit@csu.edu.au within 20 working days of the date on which they were notified of their original credit outcome. (84) The request must state the reason(s) the student wants the decision reviewed and should include any additional documentation that will support their request for credit. (85) The Credit Team will check the review request to ensure that it provides additional evidence or information which meet grounds for review. If the grounds for review are met, the Credit Team will forward the request to the Associate Dean (Academic) of the relevant faculty for review. (86) If the review application does not meet grounds for review, the Credit Team will contact the student and request additional evidence and/or information as required. The Credit Team may decline the review request if the student cannot provide additional evidence and/or information in support of their application. (87) The Associate Dean (Academic) or delegate (of higher delegation than the original decision-maker) will review the decision. (88) If the Associate Dean (Academic) or delegate requires more information from the student, they will inform the Credit Team, who will ask the student for it. (89) The Associate Dean (Academic) or delegate will provide an outcome of the review to the Credit Team, including the reason(s) for their decision, within 10 working days of receiving the review request or of receiving any further information requested from the student. (90) Where the outcome of the review is: (91) For higher degree by research students, requests for a review of credit decisions should be submitted to the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies, where they will be forwarded to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research (Performance and Governance) for review. Students will be notified of the outcome in writing within 10 working days of receiving the request for a review (or receiving any additional supporting information, where this was requested) from the student. (92) Nil. (93) This procedure uses terms defined in the Credit Policy, as well as the following:Credit Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedure
Published credit information
Credit restrictions and limits
Applications for credit
Prospective students
Current students
Transferring students
Outgoing cross-institutional study (FCR applications)
Supporting documents
Verification and translation of supporting documents
Evidence of formal learning (for transfer credit)
Evidence of informal and non-formal learning (for proficiency credit)
Assessment of credit applications
Assessing formal learning (transfer credit)
Assessing informal and non-formal learning (proficiency credit)
Assessing HDR credit applications
Assessing recency requirements for prior learning
Assessment of exceptions
Recording credit outcomes
Monitoring credit outcomes
Notifying students of credit decisions
International student acceptance of credit
Types of credit recorded on transcripts
Type of credit
Specified credit
Unspecified credit
Transfer credit (TCR)
The transfer credit (TCR) grade will appear on the transcript next to the specified subject’s name and code, and the number of points the credited subject is worth.
The transfer credit (TCR) grade will appear on the transcript next to a code used for unspecified credit, and the number of points that credit has been granted for.
Graded credit
The student’s original achievement grade for the source subject completed in a prior Charles Sturt course will appear on the transcript, next to the specified subject’s name and code, and the number of points the subject is worth.
Proficiency credit (PCR)
The proficiency credit (PCR) grade will appear on the transcript next to the specified subject’s name and code, and the number of points the subject is worth.
The proficiency credit (PCR) grade will appear on the transcript next to a code used for unspecified credit, and the number of points that credit has been granted for.
Forward credit (FCR)
Converting forward credit (FCR to TCR)
Credit process for current subject enrolments
Withdrawal of credit
Credit granted through error
Credit based on false, withheld, or misleading information
Review of credit decisions
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Graded credit can only be applied to specified subjects.
The forward credit (FCR) grade will temporarily appear on a student’s transcript next to the specified subject’s name, code, and number of points.
This provisional FCR grade will expire after two years and be removed from the student’s enrolment transcript if it has not been converted into specified transfer credit (TCR) before that time, on submission of evidence that the student has completed the approved study.
The forward credit (FCR) grade will temporarily appear on a student’s transcript next to the code used for unspecified credit and the number of points that credit has been provisionally granted for.
This provisional FCR grade will expire after two years if it is not converted into unspecified transfer credit (TCR), on the student’s submission of evidence that they have completed the approved study.