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University Council Entitlements Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the University Governance Framework.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(2) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

(3) See the University Governance Framework.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Council member honorarium and other benefits


(4) Eligible members of the Council may be paid an honorarium in recognition of the following:

  1. The commitment by members of their time to discharging their governance and compliance obligations in a complex and changing higher education environment, including preparation for, and attendance at, meetings of the Council and committees of the Council.
  2. The time commitment required of members to participate in stakeholder engagement on behalf of the University including attendance at graduations, alumni events, scholarship ceremonies and meetings with key stakeholders, networking on behalf of the University and participation in other forms of stakeholder engagement.
  3. To meet out of pocket and other costs incurred by members in attending to their duties such as communications charges, payment of professional memberships, travel, meals and other expenses (but not including approved official air or fleet/private car travel and accommodation in association with meetings or events which will be paid for by the University).


(5) In deciding on the appropriate level of honorarium for members, the Council shall take into account the following principles:

  1. While the University engages in a limited range of commercial activities in support of public purpose, it is principally a public not-for-profit corporation established for the purpose of promoting free intellectual inquiry, higher education opportunity for students, regional development and the conduct of research.
  2. The level of the honorarium should be sufficient to appropriately acknowledge the time and expense incurred by members in the discharge of their duties, but should not be excessive reflecting the nature of the University as a 'public good' institution.
  3. The application of the member's unique skills, qualifications and experience represents a personal contribution by members to the public good functions of the University and the advancement of higher education and the University's regions, and should not be taken into account in determining the level of honorarium paid to members.
  4. The level of the honorarium should be based on an agreed objective standard for comparable public sector boards (preferably consistent with the norms of the higher education sector).
  5. An honorarium is a personal payment in recognition of the time and cost incurred by members and therefore may only be paid to a member and not to a company, trust or other entity.
  6. The level of the honorarium shall not be linked in any way to the performance of the member or of the University.



(6) All members are expected to contribute equally and conscientiously to all meetings of the Council, participate as members of committees and to act for the University in engagement with stakeholders.

(7) All eligible members are entitled to receive an honorarium.

(8) An eligible member is a member of the Council, excluding the following:

  1. A member who is already remunerated by the University and accepts membership of the Council as part of their employment.
  2. A member who is an ex officio member of the Council under the CSU Act.
  3. A member who occupies an office of profit under the Crown and their membership of the Council constituted public service in accordance with the terms of their position.

Arrangements for non ex officio members that are employees

(9) Where a member is elected as a staff member of the Council, the faculty or division in which the member is employed should receive an amount equivalent to the base level of honorarium for that member to acknowledge the time and cost the faculty or division will incur to allow the member to properly discharge their duties.

Additional payment for officeholders

(10) Officeholders (e.g. Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, committee chairs (not including the Chair, Academic Senate who is an employee)) will receive an additional reasonable amount as set out in Schedule 1 in recognition of the additional time those members are required to contribute to attending meetings and other forms of stakeholder engagement, and the additional costs incurred by those members in discharging their duties.

Non-Council members of committees

(11) Members of committees that are not also members of the Council will receive an amount as set out in Schedule 1 to acknowledge their time commitment and costs in attending to their duties. This amount is payable once only regardless of the number of committees on which the non-Council member sits.

Part-time staff members of the Council

(12) Where a member is a part-time member of the staff of the University or a controlled entity of the University, the Vice-Chancellor will make arrangement for the hours of the employee to be adjusted by a maximum of an additional two hours per week to allow the member to attend to their Council duties. The member will not be entitled to receive an honorarium.



(13) The level of honorarium for eligible members of the Council is set out in Schedule 1.

Honorarium payment schedule

(14) The honorarium will be paid fortnightly on a PAYE or other appropriate basis determined by the University Secretary in consultation with the Division of Finance.

Right of refusal of honorarium

(15) Members have the right to elect not to accept payment of the honorarium.

Tax and superannuation

(16) The University is responsible for the payment of payroll tax with respect to the honorarium.

(17) Members are responsible for the payment of any income tax and/or fringe benefits tax with respect to any payment or benefit received in connection with their position as a member of the Council or a committee. Members should provide the University with a valid tax file number for this purpose.

(18) Under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 all employers are required from 1 July 1992 to provide a minimum level of superannuation for all recipients of remuneration who earn more than the minimum per month prescribed by that Act. The University will contribute to superannuation for each member up to the minimum level of superannuation required by the Act where it is required by law to do so. A superannuation benefit is additional to the honorarium payable to members and will only be paid where the University has a legal obligation to do so. Where a member is not eligible for a superannuation payment, the member shall not be entitled to any other payment or increase in their honorarium in lieu of superannuation or any other benefit or allowance. Members must supply the University a valid superannuation account for this purpose.

No honorarium entitlement for other functions

(19) Where a member is also a member of an advisory board, controlled entity board or is otherwise engaged in an official capacity with the University, the honorarium is deemed to be the total benefit payable to the member without requirement for further payment for assumption of any additional roles or responsibilities.

Council computer entitlement

(20) Members of Council are entitled to have access to a University computer account, email address and iPad (or equivalent mobile device as determined by the University Secretary) to access Council agenda, minutes, resources and notices for the duration of their term on the Council. Council members are bound by the University's policies on appropriate use of computing equipment and internet services, and the Code of Conduct.

(21) The University Secretary may grant access to the same entitlements as set out above where this is required by a non-Council member of a committee.

Other Council entitlements

(22) Council members and non-Council members of committees are entitled to a discount of up to 25% on wines from the University Winery. Orders can be placed directly with the University Winery Cellar Door or through the Governance Unit. Members (not including employees of the University) may charge wine purchases to the Governance Unit and this will be deducted from the member's honorarium.

(23) Members also have full online and on-campus access to University library resources including online services. Any library charges (such as inter-library loans or copying services for items not held by the University Library) can be charged by members (not including employees of the University) to the Governance Unit and will be deducted from the member's honorarium.

(24) The Governance Unit will advise members of Council of any other benefits that are available from time to time.

Honorarium incorporates out of pocket and other expenses

(25) Except as provided in clauses (26) to (39), Council members are responsible for meeting all costs and expenses associated with attendance at meetings of the Council, or attendance or participation in functions or activities associated with their role.

Attendance at approved functions

(26) The University Secretary is responsible on behalf of the Council for determining which activities of the University are approved functions.

(27) The University Secretary's Office has a fixed budget for meeting the reasonable expenses of the Council and as such there are limits on the number and type of functions that can be attended by members. To ensure that there are sufficient funds available to meet current and future commitments, and that the needs of all Council members can be met, the University Secretary must approve all expenses in advance. Where a member attends a function or activity or incurs a cost without prior approval the member is liable to meet that cost personally.

(28) Members will receive from time to time invitations from various parts of the University to attend a variety of domestic and overseas events, functions, graduations, ceremonies and other activities of the University. These invitations do not constitute approved functions unless attendance by the member is approved in writing by the University Secretary prior to the event.

(29) In determining whether a function is an approved function the University Secretary will consider whether the attendance of the member is required or appropriate; there are sufficient funds available in the budget having regard to current and future commitments; and, taking account of the balance of commitments of all members.

(30) Members may accept invitations to attend activities that are not approved functions at their own expense.

Travel and accommodation

(31) The University Secretary will organise and meet the reasonable cost of travel and accommodation for members in relation to meetings of Council and committees, and where the member has been approved to attend an approved function.

(32) Where the University supplies a meal in association with a meeting or approved function, the University will meet the cost of the meal. In all other cases, the member is responsible for the cost of any meals and associated expenses not included under the accommodation rate.

(33) Travel and accommodation of members of the Council is subject to the Travel Policy. All air travel for members will be booked by the Governance Unit with the standard determined by the University Secretary and the Travel Policy. In accordance with University policy, the University will not make bookings to accommodate membership of frequent flyer or other personal benefit schemes. Where travel involves a component of private travel, the member will be required to meet the cost of private travel and accommodation on a pro-rata basis.

(34) A member is not entitled to travel or accommodation where the meeting is held in the same place the member normally resides.

(35) Where a meeting is held using technology, a member is not be entitled to expenses for travel and accommodation unless the member needs to travel to a specific location to attend the meeting.

(36) All arrangements relating to meetings of the Council and its committees are made by the University Secretary's Office. Where members make their own arrangements, they are responsible for meeting the costs unless approved in writing in advance by the University Secretary.

Overseas graduations and functions

(37) A member may be requested to officiate at overseas graduations or attend an overseas event of the University from time to time.

(38) The attendance of members of the Council at overseas graduations or events is subject to the available budget of the Council.

(39) Arrangements for travel and accommodation are made through the University Secretary's Office. The Travel Policy applies to attendance at overseas graduations and events.

Official credit card

(40) The Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor may be issued a University credit card for official business purposes.

(41) Use of official University credit cards is subject to the University credit card and finance policies. Credit cards may only be used for official University business purposes.

(42) Any expenses for which the member is responsible that are charged to the University credit card will be deducted from the member's honorarium payment (where applicable).

(43) Use of a University credit card for the payment of private expenses is not permitted.

(44) Credit cards may not be used to purchase gifts. Official University gifts are available from the University Secretary's Office.

Deductions from payments

(45) The University Secretary may deduct an amount from any payment to meet any debt owed by a member to the University.

Prohibition of third party payments

(46) All payments must only be made to the member in their personal capacity. Under no circumstances will payments be made on invoices.

Adjustment to Council honorarium model

(47) The University Secretary will review the honorarium principles every four years in consultation with Council members and prepare recommendations for the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Any changes to the principles must be approved by the Council. Any adjustments in the honorarium model must be based on the revised principles; are subject to the available budget; and may not be linked to adjustments in the remuneration model for executive or other officers of the University.

(48) Members of Council will not be paid any form of performance linked payment or bonus to ensure that the Council's decisions are focused on the achievement of long-term goals.

Use of motor vehicles

(49) Council members may be given access to a University vehicle for business purposes. Motor vehicles may only be booked through the Governance Unit.

(50) The University Secretary may authorise an eligible member to use a motor vehicle maintained by the member for private purposes for attendance at official Council meetings or other approved functions.

(51) Where approval is granted under clause (50), eligible members may claim a motor vehicle allowance equivalent to that set out in the Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular (Meal, Travelling and Other Allowances) for travel from their ordinary place of residence for personal attendance at:

  1. meetings of the Council and its standing committees,
  2. official meetings of committees or bodies of the University to which the member of Council has been formally appointed by resolution of the Council,
  3. official meetings of other bodies to which the member has been formally appointed by resolution of the Council,
  4. other official Council functions approved by the University Secretary,
  5. graduations of the University, or
  6. other meetings or functions approved by the Chancellor (or in the case of Chancellor, by the Vice-Chancellor).

(52) Eligible members may not claim a motor vehicle allowance for:

  1. attendance at a meeting or function by teleconference or by other electronic means,
  2. attendance at or sitting on committees, boards or other bodies of the University where the eligible member has not been formally appointed to that body by formal resolution of the Council,
  3. attendance at Regional Consultative Committee meetings,
  4. attendance at any other function (other than functions listed in clause (7), including University functions, unless prior approval has been granted by the Chancellor (or in the case of the Chancellor, by the Vice-Chancellor), or
  5. where alternative travel arrangements have been organised by the University Secretary.

(53) An eligible member using a motor vehicle for official Council business must have for the vehicle a valid third party insurance policy and a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy to an amount and in a form approved by the University Secretary.

(54) Use of a motor vehicle maintained by the eligible member for private purposes for travel from their ordinary place of residence on official Council business shall be the sole risk of the eligible member.

(55) Members are subject to the University's policies including those relating to use of motor vehicles and occupational health and safety, and relevant road laws.

Members responsible for own advice

(56) Members are responsible for obtaining their own advice from a qualified person with respect to their legal and tax obligations, or the impact of any payment on their eligibility to receive payments from other sources (including Youth Allowance, scholarships, pensions etc.).

(57) Members are personally responsible for defending or meeting any claim, action or payment arising from their acceptance of an honorarium or any other benefit under this procedure.


(58) A member will not be entitled to an honorarium with effect from the date that the member's term expires, or the member is removed from the Council in accordance with the Act.

Accountability and reporting

(59) The Council is committed to transparency and accountability in the governance of the affairs of the University.

(60) To support this, the University Secretary will include in the annual report of the University each year the following:

  1. A table setting out the name of each member, the number of meetings of the Council and its committees to which the member belongs, and the number of meetings attended and not attended by the member.
  2. A table setting out the name of each member, the total amount of honorarium paid to the member and the total value of any other expenses incurred with respect to that member.
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Section 5 - Guidelines

(61) Nil.