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Staff Recruitment and Selection Guidelines - First Nations Staff

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) These guidelines set out principles and processes that support the recruitment and selection of First Nations staff or staff for positions that provide specific services to First Nations students at Charles Sturt University (the University).


(2) These guidelines apply to all employees involved in recruiting and selecting First Nations staff or staff providing specific services to First Nations students at the University, inclusive of full-time, part-time, fixed-term, casual and ongoing appointments.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Appointments Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(4) Appointments Procedure - Recruitment and Selection.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(5) Recruitment processes will follow the Appointments Policy. Additionally, for positions identified as having responsibility for First Nations related policies and programs or positions targeted for First Nations recruitment, the following principles will also be applied to both academic and professional/general staff recruitment.

Identified positions

(6) An identified position is one in which the principal duties involve development and/or delivery of policies, programs or services that impact First Nations people and require interaction with First Nations communities. Such positions require lived experience with specific knowledge and understanding of First Nations cultures and issues, and the ability to communicate effectively with First Nations communities.

(7) Where a position provides a service specifically for First Nations people, the University may restrict appointment to First Nations persons, as provided for by section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).

(8) In the case of an identified position and, where requested, applicants will be required to provide written confirmation of First Nations identity via a statutory declaration or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Confirmation of Identity.

Targeted positions

(9) A targeted position is allocated for recruitment of a First Nations person under the University's First Nations employment strategy. Unlike identified positions, there is no requirement for specific knowledge of First Nations cultures or issues in the position's role. Targeted positions are used as a special measure to increase employment opportunities for First Nations people and achieve a more diverse staffing profile that contributes to an inclusive campus environment for First Nations students.

(10) Positions may be targeted under the First Nations employment strategies, within the framework of the University's Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Plan and First Nations Strategy, in accordance with the measures provided for by sections 21 and 122K of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).

Selection criteria for identified positions

(11) In principle, the University aims to employ a First Nations person in any position that specifically provides services for First Nations people. In the first instance, the University will include in the essential criteria for identified positions the requirement that the appointee be a First Nations Australian. Where the University has grounds to believe that attracting a suitably qualified First Nations applicant may be difficult, advice should be sought from the First Nations Employment Adviser about implementing appropriate advertising and recruitment strategies before changing the status of the requirement for First Nations descent from essential to desirable.

(12) For all identified positions, the essential criteria will require that the appointee:

  1. is a First Nations Australian
  2. demonstrates a level of knowledge and understanding of First Nations cultures and societies appropriate to the position, and
  3. demonstrates the ability to communicate sensitively and effectively with First Nations people, including the requirement for genuine consultation and negotiation.

Selection criteria for targeted positions

(13) Selection criteria for targeted positions should include as an essential requirement that the appointee be a First Nations person.

Advertising vacancies

(14) In addition to the University's standard advertising channels, positions will be advertised through appropriate First Nations publications/media and networks. Consideration should be given to an appropriate lead time to enable promotion of vacancies through community and other networks. The First Nations Employment Adviser can provide advice on, and assistance with, advertising strategies.

(15) Where an identified position is to be advertised, the advertisement should indicate that applications are sought from First Nations Australians pursuant to section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).

(16) Identified positions, which require the applicant to work closely with external First Nations communities, should clearly state in the advertisement and position description that written confirmation of First Nations identity is required, either with a statutory declaration or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Confirmation of Identity.

(17) Targeted positions, which aim to recruit a First Nations person for a mainstream position, should indicate in the advertisement that applications are sought from First Nations people, in accordance with the University's First Nations employment strategies.

Selection committees

(18) Where a position is identified or targeted for appointment of a First Nations person, the selection panel must include at least one First Nations panel member with appropriate expertise in the professional area.

(19) Positions at management level will normally include more than one First Nations panel member, one of whom will be external to the unit or division.

(20) Identified positions that require the appointee to work with external First Nations communities must include one member of the First Nations community on the interview panel, whose role will be to review the applicants’ involvement in community and community engagement. The First Nations Employment Adviser must be consulted to determine an appropriate person for the panel.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(21) First Nations people refers to people of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent. For the purpose of these guidelines, a First Nations person is one who:

  1. is of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  2. identifies as an Australian Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander, and
  3. is accepted as an Australian Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander by the community in which they live or have lived.
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Section 6 - Document Context

Compliance drivers N/A
Review requirements As per the Policy Framework Policy
Document class Management
Document type Guideline