(1) Charles Sturt University's Learning Abroad Policy has been shaped by the following institutional needs, including: (2) This policy is intended to ensure that Charles Sturt University (the University) meets all standards of the following legislation, frameworks, and policies with respects to learning abroad programs, including: (3) This policy applies to staff and students of the University, and members of the community, who participate in, lead or administer learning abroad programs, or related activities. (4) Some sections of this policy apply only to specified categories of people, for example: staff only. Such sections will be clearly marked. (5) Learning abroad programs include all inbound and outbound programs. (6) This policy does not apply to students taught through onshore or offshore partnership arrangements, except where the learning abroad team has expressly permitted such inclusion. (7) This policy does not apply to higher degree by research candidates or staff of the University who are undertaking professional staff exchange or research fieldwork. (8) Where a supporting document is referred to in this policy, it will be listed on the associated information tab. (9) This glossary defines the general terms used in this policy. See clause (11) for definitions of the approved programs under this policy. (10) For the purposes of this policy, the following general terms have the definitions stated: (11) For the purposes of this policy, the following types of learning abroad program have the definitions stated: (12) This policy must be read in conjunction with the following related documents: (13) Eligibility requirements for learning abroad programs will be published on the learning abroad website. Subject to clause (14), applicants must meet all eligibility requirements at the time of acceptance into a program. (14) An exemption, from the standard, or requirement/s, will only be granted in exceptional circumstances where it can be demonstrated that the applicant meets the standard or requirement through alternative means. Any exemption must be sought in accordance with this policy and the Learning Abroad Procedure. (15) An applicant must apply to the Learning Abroad team for all learning abroad programs, including faculty-led programs, approved programs, programs where the applicant has applied directly to the host institution, and those hosted or arranged by external service providers. (16) Applications for all learning abroad programs must be in accordance with the Learning Abroad Procedure. (17) An application for Overseas Higher Education Loans Program (OS-HELP) must be made in accordance with Part J – Overseas Higher Education Loans Program (OS-HELP). (18) Applicant and participant responsibilities include compliance with: (19) Applicants and participants are responsible for payment of any deposit and all associated fees and participation costs. (20) Applicants and participants must provide evidence of travel and medical insurance for the duration of the learning abroad program as required by the University. (21) Any participant whose changed circumstances effects, or might affect, their participation in a learning abroad program, must promptly inform the Learning Abroad team of those circumstances. (22) Applicants and participants must attend pre-departure or orientation sessions associated with their learning abroad program. (23) Applicants and participants must provide the signed learning abroad agreement to the Learning Abroad team by the date required. (24) A participant is considered non-compliant if they: (25) Where a participant is considered non-compliant in accordance with clause (24), the University may take any of the following actions, at its discretion: (26) Students are responsible for meeting the requirements of their academic program. (27) Students must provide the Learning Abroad team with a copy of their host institution transcript or equivalent from their learning abroad program. (28) Students are responsible for applying for credit in accordance with the Learning Abroad Procedure. (29) Staff leading a learning abroad program must meet the minimum requirements as program or academic lead, prior to departure of the learning abroad program, as outlined in the Learning Abroad Procedure. (30) Staff must agree to the terms of the learning abroad program as advised by the Learning Abroad team. (31) Only staff necessary for the delivery of a learning abroad program can participate in the program. (32) Staff administering and leading learning abroad programs must have an operational knowledge of relevant legislation and incident response requirements as outlined in the Learning Abroad Guidelines. (33) The Learning Abroad team is responsible for the management and delivery of all learning abroad programs. (34) The Learning Abroad team will address any matter which may arise from participation in a non-approved program. (35) The Learning Abroad team will inform applicants and participants, in the application form and written agreement, of the terms and conditions of learning abroad programs, including of this Learning Abroad Policy, any applicable payment schedule, and other conditions of application and participation. (36) An approved program may have its approval revoked immediately if: (37) The University cannot provide support for participation in a non-approved program. (38) Participation in a non-approved Program is not covered by the University's insurance policy. (39) A Participant takes on all risk associated with participation in a non-approved program. (40) A non-approved program may be considered for approval in accordance with the Learning Abroad Policy and Guidelines. (41) All faculty-led programs must be approved programs under this policy. The faculty must provide the Learning Abroad team with all information about the program with sufficient time to complete the approval process. (42) Approval of a faculty-led program is subject to risk assessment by the Learning Abroad team. (43) A faculty-led program can become an approved program only after assessment by the Learning Abroad team. (44) A funded learning abroad program: (45) The funded component may be provided directly to a participant or be applied to program costs related to the participant, in accordance with the funding rules. (46) A funded participant is a participant who is covered by a funding arrangement. (47) Funded participants must: (48) In respect of any part of the funded component spent in contravention of the funding rules, the funded participant: (49) The Learning Abroad team will administer funded learning abroad programs in accordance with the funding arrangement, including: (50) The Learning Abroad team will allocate places in the funded learning abroad program in accordance with the funding rules. (51) If the number of applicants for a funded learning abroad program exceeds the number of places specified in the funding rules, allocation of places is handled as follows: (52) The Learning Abroad team manages finances associated with the University's facilitated overseas programs. These payments are to cover the costs of administering and participating in such programs and may include factors such as the provision of travel arrangements, in-country fees, and accompanying staff participation. (53) Learning abroad programs are operated on a cost recovery basis. That is, the University aims to recover the cost of operating learning abroad programs but does not aim to profit from the activity. However, program budgets include a contingency margin (of up to 10%) to protect against unexpected costs and exchange rate fluctuations. (54) Notwithstanding the operation of clause (53), at the conclusion of a learning abroad program and reconciliation of all associated costs, surplus funds are retained by the Learning Abroad team. (55) Clause (54) does not apply to any learning abroad program which, according to this policy, is classified as a funded learning abroad program. Funds relating to a funded learning abroad program are handled in accordance with the applicable funding rules. (56) The Learning Abroad team is responsible for the preparation of budgets and the setting of student program costs. This responsibility is undertaken in consultation with the relevant school for each program. (57) To facilitate efficiency, consistency, and reporting requirements, each learning abroad program will have its own specially designated account within the University's financial management system. (58) All payments received in relation to a learning abroad program will be held in the specially designated account. (59) Participants must pay a deposit equal to 10% of estimated learning abroad program costs, as advised by the Learning Abroad team (Deposit). (60) The deposit is held until such time as the participant is confirmed as having arrived in the destination country and commenced the learning abroad program. (61) Deposits are released in accordance with Learning Abroad Procedure. (62) Deposits, fees, participation costs and disbursements must be paid no later than the date stipulated by the Learning Abroad team. (63) Non-payment of deposit, fees and participation costs, or payment received after the date stipulated, may jeopardise participation in the learning abroad program. (64) Participants are required to inform the Learning Abroad team, in writing, of their withdrawal from a program. The date of receipt of such information will be considered the date of withdrawal. (65) Where a participant has withdrawn from a learning abroad program, the Learning Abroad team will consider whether the participant is eligible for a refund of their deposit, fees and participation costs. (66) Each application for refund is assessed on an individual basis, based on the following sliding scale: (67) In addition to the circumstances described in (66), the University may withhold additional amounts, or require further payment, in the following circumstances: (68) Where the Learning Abroad team is provided with information that documents, to its satisfaction, extenuating circumstances associated with a program withdrawal, the University, at its discretion, may apply an alternative refund schedule. (69) Any learning abroad program cancelled by the University for the following reasons will result in a full refund to the participant: (70) The University will select students for OS-HELP loans as stated in this section to: (71) OS-HELP debt is reported to the Australian Tax Office and becomes a part of a student's accumulated HELP debt. (72) It is a requirement of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 OS-HELP guidelines that higher education providers maintain an OS-HELP policy, which is publicly available and accords with the Federal Government Guidelines and the fairness requirements in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 - Subdivision 19-D of Part 2-1 as in force from time to time. (73) A higher education provider must select students for OS-HELP assistance in accordance with the provider's OS-HELP policy. (74) This policy should be read in conjunction with the Australian Government Overseas Higher Education Loans Program (OS-HELP) website for updated eligibility requirements and detailed OS-HELP information. (75) The number of OS-HELP loans available to University students will vary from year to year depending on the number of loans that are allocated by the Federal Government. (76) The number of loans available to University students in a given year will be determined in accordance with the Federal Government formula outlined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 OS-HELP Guidelines. (77) The Learning Abroad team is responsible for the management of the OS-HELP Program, including: (78) The Division of Student Administration is responsible for the assessment of applications, maintenance of student records, and progression through to the Division of Finance. (79) The Division of Finance is responsible for the transfer of funds to the successful applicant. (80) The maximum OS-HELP loan amount available to a student will be determined by the University in accordance with this policy, the Higher Education Support Act 2003 OS-HELP Guidelines and the Higher Education Support Act 2003. (81) Unless otherwise determined by the University, the maximum value of an OS-HELP loan will be the same as that stated by the Federal Government in the OS-HELP statement of terms and conditions. (82) OS-HELP will only be available to eligible students in those learning abroad programs which: (83) To be eligible for OS-HELP a student must: (84) Applications for OS-HELP loans will be processed in order of receipt. Selection and funding allocation will be made according to the receipt date and time of the application for OS-HELP. (85) Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application within two months of receipt. (86) The notification will include details of the assistance to which they are entitled and the conditions of receiving OS-HELP assistance. (87) An application for participation in an inbound program may be made to the home institution, sponsor organisation, or directly to the Learning Abroad team of Charles Sturt University. (88) Where an application for participation in an inbound program is made: (89) All inbound applicants are responsible for ensuring that they meet applicable progression and credit requirements of their home institution or sponsor organisation. (90) Charles Sturt University may withhold transcripts or other records of completion until such time that all debts have been settled with the University in accordance with usual rules, policies, and practices. (91) All other clauses of this policy continue to apply. (92) International students are eligible to apply for a learning abroad program. (93) An international student must continue to meet applicable course progression and immigration requirements if they undertake the proposed learning abroad program. (94) The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s international relations ‘global themes’ and ‘aid risk management’ policies outline Australia’s position on child protection, climate change, corruption, environment and sea law, gender equality, human rights, First Nations peoples, people smuggling and trafficking, cyber affairs, and preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. (95) The University supports the DFAT global themes and risk management policies. (96) All learning abroad programs and participants must comply with the DFAT global themes and risk management policies (regardless of funding source). (97) The Learning Abroad team will support the DFAT global themes and risk management policies through provision of: (98) Learning abroad program participants must familiarise themselves and comply with the DFAT Child Protection Policy and acknowledge that they may be required to make a mandatory and immediate report in accordance with the policy. (99) Participants must immediately report any suspected or alleged case of child exploitation, abuse, or policy non-compliance, by anyone within scope of the DFAT Child Protection Policy. (100) Where the University adopts a policy in relation to child exploitation and abuse, then that policy must be read in conjunction with this policy. (101) Learning abroad program participants must familiarise themselves and comply with the DFAT Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy and acknowledge that they may be required to make a mandatory and immediate report in accordance with the policy. (102) The Learning Abroad team will apply adequate risk management practices, consistent with the published DFAT information, guides and frameworks on any other specific areas of risk in the assessment of each learning abroad program. (103) All learning abroad programs will be assessed to ensure that modern slavery, as defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2018, is not taking place in the delivery of the program and in related supply chains. (104) The prevention, detection, and reporting, of modern slavery is the responsibility of: (105) Participants must report any breach or suspected breach of the Modern Slavery Act to the Manager, Learning Abroad. (106) If the University establishes a policy in respect of modern slavery, that policy will apply in lieu of the provisions contained within this modern slavery subsection. (107) Any participant with cause to make a report under any provision of this Part M – Global citizenship and ambassadorship is also required to make an immediate report to Manager, Learning Abroad via the emergency protocol outlined in pre-departure documents. (108) A person who is unsuccessful in their application for a learning abroad program, or their application for OS-Help, or a participant who is dissatisfied with a refund decision, may seek a review of the outcome. (109) A review may only be made on procedural grounds (that is, where there has been an error in the consideration process that led to the decision). (110) Where a person remains aggrieved after a review decision is made, or where the review decision is not made within the timeframe stipulated in the Learning Abroad Procedure, an appeal may be submitted. (111) Appeals must be made in accordance with the University’s Complaints Management Policy and Complaints Management Procedure. (112) Learning abroad program applications and the personal information they contain will be handled in accordance with the University's Privacy Management Plan. (113) In submitting their application, an applicant consents to the following uses of their personal information: (114) An applicant acknowledges that information may also be shared with other educational or professional institutions, service providers and funding bodies within Australia or overseas. (115) The Learning Abroad Procedure supports this policy. (116) The Leaning Abroad Guideline supports this policy.Learning Abroad Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
General terms
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Part A - General
Common types of learning abroad programs
Related policies
Part B - Eligibility and applications
Part C - Responsibilities of applicants, participants, students and staff
Applicant and participant responsibilities
Participant non-compliance
Student responsibilities
Staff responsibilities
Part D - University responsibility for learning abroad programs
Part E - Approved programs
Approved programs
Part F - Non-approved programs
Participation in non-approved programs
Part G - Faculty-led programs
Part H - Funded learning abroad programs
What is a funded learning abroad program?
Funded participant obligations
University obligations
Part I - Financial management, payments and refunds
Financial management of learning abroad programs
Payment of deposit, fees and participation costs
Refund of deposit, fees and participation costs
Part J - Overseas Higher Education Loans Program (OS-HELP)
Loan value
Selection process
Part K - Inbound programs
Rules applicable only to inbound programs
Part L - International students
Rules applicable only to international students
Part M - Global citizenship and ambassadorship
Requirements for learning abroad programs and participants
Prevention of child exploitation and abuse
Preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment
Management of specific areas of risk
Modern slavery
Requirement to report to the University
Part N - Review and appeal
Request for review
Part O - Privacy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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