(1) This guideline outlines the convening and conduct of meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees. (2) This guideline applies to the convening and conduct of meetings of the Academic Senate and its committees. It is intended to be a descriptive framework in which committees can conduct their business but is not intended to anticipate every possible aspect of meeting procedure. In the event of a dispute concerning any matter not covered by this guideline, a presiding officer may refer to Joske's Law and Procedure at Meetings in Australia by Eilis S Magner, (latest edition). (3) In the interpretation of this guideline and any subsequent amendments, recognition must be given to the clauses in the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76 and the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005 which relate to meeting procedure and which take precedence over this guideline. (4) The following policy documents should be read along with this guideline: (5) Nil. (6) The Vice-Chancellor may, without specific appointment, exercise the right of membership of any committee of the University and may, if they so desire, preside at any meeting of such a committee at which the Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor is not presiding (Clause 17(3) of Part 2, Division 2 of the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005). (7) The presiding officer of Academic Senate will have the right of audience and debate at meetings of the Academic Senate sub-committees and their committees. (8) Membership on the Academic Senate and its committees is outlined in the Governance (Academic Senate) Rule and the Membership Terms of Reference of the relevant committee. (9) The secretary to any established committee will be appointed by the University Secretary or their delegate in consultation with the presiding officer of the committee. (10) The secretary prescribes to faculties and to schools the format of their record keeping so as to ensure that recommendations/decisions flow smoothly between schools, faculties and Academic Senate and its committees. (11) The secretary is responsible for ensuring that schools and faculties legislate within their authorities and that decisions are appropriately recorded in the official records and publications of the University. (12) Action sheets are issued after each meeting of a committee to ensure that action arising from each meeting is taken by the appropriate officer. A committee member name appearing on an action sheet constitutes a formal request by the secretary on behalf of the committee for that person to take that action. (13) Action sheets are a more efficient means of advising members of the action they must take, than the issue of individual memoranda. Action sheets also let other members know who is taking action on particular matters. (14) Memoranda requesting action will only be dispatched to staff who are not members of the committee and who will usually require some background information relating to the action they are required to take. (15) The minutes of the Academic Senate and its sub-committees will be published on the University website as soon as they are prepared and approved by the presiding officer. (16) A notice of meeting for any committee will be given in accordance with clause 95 of the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005 which states that: (17) Agendas will contain the order of business including particulars of business of which notice has been given. (18) Notices of motion for any meeting will be made in writing and submitted to either the presiding officer or the secretary of a committee, not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting. (19) The order of business for meetings will be: (20) No business will be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. (21) Minutes and agenda will be produced in accordance with the direction of the University Secretary or their delegate. (22) The secretary will record in the minutes the attendance of members at meetings. Such record will be conclusive evidence of attendance. (23) Unless otherwise specified in the membership and terms of reference of the committee, a quorum will be in accordance with clause 8 in Schedule 1 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76 which states: (24) Confidential matters which are discussed and papers which are considered by the committee are to be done in camera and will be confidential to the committee. (25) Recording devices may not be used to record proceedings of any meetings of committees without the express permission of the presiding officer and members. (26) Meetings will be opened to members of the University; that is: staff, students enrolled in award courses, and university alumni, to attend as observers subject to the following provisions: (27) Voting will be in accordance with clause 9 in Schedule 1 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 No 76 which states: (28) The presiding officer will have a casting vote in accordance with clause 96 of the Charles Sturt University By-law 2005 which states: (29) The manner of voting on any motion will usually be by voice or by a show of hands but may be by another method approved by the committee. (30) Proxy votes will not be permitted. (31) In this policy:Academic Committees Meeting Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Part A - Committee Membership
Vice-Chancellor’s Right of Membership
Presiding officer of Academic Senate - Right of Audience and Debate
Membership on the Academic Senate and its committees
Part B - Role of the secretary
Appointment of the secretary
Record of meetings
Use of action sheets
Publication of agendas and minutes on the University website
Part C - Meeting procedures
Recording of proceedings
Open meetings
Section 5 - Glossary
Section 6 - Document Context
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
a. "The Secretary must send a notice of the date, time and place of a meeting of the Council to each member of the Council at least five working days before the meeting;
b. A notice under subclause (1) may be sent by electronic mail or by such other written means as determined by the Secretary;
c. The notice is to be accompanied by a copy of the business papers for the meeting and any relevant supporting documents;
d. The Secretary may, by a further notice sent by electronic mail delivered not less than two working days before the meeting, notify members of the Council of any supplementary business that is to be put before the meeting; and
e. Where a special meeting is convened under clause 93, the Secretary must give such notice of the date, time, place and business of the meeting as is reasonable in the circumstances."
"At any meeting of the Council, a majority of the total number of members for the time being of the Council constitutes a quorum."
"A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Council at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Council."
"(1) The person presiding at a meeting of the Council has a deliberative vote and also has a casting vote if the votes for and against a motion are equal. A motion lapses if the person presiding declines to exercise a casting vote when the votes for and against the motion are equal."
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