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Contractor and Visitor Safety Management Procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure outlines the processes to be followed when engaging contractors as part of University business to ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors, as well as the protection of our assets and environment.

(2) This procedure provides guidance on managing visitors to ensure their safety when attending a Charles Sturt University (the University) campus.


(3) This procedure applies to all staff or other persons engaging contractors on behalf of the University to work or perform activities on University premises. This procedure does not apply to activities being undertaken within a defined worksite that is under the control of an appointed Head Contractor or Principal Contractor.

(4) This procedure applies to all other workers and visitors as defined in clause 37.

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Section 2 - Policy

(5) This procedure supports the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures


(6) All contractor companies and their workers, excluding volunteers, must be pre-qualified for work at the University prior to their attendance on site.

(7) The University contractor company search and contractor worker search webpages provide the pre-qualification status for both contractor companies and their workers if they are already pre-registered. The webpages also provide details on how contractor companies and their workers can become pre-qualified.

(8) No contractor company can start work on a University premises without being pre-qualified.

(9) Volunteers may be required to provide written acceptance to the organiser or complete a registration for a specific event held on University premises.

Visitor management requirements for visitors attending University premises

Contractor company pre-qualification

(10) Contractors must register their company or update their company details by completing the company registration webform.

(11) Information required to register includes:

  1. company/business name
  2. trading as name
  3. ABN
  4. representative/contact person
  5. contact number
  6. email address
  7. type of work
  8. contact person at the University (if known)
  9. campus (including the option Multi-campus)
  10. certificates of currency, including Public and Products liability,
  11. Workers compensation and Professional indemnity (if applicable), and
  12. licenses, registrations and work health and safety status documentation relevant to the industry of the contractor and the work being performed.

(12) Any person engaging a contractor must review the contractor company search and contractor worker search webpages to confirm pre-qualification status prior to engaging the contractor and direct the contractor company to the contractor management webpage to organise registration or the update of any company and/or worker details.

Authority to proceed/Permit to work (if applicable)

(13) After a successful pre-qualification and the agreement with the site supervisor on a safe work plan, the site supervisor will provide the contractor with a written ‘authority to proceed’.

(14) The site supervisor will ensure an ‘authority to proceed’ directive is given before any contractor work is undertaken.

Worker pre-qualification

(15) All workers must be prequalified for work at the University.

(16) Workers must complete a worker registration webform prior to commencing work.

(17) Information required to register includes:

  1. company/business name
  2. subcontracting information
  3. worker’s name
  4. worker's contact number
  5. worker's email
  6. worker's University ID number (if issued with a personal University ID card)
  7. requirement for a University access card
  8. University contact
  9. description of work, and
  10. relevant work related licences (excluding personally identifying documents such as a driver’s licence or passport), registrations and training.

General induction

(18) All workers must undertake the Charles Sturt General Induction as part of their pre-qualification.

Charles Sturt University access cards

(19) Workers that undertake ad hoc or infrequent work at University campuses will be issued a temporary access card for day use. This will be administered by the University division engaging the contractor and returned at the end of each day.

(20) Workers that undertake frequent or routine work at University campuses may be eligible for a photo ID access card that they keep in their possession. This must be requested when completing the worker registration form. If a worker has lost their access card, they must immediately notify their University contact to arrange a replacement.

(21) The worker must wear their University photo ID access card while on campus and present it to a University Officer when asked.

(22) Workers must sign into and out of campus each day as directed by their site supervisor. Sign in requirements may differ depending on the type of work being performed.


(23) The site supervisor will ensure appropriate on-site supervision is provided as per table 1: Contractor category examples.

(24) If the contractor does not fit one of the categories in table 1: Contractor category examples, seek advice from


(25) The University’s site supervisor is responsible for:

  1. ensuring that the contractor and workers are pre-approved
  2. that a safe work plan has been provided for the works (if applicable)
  3. that contractors have received all required local inductions
  4. that the contractor is informed of any specific University or campus restrictions that may be in place
  5. that the works are conducted in a safe manner as per the safe work plan (if applicable)
  6. ensuring that any planned works to University facilities or infrastructure are approved by the Facilities Management. This includes any works associated with grounds, excavations, penetration or abrasion of walls, access to ceiling spaces or subfloor areas or similar, and
  7. that a record of the safe work plan and the conduct of the works must be kept as part of the works’ documentation (if applicable).

(26) Division of Finance/Procurement staff will ensure that contractor safety requirements and assessments are included in all tenders (RFx) and engagement documentation.


(27) Where volunteers are being engaged at any University premises a list of volunteer names should be kept for insurance purposes.

(28) Volunteers must be supervised throughout the duration of their attendance on University premises, ensuring that appropriate work health and safety measures are being adhered to.

(29) Any accidents, incidents, hazards or near misses must be reported through the University's Incident and Hazard Reporting System.


(30) The University, its employees and students have a responsibility for ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all visitors to the University’s premises.

(31) Visitors must take reasonable care for their own and other’s health and safety when on University premises and:

  1. sign-in or check-in to the appropriate area or with the appropriate representative being visited
  2. comply with any reasonable instructions, policies and procedures given to them by the University or University representative
  3. follow any safety signs, instructions displayed in specific areas throughout the campus, including adhering to signs relating to smoking
  4. use any personal protective equipment provided by the University
  5. not willfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse any health and safety equipment
  6. not willfully place the health and safety of themselves or anyone else at risk
  7. declare any hazardous substance or item that may be brought onto campus so appropriate health and safety measures may be implemented to manage risks
  8. follow the instructions of the emergency wardens if a building evacuation alarm sounds or if they are asked to leave the building
  9. contact Triple Zero (000) in the event of an emergency (for Police, Fire or Ambulance assistance) and Security 1800 931 633 as required (for further information see What to do in an emergency), and
  10. report any accidents, incidents, hazards or near misses through the University's Incident and Hazard Reporting System.


(32) Any accident, incident or near miss involving a staff member, student, contractor, visitor or the works being undertaken must be reported as per the University's work health and safety incident procedures in the University's Incident and Hazard Reporting System. This includes the non-compliance or non-conformance of University staff or a contractor or their workers.


(33) Supervisors of contractors are trained in contractor management and supervision through completion of the ELMO Contractor Management module and in-house training delivered by the WHS team. 

Contractor Safety Management - additional resources

(34) When engaging a contractor at the University staff are to refer to the additional resources throughout the engagement process:

  1. Finance Procedure – Procurement
  2. Code of Conduct
  3. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedure - Induction and Training
  4. ELMO – Contractor Management module, and
  5. Contractor and Visitor Safety Management Roles and Responsibilities.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(35) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(36) For the purpose of this procedure, the following terms have the definitions stated:

  1. Authority to proceed - means a written approval by the site supervisor to the contractor that the conditions to commence work have been approved.
  2. Contractor – means any third-party worker who provides a service to the University including (but not limited to) trade contractors, maintenance providers, repairers, consultants, advisors, specialists, experts, assessors, inspectors, planners, vendors, stallholders, merchants, caterers, cable contractors, service contractors, technicians and transportation providers.
  3. Contractor card - means a Charles Sturt University contractor photo identification and access card.
  4. Pre-qualification - means the confirmation of contractor’s ability to complete the required work with suitable understanding of work health and safety. This is demonstrated through the contractor holding insurances, licenses and WHS documentation relevant to the work being performed.
  5. Safe work plan - means a documented plan provided by the contractor that sets out how they will perform the work in a safe manner.
  6. Site attendance register - means the log of a contractor’s attendance to a specific site or a visitor’s attendance to a University attendance for an event. A site attendance register may be in the form of a manual register, electronic registration or a combination of means.
  7. Site supervisor - means the University staff member who has responsibility and delegation for organising, coordinating and managing contractor activities, on behalf of the University.
  8. Third Party - means any contractor who provides a service to the University as defined in clause (36) b.
  9. University premise - means any land which is owned, controlled, managed or occupied by the University together with any building, construction or facility of any kind, whether permanent or temporary, on that land and also includes any other building, construction or facility which is under the control or management of, or which is occupied by the University.
  10. Visitor - means any person who visits the University and is not defined as a worker, including (but not limited to) students, invitees of the University, family/friends of workers or students, community visitors (including prospective students, parents and collaborators), conference and function attendees and commercial clients or customers using the Veterinary Clinical Centre, Winery, Dental Clinics, etc.
  11. Volunteer - means any person who volunteers time, labour or services to the University. Volunteers are considered a “worker” in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) as they carry out work for the University. Volunteers can include staff, students and the community.
  12. Worker - means any person that carries out work for the University including employees, trainees, volunteers and affiliates, outworkers, apprentices, work experience students, contractors and sub-contractors and their employees and employees of labour hire companies.