(1) This procedure identifies the work health and safety (WHS) induction and training requirements to ensure worker health and safety at work. (2) See the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (3) See the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. (4) Work health and safety (WHS) induction must occur at both University and local levels: (5) Supervisors must provide workers with information necessary for them to perform their role in a safe and healthy manner. This includes: (6) There are three levels of WHS training that supervisors and heads of organisational units must provide for workers in their organisational unit and/or workspace, subject to risk assessments and legal obligations, set out in the following table: (7) Health, Safety and Wellbeing provide WHS training programs and information on the elements of the WHS management system. This is supported by: (8) Training is also available for: (9) Managers and supervisors must ensure any required WHS competencies for workers are identified and documented in position descriptions. This process must be undertaken in consultation with workers. (10) Supervisors must assess training needs during induction and again on completion of the probationary period. Training needs should form part of a staff member’s development and review and be recorded as part of the Employee Development and Review Scheme (EDRS) or performance management processes. (11) Supervisors must regularly review worker WHS training needs. For staff members, this should be done for staff as part of the EDRS process. (12) In addition, managers must review WHS training needs: (13) Supervisors must maintain WHS induction and training records through: (14) Anyone providing face-to-face training must maintain attendance registers. (15) Training providers must provide recognition of attendance certificates as required. (16) Details of competency training, certificates and licences are to be entered into the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) with copies of documents filed in the University’s records management system. (17) Nil. (18) This procedure uses terms defined in the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy.Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedure - Induction and Training
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Local-level training
University-level training
Training needs assessment and review
Records management
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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WHS Training Level
Supervisor responsibilities
Level 1: Provision of information
Typically induction level information and can also include information relating to compliance with legislation, policy or procedures.
Provision of information can be verbal, written, electronic or given in a presentation.
Level 2: Proficiency training
Training in safe work procedures (SWP) and working under supervision until deemed proficient by the supervisor.
This level of training is required if identified as a control measure in a risk assessment.
Ensure that:
Level 3: Competency based training
Assessed against knowledge and skills-based competencies, resulting in attainment of a certificate or licence (e.g. a forklift or other high risk work licence).
This level of training is required if it is a legal requirement or identified as a control measure in a risk assessment.
Ensure that: