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Communications and Marketing Procedure - Brand Governance

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Communications and Marketing Policy and sets out the processes for managing and using the Charles Sturt University brand, including the University's name, logo, devices, emblems and other visual identity elements, and tone of voice.


(2) This procedure:

  1. applies to all communications and visual materials, including but not limited to all forms of media, advertising, marketing, printed materials, online representations, presentations, signage, uniforms, merchandise, products, vehicles and communications and representations created by and for an entity or organisational unit of the University, and by and for third parties with respect to the University
  2. applies to all staff, students, partners and third parties, corporate entities
  3. does not apply to the University's official emblems as set out in the Governance (Official Emblems) Rule 2008.
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Section 2 - Policy

(3) See the Communications and Marketing Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Brand governance

(4) As stated in the Communications and Marketing Policy, the Brand Guidelines are the authoritative reference source for the University brand and must be complied with at all times to ensure a standardised corporate visual identity and consistency of communication with the University brand.

Official emblems and the Coat of Arms

(5) The Governance (Official Emblems) Rule 2008 sets out the official emblems of the University; these do not form part of the University's corporate brand for the purpose of this procedure.

Registration of marks

(6) Logos, emblems or devices may be registered as trademarks where they are likely to have significant commercial or reputational value for the University and require protection.

(7) The Office of Governance and Corporate Administration is responsible for registering trademarks for and on behalf of the University. The University Secretary will be the named applicant on all registration applications. The cost of registration will be the responsibility of:

  1. the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration, for the official University logo
  2. the budget centre, organisational unit or controlled entity, for other approved marks (including strategic sub-brands and partnerships).

Unauthorised use

(8) The University Secretary and/or the Executive Director, Customer Experience may initiate investigations into alleged breaches of this procedure and make determinations with regard to inappropriate or unauthorised usage of the University brand.

(9) The inappropriate or unauthorised use of University brand may result in legal or other action to enforce the University's ownership and rights in relation to its brand. 

Use of approved brand

Approved logos

(10) The approved corporate logos are shown in the Brand Guidelines and other approved sub-brand elements will be maintained by Brand and Performance Marketing. The approved logos and brand elements may be used as set out in the following clauses. Use of a logo or brand element that differs from the approved brand or in a different manner than described must be approved as set out under the ‘Brand requests’ heading in this procedure.

Internal use of brand

(11) To support use of the University brand by staff and students, the Division of Customer Experience will:

  1. convene a Brand Reference Group to assist in communicating brand requirements and support consistency across the University
  2. create templates for a range of print and online materials and publications.

(12) Staff do not need approval to use the University logo and designs on the following items, provided they comply with the Brand Guidelines and templates and seek advice if necessary:

  1. Reports and other publications directly related to their teaching or research conducted on behalf of the University.
  2. Material used to support and/or promote presentations they make as a staff member, relevant to their work and position.
  3. Teaching notes and other course-related material provided to their current students.
  4. Administrative information intended for staff or students, e.g. memos, letters, notices.  
  5. Signage that has been approved by the Director, Division of Facilities Management as set out in the Facilities and Premises Procedure - Corporate Signage.
  6. Corporate reports, submissions or other corporate documents using approved templates.
  7. Impermanent/temporary signage in controlled areas and internal spaces.

(13) The use of University brand or marks in advertising, marketing, promotions, websites, signage or other purposes consistent with the Brand Guidelines is approved as part of the approval process for those materials and does not require a separate application.

(14) Where an organisational unit must use a third party system to generate visual materials (e.g. library notices, policies, online admissions), every effort must be made to ensure compliance with the Brand Guidelines.

Third party use of brand

(15) A third party organisation may be authorised to use a University logo, device or emblem on the condition that it complies with the approved terms and conditions of usage as amended from time to time.

(16) Where a third party is authorised to use the Charles Sturt University mark or brand, the third party must agree to the following minimum requirements. The third party must:

  1. acknowledge that the University's marks have considerable goodwill and are of value to the University
  2. adhere to the Brand Guidelines
  3. not manipulate the University's marks in any manner except for the proportional scaling of marks as a whole element
  4. acknowledge that the mark is not granted any proprietary interest. The whole of the goodwill associated with it, whether now existing or arising in the future, is the sole and exclusive property of the University
  5. not use the University's marks in a misleading or deceptive way and must indemnify the University with respect to any claims, actions or liabilities arising from usage inconsistent with the terms and conditions of use
  6. not purport to bind the University or make any representations on its behalf
  7. not use or apply for registration of any similar marks, names or elements containing the University's marks
  8. comply with any instructions regarding scope of permitted use, duration of use and return of materials, as provided by the Executive Director, Customer Experience
  9. prior to print production, forward all developed artwork to the University for approval at least two weeks prior to the production deadline to resolve any anomalies that may arise
  10. withdraw materials (and bear the cost of doing so) if requested to do so by the University, in the event that any materials are sub-standard and/or produced without prior approval
  11. acknowledge and agree that the University reserves the right at any time to revoke the authority given if there is any breach or if the quality or nature of any services or other things in respect of which the mark is used is unsatisfactory to the University, and indemnify the University against any loss, claim or action arising from doing so.

(17) The University Secretary may approve a form of agreement for use of the Charles Sturt University brand or mark, which must be signed by a third party and may impose such additional requirements as deemed appropriate in consultation with the Executive Director, Customer Experience.

Sub-brand logos 

(18) The Executive Director, Customer Experience, with endorsement from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), may approve:

  1. the development and use of strategic sub-brands, consistent with the corporate brand, to define a program, event or service where it is necessary to distinguish it from general university activities to the extent that the device is consistent with Brand architecture and the corporate brand (e.g. Charles Sturt First Nations, Charles Sturt Sustainability)
  2. the use of an emblem by affiliated student groups, sporting clubs or student associations to be used alongside the corporate logo. 

(19)  Only approved strategic sub-brand logos and emblems may be used.

Partnership branding

(20) The Executive Director, Customer Experience, with endorsement from the ELT, may approve partnership brands that link the University logo with one or more third party logos in relation to a common function or activity, such as:

  1. acknowledgements, sponsorships and promotions (for example in advertising where the University is one of a number of sponsors or supporters of an activity)
  2. memberships (for example, where the University is a member of a professional association)
  3. approved collaborations or joint ventures between the University and another entity.

(21) Only approved partnership brands may be used.

Standalone entity logos

(22) The Executive Director, Customer Experience, with endorsement from the ELT, may approve a distinct corporate logo in limited circumstances for:

  1. a formal legal joint venture - where the University has entered into a legal joint venture agreement involving the establishment of a distinct or separate legal entity and that entity, by agreement of the parties, is expressly approved in the agreement to create a distinct corporate logo
  2. a controlled entity of the University where the ELT is satisfied that the functions or activities of the entity are entirely separate from those of the University (that is, it does not provide educational or research services, or does not involve the provision of services to the University) or where the use of a distinct brand would improve the capacity of the entity to market its goods or services in a competitive market. 

Brand requests

(23) Requests for a strategic sub-brand logo, or to use approved logos differently than prescribed, must be submitted through the Brand and Performance Marketing website.

(24) Applications should address:

  1. why the request is necessary for operational, communication or marketing purposes of the service, program or activity
  2. how the request is consistent with the University brand and will promote a unified University identity.

(25) Requests will be reviewed by the Executive Director, Customer Experience (or delegate) and a recommendation submitted for Executive Leadership Team consideration.

(26) Development of standalone entity logos must be managed through Brand and Performance Marketing.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(27) The Brand Guidelines support this procedure.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(28) The following terms, as defined by the Brand Guidelines, are used for the purpose of this procedure:

  1. Brand architecture – the strategy and framework for categorising how products, programs, services, strategic sub-brands and partnerships are organised as part of the University’s masterbrand.
  2. Masterbrand – means the overarching University brand (including logo, crest, tone of voice, colours, etc.) as set out in the Brand Guidelines.
  3. Partnership – means the approved co-branding (including logo, name, colours, etc.) developed for a University partnership.
  4. Strategic sub-brand – means a product, program or service that is deemed a major strategic initiative of the University, or that is approved for a customised brand for promotion or communication.