
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Communications and Marketing Procedure - Student Communication

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Communications and Marketing Policy and sets out:

  1. expectations and responsibilities for official communications to students
  2. appropriate processes to minimise ineffective communications
  3. use of overarching central channels for student communications
  4. authorities for student communications.


(2) This procedure applies to the official communications for current students, as stated in the Communications and Marketing Policy.

(3) This procedure does not apply to:

  1. regular communications between areas of the University
  2. communication from subject coordinators, course coordinators and schools to students
  3. communication to prospective students and alumni.
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Section 2 - Policy

(4) See the Communications and Marketing Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Official student communications

(5) As stated in the Communications and Marketing Policy, Student Communications is responsible for managing communication and information for current students of the University. This includes official communications that:

  1. provide students with initial and ongoing information and orientation to their chosen courses and the University community
  2. raise awareness of student obligations, mandatory activities and liabilities to the University
  3. remind students of important dates that impact both their study and other University activities
  4. alert students to any safety issues or crisis incidents that impact their own safety, security and wellbeing
  5. build awareness of wellbeing support, academic services and resources
  6. facilitate access to educational and personal services, support and resources
  7. enhance the student experience with the University, including student events, initiatives, campaigns and opportunities for connection
  8. gather feedback on the student experience including institutional surveys
  9. is consistent with the information and communication commitments in the Student Charter and requirements in relevant legislation, including but not limited to the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HESF), the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code) and the Spam Act 2003.

(6) The University has obligations under the HESF and National Code to provide students with accurate, relevant and timely information about their course of study and any changes to the University's operations. To enable this, students:

  1. when accepting their offer of admission to the University, acknowledge that they must have access to an internet-connected computer to communicate with the University
  2. are required to keep their contact details up to date as set out in the Enrolment and Fees Policy
  3. will not be able to unsubscribe or opt-out of official communications from the University’s central student communication channels (with the exception of official social media channels).

(7) Official student communications must be approved by the Associate Director, Student Communications or delegate, who will take a student-centred perspective and consider matters such as timeliness (in relation to the yearly calendar of messages and campaigns) and the volume of competing communications, in addition to the content or nature of the communication.

Central student communication channels  

(8)  Official student communications must be sent through the following central communication channels:

  1. Email issued through the University’s customer relationship management system (CRM) is the official communication channel and method for communicating with students. It will be used for general updates to students including major campaigns such as orientation, retention, re-enrolment, safety and wellbeing, finances, exams and graduation.
  2. Direct messages to mobile devices through the CRM will be used for engagement with current students who have been individually and/or specifically identified as belonging to a targeted initiative (e.g. retention, critical incidents).
  3. The Student Portal is the central location for all personalised student information (e.g. calendar, results, enrolment information, fees) and major updates.
  4. The current student’s website provides essential information about services and support for current students.
  5. The Charles Sturt Students Facebook page is the official social media channel for current students.

(9) The central channels for inbound communication with students are the following:

  1. Phone calls through a central number that will direct students to areas of enquiry, including SX Service Centre, IT support and prospective student enquiries.
  2. SX Service Centre is the first point of contact for all current students via various contact methods.

(10) Where emerging technologies support the purpose of official communications to students, they may also be leveraged with the approval of the Associate Director, Student Communications.

(11) Student Communications will: 

  1. establish a yearly editorial calendar of key messages and campaigns
  2. consult with relevant areas to determine the best approach to student communication campaigns including areas of strategic importance, compliance and institutional risk
  3. lead the governance and continual improvement of student-facing web content
  4. lead student-facing crisis or critical incident communication campaigns
  5. monitor the accuracy of the student communication campaigns and the effectiveness of specific channels and making adjustments as necessary
  6. assist with social media campaign creation and moderation and across central channels
  7. consult with relevant areas to ensure the alignment of information with the University's policies, procedures, and compliance obligations.

Other student communications

(12) Other forms of communication to current students may be issued through various University channels (e.g. course and subject communications to students through Interact 2, the CRM, or central and official University social media platforms).

(13) Staff and organisational units that have access to communication channels that enable direct communication to students may use these for communicating with individual students or student cohorts as relevant to the service provided by the organisational unit (e.g. messages to cohorts through Interact2 announcements, surveys and feedback tools, text messages through CSU Safe, email responses to individual enquiries).For the purpose of these student communications:

  1. Bulk distribution of student communications (e.g. University-wide student surveys) should not be sent through these channels.
  2. Care must be taken with regards to frequency of communications and compliance with the Communications and Marketing Policy and procedures, Brand Guidelines and the Editorial Style Guide.
  3. Students should be provided with a means of responding or seeking assistance regarding the communication. For example, systems that generate emails from ‘no.reply’ addresses should include contact information in the body of the message or refer to the central inbound communication channels.
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Section 4 - Guidelines

(14)  Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(15) This procedure uses terms defined in the Communications and Marketing Policy.