(1) This Policy aims to ensure: (2) This Policy applies to all official portraits commissioned by the the University. (3) In this Policy, unless the contrary intention appears: (4) The Secretary will commission, on behalf of the Council, a single portrait of each of the following senior officers of the the University: (5) The timing of the commission is at the discretion of the Secretary but would generally be after the expiration of one year of the term of office of the senior officer. (6) A senior officer who is entitled to have his or her portrait commissioned under this Policy may decline to have his or her portrait commissioned. (7) The Secretary will make the final decision about the artist to be commissioned on behalf of the Council. (8) In making his or her decision, the Secretary will consult with the sitter, the Chancellor, the the University Art Curator and such other persons as may be appropriate. (9) Official portraits of Vice-Chancellors and Presidents will be funded from the Jack McDonough Endowment Fund under the rules established for the administration of that Fund with supplementation, if required, provided by the Division of Finance. (10) Other official portraits when approved may be funded from funds specifically identified by the Vice-Chancellor. (11) The following specifications apply to portraits commissioned under this Policy: (12) The University Secretary is responsible for providing direction to the artist regarding the commission and specifications and for determining whether any study or draft portrait conforms to the specifications. (13) Portraits may, at the discretion of the artist, include any or all of the following elements: (14) The artist will ensure that the canvas or photograph is clearly signed and dated by the artist on the facing side of the canvas or photograph. (15) Each portrait must be delivered with a plaque inset at the bottom centre of the frame carrying an inscription bearing the following information: (16) The Secretary will provide the above information to the artist where required. (17) The Council may request that the Secretary commission a portrait of other distinguished members of the the University community. The specifications for the work will be determined by the Council at the time of the request, however, it is expected that all portraits are consistent with the specifications set out in clauses 11 to 12. (18) Where the sitter holds an official position with the the University that has approved ceremonial robes (such as members of the Council, Academic Senate, Companion or Head of Campus), the sitter will wear the ceremonial robes of that office in preference to any other academic or official robes. (19) Except as provided in clause 18, where the sitters holds an academic position, or otherwise holds academic qualifications (including members of the non-academic staff), the sitter will be robed in academic dress reflecting their awards. (20) All official the University portraits will be located in the Chancellery and/or the Grange. Where necessary the Secretary may select portraits that may be located in other locations, such as a campus library or building, where there is insufficient room for all portraits in the Chancellery and/or The Grange and may direct the rotation of portraits as required. (21) A list of official portraits is set out in Appendix A to this Policy. The Secretary may amend Appendix A as new official portraits are added to the the University collection. (22) The Vice-Chancellor and Secretary have such delegation under section 20 of the Act as may be necessary or convenient for giving effect to this Policy. (23) The Official Portraiture Policy approved by the Board of Governors on 11 June 1999 is rescinded and superseded. (24) Nil. (25) Nil.Official Portraiture Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Commissioning of Portraits
Rights of Sitter
Artist and Style
Other Elements
Other Works
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
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