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Visiting And Adjunct Appointments Procedure

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This document is rescinded from 12 October 2021 and replaced by the Appointments Policy and Appointments Procedure - Visiting and Adjunct Appointments.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the eligibility criteria for visiting and adjunct (VA) appointments at Charles Sturt University (the University); the appointment procedure; and the duties, expectations and privileges of VA titleholders.


(2) This Procedure applies to:

  1. those who nominate candidates for VA appointments;
  2. employees involved in the administration of VA appointments; and
  3. individuals seeking appointment to the status of VA titleholder.
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Section 2 - Glossary

(3) Nil.

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Section 3 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Visiting and Adjunct Appointments Policy .

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Criteria for Appointment

Visiting Appointments

(5) Visiting titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment at the equivalent mainstream academic levels, as outlined below.

Academic Levels Visiting Titles
Non-graded Visiting Artist
Non-graded Visiting Scholar
A Visiting Academic
B Visiting Fellow
C Visiting Senior Fellow
D Visiting Associate Professor
E Visiting Professor

Adjunct Appointments

(6) Adjunct titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment at the equivalent mainstream levels, as outlined below.

General Staff Titles
Non-graded Adjunct Administrator
Non-graded Adjunct Professional
Non-graded Adjunct Affiliate Officer
Academic Staff Teaching & Research Titles Research-Only Titles
Non-graded Adjunct Fieldwork Supervisor  
Level A Adjunct Associate Lecturer Adjunct Research Associate
Level B Adjunct Lecturer Adjunct Research Fellow
Level C Adjunct Senior Lecturer Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Level D Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Research Professor
Level E Adjunct Professor Adjunct Research Professor

Adjunct appointments - Policing

(7) Titleholders will meet the criteria for appointment specified in the Deed of Agreement between the New South Wales Police and the University. The equivalent mainstream academic levels are outlined below.

Academic Levels Policing Titles
A Instructor/Demonstrator
A Provisional Associate
B Academic Associate
C Senior Academic Associate
D Professorial Associate
E Professorial Associate

Part B - Appointment Procedure

(8) For a position in the School of Policing Studies, the appointment is entered in Alesco on receipt of a letter from the NSW Police College confirming the appointee's accreditation.

(9) A Fieldwork Supervisor has the status of an adjunct staff member when access to IT and Library systems is granted via the Temporary Access process.

(10) For all other visiting and adjunct appointments, the nominator completes the Recommendation to Offer a Visiting or Adjunct Appointment form for the intended appointee and attaches a comprehensive curriculum vitae.

(11) For overseas visitors, the appropriate immigration requirements must be met. The Faculty or Research Centre should consult with the Division of People and Culture (DPC) regarding these requirements prior to inviting a visitor to the University, and seeking approval from the delegated officer.

(12) The VA Appointment form is forwarded to the delegated officer for approval.

(13) When approval is granted, the delegated officer forwards the form to DPC. DPC will issue an offer for all VA appointments, with the exception of Fieldwork Supervisors and appointments in the School of Policing Studies. The engagement of Fieldwork Supervisors is handled at the School level. For policing appointments, an offer is issued by the NSW Police Service and a copy forwarded to DPC.

(14) With the exception of Fieldwork Supervisors, DPC processes the appointment into the Alesco system in accordance with established protocols. Fieldwork Supervisors obtain access to services via the Division of Information Technology's Temporary Access process.

Part C - Duties

(15) Visiting titleholders normally undertake duties such as research collaboration; supervision of students undertaking research or fieldwork; participation in consultancies; contribution to online learning materials; teaching or guest lecturing and associated examining.

(16) A Visiting Artist is expected to undertake creative work within the University and to provide opportunities for students to learn and become involved with the professional work of the artist. This involvement may take the form of practical demonstrations, lectures, tutorials, recitals or other performances but, equally, the involvement may be of an informal nature, such as working in studios or theatres concurrently with students.

(17) The University will be allowed the first opportunity to buy any works completed during the visiting appointment, at prices mutually agreed upon.

(18) Adjunct titleholders may contribute to the delivery of a University program, or contribute to ongoing research or scholarship activities. In some instances, they would be employees of partner institutions who collaborate in the delivery of University programs, in which case their duties may include administrative work or the organisation of courses.

Part D - Privileges

(19) A VA titleholder may have access to one or more of the following privileges.

Core Privileges

(20) Core privileges comprise:

  1. access to the physical and/or online resources of the Division of Library Services;
  2. access to on-site information technology services, a University logon, use of the Internet for University purposes, and email; and
  3. a Charles Sturt University Card specifying the card holder is a member of the VA staff.

(21) Provision of access to the physical and online resources of the Division of Library Services is for University purposes only. No access to online services will be provided to VA titleholders where there is a reasonable expectation that another institution or affiliated body will continue to provide information services. The determination of a reasonable expectation is the responsibility of the Executive Director, Division of Library Services.

(22) Access to University databases, online learning services (local and international) and reciprocal borrowing privileges is at the discretion of the Division of Library Services.

(23) The Executive Director, Division of Library Services may charge costs associated with the provision of information services to the nominated source of funding or Faculty or Centre budget.

(24) Provision of access to on-site information technology services, a University logon, use of the Internet, and email is for University purposes only. Where there is a reasonable expectation that another institution or affiliated body will continue to provide information technology services or support, no University logon will be provided. The determination of a reasonable expectation is the responsibility of the Executive Director, Division of Information Technology.

(25) The Executive Director, Division of Information Technology may charge costs associated with the provision of information technology services to the nominated source of funding or Faculty or Centre budget.

(26) The University will provide, on application through Student Central, a Charles Sturt University Card specifying that the titleholder is a member of the VA staff.

Non-core Privileges

(27) Non-core privileges may include:

  1. the use of space;
  2. access to laboratories and research facilities;
  3. participation in faculty activities generally;
  4. motor vehicle usage;
  5. use of telecommunication facilities;
  6. access to administrative assistance;
  7. a Charles Sturt University travel card; and
  8. other privileges as negotiated with the appropriate section of the University.

(28) The brokerage, organisation and monitoring of non-core privileges is the responsibility of the Executive Dean/Centre Director/Executive Director/Director (or nominee).

Access to Professional Development Activities

(29) Visiting titleholders are not entitled to funding for professional development activities.

(30) With the exception of policing and theology appointments and former University employees, adjunct titleholders are not entitled to funding for professional development activities. With the approval of the Executive Dean/Centre Director (or nominee), former University employees may retain access to their former professional development funds, generated through research and consultancy activities in which they engaged when they were employed by the University. These funds may be used for research purposes only (for example, to fund research assistance, data collection, expenses associated with collaborative research). These funds cannot be used to attend conferences.

Access to Research Support

(31) VA titleholders are not entitled to apply for University grants, nor are they able to access the research publications grant scheme, with the exception of:

  1. School of Theology; and
  2. School of Policing Studies.

(32) VA titleholders may collaborate on research grant applications providing the Chief Investigator is a University employee.

(33) VA titleholders may act as research mentors to University academics.

(34) Where VA titleholders use the University's facilities to assist in the generation of research publications, it is expected that their affiliation with the University will be noted on these publications, which should be submitted to the Centre for Research and Graduate Training for the purposes of calculating research quantum.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

(35) Nil.