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Medals and Executive Dean's Awards Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure supports the Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards Policy and provides further details for awarding the Charles Sturt Medal, University Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards.


(2) See the Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards Policy.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) This procedure supports the Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure

Part A - Medals

The Charles Sturt Medal

(4) The Executive Dean (or their delegate) will invite their faculty’s recipients, or eligible recipients, of the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Bachelor (Honours) University Medals for each calendar year to nominate themselves for the Charles Sturt Medal. 

(5) Selection criteria and application guidelines for the Charles Sturt medal will be set by the Academic Senate and reviewed every two years.

(6) Candidates will address the selection criteria and provide a statement outlining how they demonstrate a significant commitment to the public good. Faculties may provide support and advice to candidates in preparing their nominations.

(7) When the nomination period for any recipients graduating at end-of-year ceremonies has closed, the Executive Deans (or delegates) will submit the nominations received by all eligible medal recipients in that year to the Academic Senate.

(8) Academic Senate will assess the nominations based on the selection criteria and the nominee’s statements and award one Charles Sturt Medal for the year. Academic Senate is not required to award a Charles Sturt Medal if there are no suitable nominees.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate University Medals

(9) Student Administration will generate a report to identify students who meet the eligibility criteria for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate University Medals.

(10) The Executive Dean (or delegate) will review and affirm the list of eligible students and advise Student Administration and Academic Senate of the results.

Bachelor (Honours) University Medals

(11) Each year, the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration will invite faculties to identify anyone who has graduated or will graduate in the relevant calendar year and meets the eligibility criteria for the Bachelor (Honours) University Medals, as stated in the Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards Policy.

(12) The Executive Dean (or delegate) will review the list of eligible recipients against the criteria and affirm one recipient (per faculty) and advise Student Administration and Academic Senate of the results.

Higher Degree by Research University Medal

(13) Each year, the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration will invite faculties to identify anyone who has graduated or will graduate in the relevant calendar year and meets the eligibility criteria for the Higher Degree by Research University Medal.

(14) Eligibility criteria and application guidelines for the Higher Degree by Research University Medal will be set by the University Research Committee and reviewed every two years.

(15) Each faculty, coordinated by the Sub Dean (Graduate Studies), will review the list and submit their nominations for the Higher Degree by Research University Medal to the University Research Committee. A faculty is not required to make a nomination if there are no eligible graduands for the faculty.

(16) The University Research Committee will review the nominations and recommend one master’s graduand and one doctoral graduand per faculty for the relevant calendar year. The University Research Committee is not required to make a recommendation if there are no suitable nominees for a faculty.

(17) Where there is no reasonable or fair way to determine between two or more candidates from the same faculty, the University Research Committee may recommend more than one of the relevant medals for the faculty in the relevant calendar year.

(18) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) affirms the medal recipients and advises Student Administration and Academic Senate of the results.

Presentation of medals

(19) Student Administration will be notified of all University and Charles Sturt Medal winners and:

  1. update the student administration records to include awarding of the medal
  2. notify the medal winners and invite them to the relevant graduation ceremony, and
  3. prepare the medals and certification to be presented to the recipients at a graduation ceremony or in absentia.

(20) University Medals and the Charles Sturt Medal will be inscribed with the:

  1. medal type
  2. first and last name of the recipient as shown on their student record, and
  3. year awarded.

(21) Notwithstanding clause 20b, a preferred name can be inscribed on a medal if approved by the Executive Director, Student Experience in accordance with the Conferral and Graduation Procedure.

(22) University Medals and the Charles Sturt Medal will be presented at graduation ceremonies or in absentia if the student chooses not to attend a graduation ceremony.

(23) Recipients of a Higher Degree by Research, Bachelor (Honours) or the Charles Sturt Medal who have already graduated will be invited to receive their medal at a graduation ceremony as agreed between the recipient and the University within 12 months following the receipt of notice of award or may elect to receive the medal in absentia.

(24) Where an alternate ceremony has been nominated, this cannot be changed except with the approval of the Manager, Graduation and Protocol.

(25) Any medals not presented at graduation ceremonies will be issued in absentia as determined by Student Administration.

Part B - Executive Dean’s Awards

(26) For Executive Dean's Awards, the faculty operations teams will generate a report to identify students who meet the eligibility criteria.

(27) To calculate eligibility for Executive Dean’s Awards:

  1. The point calculation may include up to 8 points of subjects with a satisfactory (SY) grade, although SY grades do not contribute to the student’s grade point average.
  2. The Grade Parameters lists the grades that will be used in calculating eligibility.
  3. Where a student completes 32 points or more in a single session, and no more than 8 points of subjects graded SY, the eligibility for an Executive Dean’s Award will be calculated on the grades achieved in that session.
  4. Where a student completes less than 32 points in a single session, or 32 points or more but with over 8 points of subjects graded SY, eligibility for an Executive Dean’s Award will be calculated when the student has completed enough points to meet the criteria over multiple sessions within the academic year. 
  5. Once a student meets the minimum requirement of 32 points with no more than 8 points of subjects graded SY, the eligibility for an Executive Dean’s Award will be calculated across all of the subjects taken in the session or multiple sessions, and no subjects beyond the 32 points will be carried across to subsequent sessions.

(28) A student can meet the eligibility for an Executive Dean’s Award more than once in an academic year.

(29) The Executive Dean or their delegate will review and approve the award recipients. In doing so, the Executive Dean may consider any misconduct findings against the student during the session(s) they were enrolled in the subjects contributing to the award eligibility.

(30) The faculty operations team will:

  1. update the student’s administration records to include the award
  2. notify the award winners and invite them to a faculty event if relevant, and
  3. prepare the award certification to be given to the recipients.

(31) The Executive Dean’s Award certificate will include:

  1. the University crest
  2. the date of issue
  3. the Executive Dean's signature, and
  4. the following statement:
‘This is to certify that [student's full name], enrolled in the [course name], received an Executive Dean’s Award in [session/year] in recognition of outstanding academic performance.’

Presentation of Executive Dean’s Awards

(32) Executive Dean’s Awards are not presented at graduation ceremonies but may be presented in any other way determined by the faculty.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(33) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(34) This procedure uses terms defined in the Medals and Executive Dean’s Awards Policy.