(1) This policy states the principles, processes and responsibilities for setting award course tuition fees at Charles Sturt University (the University), and includes: (2) This policy supports the University’s compliance with: (3) This policy applies to University staff involved in determining course tuition fees. This policy does not apply to setting non-tuition fees or the allocation of Commonwealth supported places. (4) The following principles will guide the University’s decisions when setting award course fees: (5) The headings below provide further information to support the application of these principles. (6) Tuition fees for CSPs are set at the maximum rate. (7) In accordance with current obligations under HESA: (8) Subject to clause 7, and consistent with the University’s market position, fees will be set based on the following: (9) In accordance with HESA and Higher Education Provider Guidelines (HEP Guidelines), all international tuition fees must be no less than those shown for the relevant category of courses in the schedule of minimum indicative course fees (HEP Guidelines sub-s 29(1)), except where: (10) Subject to clause 9 and consistent with the University’s market position, fees will be set based on the following: (11) Single subject fees are set annually per faculty, by applying the highest subject fee within that faculty to all single subject study undertaken. (12) Fees for micro-credentials (micros) need to be matched to the market strategy being implemented and therefore flexibility is required in setting micro fees. For example, a taster type micro may not have a fee or a nominal fee charged. (13) If a micro is part of a unit of study the fee must comply with the obligations set out under HESA, see clause 7 for domestic students and clause 9 for international students. (14) When setting micro-credential fees it is recommended that applying the eight credit point single subject study fee from the faculty offering the micro subject, divided by the credit points being studied within the micro-credential, plus a 31% loading fee is used. Further: (15) Fee changes introduced by the Commonwealth may require mandatory preservation or transitioning of fees. (16) The preserved tuition fee must be higher than the maximum student contribution for CSP students. (17) Generally, no constraints apply for domestic fee-paying students, except as required to ensure the fees remain equal to or higher than those for CSPs (see clause 7). (18) In the case of an exceptional fee increase, fee transition arrangements can be implemented. (19) The intent of fee transition arrangements is to move the fee rate of current students within the course to the new higher contemporary fee rate over an acceptable period. In doing so, the fee increase is spread over the time period rather than being implemented as one large increase. (20) Fee preservation arrangements can also be explored, however, transition arrangements are preferred. (21) Preservation periods cannot exceed the maximum completion times as stated in the Course and Subject Procedure - Coursework Design. (22) Scholarships may be applied to achieve a strategic goal for a course. These may include: (23) Discounts to fees should not be offered for award courses but can be applied to non-award courses. For example, to support partnerships by offering an introductory fee or bulk discount. (24) Scholarships or discounts cannot lower the tuition fee below the cost to provide the course. (25) The full fee cost must be used for government reporting, not the value once the scholarship or discount is applied. (26) Proposals to change fees via scholarships and discounts must have: (27) A discount of 10% is available to Charles Sturt University alumni who have graduated from an award course of the University at AQF level 7 or above. (28) The 10% discount can be applied to any domestic fee-paying course offered by the University, including non-award offerings, but cannot be used with other discounts (such as a scholarship). (29) Delegated officers for approving student related fees, including tuition and non-tuition fees, are set out in Delegation Schedule C - Finance. (30) The Course Fee Advisory Group (CFAG) is an ad hoc group convened as necessary to: (31) The CFAG is chaired by the Director, Planning and Analytics, with representation from relevant areas of the University set out under the ‘Responsibilities’ heading of this policy. (32) The CFAG is made up of the following representatives, responsible for: (33) Nil. (34) Nil. (35) For the purpose of this policy:Tuition Fee Pricing Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Commonwealth supported places
Domestic full fee-paying places
Fee paying overseas students (FPOS)
Single subject fees
Micro-credential course fees
Fee preservation arrangements based on Commonwealth requirements
Fee preservation and transition arrangements based on fee increases
Scholarships and discounts
Alumni discount
Top of Page
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Note: Timeframes per degree type are set out in the Course and Subject Procedure - Coursework Design.
Executive Deans/Faculties
Reviews domestic tuition fees on an annual basis including a sector review comparing their fees with providers in like discipline groups and an assessment of course health.
Makes recommendations to CFAG.
Provides a rationale if recommendations diverge from principles for discussion and then setting of the fee by CFAG.
Division of Finance
Determines minimum increase to be applied each year based on CPI increase and other relevant factors such as the Enterprise Agreement increase.
Ensures systems are updated to reflect and publish fees accurately.
Ensures fees are compliant with legislation.
Provide information and CFAC resolutions to Student Administration via Director, Student Administration, outlining the relevant factors supporting the fee increase.
Office of Planning and Analytics
Oversees the fee setting process.
Prepares benchmarking reports, including three-year projections and provides course health metrics.
Compares University fees with the entire sector and an overall median to inform fee setting.
Projects financial impact of proposed fee increases.
Business Development
Provides input into developments in the market and requirements to set fees for micro and short courses.
Together with the relevant faculty representatives, reviews fees that are set for micro and short courses.
Office of Global Engagement
Provides input into developments in the market and requirements to set international fees.
Together with the relevant faculty representatives, reviews international fees.
Division of Student Experience
Provides feedback, advice and, when required, actions communication with current students regarding fees and fee changes.
Division of Customer Experience
Provides feedback and advice on developments in the market and the impact of fee changes to prospective students.