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Official Naming Policy

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

This document has been replaced by the Protocols Policy and Protocols Procedure - Naming Facilities and Memorials 

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This document sets out Charles Sturt University's policy on the naming of facilities of Charles Sturt University (the University).

(2) The objectives of this Policy are to:

  1. ensure a consistent approach in the naming of the University's facilities;
  2. ensure appropriate recognition of extraordinary and/or significant contributions to the University; and
  3. facilitate and encourage significant financial contributions to the University.


(3) This Policy applies to the naming of all facilities of the University.

(4) This Policy does not apply to the naming of any other University-related functions such as honorary chairs, academic programs, scholarships and endowments.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(5) In this Policy, unless the contrary intention appears:

  1. Campus - means a campus of the University as approved by the Council in accordance with section 6 of the Charles Sturt University Act 1989.
  2. Committee - means the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the University Council.
  3. Council - means the University Council.
  4. Facilities - means a campus, study centre, building, school, centre,institute, foundation, road, street, walkway, path, area, garden, wetland, water course, collection, hall, parking area, field, pasture, house, residence and athletic facility or part thereof.
  5. Path - means a thoroughfare used only for pedestrian traffic.
  6. Road - means an open way or public thoroughfare primarily for vehicles.
  7. Walkway - means a restricted vehicle access used mainly for pedestrians and cyclists.
  8. Operating costs - means the total estimated cost of operating and maintaining a building, or portion thereof, on an annual basis.
  9. Total Cost - means all costs associated with a project including but not limited to design services, testing, construction, built-in equipment, management, permits, legal costs, fees and all other costs incurred in the construction of a building, a building addition or re-modelling of existing space.
  10. Total Replacement Cost - means facility replacement cost as determined by the Division of Facilities Management to include construction costs plus design, site costs, contingencies, infrastructure, fees, permits and so forth.
  11. Unfunded costs - means that portion of project funding not provided by the University or from grants from the Government.
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Section 3 - Policy

Part A - Principles

(6) The naming of a facility in honour of an individual or entity is one of the highest recognitions that the University can bestow.

(7) A facility will only be named for a former member of staff or former officer of the University where their contribution significantly exceeded the ordinary responsibilities of their role.

(8) University facilities may be named after or dedicated in honour of a person or entity with the approval of the Council or the Vice-Chancellor in accordance with this Policy.

(9) Roads, walkways and paths must be named in accordance with the Naming of Roads, Walkways and Paths Policy.

Part B - Honorary Naming

(10) The honorary naming of a facility may be approved where the individual or entity has:

  1. made a very significant and distinguished contribution to the mission, development or advancement of the University
  2. made an extraordinary contribution to the regions served by the University
  3. achieved outstanding distinction through civic, intellectual or artistic contributions that has brought credit to the University (for example, a graduate, former student or former member of staff of long standing);
  4. a strong historic connection to, or association with, the University or its predecessor institutions that is appropriate to memorialise or honour; or
  5. has an historic or cultural connection to the land or area on which the University is located.

(11) The Honorary Naming of a whole facility such as a building will ordinarily be made to recognise an individual or entity that has made a contribution to the University as a whole.

(12) Individuals or entities that have made a contribution to a particular discipline or area may be recognised by the naming of rooms or other parts of facilities.

(13) Honorary Naming will not be considered for a person who has been a member of the staff, a graduate, a student, a member of the Council or other officer of the University within the previous two years.

(14) Where the University is considering the naming of a facility in honour of a deceased person, the consent of the person's nearest next of kin (as determined by the University) will be sought.

(15) For the avoidance of doubt, and despite Part C of this Policy, a significant contribution may include a significant financial contribution for the general benefit of the University or for a specific purpose of the University (including in-kind contributions).

Part C - Philanthropic Naming

(16) Philanthropic Naming of a University facility, part of a facility or other property may be approved in recognition of substantial financial gifts to the University commensurate with the honour and compatible with the University's object and mission.

(17) The provisions relating to Honorary Naming do not apply to Philanthropic Naming.

(18) The levels of financial contribution, in order to be considered for Philanthropic Naming opportunities, are set out in Part I.

(19) All negotiations for Philanthropic Naming will be managed by the Vice-Chancellor, or a person authorised by the Vice-Chancellor on his or her behalf from time to time. A proposal for Philanthropic Naming may be initiated by the Vice-Chancellor (or under his or her authority) to a benefactor or a benefactor to the Vice-Chancellor.

(20) Philanthropic Naming may be approved for a current associate of the University.

Part D - General Considerations

(21) All naming recognition must be consistent with the University's mission and role as a public and academic institution. In this regard, due attention will be given to both long-term and short-term appropriateness of naming and the appropriateness of the facility to be named.

(22) The proposed name should enhance the public reputation of the University. The name should be based on the eminence of the recipient or the recipient's relationship to the University.

(23) The credentials, character, and reputation of each individual or entity for which the naming of a facility is being considered will be appropriately scrutinised. Nominations submitted for consideration and action must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation relating to the nominee.

(24) The University reserves to itself the exclusive authority to name, discontinue or alter the name, of a facility. A decision of the Council or Vice-Chancellor, as the case may be, under this Policy shall be final and conclusive.

(25) Unless Council determines otherwise, a person or corporation's name may be used in naming a University's facility only once across all campuses.

(26) If an individual or organisation, after which a facility has been named, comes into disrepute in the University or in the community at large the Vice-Chancellor may recommend to Council that the use of the name be discontinued.

Part E - Special Considerations


(27) If a previously named facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of a previously named area re-designated, it may be named for a new person or entity at the discretion of the Council (subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action). Some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial. Any naming of a replacement is to be regarded as a fresh proposal and subject to review and approval under this Policy.

Changes in Use

(28) When a change in the use of a previously named facility occurs because a program moves/ends or space is reassigned or demolished, some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial. All such alternatives are subject to review and approval under this Policy and will be determined at the sole discretion of the Council.

Corporate Naming

(29) To avoid the appearance of commercial influence or conflict of interest, the naming of facilities in recognition of the contribution of a corporate entity will be carefully scrutinised. Corporate names may be more commonly used to designate individual rooms and public spaces within buildings or recognise the contributions of corporations, and will be acknowledged in an appropriate manner. The size, design, and wording of recognition that acknowledges corporate generosity and expresses the University's appreciation should be appropriate to the academic and public mission of the University. Any agreement for corporate naming should include provision that the benefactor or sponsor will not seek to claim or imply endorsement of the entity by the University and that any reference to or use of the name of the facility in advertising or publications is approved by the University.


(30) The official name of a facility shall be determined by the Council on recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor. Signage will typically include only the surname of the honouree or donor (where an individual) unless determined otherwise by the Council. A suitable plaque will ordinarily be located in the lobby or other appropriate interior location giving the full name and a brief biography of the person.

Part F - Recognition of Other Contributions to Facilities

(31) Significant contributions, memorials or donations received for equipping or furnishing a classroom, lab, or studio space, that do not include the cost of building or renovating the space, can be given recognition through an appropriate plaque or alternative means within or adjacent to the space. This shall not constitute the "naming" of the space.

(32) Despite clause 26, the Council may recognise an in-kind contribution of equipment or furnishings for the purpose of philanthropic naming under Part C where the contribution is equivalent to the values set out in Part I.

(33) The Vice-Chancellor may approve recognition of a contribution, and the form of recognition, under this Part and may establish procedures relevant to this function from time to time.

(34) When the equipment or furnishing becomes out-dated, dysfunctional or is retired, the recognition will be withdrawn.

Part G - Register

(35) The Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management will maintain an up to date Register of Named Facilities at all times which shall be included with any recommendation for the naming of a facility. The Register will be published on the Internet site of the University.

(36) The Register shall include a list of all facilities that are named as well as facilities that are not currently named.

(37) The Vice-Chancellor may approve temporary names for unnamed facilities by reference to the use or location of the facility (e.g. Faculty of Science Building), or by means of some other neutral connotation, so that they are easily changed. Such names may be used for an indefinite period.

(38) The Vice-Chancellor may, at any time, request conditional approval (either for individual facilities or groups of facilities) from the Committee or the Council (as required) for the designation of certain facilities as available for the purpose of Philanthropic Naming. The Committee or Council (as required) may approve the recommended list of facilities be included on a Register of Facilities approved for conditional offer of Philanthropic Naming.

(39) The Committee or Council (as required) may delegate to the Vice-Chancellor in relation to an individual facility or a group of facilities the authority to approve the Philanthropic Naming of a facility on behalf of the Council with respect to facilities approved by the Committee or Council under clause 32.

Part H - Delegations

(40) The Council has delegated authority to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to approve the naming of facilities of the University.

(41) The Vice-Chancellor may approve temporary naming of facilities in accordance with this Policy.

(42) The Council has delegated authority to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to approve procedures for the making of recommendations and approval of recommendations for the naming of facilities.

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Section 4 - Procedures

(43) Refer to the Official Naming Procedure.

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Section 5 - Guidelines

Part I - Philanthropic Naming Guidelines

(44) This section sets out the University's guidelines for Philanthropic Naming.

Gift Levels

(45) While the amount of each Philanthropic Naming proposal will be negotiated on the basis of the merits of the proposal and specific circumstances involved, the following minimum donation levels will be considered as a guide:

  1. Naming a New Building
    1. Minimum gift is the greater amount of:
      1. 50% of unfunded costs; or
      2. 25% of total cost.
  2. Naming an Existing Building
    1. Minimum gift is:
      1. 25% of total replacement cost.
  3. Naming an Addition or Major Modification to an Existing Building
    1. Minimum gift is the greater amount of:
      1. 50% of unfunded costs; or
      2. 25% of total cost.

(46) Naming of other Facilities (for example, benches, sculptures, interpretative elements, kiosks, memorials, roads, landscaping, parks, parking lots, lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, laboratories, meeting rooms):

  1. 100% of total cost.

Contributions May Be 'In-kind'

(47) Nothing in this Guideline prevents the University from accepting an in-kind contribution to an equivalent value as stated in this Guideline (for example, equipment, artistic or cultural works etc.) where the University has allocated funds to the acquisition of an item and the contribution will allow that allocation to be applied to other purposes.