(1) The Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RWG) is established by the Vice-Chancellor as a subset of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), including representation from our First Nations staff network and an appointed chair. (2) The RWG will govern the coordination and delivery of the agreed reconciliation action plan (RAP) actions and report regularly to the ELT via the RWG chair. (3) For the purpose of this document: (4) The members of the RWG are: (5) A regular member may appoint another person to attend a meeting or meetings on their behalf, or to act on their behalf for a specified timeframe. A person so appointed will be deemed to be a regular member of the RWG for the specified time and may vote as a regular member. (6) The working group will be serviced by the Vice-Chancellor's Chief of Staff. (7) Right of audience and debate shall be granted to: (8) The principal responsibilities of the working group are to: (9) Nominees appointed by the respective senior executive lead are expected to represent the full portfolio and are responsible to ensure communication and support of the respective portfolio. (10) A quorum shall be half of the entire membership plus one. (11) Approximately four meetings will be held annually. These will be from 30 minutes to one hour in duration depending on need. (12) New initiatives may be considered by the working group at all meetings under the advice of the RWG chair. (13) Where critical or urgent approvals are required between meetings and they cannot be addressed by the RWG chair, approval may be sought from the RWG chair to have such issues and decisions addressed by the working group via a flying minute. (14) Agendas and minutes will be prepared by the Vice-Chancellor’s Chief of Staff. (15) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the RWG chair and at the RWG meeting prior to discussion of the item of business. (16) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the working group must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.'Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group' - Membership and Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Membership
Top of PageSection 4 - Functions and responsibilities
Committee responsibilities
Member responsibilities
Section 5 - Meetings
Agendas and minutes
Conflicts of interest
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