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'Emergency Planning Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment

(1) The Emergency Planning Committee was originally established by the Vice-Chancellor in 1997 in accordance with the then Australian Standard. The Committee continues to operate under the current Australian Standard, AS3745 Planning for emergencies in facilities; with extended responsibilities.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) The purpose of the Emergency Planning Committee is to provide strategic planning and policy formulation for emergency and critical incident management activities relating to staff, students, visitors and premises under the control of Charles Sturt University (the University).

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Section 3 - Glossary

(3) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) - are created on University premises as determined by the Committee to plan and organise responses to Critical Incidents in accordance with the Critical Incident Management Guidelines.
  2. Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) - means a person or persons appointed by the Emergency Planning Committee to direct and control the implementation of the facilities emergency response procedures.
  3. Emergency Planning Committee (EPC) - is the Committee of persons responsible for the documentation and maintenance of the emergency plan including the establishment and maintenance of the University's Emergency Control Organisation and Critical Incident Response Groups.
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Section 4 - Scope

(4) The Emergency Planning Committee is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring emergency preparedness at Charles Sturt University (the University).

(5) As part of its charter, the Committee will approve amendments to the Site Emergency Procedures, Site Emergency Plan and the Critical Incident Management Guidelines.

(6) The Emergency Planning Committee will report to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee of the University Council through the University Safety and Health Management Committee (USHMC) on the status of the University's emergency preparedness.

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Section 5 - Membership

(7) The regular members of the Emergency Planning Committee shall be:

  1. Director, Operational Services, Facilities Management (Presiding Officer);
  2. Executive Director, People and Culture;
  3. Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing;
  4. Executive Director, Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer;
  5. Chief Information and Digital Officer;
  6. Director, Inclusion and Indigenous Strategic Practice Leader;
  7. Senior Manager, Student Central;
  8. Manager, Operational Services, Facilities Management;
  9. Campus Services Manager, Facilities Management, Albury-Wodonga (Chief Warden);
  10. Campus Services Manager, Facilities Management, Bathurst (Chief Warden);
  11. Campus Services Manager, Facilities Management, Wagga (Chief Warden);
  12. Campus Services Manager, Facilities Management, Orange and Dubbo (Chief Warden);
  13. Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing, Facilities Management; 
  14. Manager, Risk and Assurance, Office of Governance and Corporate Administration;
  15. Manager, Social Media, Web Office; and
  16. Representative, Academic (Head of School).

(8) The Committee will be serviced by the Facilities Management.

(9) Nominees for the above roles who have the appropriate delegated authority may be appointed to the Committee on the approval of the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management and the Presiding Officer, Emergency Planning Committee.

Right of Audience 

(10) The following persons shall be entitled to attend and address meetings of the Committee:

  1. Executive Assistant to the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management, (Minutes Secretary); and
  2. other persons on the approval of the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management and the Presiding Officer, Emergency Planning Committee.
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Section 6 - Conduct of Meetings

(11) The Presiding Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management. The Presiding Officer will usually be the Director, Operational Services, Facilities Management.

(12) Decisions of the Emergency Planning Committee shall be by consensus wherever possible. When this is not feasible, decisions shall be taken by a majority vote.

(13) The Committee shall meet quarterly, or at any other time when considered necessary by the members, subject to reasonable notice. Meetings may be face to face, at venues to be agreed, or by teleconference or video conference.

(14) The Committee may co-opt expert advice from other persons within or external to the University as required from time to time.

(15) A quorate meeting shall consist of a minimum of half the current membership plus one.

(16) Minutes of meetings of the Emergency Planning Committee shall be prepared by or at the direction of the Presiding Officer and shall be transmitted to Committee members as soon as possible after each meeting. Minutes shall also be made available to:

  1. Executive Director, Division of Facilities Management;
  2. Minute Secretary, University Safety and Health Management Committee;
  3. Reports: Standing Emergency Planning Committee agenda items will include the following reports:
    1. Performance against established objectives;
    2. Minutes of meetings of each campus Critical Incident Response Group; and
    3. Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing on the status of the University's Emergency Control Organisation compliance and other related activities.
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Section 7 - Terms of Reference

(17) The Emergency Planning Committee will exercise the following functions for and on behalf of the University:

  1. set the standards in emergency and critical incident management through policy, guidelines and template plans;
  2. determine the Emergency Planning Committee - Key Performance Indicators and measure outcomes against these indicators;
  3. provide an annual report on all aspects of emergency and critical incident management within the University. The report will be forwarded to the University Safety and Health Management Committee for the information of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee of the University Council;
  4. ensure a consistent approach to emergency and critical incident management across the University;
  5. receive and act upon issues that cannot be resolved at campus level;
  6. ensure that adequate resources and training are available to maintain the campus Emergency Control Organisation and Critical Incident Response Groups to enable them to perform their roles;
  7. coordinate the promotion of emergency and critical incident management functions across the University; and
  8. identify and rectify deficiencies and opportunities for improvement, in the emergency plan and critical response procedures.