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Motor Vehicle Fleet Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This procedure establishes the framework to effectively manage and control all motor vehicles owned, leased, rented and operated by Charles Sturt University (the University).

(2) The use of motor vehicles is to support business travel and service delivery requirements of the University.

(3) The fleet is managed to achieve vehicle efficiency, maximise the safety of drivers and environmental performance, and minimise life cycle costs for each vehicle.


(4) This procedure applies to all motor vehicles owned, leased, rented and operated by the University, including:

  1. passenger light vehicles, such as sedans, SUVs, minibuses and utilities
  2. buses that seat more than 12 adults (including driver)
  3. commercial vehicles, such as vans and trucks.

(5) This procedure does not apply to:

  1. motor vehicle arrangements for staff covered by the Executive Remuneration and Appointment Policy
  2. specialised farm vehicles such as tractors, golf carts and similar farm vehicles
  3. plant vehicles such as forklifts.
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Section 2 - Policy

(6) This procedure supports the Finance Management Policy and Travel Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedure


(7) The Manager, Fleet is responsible for the administration and management of the University's vehicle fleet. This also covers managing lease partner relationships for all leased vehicles registered for road use.

(8) Vehicle allocation is subject to the approval of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).


(9) The following procedures relating to the purchase/lease of all motor vehicles operated by the University are to be followed without exception.

(10) A University tool of trade (ToT) vehicle will be provided to an individual where the duties and/or position require the use of a vehicle. Allocation of the category of vehicle will be based primarily on the functional requirements of the vehicle and on the responsibility of the position.

Pool vehicles

(11) The use of pool vehicles from the University fleet has ceased. Vehicles used for ad hoc business travel will be rental vehicles as arranged by Travel and Expense.

(12) Any allocated vehicle that becomes surplus to requirements for any reason is to be considered a pool vehicle prior to disposal.

(13) If a vehicle becomes surplus to requirements and cannot be reallocated within the faculty or division to a person of the same classification, the vehicle details should be provided to the Manager, Fleet who will attempt to reallocate the vehicle elsewhere within the University or dispose of the vehicle.

(14) Leased vehicles will be used wherever there is continuous need for vehicles such as a ToT vehicle. ToT applications are to be directed to the Manager, Fleet for endorsement prior to approval of the CFO.

(15) Any pool vehicle is not available for private use.

(16) On the occasion that a pool vehicle is assigned to a custodian, they will be prima-facie responsible for all actions under this procedure. This custodian will also be responsible for all infringement notices, unless they can prove otherwise as per the relevant state/territory government regulations.

Rental cars

(17) Rental cars are to be used for ad hoc business travel via a travel plan approved by Travel and Expense.

(18) The University has negotiated special rates for vehicle hire under the Travel Policy and these can be sourced via Travel and Expense through the current booking process.

(19) In the event of a motor vehicle accident and/or incident involving the use of a rental vehicle, refer to the vehicle rental company’s procedure and contact the Manager, Fleet.

Use of University owned and leased vehicles

(20) University owned and leased vehicles must not be used to take part in motorsport including without limitation rallying, speed trials, time trials or similar activity. A University owned and leased vehicle must not be used for any purpose other than for which it was designed.

(21) Trucks and other commercial type vehicles are generally not to be used to transport passengers other than University employees and/or students. Certain circumstances may require transport of third-party passengers, such as contractors, stakeholders, guides who should be covered under the University’s vehicle Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance policy and would therefore be approved for passenger transport.

(22) Any planned driving of a University owned or leased vehicle by non-University staff or students is to be disclosed to the Manager, Fleet. It is preferred at least five business days notice is given prior to that travel commencing. The University’s comprehensive motor vehicle insurance does not cover any person who does not have University permission to be driving a University owned or leased vehicle.

(23) The prohibition of smoking on University premises extends to and includes any University owned and leased vehicle. Smoking in University owned and leased vehicles is prohibited at all times.

(24) Changes to existing vehicles (such as driver name, vehicle location and cost centre) must have these details completed and emailed to the Manager, Fleet for updating.

(25) Drivers are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition prior to use. Tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.5 mm. Any defects or damage to vehicles is to be reported to the Manager, Fleet upon vehicle return.

Passenger sedan and wagon vehicles

(26) University owned and leased vehicles must not be used for any employment outside the organisation or for private use.

Commercial, light commercial and job facility ToT vehicles

(27) Commercial, light commercial and job facility vehicles are considered tool of trade (ToT) vehicles (including passenger wagons) and are allocated on a job specific basis. They must only be driven by University employees or students. Private use of these vehicles is prohibited.

(28) The only exception is in such cases as sudden ill health when the partner of an employee with such vehicle may drive the vehicle to the intended destination or to the place of work.

(29) Commercial vehicles are to be decaled in the University brand in accordance with the Brand Guidelines as determined by the Brand and Performance Marketing.

Driver’s licence

(30) A disqualified or unlicensed driver may not operate a University owned or leased vehicle at any time. Learner drivers are also not permitted to drive University owned or leased vehicles.

(31) It is a compulsory requirement for all University owned and leased vehicle drivers, and any authorised driver, to hold a current and relevant licence for the vehicle category under their control. If an employee’s driver’s licence is noted with any endorsements, is suspended, or cancelled, their supervisor and the Manager, Fleet must be informed immediately.

Traffic related offences

(32) An employee in possession of a University owned or leased vehicle is responsible for the payment of any traffic fines or penalties arising from infringements incurred while they were responsible for the vehicle.

(33) Any third party drivers permitted to drive a University owned or leased vehicle are responsible for the payment of any traffic fines or penalties arising from infringements incurred while they were in possession of the vehicle.

(34) Camera speeding fines, camera red light fines, parking or any other traffic infringement issued to a University owned and/or leased vehicle will be directed to the custodian of the offending vehicle for payment.

Alcohol and drugs

(35) Any University employee, student or nominated third party driver who, having consumed alcohol or having taken or had drugs administered which impair coordination or perception, must not at any time drive a University owned or leased vehicle. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including over the counter and prescription medicines. They significantly affect your driving skills and increase your crash risk. Read the label on drugs and other products to check that they do not contain alcohol (also known as ethanol) or contain a warning about possible effects on your driving ability. Where a driver is uncertain of the effect, they should consult their healthcare professional prior to driving.

Care of University owned and leased vehicles

(36) The authorised driver must maintain the vehicle exterior and interior in a clean and roadworthy condition at the University's expense. This can be undertaken using a University travel card or by submitting an expense claim through the travel portal available via the Travel and Expense website.

(37) Vehicles are expected to be washed each week, including cleaning the interior, glass and floor.

Inspection of University owned and/or leased vehicles

(38) All University owned and leased vehicles are to be available for inspection by management upon request at any time. Vehicle audits will be carried out from time to time to review and confirm:

  1. physical inventory
  2. care and maintenance
  3. compliance with policy and approved capex.

Off street parking

(39) Wherever possible, University owned or leased vehicles are to be garaged off the street and securely locked.

Theft/loss of property from a University owned or leased vehicle

(40) The University and lessor accept no responsibility for the loss of personal property from a vehicle and will not reimburse an employee for the replacement of personal effects stolen from a vehicle. It is the responsibility of the employee to insure their private property.

Interstate travel

(41) University owned or leased vehicles may only be driven interstate for normal business travel as part of an approved travel plan.

Roadside service associations

(42) All University owned and leased vehicles are supplied with Nationwide Roadside Assistance Service, which comprises a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year telephone advisory and assistance service. Instructions to access this service are available in the vehicle folder, kept inside each vehicle.

Vehicle maintenance and servicing

(43) University owned and leased vehicles must be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s service handbook and specifications as well as any unscheduled maintenance requirements.

(44) Any employee who does not ensure the servicing of a University owned or leased vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s service instructions may lead to the cancellation of warranty conditions. In addition, any vehicle not duly serviced which leads to a motor vehicle accident may be considered a breach of employee workplace health and safety responsibilities.

(45) All University owned and leased vehicles must only be serviced and maintained at the relevant authorised service centres. Vehicle servicing is also authorised to be carried out at the University fleet workshops, in Bathurst and Wagga Wagga.

(46) All new leased vehicles will adopt the fully maintained operating lease (FMOL) arrangements. The lease provider will pre-authorise all service and maintenance work on leased vehicles at negotiated rates for parts and labour. Invoices for all leased vehicles will be vetted by the lease provider to confirm work performed is as pre-authorised.

(47) Access to the lease maintenance and servicing facility is provided by presenting a leased vehicle to the University fleet workshops or authorised service centre and advising that the vehicle is a leased vehicle. Approval to perform the repairs will be undertaken by the University fleet workshop or service centre.

(48) Exceptions may be granted in geographically remote sites where authorised service centres are not readily available. In such cases the Manager, Fleet will arrange servicing authority via the lease provider. This process also applies to any ad hoc or unscheduled repairs required.

(49) The University Fleet Office will manage the servicing and maintenance of any vehicle not leased.

(50) Vehicles covered by the lease provider’s service and maintenance control are to be maintained in accordance exclusively via their authorised service centre network.

Tyre replacement

(51) All University owned and/or leased vehicles requiring replacement or repair to tyres may be presented to any tyre dealer who is an authorised outlet. Major tyre brands and suppliers are the preferred tyre outlets, such as Bridgestone, Beaurepaires, Bob Jane, Dunlop, Goodyear, mycar Tyre & Auto and Tyreworld Australia or for clarification, contact the Manager, Fleet. In emergencies, alternative outlets may be used if none of the aforementioned outlets are readily available.

(52) Prior to tyre replacement or repairs, the driver must advise the tyre outlet to gain approval from the lease provider in the case of leased vehicles and the Manager, Fleet for University owned vehicles.

(53) Drivers usually would not pay the merchant for the tyres. The outlet will charge the University or lease provider, who will then charge the faculty or division at cost. However, for regional or geographically remote sites, use of a corporate card or an out of pocket expense, to be reimbursed, may be required.


(54) As a condition of this procedure and arrangements with the lease provider, motor vehicle windscreens must only be repaired or replaced at a windscreen outlet approved by the lease provider in your area. Contact the University Fleet Office prior to windscreen replacement as replacement may already be covered under the University’s comprehensive insurance policy.

(55) If not covered under insurance, the outlet will charge the University and/or the lease provider for on-charging to the faculty or division, at cost.


(56) Fuel must be purchased with fuel cards issued by AMPOL. Established, on-campus refuelling depots can also be used. For Fleet Management reporting purposes, the employee must provide an accurate odometer reading each time they purchase fuel. No other purchases are to be made with the fuel card. For regional or geographically remote sites, where AMPOL fuel stations are not available, use of a corporate card or an out of pocket expense, to be reimbursed, may be required.

(57) During normal working hours, if a fuel card is damaged, lost or stolen, or cannot be read at a service station, the employee must immediately contact the Manager, Fleet to notify them of the problem. The Manager, Fleet will place an order for a replacement card and cancel the current card. A fuel card will take approximately one week to receive and will be mailed to the authorised employee’s work address. The faculty or division will be charged for the replacement card at cost.

(58) After normal working hours, if a fuel card is damaged, lost or stolen, an out of pocket expense for fuel is to be made and a claim for reimbursement submitted. As soon as is reasonably possible, the Manager, Fleet is to be contacted.

(59) All queries regarding fuel cards are to be directed to the Manager, Fleet.

(60) Drivers of ToT vehicles are to use the cheapest fuel option available, which in most cases is E10 (provided the vehicle driven supports the use of E10). Using E10 will also help the University to further reduce its environmental footprint as E10 fuel has a lower carbon impact than regular unleaded petrol.

Fair wear and tear

(61) Refer to the Australian Fleet Management Association Fair Wear and Tear Guide for example vehicle damage diagram.

(62) All University owned and leased vehicles, upon return, must meet an agreed standard of fair wear and tear. This should be no different than is expected from any of the University fleet prior to issue or leasing arrangements. 

(63) Any damage or uncleanliness, internal or external of the vehicle, which exceeds the agreed parameters of fair wear and tear, may result in rectification work to the vehicle to return it to a level of acceptable fair wear and tear.

(64) Unacceptable fair wear and tear will be identified, photographed and cost quoted and submitted to the Manager, Fleet. This cost will be charged to the relevant faculty or division.

Accidents and accident procedures

Motor vehicle insurance

Coverage Comprehensive
Contact via Manager, Fleet
Excess University excess arrangements

(65) University owned and leased vehicles are insured for all damage caused by our driver ‘at fault’ or where an unknown cause of damage has been sustained. It is important to take extra care when operating the vehicles as the University pays to rectify such damage. Report and repair all damage in line with University accident procedures.

(66) For all glass damage, contact Manager, Fleet.

Driver responsibility for accident damage

(67) Every motor vehicle accident, regardless of how minor the damage may seem, must be reported to the Manager, Fleet and if necessary, an accident claim form submitted to the Charles Sturt Group insurer. 

(68) If a vehicle accident or incident is work related, occurs on the way to or from a work site or whilst completing work related activities, the accident or incident should also be reported on the vehicle accident report form. If an injury is sustained because of the accident or incident, an injury report form must be reported at the WHS Incidents and Hazards webpage.

(69) Within 24 hours of an incident or accident, the vehicle accident report form is to be completed and a copy provided to the Manager, Fleet who will then take the appropriate action regarding accident reporting to the insurer, if necessary. Where applicable, it is the driver’s responsibility to complete the insurer’s claim form, ensuring the vehicle accident details are provided. Repairs to the vehicle will be initiated exclusively via the Manager, Fleet and insurer authorised repairers.

Procedure in the event of an accident

(70) As soon as is reasonably practicable, or within 24 hours, any driver involved in a motor vehicle accident must advise the insurer via the Manager, Fleet of the vehicle accident details, including a police report where necessary.

(71) Contact the Manager, Fleet. The driver should list the Manager, Fleet as phone contact on the claim form. 

(72) The insurer will, via the Manager, Fleet, allocate an accident claim number which should be referred to along with the vehicle registration number in any subsequent conversation or correspondence.

(73) The driver may take the vehicle for repairs to any of the approved insurer authorised repairers for a damage repair quote. A copy of the authorised repairers is available from the Manager, Fleet.

(74) The driver should leave a photocopy of the completed insurer claim form with the smash repairer.

(75) It is the responsibility of the driver and smash repairer to ensure that the University owned or leased vehicle is available for smash repair assessment by the insurer authorised assessor.

(76) When the insurer assessor approves the repairs, the driver should make the vehicle available at the first opportunity for repair completion.

(77) Invoices for repairs will be submitted to insurer only and nil payment is to be made to the repairer by any University employee.

(78) The following instructions should be followed in the event of an accident:

  1. Stop immediately. If you do not stop you could lose your licence and/or face legal charges.
  2. Do not attempt to drive an unroadworthy vehicle from the scene of the accident. This is illegal, could cause more damage to your vehicle and could invalidate insurance coverage.
  3. Make the accident scene highly visible – with hazard lights and headlights - to make sure another accident doesn’t occur.
  4. Give assistance to anyone who is injured
  5. Call police and ambulance if anyone is injured.
  6. Do not admit liability, promise payment for damage, engage in accusations with other parties, make any statement except to police. 
  7. You should assist others to safety.
  8. Obtain the name, address, home and work telephone numbers, licence number, registration number, vehicle make, and model of the vehicle/vehicles involved in the incident and the name of their insurance company or employer. Also obtain details from any independent witnesses. You may also provide these details to the other people involved in the incident.
  9. If no one is injured, you may still need to report the accident to the police, for example, if it is suspected persons are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If police are at the accident scene, abide by their reporting procedures and obtain the relevant officer’s name, number and station details.
  10. Wherever possible draw a sketch of the incident area before leaving the scene. This information may be invaluable when reporting to police or completing an accident claim form.

Rental vehicle

(79) At the time of vehicle rental, the vehicle is covered for motor vehicle insurance in the daily rental rate. In the event of an at fault accident, the excess will be invoiced to the University faculty or division renting the vehicle.

(80) The driver of a rental vehicle should physically inspect the vehicle for any damage both at time of vehicle pick up and again at vehicle return.

(81) In the event that there is any damage to the vehicle at vehicle pick up, the employee must ensure that the rental car supplier is alerted to the damage and documented evidence of prior damage captured (e.g. photo with date or check sheet signed by supplier).

(82) If the vehicle sustains any damage during the period of rental, the employee must action per the conditions of the rental car agreement, then contact the Travel and Expense office.

(83) If you require further information regarding motor vehicle rental and the rental agreement, please refer to Travel and Expense.


(84) All new passenger and light commercial vehicles will be purchased externally by the lease provider and leased back to the University via a fully maintained operating lease (FMOL) arrangement.


(85) The University’s vehicle change-over policies are as follows: 

  1. For passenger vehicles: Change over at 90,000 km or 3 years, conditional on the terms of the lease established.
  2. For 4WD, utes and ToT light commercial vehicles: Change over at 100,000 km or 5 years.
  3. For light trucks and specialised courier vehicles: Change over at 250,000 km or 8 years.
  4. For heavy duty commercial vehicles, trucks and truck derivatives, the vehicle must exceed 250,000 km travel before a replacement is considered.

(86) If a vehicle is identified as a high kilometre vehicle then the lease period may be adjusted to suit. The same applies to low kilometre vehicles. The Manager, Fleet will assist with vehicle lease term determination. These lease terms may be altered to reflect actual vehicle use which may result in an increase or decrease in lease charges. This is primarily driven by kilometre use and vehicle residual values. The change-over policy will be monitored by the Manager, Fleet and recommendations for change submitted to the Chief Financial Officer.

Operating expenses

(87) Fleet management reporting can be provided to vehicle administrators within each faculty or division upon request. Reports can record, by date, the monthly cost, odometer reading, fuel expenses, repairs and maintenance, tyre replacements and tyre repairs, and any other approved expense where applicable.

(88) To ensure vehicle costs are directed to the correct business unit every vehicle reassigned internally within the faculty or division is to be reported to the Manager, Fleet.

Vehicle categories

(89) The University reserves the right to modify the vehicle category lists and or car groupings from time to time, based on market practice and/or business needs. It is entirely at the discretion of the University which car models are provided within each grouping. Equally, it is entirely within the University's discretion to decide which positions fall within or outside of car groupings.

Vehicle accessories

(90) The approved standard fitment accessories for University operations are as follows:

  1. Passenger vehicles: White in colour, fitted with air conditioning and floor mats. All wagons are fitted with a cargo barrier.
  2. Light commercial vehicles: White in colour, fitted with air conditioning, cargo barrier (vans and wagons) and floor mats.
Note: Cargo barriers are standard fitment in vans and station wagons.

(91) Side windows, roof racks, canopies, reversing alarms and tow bars may only be fitted when deemed necessary to perform normal work activities. Bull bars/nudge bars, front and rear may not be fitted to any vehicle unless exclusively operated in a rural environment. Bull bars/nudge bars are a potential safety hazard to the public, other vehicles and in some cases may interfere with vehicle design crash efficiency. Bull bar fitment will only be genuine manufacturers design approved, not after-market non genuine. Fitment in such applications requires CFO approval.

(92) Fitment of additional or non-standard accessories requires operating unit manager and Manager, Fleet endorsement with CFO approval.

(93) Any vehicle accessory fitment or upgrade must be carried out at the time of vehicle manufacture or at the authorised delivering dealership so as to not potentially void any vehicle manufacturer’s warranty. Some vehicle accessories and upgrades will not be permitted.

(94) Any vehicle upgrade must remain as part of the vehicle and may not be removed by the employee at time of vehicle disposal (e.g. tow bar, alarms, wheels).

Vehicle induction

(95) The purpose of a driver vehicle induction is to ensure a driver understands all the features of a vehicle. This includes passive, active and maintenance features.

(96) Passive features include items such as:

  1. seat and headrest adjustments
  2. seat belt shoulder adjustment
  3. rear vision mirror and side mirrors.

(97) Active features may include a vast array of advanced driver assist features, for example:

  1. autonomous emergency braking
  2. lane support systems
  3. speed assist systems
  4. adaptive cruise control
  5. blind spot warning
  6. attention assist (fatigue detection)
  7. reverse collision avoidance
  8. maintenance feature items include how to:
    1. refuel the vehicle
    2. check engine oil level
    3. refill windscreen washer water.

(98) Driver vehicle induction can be conducted by either the delivering dealer, Manager, Fleet and/or one of the fleet officers/mechanics with the driver. When drivers are moved into existing vehicles or when there are pool vehicles where multiple people have access to the vehicle, drivers must review the vehicle manual which is in the glove box.

(99) Automotive dealers will assist but it is important to note, the vehicle manual is a document for drivers to read as it is important for drivers to familiarise themselves with how the various features work.

(100) Drivers are to also make themselves familiar with the Driver Safety Guidelines.

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Section 4 -  Guidelines

(101) Nil.

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Section 5 - Glossary

(102) For the purposes of this procedure:

  1. Accident – means any incident in which a vehicle is involved (whether in motion, temporarily stopped, parked or being unloaded or loaded) that results in personal injury and/or property damage, regardless of who was hurt, what property was damaged or who was responsible.
  2. Custodian – means the person in charge of and responsible for taking care of the vehicle.
  3. Fleet - means all registered passenger and commercial vehicles covered by this procedure.
  4. Fully maintained operating lease (FMOL) - means the lease applicable to new vehicles. This provides an arrangement to combine vehicle registration, insurance, tyres, scheduled servicing, and maintenance into one convenient monthly payment. The lease service program does not include broken headlights, tail lights, damaged items or windscreen replacement.
  5. Logbook – means the resource used to record the vehicle usage. At a minimum the following should be recorded:
    1. start date and time of journey
    2. the odometer reading
    3. the finish date and time of journey.
  6. Prima-facie responsible – means the vehicle custodian who will be the person responsible for all actions applicable to that vehicle use.
  7. Tool of trade (TOT) vehicle – a vehicle that has been customised to carry out a specific work task and is integral to performing the day to day functions of a role. For example, a service vehicle or a utility for farm work or field research.