(1) This policy sets out the: (2) This policy applies to all: (3) Students who are interested in a particular activity or course may seek to establish a student club affiliated with Charles Sturt University (the University). (4) Student clubs aim to: (5) Student clubs and their members will: (6) Student Representative Committees (SRC) are responsible for providing support to clubs seeking affiliation or reaffiliation, and for supporting such bodies once affiliated, in accordance with the University’s Governance (Student Representation) Rule 2007. (7) Student clubs must be affiliated with the University as set out in the Student Clubs Affiliation and Operations Procedure in order to use or access: (8) All student clubs must be reaffiliated annually, as outlined in the Student Clubs Affiliation and Operations Procedure. (9) Student club affiliations, reaffiliations and disaffiliations must be approved by the delegated officer, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), as stated in Delegation Schedule A - Governance and Legal. (10) The delegated officer will consider recommendations of the relevant SRC and Division of Student Success. (11) Typically, a request for affiliation would be declined where a club: (12) The delegated officer may issue procedures, guidelines and other forms of guidance governing the affiliation of student clubs and their members, including but not limited to the steps which need to be undertaken by such clubs to be considered for formal affiliation, any conditions of affiliation, specifying different types or levels of affiliation, and dealing with disaffiliation of such bodies and/or their members. (13) Nothing in this policy or otherwise shall give rise to an affiliation or the continuance of an affiliation unless expressly stated in writing by the University to the club president. (14) Student clubs can choose to disestablish and/or terminate affiliation. A decision to terminate affiliation must be recorded in the minutes of the club executive committee and the decision submitted to clubs@csu.edu.au within seven days. (15) A student club may be disaffiliated if: (16) In addition to clause 15, the delegated officer may, taking into account any recommendations of the relevant SRC and Division of Student Success, disaffiliate a student club and/or any of its member(s) if the student club, its executives and/or its members: (17) Any student member who engages in such behaviour may also be referred for investigation under the Student Misconduct Rule 2020. (18) If a club does not reaffiliate within three years all assets and any remaining funds are allocated to the relevant SRC. (19) Conditional affiliation requirements may be imposed where a club or its members (where such behaviour of its members occurs at a club activity) have been found to breach University policies, procedures or guidelines. Such behaviour may also be referred for investigation under the Student Misconduct Rule 2020. (20) The club president will be notified of any conditional affiliation requirements and the club executive committee is responsible for ensuring all conditional affiliation requirements are adhered to. (21) Student clubs will remain conditionally affiliated until the next annual application for affiliation at which time the conditions will be reviewed by the delegated officer, taking into account any recommendations of the SRC and Division of Student Success. (22) From the point of initial affiliation, a student club must maintain a membership of at least eight student members and: (23) Non-students, or students enrolled at other institutions, may join a student club as an associate member. (24) Student clubs may set their own membership fees. The University reserves the right to charge additional fees for associate members. (25) Each student club is governed by an executive committee made up of club members elected to the roles outlined in the Student Clubs Affiliation and Operations Procedure. (26) The club may choose to nominate additional roles on its executive committee. (27) Executive committee roles can be held by current students only. (28) Associate members may participate in the club executive committee as mentors but cannot hold an executive role. (29) All student clubs, including their associate members, must adhere to governance and operational requirements that are set out in this policy and its supporting procedures and guidelines. (30) Affiliated student clubs may apply for funding from the relevant SRC. (31) All student club finances must be held within the University finance system. Affiliated clubs must not maintain a separate bank account. (32) All clubs must ensure adequate financial accounting and records are provided to the University to allow reconciliation of income and payment of accounts in accordance with the University’s Student Clubs Affiliation and Operations Procedure. (33) If the student club becomes aware of any matter which may negatively affect its financial standing it must be reported to clubs@csu.edu.au within seven days of the student club becoming aware of such a matter. (34) Funding received from external sources, including sponsorship agreements, must be approved by and declared to the University by the club prior to accepting any such funding, in accordance with the University’s Student Clubs Sponsorship Procedure. (35) The University will provide an annual training program for club executive members that includes, but is not limited to, training in student club governance, event risk and safety management, safety and wellbeing, financial management and systems, and leadership skills. (36) All club executives must complete mandatory training as directed by the University. (37) Clubs will not be able to organise events, access funds or receive support from University staff until all executive members complete the mandatory training to the satisfaction of the University. (38) Student clubs must seek prior approval, via the designated University system, for all activities and events organised by the club. Events and activities cannot be held without the University’s prior written approval. (39) Requests for event approvals must include a properly completed risk assessment and venue self-assessment form (where required) for review and approval by the University. (40) To apply for community club status, a club must: (41) Community clubs must apply for affiliation annually as outlined in the Community Club Affiliation Procedure [under development]. (42) Community clubs and their members will: (43) Use of the University brand must be approved in accordance with the Communications and Marketing Procedure - Brand Governance. (44) All sponsorship arrangements must be approved in writing by the delegated officer. (45) The delegated officer may revoke a community club’s status: (46) The delegated officer may decline a request for affiliation. (47) The delegated officer may determine general conditions under which community clubs are created and affiliated outside of procedures associated with this policy. (48) Nothing in this policy or otherwise shall give rise to a community club affiliation or the continuance of an affiliation unless expressly stated in writing by the University to the club president. (49) From the point of affiliation, a community club is a club where the membership does not meet the criteria of a student club and does not otherwise have the approval of the delegated officer to be a student club. (50) The following procedures support this policy: (51) Student Clubs Handbook (52) For the purpose of this policy, the following terms are defined:Clubs Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Part A - Student clubs
Purpose and expectations of student clubs
Establishment and affiliation of student clubs
Disaffiliation of a student club
Conditional affiliation
Student club governance
Events and activities
Part B - Community clubs
Establishment and affiliation of community clubs
Section 3 - Procedures
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Glossary
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without the prior approval of the delegated officer.