(1) These Guidelines operate in conjunction with the provisions of the applicable industrial instrument that regulates the terms and conditions of employment of an employee of Charles Sturt University (the University), and provide further explanatory information and details on the operation of the Flexible Working Hours Scheme (the Scheme). (2) Where any inconsistency arises between the provisions set out in the applicable industrial instrument and these Guidelines, the industrial instrument will prevail. (3) A major function of the Scheme is to assist employees to balance their work and family responsibilities through the development of mutually beneficial working arrangements with their supervisor, and a consensus approach that aims to provide for flexibility and adaptability shall as far as practicable be adopted. (4) The Flexible Working Hours Scheme does not apply to those employees: (5) Nil. (6) Nil. (7) Nil. (8) The Scheme applies to full-time and part-time employees and operates from Monday to Sunday, both days inclusive, and enables employees to start and finish work at times that are convenient to both the employee and the University. (9) Management is responsible for the scheduling of hours of duty for each workplace. In scheduling such hours, the following issues shall be taken into consideration: (10) While the aim of the Scheme is to establish mutually agreeable working hour arrangements between employees and the University, the decisions in these matters shall be subject to the needs of the University as set out in Clause (9). (11) An employee will normally be required to work one hundred and forty (140) hours within each accounting period of four (4) weeks. (12) In each accounting period, an employee may accumulate and carry forward a maximum of fourteen (14) hours to credit or fourteen (14) hours to debit. With the prior written approval of the supervisor, an employee may accumulate hours to credit in excess of fourteen (14) hours up to a maximum of thirty-five (35) hours. Any debits in excess of fourteen (14) hours at the end of each accounting period shall result in either a reduction in the employee's accrued annual leave or a salary reduction. (13) Accumulated hours to credit for ordinary hours of duty performed on a Saturday shall attract additional time credit of 50% for all such hours. This does not apply to travel time which does not attract the additional time credit - see Clause (29). (14) Accumulated hours to credit for ordinary hours of duty performed on a Sunday shall attract additional time credit of 75% for such hours. This does not apply to travel time which does not attract the additional time credit - see Clause (29). (15) The starting and finishing times shall normally be set within the span of hours of 7.00am and 7.00pm, Monday to Sunday (both days inclusive). (16) No more than ten flexible working hours may be worked by an employee on any day within an accounting period. (17) The core time for hours of work is 9.30am to 3.00pm. This is the period during the day (excluding the meal break) when full-time employees are required to be on duty, unless on approved leave. Any absences during the core time period must be accounted for by flexi-time or other approved leave. (18) An employee who wishes to work a regular pattern outside the normal core time provision must seek the agreement of his/her supervisor and approval from the Executive Director /Executive Dean of the work area (or their nominee). Approvals where granted are to be notified to the Director, Workplace Relations and Compliance. (19) In exceptional cases, for example urgent carer responsibilities, where an employee is unable to commence work until after the commencement of the core time, or is unable to remain working until the end of the core time, they should notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Time lost will be debited against time credits/debits or leave entitlements. (20) Accumulated hours to credit shall be taken at a time convenient to both the employee and their supervisor. (21) Employees shall record their starting and finishing times to the nearest five minutes on a daily basis on a timesheet. Provided that an Executive Director /Executive Dean (or nominee) may require an employee to complete a timesheet and sign an attendance book to record their daily starting and finishing times. (22) Public holidays and leave shall be recorded as seven hours for a full day, or the equivalent number of hours for part days, whichever is applicable. Provided that where an employee works a higher number of ordinary hours on any day on a continuous basis, the higher number of hours worked shall be recorded. Suitable comments shall be made in the comments column of the timesheet such as "public holiday", "personal leave" or "annual leave" as the case requires. (23) Personal leave shall not be approved where an employee is ill on a day when "time off" has been approved, except where a medical certificate is submitted by the employee for that day or part of that day. (24) Timesheets shall remain at the employee's workplace and may be inspected by the employee's supervisor at any time. (25) At the end of each accounting period, the completed timesheets shall be authorised as correct by the supervisor and filed as auditable documents in the section. Timesheets shall be retained for a period of seven years. (26) "Time off" should be recorded on the Web Kiosk. (27) Where an employee works overtime as approved by the appropriate delegated officer, relevant overtime provisions will apply. Overtime worked shall not add to time credits. (28) Where an employee works flexible working hours in a period that would attract a penalty rate or allowance, including a meal allowance, such penalty rates and allowances shall not apply. (29) Any period of travelling time during an employee's ordinary hours of duty shall be treated as part of their ordinary hours of work. Any authorised period of travelling undertaken outside of their ordinary hours of duty shall be treated as ordinary hours and attract hours to credit but shall not attract hours towards the payment of overtime or penalty rates. (30) Where an employee's accumulated credit hours reach thirty-five (35) and the employee is unable to take their credit hours, the accumulated credit hours will be paid out at the ordinary hourly rate and the balance returned to zero. Supporting documentation must be provided to the Division of People and Culture to initiate payment. (31) An employee should try to take any credit hours prior to resignation or transfer. Where an employee resigns or transfers to a position in a new work unit and the employee is unable to take their credit hours, the accumulated and approved credit hours will be paid out at the ordinary rate applicable to the position the employee held on the day prior to exit or transfer. Application for payment should be made on the Exit Notification form and approved by the supervisor for staff leaving the University. Application can be made via email for staff transferring to another section of the University. (32) Where reasonable evidence is adduced that an employee has not properly adhered to or complied with the provisions of the Scheme after having received an initial warning, the supervisor may withdraw the employee's participation in the Scheme and set other appropriate hours of duty for the employee.Flexible Hours of Work Scheme Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Glossary
Section 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
Section 5 - Guidelines
Part A - General
Part B - Accounting Period
Part C - Starting and Finishing Times
Part D - Core Time
Part E - Taking of hours to credit
Part F - Recording of time and leave
Part G - Overtime
Part H - Penalty rates and allowances
Part I - Travelling time
Part J - Payment on reaching a balance of 35 hours
Part K - Payment of hours in resignation, termination or transfer
Part L - Exclusion from scheme
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