(1) This procedure supports the Protocols Policy by stating: (2) This procedure has the same scope as the Protocols Policy. (3) This procedure applies the same terms defined in the Protocols Policy, with the following additional terms: (4) Refer to the Protocols Policy. (5) The naming of facilities must be consistent with the University's mission and role as a public and academic institution, and proposed names should aim enhance the public reputation of the University. In this regard, due attention will be given to the name’s long-term and short-term appropriateness, inclusive representation of the University community and the appropriateness of the facility being named. (6) When naming a facility for an individual or an entity: (7) The University reserves to itself the exclusive authority to name, discontinue or alter the name, of a facility. A decision of the Council, Nomination and Remuneration Committee or Vice-Chancellor, as the case may be under this procedure, shall be final and conclusive. (8) The Vice-Chancellor may approve temporary names for unnamed facilities by reference to the use or location of the facility (e.g. Faculty of Science Building), or by means of some other neutral connotation so that they are easily changed. Such names may be used for an indefinite period. (9) The Protocols Policy and the Governance (Nomination and Remuneration Committee) Rule 2015 allows the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to approve names for roads, walks and paths on University campuses, as set out in this procedure. (10) Protocols schedule 5 - Roads, walks and paths sets out the approved classification for various road or path types, and the approved schema for names. (11) All roads, walks and paths on University campuses that are generally open to the public or to emergency service vehicles will be named in accordance with this procedure. (12) The University will abide by the principles set out in the NSW Address Policy and User Manual (or equivalent rules in other jurisdictions) and AS/NZS 4819:2011 Rural and Urban Addressing principles in the naming of University roads. (13) The AS/NZS principles include that: (14) Where a new road, walk or path is to be named, the Division of Facilities Management (DFM) will: (15) In relation to a walk or path, DFM will then coordinate the installation of appropriate signage and registration, if possible, of the name on relevant mapping services. (16) In relation to a road: (17) If approved by the Geographical Names Board, the coordinate the installation of appropriate signage and registration of the name on relevant mapping services. (18) The Protocols Policy and the Governance (Nomination and Remuneration Committee) Rule 2015 allow the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to approve the dedication or naming of University facilities in honour of a person or entity. (19) In addition to the general considerations stated in this procedure, a facility may be named in honour of an individual or entity under the following criteria: (20) For the avoidance of doubt, a significant contribution may include a significant financial contribution for the general benefit of the University or for a specific purpose of the University (including in-kind contributions). (21) Philanthropic naming of a University facility, part of a facility or other property may be approved in recognition of substantial financial gifts to the University commensurate with the honour and compatible with the University's object. (22) The minimum levels of financial contribution, in order to be considered for philanthropic naming opportunities, are as follows: (23) The Council may recognise an in-kind contribution (for example, of equipment, furnishings, artistic or cultural works) for the purpose of philanthropic naming where the contribution is equivalent to the values set out at clause 22. (24) All negotiations for philanthropic naming will be managed by the Vice-Chancellor or a person authorised by the Vice-Chancellor on their behalf. A proposal for philanthropic naming may be initiated by the Vice-Chancellor (or under their authority) to a benefactor, or by a benefactor to the Vice-Chancellor. (25) Philanthropic naming may be approved for a current associate of the University, including current staff, students or officeholders. (26) Corporate names may be more commonly used to designate individual rooms and public spaces within buildings or recognise the contributions of corporations. The size, design, and wording of recognition that acknowledges corporate generosity and expresses the University's appreciation should be appropriate to the academic and public mission of the University. Any agreement for corporate naming should include provision that the benefactor or sponsor will not seek to claim or imply endorsement of the entity by the University and that any reference to or use of the name of the facility in advertising or publications is approved by the University. (27) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee or University Council (as required) may: (28) For a named building, room or part of a building, signage will typically include only the surname of the honouree or donor (for an individual) unless determined otherwise by the University Council. A suitable plaque will ordinarily be located in the lobby, or other appropriate interior location, giving the full name and a brief biography of the person. (29) Significant contributions, memorials or donations received for equipping or furnishing a classroom, lab, or studio space, that do not include the cost of building or renovating the space, can be given recognition through an appropriate plaque or alternative means within or adjacent to the space. This shall not constitute the "naming" of the space. (30) If a previously named facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of a previously named area re-designated, it may be named for a new person or entity at the discretion of the University Council (subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action). (31) When a change in the use of a previously named facility occurs because a program moves/ends or space is reassigned or demolished, some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial. All such alternatives are subject to review and approval under this procedure and will be determined at the sole discretion of the University Council. (32) When named equipment or furnishing becomes out-dated, dysfunctional or is retired, the recognition will be withdrawn. (33) A recommendation for the naming of a facility may be made by: (34) All nominations for naming of a facility will be submitted in writing to the Vice-Chancellor (unless recommended by the Vice-Chancellor) and will include the following information: (35) The Vice-Chancellor will review the nomination and determine whether to forward the recommendation to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. (36) Where University Council approval is required, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee will forward its recommendation to the Council. (37) The University recognises that colleagues or families may wish to commemorate a former staff member, student or a member of the public with a strong association with the University by establishing a memorial. (38) This procedure states the requirements for establishing memorial plaques or trees, or for holding a memorial service on University premises. For other memorials, refer to the: (39) Requests for memorials other than those described above should be directed to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor who will consider each request on a case by case basis. (40) The University reserves the right to determine in its absolute discretion the conditions upon which it will establish and maintain a memorial and may require the donor to enter into an appropriate form of acknowledgement or agreement. (41) At each campus, a physical memorial area/s may be established and maintained by the Division of Facilities Management (DFM). This may be in the form of a wall, garden or decorative structure (e.g. a seat or park bench). (42) A memorial service may be held on the University premises with the approval of the University Secretary. (43) With regards to memorial services on University premises: (44) All considerations for a plaque and its location will be consistent with the University’s masterplan or strategic development framework at each University premises. (45) With regards to memorial plaques: (46) Appropriate care and maintenance of physical memorials within an allocated memorial area will be provided, however, DFM have no responsibility for damage caused by vandalism. (47) Generally: (48) Family and friends may wish to visit and maintain the memorial area, however, the extent and type of maintenance and, importantly, the materials used must be in keeping with University grounds management processes and therefore the DFM must be contacted for a list of approved materials. (49) DFM will endeavour to maintain physical memorials installed before this procedure takes effect that are not in designated memorial areas, but due to future development requirements, damage to the area, or where no longer suitable for the site, the University cannot ensure their safety or perpetuity. (50) Requests for: (51) Division of Facilities Management (DFM) will maintain the following registers: (52) Nil.Protocols Procedure - Naming Facilities and Memorials
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Glossary
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy
Section 4 - Procedures
General considerations for naming University facilities
Naming of roads, walk and paths
Conformance with legal requirements
Process to be followed
Honorary or philanthropic naming of facilities
Criteria for honorary naming
Criteria for philanthropic naming
Naming a new building
Naming an existing building
Minimum gift is 25% of total replacement cost.
Naming an addition or major modification to an existing building
Naming of other facilities (e.g. benches, sculptures, interpretative elements, kiosks, memorials, roads, landscaping, parks, parking lots, lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, laboratories, meeting rooms)
100% of total cost
Display of name
Duration of facility or changes in use
Process to be followed
Memorial services
Memorial plaque
Maintenance of memorials
Process to be followed
Top of Page
Register subject
Information captured
Campus roads, walks and paths
Captured in FMCentral
Named facilities
A list of all named facilities as well as facilities that are not currently named.
Captured in FMCentral
All new memorials installed in accordance with this procedure, along with any other previously identified memorials.
Captured in FMCentral
Section 5 - Guidelines
View Current
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Minimum gift is the greater amount of:
a. 50% of unfunded costs
b. 25% of total cost
Minimum gift is the greater amount of:
a. 50% of unfunded costs
b. 25% of total cost