(1) These guidelines set out Charles Sturt University's management principles and guidelines for recognising staff who have been continuously employed for an extended period of service at Charles Sturt University (the University). (2) The guidelines: (3) These guidelines apply to all paid full-time, fractional-time, fixed-term or continuing employees of the University, who have completed a total service period of five, 10, 20 or more years of continuous service. (4) These guidelines do not apply to: (5) Nil. (6) Nil. (7) The Division of People and Culture is responsible for identifying employees who qualify for recognition of service. (8) A retiring employee's faculty or division is responsible for coordinating the identification of eligibility for a retirement gift and providing the commensurate level of funding in accordance with the ‘Departure gift’ provisions of these guidelines. (9) For the purposes of these guidelines, all paid full-time, fractional-time, fixed-term or continuing service with the University and its predecessor institutions will be considered as eligible service. (10) Eligible employees under clause 9 who leave the employment of the University and are re-employed by the University within 61 days of their employment termination date in a paid full-time, fractional-time, fixed-term or continuing position will not break continuity of service for the purpose of service recognition. However, the period of non-employment will not count towards service. (11) Casual service will not be recognised as eligible service for the purposes of these guidelines. (12) For five and 10 years of continuous service: (13) For 20, 30 and 40 years of continuous service: (14) Employees who retire after 10 years of service may be eligible to receive a University-funded gift on departure, the cost of which will be met by the employee's faculty or division. (15) The relevant faculty or division may request the Division of People and Culture to identify eligibility for a University-funded gift and the value of such gift. In determining eligible service for the calculation of retirement gifts, employee absences on unpaid leave affecting service will not be considered. (16) Colleagues of the retiring employee may contribute to a retirement gift, providing the University’s contribution towards the gift is clearly documented and complies with the standard purchasing procedures of the Division of Finance. (17) Employees who have previously received a retirement gift and have been reappointed by the University will be required to serve a period of 10 years from recommencement to qualify for a further retirement gift. (18) Employees who receive a separation package are not eligible to receive a retirement gift. (19) The maximum University contribution to gifts for: (20) For the purpose of these guidelines:Recognition of Service Guidelines
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Eligible service
Service awards
Departure gifts
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary
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