Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This is the Governance (Declaration of Material Interests) Rule 2022. (2) This Rule commences on 1 January 2022 under resolution CNL171/15. (3) This Rule is enacted for the purpose of achieving effective management of conflicts of interest by members of the Council and its committees and to ensure best practice by: (4) This Rule is made pursuant to authority granted to the Council under sections 31(1)(f) and 32 of the Act. (6) In this Rule, unless the contrary intention appears: (7) This Rule applies to members of the Council and its committees. (8) Managing conflicts of interest appropriately is important and necessary to protect the University's reputation, ensure good governance and continue to meet legislative and compliance obligations. The University requires all University representatives, including members of Council and its committees, to act ethically at all times, with openness and fairness, and to proactively safeguard the performance of their official duties and responsibilities as University representatives against conflicts of interest. (9) The University expects all members of Council and its committees, to actively and continuously: (10) The Chancellor must actively and continuously seek information from Council members declaring any non-University duties and/or interests that could or could reasonably be perceived to influence the actions of the Council or its committees, and ensure they are monitored and managed in accordance with this Rule. (11) The University Secretary is responsible for providing advice on the definitions of a conflict, maintaining a register of material interests and maintaining a record of annual declarations. (12) To identify a conflict of interest, Council members must: (13) Once a conflict of interest is identified, the member needs to declare the conflict. (14) Where a member is also a staff member of the University, and an issue arises in their capacity as a staff member, the issue shall be resolved according to the provisions of the Code of Conduct and the Conflict of Interest Procedure (for staff) rather than this Rule. (15) Where an issue arises involving a staff member in their capacity as a Council member, this Rule will take precedence over the Code of Conduct (for staff) in resolving the issue. (16) Members have legal obligations to declare conflicts of interest based on a reasonable perception of a conflict. (17) Where it is unclear if a conflict of interest is present, or whether an interest is a material interest, the member may consult with the Chancellor or committee chair and/or should take a more conservative approach (e.g. if uncertain about the nature of the interest, the interest should be treated as if it were a material interest). (18) Where a member perceives another member to have an unacknowledged or undeclared conflict of interest, the member shall contact the University Secretary and inform them of the perceived conflict. Where, in the opinion of the University Secretary, the perceived conflict may constitute a material interest, the University Secretary will contact the member and request a declaration be made. (19) Where another member perceives another member to have an unacknowledged or undeclared conflict of interest at a meeting of Council or a committee of Council, either in person or by flying minute, the member shall inform the meeting and the members may (after hearing from the member alleged to have the conflict of interest) resolve by majority that a conflict of interest does exist. A resolution to that effect imposes the same obligation on the affected member as would apply had that member disclosed a conflict of interests in relation to the issue. (20) Members are subject to a positive duty to inform the meeting if, in their opinion, another member has a conflict of interest which has not been disclosed. (21) Members must declare any relationships or interests with third parties that the University deals with, or plans to deal with, if they become aware of the dealings during normal Council/committee business. (22) Members must restrict any acts or activities that may result in a conflict and not improperly use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else. For example, they must not use confidential information received from a third party through the course of University business to establish a new material interest, such as obtaining shares in a related party company. (23) All Council members must complete and maintain a statement of material interests. (24) The University Secretary may require a person applying for appointment to the Council or a committee of the Council to complete and submit a statement of material interests with their application for appointment in the form set out in Schedule 1. (25) In considering recommendations for appointment to the Council, the Council may take into account the statement of material interests of the applicant. (26) Where a member has not been required to do so under clause 24, the member shall submit a statement of material interests to the University Secretary in the form set out in Schedule 1 no later than 20 working days after the commencement of their appointment or election to the Council or committee of the Council. (27) The University Secretary will issue instruction for members to review and resubmit their statement of material interests annually in January of each year to ensure they remain accurate. (28) The University Secretary or their delegate may distribute a draft list of agenda items prior to a meeting and seek declarations of material interest in relation to the proposed agenda items. Members will review the draft agenda and advise of any conflicts of interest. (29) Notwithstanding any declaration contained in a member’s statement of material interests, where a member has a conflict of interest in an item or items of business, the member must, as soon as practicable, declare the interest at a meeting of the Council or committee in accordance with clause 5 of Schedule 3 of the Act. (30) If a declaration is made by any means outside of a meeting or the statement of material interests, the member, Chancellor or University Secretary must report the declaration to the next meeting of the Council or committee and must update the statement of material interest form prior to the next meeting. (31) The Chancellor or chair of the committee will provide an opportunity for members to declare material interests at the beginning of each meeting. A member may make a declaration at this time or at any other time during a meeting prior to consideration of the matter which may constitute the conflict of interest. Declarations made to the Chancellor or University Secretary prior to the meeting will be reported at this time. (32) The declaration together with a summary of how the declaration was managed, in accordance with the management process outlined below, will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will be transferred to the register of material interests as soon as practicable after the meeting. (33) If a material interest is declared during a meeting the member must update and submit a new statement of material interests form to the University Secretary following the meeting. (34) Members will declare gifts, benefits or hospitality from external parties, received in connection with their Council membership, in accordance with the ‘Notification procedure – received gifts and benefits’ heading in the Conflict of Interest Procedure. (35) Notwithstanding clause 34, members should declare any gifts, donations, benefits, sponsorship, hospitality or service offered from an external body referenced in business papers or documents at the meeting where the paper is being considered. (36) Where a conflict of interest has been declared the relevant member must, prior to any meeting, assess whether the conflict can be avoided altogether or, if not, ensure it can be managed appropriately by implementing risk mitigation strategies which are managed by Council or the applicable committee, together with the University Secretary. (37) Declared conflicts of interests may be managed through one or more of the following risk mitigation strategies: (38) Members must ensure their statements of material interest remain accurate and up to date. (39) Notwithstanding clause 38, whenever information in a member’s statement of material interests has changed, including where an interest no longer exists, the member must submit a new statement to the University Secretary as soon as practicable. (40) The University Secretary will maintain the statements of material interest in a central location which is accessible to the member. (41) The University Secretary shall update the register of material interests upon receipt of a variation using the form set out in Schedule 1. (42) The University Secretary shall maintain a register of material interests. (43) The University Secretary shall make available a copy of the register of material interests upon request in writing by a member of the Council within five working days of that request. (44) The timeframe under clause 43 may be extended by an additional five working days to allow the University Secretary to obtain legal or other advice in relation to the request (e.g. in order to consider any obligations with respect to any third party personal information included in the register of material interests). (45) Where a member has been granted access to the register under this Rule, the member shall undertake to ensure that any information contained in the register of material interests remains confidential to the Council or the relevant committee, and to any persons named in the register, except as provided by law. (46) The University Secretary may approve procedures or requirements from time to time in relation to: (47) Other than as permitted by this Rule, the register shall not be available to any other person, except as required by law. (48) Where the register of material interest is required to be made available by law, the University Secretary shall make the register available upon payment of a fee of no less than $100 (except where otherwise provided under the law under which the register must be made available). (49) Failure to declare an interest, including a perceived interest upon request of the Chancellor or the University Secretary, in a reasonable timeframe, may constitute a breach of the duties of Council members set out in Schedule 3 of the Act and may result in removal from office. (50) This Rule shall operate subject to the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1988 and any related privacy laws, and anything in this Rule that is inconsistent with the requirements under the law shall be invalid to the extent of inconsistency. (51) No matter or thing done or omitted to be done by any person under this Rule shall, if the matter or thing was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of executing this Rule, subject the person so acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand. (52) An associate of a member whose material interests have been declared has the right to request the University Secretary to supply that part of a statement of material interests containing information about that associate without charge and to request corrections be made to a statement of material interests if any personal information of that associate is inaccurate. (53) In supplying a copy of that part of a statement of material interests under clause 52, the University Secretary shall ensure that any personal information not relating to that associate requesting access is restricted to protect the privacy of members and any other associate. (54) Submission to the University Secretary of a completed statement of material interests in the form set out in Schedule 1 within one month of the date of amendment of this Rule will be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this Rule and the Act.Governance (Declaration of Material Interests) Rule 2022
Section 1 - Introduction
Name of Rule
Section 2 - Rule
Part A - Roles and responsibilities
Part B - Identification
Perceived, potential, or unclear conflicts of interest
Identifying and restricting conflicts in the course of University business.
Part C - Declaration
Statement of material interests
Declaration of material interests outside a meeting of the Council or a committee
Declaration of material interests during a meeting of the Council or a committee
Declarations of gifts, benefits and hospitality
Part D - Management
Part E - Monitoring
Maintaining the statement of material interests
Register of material interests
Part F - Failure to declare
Rule subject to privacy laws
Correction of statement in relation to an associate of a member
Part G - Miscellaneous
Transitional provisions