Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This policy sets out the principles and operational requirements of the Charles Sturt University (the University) community radio station, and supports compliance with licence conditions and responsibilities under the Broadcasting Services Act (1992) and the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice. (2) This policy applies to all users of the University's community radio station, 2MCE-FM (2MCE). (3) 2MCE operates under the following principles: (4) 2MCE, as an organisational unit of the University, is subject to the Charles Sturt University Act 1989 (NSW), By-law and other governance as set out in the University Governance Framework. (5) The 2MCE Community Broadcasting Board (the 2MCE Board) is a board of the Faculty of Arts and Education and will provide governance and oversight to 2MCE on behalf of the University, in accordance with its membership and terms of reference. (6) Operation of 2MCE is subject to the University's rules, policies, procedures and guidelines, as relevant. (7) 2MCE will encourage and involve volunteer community members in the broadcast area in the running of the station and broadcasting programs: (8) Volunteers must be financial members of 2MCE. (9) University staff and students who volunteer at 2MCE are not required to pay a membership fee unless they wish to gain the additional benefits of financial membership outlined in clause 10c. (10) 2MCE is a not-for-profit service and will offer financial membership: (11) 2MCE reserves the right to reject membership applications if there are reasonable grounds to believe the applicant: (12) Applicants whose membership has been rejected will be notified in writing as soon as practicable with the reason for the decision. Such applicants have the right to appeal the decision by writing to the 2MCE Board. (13) An annual general meeting (AGM) of 2MCE members will be held within six months of the end of the University's financial year: (15) 2MCE will play at least 25% Australian music as a percentage of all music played in each program unless: (16) All Australian recordings that are the property of the station will be visibly identified as Australian. (17) 2MCE will encourage sponsorship to raise revenue, subject to the Communications and Marketing Policy and procedures. (18) All sponsorship announcements will comply with the three key sponsorship conditions: (19) All sponsorship arrangements shall be recorded on a standard contract and approved by the station manager or station officer responsible. (20) In line with the Community Broadcasting Code of Practice (Code 6), the station will ensure that: (21) Sponsorship will not be accepted from companies that promote tobacco or gambling. (22) Sponsorship from companies promoting alcohol may be accepted, however, the announcements must not: (23) Sponsorship will not be accepted from any person or group whose policies or practices are inconsistent with the aims, object, and ethos of 2MCE and the University. (24) Sponsorship announcements will be produced and presented in a style and form consistent with the program in which they are to be placed. (25) Individual presenters and members are not entitled to seek sponsorship on behalf of 2MCE without written consent of the Station Manager (or the 2MCE Board). (26) Under no circumstances can presenters accept gifts, products or services, or payments in return for promotion of a product, service, or business. (27) 2MCE reserves the right to refuse any paid announcement. (28) Subject to the University and any station-specific code of conduct, 2MCE may provide giveaways to incentivise recruitment of financial members and/or engage with listeners in the broadcast area: (29) 2MCE acknowledges the rights of our listeners, members and volunteers to make complaints in writing about alleged non-compliance with the licence conditions in the Broadcasting Services Act and the requirements outlined in the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice. (30) Complaints in relation to any of the following will be managed under the Community Broadcasting (2MCE) Complaints Procedure: (31) 2MCE will provide a minimum of 50 on-air announcements every year containing information about the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice and how audiences may obtain them. (32) A record of complaints received will be made available to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on request, in a format advised by the ACMA. (33) Internal conflicts and grievances (e.g. by or between the University, the 2MCE Board, members and/or volunteers) will be managed under the University’s Complaints Management Policy and procedures. (34) The Community Broadcasting (2MCE) Complaints Procedure supports this policy.Community Broadcasting (2MCE) Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Policy
Part A - Principles
Part B - Governance and membership
Community participation and volunteering
Part C - Sponsorship and giveaways
Part D - Complaints and grievances
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Top of PageSection 5 - Glossary