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'University Safety and Health Management Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment

(1) The University Safety and Health Management Committee was established by the Vice-Chancellor under Delegation Schedule 01 - Strategy and Policy Delegations, GOV14.


(2) Fostering a safety culture at the University is critical in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and that we meet the aspirations of our Values as well as our legislative obligations as an employer. This is the responsibility of all managers. Oversight and governance of our work health and safety systems, processes, policies and procedures underpin this culture and requires representation and perspectives from across the University.


(3) The University Safety and Health Management Committee was established to provide this governance and oversight to reasonably ensure our systems, processes, policies and procedures are working effectively and in a manner consistent with the overarching risk management practices of the University. The Committee provides advice and works to resolve work health and safety issues that are not able to be addressed at the operational level. The Committee endorses the strategies and activities of work health and safety and makes recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor in regard to our effective management of work health and safety.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(4) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Committee - means University Safety and Health Management Committee
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Section 3 - Membership

(5) The regular members of the Committee are:

  1. Chief Operating Officer,(Presiding Officer)
  2. Executive Director, People and Culture 
  3. Executive Director, Safety, Security and Wellbeing
  4. Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or nominee
  5. Chief Financial Officer or nominee
  6. Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) or nominee
  7. Director, Risk and Compliance
  8. Director, Uni Life
  9. Director, Facilities Management
  10. Presiding Officer, Work Health and Safety Committee
  11. Presiding Officer, Emergency Planning Committee

(6) Members with the right of audience and debate are:

  1. Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing
  2. Manager, Health Safety and Wellbeing
  3. Risk and Compliance Adviser
  4. Director, Security and Resilience (CSO)

(7) The secretary to the Committee shall be provided from the Division of People and Culture.

Member responsibilities

(8) All members are expected to:

  1. bring the perspectives from the areas they are representing, but also to consider work health and safety from a University-wide perspective,
  2. play a key role in sponsoring a safety culture at the University,
  3. bring items forward for consideration of the Committee, particularly relating to emerging risks and issues that have not been able to be resolved operationally,
  4. bring emerging, identified or potential solutions forward for discussion, and
  5. actively contribute to monitoring the effectiveness of health and safety policy, procedures and systems.
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Section 4 - Functions and responsibilities

(9) The University Safety and Health Management Committee (USHMC) has and may exercise the following functions for and on behalf of Charles Sturt University:

  1.  Recommend to the Vice-Chancellor:
    1. policy initiatives in the area of workplace health and safety, including general health and wellness and emergency preparedness and response, and
    2. the review of policies and procedures in terms of their implications for the University's health and safety statutory requirements.
  2. Address and make recommendations on health or safety related matters referred by the Vice-Chancellor, University Council, other relevant committees, or other subject matter experts.
  3. Monitor the effectiveness of the University's work health and safety management systems and provide advice and/or assistance aimed at ensuring the continual improvement of these systems.
  4. Assist with the development, amendment and/or implementation of the University's work health and safety management systems with a view to ensuring integration and implementation of systems for staff, students and visitors.
  5. Consult with and advise appropriate committees and officers of the University on health and safety related matters.
  6. Oversee detailed incident reports and ensure appropriate action is taken, inclusive of briefing the Vice-Chancellor and University Council where applicable.
  7. Foster an organisational culture of safety, provide a forum for discussion of work health and safety issues, including awareness and professional development for students.
  8. Monitor and review the implementation of work health and safety issues associated with new or proposed ventures of the University, existing enterprises and remote sites.
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Section 5 - Meetings


(10) A quorum shall be a majority of the total number of members.


(11) The Committee meets quarterly. Additional meetings may be called by the Presiding Officer as required.

(12) Agenda and minutes will be managed by the office of the Executive Director, People and Culture.

Conflicts of interest 

(13) Where a member has a perceived or material conflict of interest, they must declare this to the Presiding Officer and at the Committee meeting prior to discussion to the item of business. 

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Section 6 - Advisory committees

(14) The University Safety and Health Management Committee is the governing committee for the Work Health and Safety Committee and the Emergency Planning Committee and will receive quarterly reports following their scheduled meetings.

(15)  The Committee may:

  1. appoint a specialist advisory committee or working group to investigate and recommend a resolution, or
  2. co-opt a specialist member(s) to the Committee to broaden the perspective and knowledge relating to an issue.

(16) Operational matters pertaining to radiation and biological safety will be addressed by their respective compliance committees.