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2MCE Community Broadcasting Board - Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) The 2MCE Community Broadcasting Board (2MCE Board) was established to represent the licensee of 2MCE-FM (the Vice-Chancellor of Charles Sturt University) to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and any other relevant bodies.


(2) The 2MCE Board is a board of the Faculty of Arts and Education and provides governance and oversight to the community radio station 2MCE-FM (2MCE) on behalf of Charles Sturt University (the University).

(3) These terms of reference replace the previous Constitution of the Charles Sturt University Community Broadcasting Board.

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Section 2 - 2MCE Board

2MCE Board Membership

(4) The members of the 2MCE Board are:

  1. Ex-officio members
    1. Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education (chair) as the representative of the licensee (Vice-Chancellor)
    2. Head of School, School of Information and Communication Studies (deputy chair)
    3. Course Director (Communication) or representative from the School of Information and Communication Studies
    4. Faculty Executive Officer, Faculty of Arts and Education
    5. Manager, Commercial Finance
    6. Community Radio and NRN Manager
    7. Community Radio Officer
  2. Nominated members
    1. One student enrolled in a Communication course nominated by the Course Director or nominee at 4a.iii.
  3. Elected members
    1. Four community representatives elected by financial members of 2MCE at their annual general meeting.

(5) The 2MCE Board may invite non-members to attend meetings to inform the agenda and consult with others to seek any information it considers necessary to fulfil its responsibilities.

(6) Nominated and elected members of the 2MCE Board will have a term of two years. No member shall serve for more than two consecutive terms.

(7) Casual vacancies will be filled in the following manner:

  1. For nominated positions, the Community Radio and NRN Manager will appoint a representative from the student body in consultation with the Course Director or nominee.
  2. For elected positions, a call for nominations will be received prior to the annual AGM.
  3. If no nominations for an elected position are received, or an elected member’s term ends early, the chair of the 2MCE Board can appoint a member to that vacancy. The member will hold this position until the next AGM.

(8) The 2MCE Board will continue to act notwithstanding any such vacancy.

2MCE Board responsibilities

(9) The 2MCE Board shall be responsible for monitoring the performance of 2MCE in meeting its community and University responsibilities. The 2MCE Board shall:

  1. monitor the programming, student and volunteer profile, management and financial status of 2MCE against the agreed performance indicators
  2. provide oversight and review of policies, procedures and processes to ensure that community radio broadcasting and the University compliance requirements are met
  3. establish, as required, sub-committees to support station operations and ensure activities are consistent with the University's values and the station’s object, aims and audience profile
  4. receive and consider reports, minutes or submissions from the 2MCE Programming sub-committee, the 2MCE Sponsorship sub-committee and the 2MCE Training and Technical sub-committee.

2MCE Board member responsibilities

(10) Elected community representatives must be members of at least one sub-committee of 2MCE.

(11) All members of the 2MCE Board who are University staff are expected to abide by the University's Code of Conduct. University students are expected to follow the Student Charter. Members of the 2MCE Board who are not staff or students are expected to follow the 2MCE Code of Conduct. Any misconduct or breach of the relevant code by any member of the 2MCE Board will be referred to the Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education.

2MCE Board meetings


(12) A quorum for a meeting of the 2MCE Board shall be a majority of the membership i.e., half of the entire membership, plus one. 


(13) The 2MCE Board shall meet at least four times per year.

(14) Urgent matters to be considered by the 2MCE Board may be considered via flying minute. 

Agendas and minutes

(15) Agendas, minutes, and action sheets for the meetings of the 2MCE Board will be prepared by the Faculty Office, Faculty of Arts and Education or nominee. 

(16) A copy of the minutes shall be distributed to the members of the 2MCE Board and will be stored in the resource library in 2MCE as soon as practicable after each meeting.

Conflicts of interest

(17) Where a member has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest, they must declare this to the chair and at the meeting prior to discussion of the item of business. 


(18) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership must be approved by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

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Section 3 - 2MCE Board sub-committees

(19) The following sub-committees are established by the 2MCE Board under clause 9c.

Programming sub-committee

(20) The members of the Programming sub-committee are:

  1. a member of the 2MCE Board appointed by the 2MCE Board (chair)
  2. Community Radio and NRN Manager (ex-officio member) (deputy chair)
  3. Course Director, Communication (SICS) or representative
  4. one student enrolled in a course offered by SICS
  5. an elected community representative appointed by invitation from the 2MCE Board
  6. a 2MCE volunteer presenter selected by the 2MCE Board from a call for expressions of interest or by direct invitation
  7. other attendees as invited by the chair to discuss specialist matters.

(21) The Programming sub-committee has responsibility to:

  1. ensure programming reflects the University's values, the station’s objectives, and serves the guiding principles of community broadcasting
  2. review listener feedback to inform future programming
  3. ensure 2MCE programmes align with legislation and codes of practice
  4. advise on programming standards documentation and processes, programming policy and applying for new programmes
  5. consider new program proposals and allocate time slots
  6. liaise with the Sponsorship and Training sub-committees to meet programming objectives
  7. respond to programming feedback and complaints
  8. congratulate presenters for performance excellence and recommend programmes for entry into relevant awards and competitions e.g. CBAA Awards
  9. report to the 2MCE Board on all programming activities and notify the board if urgent matters arise.

Sponsorship sub-committee

(22) The members of the Sponsorship sub-committee are:

  1. a member of the 2MCE Board appointed by the 2MCE Board (chair)
  2. Community Radio and NRN Manager (ex-officio member) (deputy chair)
  3. the Faculty of Arts and Education Marketing Business Partner, or marketing representative
  4. an elected community representative appointed by invitation from the 2MCE Board
  5. a 2MCE volunteer presenter selected by the 2MCE Board from a call for expressions of interest or by direct invitation
  6. other attendees as invited by the chair to discuss specialist matters.

(23) The Sponsorship sub-committee has responsibility to:

  1. review effectiveness of sponsorship, fundraising, and membership as income streams
  2. advise on sponsorship packages to ensure 2MCE is competitive in the local market
  3. remain informed of local audience demographics to inform approach to sponsorship
  4. identify and implement activities to draw new sponsors to 2MCE, raise the profile of 2MCE in the community and implement other fundraising activities including identification of grant opportunities
  5. liaise with the Programming and Training and Technical sub-committees to meet fundraising objectives
  6. ensure sponsorship operations align with licence conditions, legislation, and codes of practice.

Training and Technical sub-committee

(24) The members of the Training and Technical sub-committee are:

  1. a member of the 2MCE Board appointed by the 2MCE Board (chair)
  2. Community Radio and NRN Manager (ex-officio member) (deputy chair)
  3. 2MCE Production Assistant (ex-officio member)
  4. Course Director, or nominated Communication lecturer (ex-officio member)
  5. Technical Specialist Officer, Faculty of Arts and Education or representative
  6. an elected community representative appointed by invitation from the 2MCE Board
  7. a 2MCE volunteer presenter selected by the 2MCE Board from a call for expressions of interest or by direct invitation
  8. other attendees as invited by the chair to discuss specialist matters.

(25) The Training and Technical sub-committee has responsibility to:

  1. advise on the development of 2MCE presenter and producer training including courses, materials, and resources
  2. participate in the delivery of training and support resources
  3. advise on technical needs of the station
  4. liaise with Programming and Sponsorship sub-committees to meet training objectives
  5. make recommendations to the 2MCE Board on policy matters, training, and technical issues.
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Section 4 - Glossary

(26) For the purpose of this document:

  1. 2MCE-FM – the University Community Radio Station
  2. 2MCE Board - means 2MCE Community Broadcasting Board