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'People Committee' - Membership and Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment


(1) An internal review of Charles Sturt University’s management committees was undertaken in 2022 for the purpose of transitioning to a more contemporary and streamlined management committee structure. A recommendation of the review is that a People Committee be established. The following formalised groups will continue to operate independently to the People Committee based on industrial relations and/or legislative requirements:

  1. Job Classification Advisory Committee (JCAC)
  2. Employee Consultative Committee (ECC)
  3. Health and Safety Committee (HSC)
  4. Academic Workloads Committee (AWC)

(2) Other University committees, networks and forums will provide input to the People Committee with regard to people and culture matters, as outlined in the terms of reference.


(3) The People Committee (the committee) will advise the Vice-Chancellor and Executive Leadership Team on matters relating to the people and culture of the University including but not limited to strategy, setting policy, reporting, diversity and inclusion, and staff health, safety and wellbeing.

(4) The deliberations of the committee are to take account of the University Strategy, Values, and broader People Enabling Strategy.

(5) The committee will be supported and enabled through regular collective input from staff and stakeholders through a range of consultative forums, such as reference groups, staff networks, and working parties as required.

(6) The committee reporting line is to the Vice-Chancellor directly or through the Executive Leadership Team.

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Section 2 - Glossary

(7) For the purpose of this document:

  1. Committee - means People Committee.
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Section 3 -  Membership

(8) The members of the committee are:

  1. Chief Operating Officer
  2. Executive Director, People and Culture (co-chair)
  3. Executive Director, Safety, Security and Wellbeing – (co-chair)
  4. Executive Deans (all faculties)
  5. An Executive Director or alternate of research
  6. Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) or delegate


  1. Director, Strategy, Partnerships and Inclusion
  2. Director, People Operations
  3. Director, Workforce Services and Business Improvement, Division of People and Culture
  4. Director, Security and Resilience (CSO), Division of Safety, Security and Wellbeing
  5. Associate Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing

(9) The chair may invite any other person to assist the deliberations of the committee by attending either for items or for entire meetings.

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Section 4 - Functions and responsibilities

Committee responsibilities

(10) The committee will:

  1. monitor the development and implementation of strategies, programs, and initiatives to enhance people and organisational effectiveness with regard to:
    1. culture and staff engagement
    2. capability framework, leadership, and management development
    3. staff professional development
    4. talent management and succession planning
    5. performance management and performance review
    6. diversity and inclusion
    7. staff health, safety and wellbeing
  2. review and monitor other strategic initiatives associated with people and culture
  3. monitor the effectiveness of staff and stakeholder communications in relation to people and culture policy and matters
  4. consider matters referred from University consultative forums in relation to people and culture policy and matters
  5. consider matters submitted for consideration by the committee from key stakeholders including People Committee members, particularly in relation to emerging risks and issues that have not been able to be resolved operationally
  6. make recommendations to the Executive Leadership Team in relation to people and culture policy or matters, and
  7. oversee alignment of the University's people strategies with the University Strategy and corporate plans.

Member responsibilities

(11) Members of the committee will:

  1. read reports and documentation provided in meeting agendas
  2. attend scheduled meetings to deliberate on the agenda items
  3. engage in informed and thorough discussion of items
  4. bring the perspectives from the areas they are representing, but also consider people, culture and staff health, safety and wellbeing issues from a University-wide perspective
  5. play a key role in sponsoring a culturally safe and inclusive environment at the University
  6. bring items and potential solutions forward for consideration of the committee, particularly relating to emerging risks and issues that have not been able to be resolved operationally
  7. actively contribute to monitoring the effectiveness of people related policy, procedures and systems
  8. provide brief responses as required to items between meetings, and
  9. support the new ways of working and guiding principles that underpin the new management committee structure of the University.
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Section 5 - Meetings


(12) Each meeting must have a quorum inclusive of half the listed committee members plus one to ensure fair and equitable decisions.


(13) At least four times per year, unless otherwise determined by the co-chair(s), or as directed by the Executive Leadership Team.

Agendas and minutes

(14) The minutes and relevant documentation of each meeting will be provided to the Executive Leadership Team. Secretariat is provided by the Executive Officers from Division of People and Culture and Division of Safety, Security and Wellbeing.

Conflicts of interest

(15) Where a member has a perceived, potential or actual conflict of interest, they must declare this to the chair and at the committee meeting prior to discussion of the item of business.


(16) Variations to the terms of reference and/or membership of the committee must be approved by the Chief Operating Officer.